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GIOBGE'S INFANT POWDERS. ■ | E BryDhyfryd, Aberavon, Glam., Jan. 31, 18S7. ,.Ð&a.& SIR, Three years ag> one of my little toys, who 3iad been convulBed for about seven weeks, was itoiee given up by the doctor attending, when, as a wt resource, I telegraphed for a supply of yonr JPowders. The effect of giving him one was indeed •marvelious, 1J lets than twelve Loarg he was free from fits, and has never had one since. I needn't tell you I always keep a stuck in band, and should feel obliged by your sending rue- another packet —stamps enclosed. Yours faithfully, 1L W. LLOYD. Xr B A George, &c. CKEIOKS OF TEE PRESS. BABIES IN HEKEFORIJSHIRE.—The Registrar- ■tSeneral, in his re-cent ly issued "Quarterly returna," refers to the fact that the Dumber of deaths of in- iaDts has been far less in Herefordshire than in juay other county, being only 06, out of every 1,000 'births registeied, while in other counties it ran drom 154 tc 180 per thousand. his great local E JE!f:D» Will be paid to any person that will prove the above powders contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. The Proprietor guarantees thom perfectly harmlass to the youngest babe, and that they aw; more aotivii than anv in the market, 9 1 one fair avcl unprejudiced trial will convince the most sceptical. Head tbe remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet, "Wor Fits, Convulsions, nflammation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitting, Bronchitis, SraUl Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, and all the roubles while Teething, they will be found invaluable if given according to the special directions around Packet. PROPRIETOR AN INVENTOR— a j<il. gjbbos&<3ue2, Manufacturing1 and Dispensing* Chemist, PENTRE and TON, Hliondda Valley. I Hert-fordshire mothers giving their infant* "George's Infantb Ponders," or Europa Life 1 Preservers." of which one chemist alone in tlere- fordstiire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than all otlEI j babies' preparations put together.- li erefci-v Journal. I MR B.GKORGE'SMEDTCAL Pr, EPA It a1 the advantages of wide publicity, articles in them- o selves worthless can have no enduring hold on tbe pcblic; but if they be of value, then it onlv requires to make them known in order to ere-te and maintain for them ttie a.d<,a,itages of poblk demand. This has heeo the C,lse pre-eminently with Mr George's Medical Preparations—notobl^ his Koropa's Infant Powders, which have touuc t.eir way throughout the United Kingdom, the Fuili4ti Colonies, and the United States, and are appreciated by all heads of families who .idministei tem to teif little ones. Mr George, having found a remedy for the many ailments incidental to infants, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise ia making his preparation* knowo, and we are glad to hear that in addition to the gratification be must feel by the raany testi- a^ociala he receives of the efficacy of his Infante Powders and Congh Balsam, his commercial re wkrd is seoured.—Merthyr Telegraph, May 11,1887 NEW MUSIC SHOP PONTYPRIDD. t NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOii PIANOFORTES FROM 10B MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, F QUE EN.'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. L & & :«'«*,ta v NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR AMERICAN ORGANS FROM 10s MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. • _4- FEW £ IRB 6TSTEM wn* FOR HARMONIUMS FROM 10s MONTHLY- THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OUT OF LONDON TO SJiLBCT FROM. 4 ZOIV Catalogue with Photographs and fully detailed particulars, sent, post free, en application- THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED, se, TAFF N.B,-Uøt ')f BARBAINS FOil CASH JNFST -published Tuning orders promptly attended to. -w GRAND liisplay of SPRING-FASHIONS HERNE BROTHERS. Queen Street, Cardi ff," it isyu-ji > < ¡, f" ARE NOW, SHOWING LIN L. T lies ALL THE "L I AI} t!\ G ,N..UYELTIES > yfii't .1 .It; IN iy' » '■ anties, Jackets, Costumes, Millinery, Straw Hats and Bonnets, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Materials, Washing: Dress Fabrics, Black and ¡, Fancv BiltB and Velvets, Sunshades and !.}. i Irv., I Umbrellas.. ¡.1 1r: t- ♦, u +i.■ V V ■< ■" "■ r Wi &1j% cS -'••O *ri: ALSO THE VERY Ie' I c Best Value in Every description of Household Drapery ..L L A VISIT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PATTERNS POST FREB. TIUMS—CASH. | MEDICAL ADVISER. | —————— (Beaatifally Illustrated). pgjf tree with iiketeh&s and Details for Self Cure, (wider cover), 6 staAHfiS 'jf^riLLlAMS, MBDICAT.; PUBLISHER, P.M.Y., ^3^ MAHISCBJfli ST., ABERDEEN. THE PCKET MEDIC ADYISER. For the Bell-btatinont, of Nervous and tunc- tianal A ilmen £ *,ciacedb<j Overwork, tt ofr/i. Excesses, and otter entreating influences, and their Associated Evils. m.