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CORNS N D A,71 (Ra«l8t«re-Trade Mark ^369960 j A Oerai i Jure for P.r.LB^ VND HARMLESS _.1 1. T (JOKNS! I QORXSj. J QORNS! QOR^S! I COR"Ts I QOUNS -,g" COR i i CORNIS! CORNS! CORNS! C'JRNB! CORNS CORNS I, CORNS I QO i.JNs; COR"is, Q >R1N A QORS$! .coil"% C,-) EL ,i ^JORNS! £ »>>KNS! TMq infallible remedy introduced by J^ mund.M- ^X^-VwDtHB-; °»rea °" «•* .U r:.»«™ «a j ^n;U«kmovko BOTa HARD OR SO^T CORN'S AND \V Aavlb. 7 /(.'A'7'/« >XIALt>. \\r "=10lJ!iLN H0PKIS3,Gor3- F""n ^arSSffSS f~ ,rrto»n*. **«* It v^n U co-rn .U tv h.indreds ot paluy, tor tuer *;«. W "A k[low Gi ILH p«rsor!.i that wcalc be *l»d to fcaow oi dI ^fIo. MUle. MARfB,^TJLLER, Am-'t ifutvii, UJI':1,ÛU. '\ta \It.>ilHY, n,,)ttie of your 'Yiridioe' aeon, pal d^'t"r-y^'Lk,^°\ii<i tbe service you J Ihe Lottie I oou^ht another nu> rrt-nmmendi-.il it, mi + uooJ. afterwards, winch was JOJ. I w»»t» bottle ot piUU wlll you mine, who is nearly m:i.d*utip«Mu, j please send me MLLER. | r tttioN — t'nere lir- 8eve™' imi J™, Of ci. P i req.tested to ASK bOlt MT..I,K j011 I And S*K THAT AT «E»IIMFC»OU each By orderiti, ru Curf. yon tit* I ST'^h <y f:Vir^-or 50,11 I worthless imii*ti-»«» «t IN BOTTLE''KI K 1 •; j FH-KPAKfel) UNI.1 B' |! j 11 u N 1' A Y, c 11 E '1 1 l' 1 B 1 G H s^hVe^CAKIM F I. ,soM by all ^jwfiaxiSB in the CHRONICIK." — CEORGt'S INFANTS' POWJErid. < TifiSTIUUN* FROM Li »N D< »N. 13, Cosmo Place, Queen's fciquare, cH^K ■» t. ^°^don» *-c-» July 24th, 1885. Dear gir, Will you please forward me six of your Infant*' Powders. A pmoket is too mnoh 1 like to have the* freah. I Hiid them invaluable, and always use them with the guDOtion of or mod tea m»n. By so doio^ Y- ^o«-wai oblige, Yours repp«otfaUj> I '» C. KDWARDN, B. A Gaoser., Esq. A pMket forwarded to any address for Is it b A. GEORGE, UadL^al Hall, Pentwj, Pantyy^IM, GISIBI. I IV. E. yAUGH.VN' & Cú I CTFil DIEING lND SS8U8WG WOOlS. 1 UUASDlFF ROAD, CiiltHM. Branch Kft Mtfxkm«af,g t — «. t^KHBErrOWX, ( rAKBiM *Jb al'HKKf | Ck 41, UullirfBttUlAL 13FK.BKI, NSWPOB*. J S/REBT, ISI^VO^T V«ot IT, oVs'i r 5« KBBT, 8#A^SKA. A 5 d.e', fat, JfbafmMa :— JUU J. B JFIJ *1 4 8, TALBQD DIU.t"M. | #flU.<f N'A»i -jcai, f )^ra. _) F r^oiy Si^op^Calmlj 11J Frtieis Asthmi Pom let Bm nov^r filial. (Jiirei in.■ wnt ia »hm of i BRO^UHITIS. ASTil 1A, C\fA«.ttS, i W-UOJPIlft^JbttJti-ki *c. 4 ,I Bee T(r4i a inuij from Pfoietuoiui 0«uU<iiMiAi Mid < ^ffcoi m if bo have thn ^larr-jiloBs Bffaot 9t ) this Powder. j lfc v Bold by ill Patent Medicine T<»o lura, ra Cim^at 2/9, 4/<>, <k 11/ Waotes*le C»ool 2/9, 4/<>, <k 11/ Waotes*le C»ool W.88",)D.to S >o, 10, B J^OHUVOH Vard4LKH»4uB. Or to the Prop-i»'or, I QOAT griiBST, HAVS&M&DWBaT. 1 i .■ i WORK! WORK! WORK r I r "Very little work yea ean do while yosr blood h. impure, for dtw.