™ BY THF, NEW LOCAL TREATMENT. A. boon to aH delnlu aeU-u«.r« without ro- coorse to physic or the family doctor. Medical Beview. j A jjwtnsu writes thtis: Yo?tr Guide has cared mynelf and many part»iti*it«rs. SrjyFiiKEKS should procure thisjhandy Referee on various Ailments, and thaa avoid doctors' ees and oobbiectiouabi aedicine.Ga,- e tee. Vide—Medical Adviser. | hv >• ':> 1i.3 r THE PUaLIO HEALTH is of Ithe atmear, irup«rtanc«. Nothing oaa pre- t-erT8 it like UtroHK#' Bl.808 FILLS. Try a box of them and you wilt be of nviwced of their raarvellooi influence for all rilood, Skin, and Nerve dineaBes. b. 12-d, iis. 9d., aad <4h. 6..1. Of all medicine Vendw- CABBUUY BKO«. direct attention ti t.1I.e Dateh Cocoas and other Ongli.h imitations, ask. as pure te which about 4 per ceat. at Alkali ilad ether ilgeitte are added, to givo apparent atr«M«th to the liquor, bv maskirig it bt dark cttlonr. Ihia a, dditioia way bt detected by the scent wfcea ait is freshly evened. No Cocoa can b« Btr*iic»r ta.\» Oal bary's which is guaranteed AbSOLCJTELI Pt)"tW, mmumffmii 1 have a positive lww-dy for the above di; by its use ^isnnr.rui* ef eases ef the worst kiud and of loug staudiflf hare bftu cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith ia its efi-a tsat I iriU IIMd TWO BOTTLES FREE, togetbor witbe VALUABLE TUBATUBfi an this diseaao to any euffarflb cave AAdmmia full. Da. T. A. SLOCQS^U Stum TreeCI^ fttriflpton titivat, London. J < r i INFANTS' POWDERS, Marvellous are the effects of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very beat aad safest Medicine mothers can give their little ones dur;ng the anxious period of Teething, but they aot as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diar rhcea, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &c., Ac. Sold by most Cheatiats, in paskots, VH, or from the Proprietor, B. GEORGE PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD British School, Y strad Rhondda, Nov. 17th. 117", Dear Mr George, Pleasetaccept my most sincere thaaks fee tu Powders that you Bt-Dt me, for I really eeasider that they have saved the life of car little Maggio. who had ail the symptems of OonvaUiona, whiok began to abate in LEésS THAN AN HOUR AFTXR SHE TOOK THE FIRST DOSIG. I beg most heartily to commend thean to every mother aa the best ipedicine I have ever seen usad. Yours obediently, W. G. HOWBLJ. MFA]ff T PULTVVNUER& B^HM M BSUVOBMHraB.->Tfe« Ro^bstoar reo«nkly « fawt w^tW dtkOi of In- hsta IM WM fcfliii k Hereford* ihboliM ia wanty, being vnjf €5 o*t of thoasa»d birth* regiatoroA, ■whtlo l« olher eoaatiea it ran fro. M ts 190 per thousand. Thif gMallooBit Messing is largely 419 totiMmeMMl pro*n of Herefordshire v mmetKgfvfng t&»nr ntfants "Gsokoe'h iMlAjfts PoWDsev^of whieh oae che- mist alone is Emvfordshire (Mr P. BiApl)) m&i mere^tM all.other babies' preplfttioal put kogathor. The abore few of the May thousand ospreMwaa *wf the public as toiho WlruMl ei"oa ilr which frhoy are hold IW is who have tested tbeir andosbted power upon infants and young AUrn. f co ..c. I*PO«TANT.—The Proprietor wfshee those that give A GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDEU a trial, to on"riit"d that the first, dose often preKtaeea votaiting, this must net- ahtran them; it is only a proof bhivt 6he nvwlietne ia predoeiiig hopeful offeots. ^Auwoit.—When von ask for GEORG!$ IK? ANTS' POWBIES < See that yia get them, as other rently cheap hot worthless SU64tituws mllY be offered by unprincipled pitt., t.ie3. Erory genuine packet has the proper label,, and the J n yeater's ftig- nature written on tho Government I *»' Staenp«» v NOTICB.t—The ttWo Vi (Cldiuijio • • GSOEaa'S IN!' AN'l'S' 'POWtns- 01: is oopyright, aad registered nuder the Trado Marks Act. Avoid all Soothing Syrups and so- oalled Pc.K-defe containing Opiam they kili more infants, that all tho diseaaofl pnt together. Seld by mori (Jlitml-ste and Medicins J" ( ev"ivhere, at 1/14 per ptwM. r THE LATEST MARVEL Ur B. A Gooiqatt,- Doat fcir,—i;*ood "oonlXh te ferww4 no auoUer grow of your 'Oorojfh "l tW (ft whieh J8 rmpKliy ineressim,ho this oiebrict tTirf<o»d( hnvtt rutrmr kagnm a»y that hrut iu> ebtUHBPd H ..UO ^r(V»a sen watrvFsaV «mrr.ni^i^i«in. am&, ciow,,t ki;r, ■.] p v F H, (IÆP RALPA Bifh Town, Hm,-tojp. ADVERTISE '■i A IN THE CHRONIC LB









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