-Me in was form w other is tff* iatr a firmer hold oo v in*1 eio^HtoM'Vj datf. j Parit, roar blood without dt^Uy by sHocr Elien a. BLdøo Pli>ui." waioh fir SBW« ..n ot )or dies f->r ttie bl- Prio « Is. I., in. '.i 1., >d 4< of «H MsdieiM fwdtit* ft ADVERTISE '• jtNjr it < AMtSUtiHUI 1 WOHMFDL MEDJC1M. BKKCHA1TS FILLS 1 rVPATENTTfl IS! AM admitted by *e«<and to be wertk a Grata a box fpr billitmB andawyeasdio- orders, sock aa wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache 4ri«W in ee«,faHn«ei |aud swelling after meals, I dissmese and drtrwBines^ opldehflls, flashings ol heat 1 low of appetite, shortaeu of breatli, costiveoesa. senrvy,blotches on the ikiu, disturbed sleep, frighttnj dreams, and all nervons koo tremblings, senxati-ons, Ac. The first dese wiH givt, r^- H»«4b twenty minutes. This is no ftu-tion, lor thay hav<» done it in tKowsanfls of cases. Every sufierer :<•; earaeetly invtaed to trj one box of those Pills, and they will be acknowledged *o be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For females of all agfv these Tills are iavaluabie, } as a few doses carry off all grass humours, open all obatractiona. tma bring aboat all tbatis required. S." female should be without th^ ^a. Tl\ere is no meuic.f to be foond to equal BEECHA.Y'S PILLS for rs- Moving any obstruction or ifregujarity of the system. If taken according to the direotioas given with tfvtrb box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and jcob<|st health. Per a. wbak stomaoh, impuned. dicestion, and oil dieecders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC." and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon tb* most important organs 6t the human machine. They strengthen the wbqle' onsealar system, restore the long lost oempfosien, they bring back tbe keen edge of appetite, and arenas wo action with tbe ROS c.- BUD of health Ihe while physioal energy ot Ir e human frame. Tbeee tee "FACTS" admitted by ibonsanas embrastng sB stasses ef society; and oue sf ihe beet gaarafitess t» the nervous and debilitated ia Bacchant's fttte iMe <he lugest sale of any setent n»edioin^in fh» werld. BEECHAJTS MAttO COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Owflgha in general, Asthma, difS- relty of Breathing, flilhlM of Breath, Tightness mi OppteMion mm» OheMt, Wfceeaiog, Ac., these Nils aceenrivalied; «M mr one labouring under any if the above«e«f>lai»ts »eed only try One Box to nrove that tiiey tci (he best ever offered to the publio lor Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, md OppsSMkm «l the Gbest. Th«7 »p«pdily xemove hat sense of onprsssisn and diffionlty of breathing vhioh nightly Motive the iwtieqt <A rest. Ibey give dmost i3etaat^e!ie< sod eoorfsr* te these afflicted sith the above dinfr—sing and, when neglected, 'dan- fsrons eopailnirtWii Let aaf pefeson troaWed with ay of the atiere s—plsfats ghe Bnao^if's COUOB I 'ouatrial. The meet vkteot 0««h wflL in • tet time be snored. CAimojr.—The pnhlie an ngusewl to notice that L he words,i ^TTijT« >' «• on krOowanmt neap sdftred to each bos of tbe Pills. If not they us(«mn. Prepared.an^r# iM mm W»»i—U S«lte>n8hy the aroprietot, T. Heoehnw. CSheaist, 8t. Helen's, Lanca- s. wA $w6 j dl Drnggiste ani wlnl Medicias Beriw Is the [ (ilisdooiv M.B.—fad Allfn woolium-4 A. & J. Maen&turhtiQn, I AOOuth *A/u)r»ClLfilitl. > Fifctocttry, Pferth^hire 8»e bwD A <KuiCD MKliil fox u.ub V <«>1!en Mnuutk^uu** 'o tt»« KPlNAViHUii INTkui K *TTON K RXHialTl^-?:. Tlitry ;«y i«rrin;« oi w IUI tu UMSD tar LUAUFMTAT* lute- V!.»-iT CB!»-VITRKH1 tw.ww Twffss. TWfro^Euxxrrx in vtj*ov:Tins» N» aJwrt'it* #» *•••? s- « ic I'Cii f.ci ) ■ K\ t>. -Km.fi hi WW- »; y Wfs »r n- to trr-tv. «> ».r t attain :-c-k it.f j. tit* C -■ .= "• obtained in .â. (ioets about lid. sub dose.^ ■> TltlT.rnM AMD PODOTHYW JN.—A liver BMdioine without mercury, it a mixture jOf .juice* of the mandrake and dandelion plants, goeff lor BeadAche, torpidity, oonti vwesi, oeartbarn, inoigw- lion, biliousness, repugnance to food, generiu dis- somiort, depression, Ac. Pepper's Taiaxacutn Podo- ahyllin, by stimulating the liver with a roost gentle action on tbe stomach, is tbe safest, 'most reliable medicine. Bottles, 3s. 6d. Soli everywhere. Insist 8D having Pepper's. To D*niia» G*« BAIH.—LOCRIRB'S 8OI*BVB HAH RBSTOKEH prodaces a.perfectly rvataral shade in few days. No hair restorer offerer*! ie I-yulLl t Lockyer's Salpbux for its h«»;iii'v'rr.w. ciean*- n action on the hair, causing it al W •>rrtv- L" I bottles, Is. 6d. Bold every woett^ TUR EARs. dte.—DSILLAB' ESssaMCK roa Dka/xxw is still the ouly rensedj 0: any real worth. Its power of clearing the ear plumes And ofttB pftHoviDif old bfcs b^6Q proved liyriM s quarter of a camtarv. Applied on cotton «90i. Botysa, ^s-lftd.- every whets Jf__ X Diumtftl PLAVOBB.—CRACKorr's Amoi-Sri roan Pasts.—By using this d(HcV>n« Aroinatir djmtitneer "tbeeaanrd mf tbb teetlr tfeisomee whit*. wand, saki Port-lbod like ivory. It is exceedingly teserrant, »bd specially used foe, removing incrnsta liisi of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold bjr *11 ni.ii.iwt. Pots, la. add itt. each, Get CraeroU's. 0<JWW>*esr,—T^ee-forrth« "f orr tuactiorial i^caewemeoes are caused by ititeTj>T:pti-7n oi tin 8*er*e action. A few doM3 of Rwo'E DAKDKLIOK Airr OsntiH IAR»s Pilijb, «noit mercary, are a potent rsinedy. Tbey perform eM the beasts of mercury, without any of its disadvantages and dangers 0.. Xiee'sPiiis renOveall liver and etemauh com- alaints, UKeaanMS, headache, Jtdkaess, rfiouldor aeina, heartburn, indigestion, soiwttpation, so ecsnr- Ug serfeet hsalth. These old-fashi<nsed PIH« still ceen ahead of *H ofetbi as the greaJ liver remedy )sjd a*ery;wbere. a Lceasi Ptu*, swAaming d^eKonand hM^uMu, wifeiMttl morcofj, are far *h .ve all otlzepf- « ttte mi si at, iHaat mains e« ramsMuig indigestion, niliii hsaiainha dysfiapsis, otbatenotaonaand neeaWities ofthetfvarand stomaeh, so Mtsarmg iwOtiu Dr. King's Pills ace M«d arery < fa BMt Oaasniaia, a fsw doass of 1-E" WMTt O^aa Maanmn wxests Am most troabteso liT'> fit if ninth Mill MStonnc relief and tran<pirllif .v uo tor 111 asewtbranes and aiynaa^ea. Se »th»ng, ^mkibetaiM. aud demaleent, its fctiou is auiV- di.T»r oljhaa iwiliMSy 0«gh Bmitiia. Battles. Sold »<ksgrwh*e. Qtaai nw M TKBOIT *«n nsc rteaas's TAJIUO TMSWAX GASOUI.—AC application of P-"& asiiiiMi far sore throat, whether inflammatory, td^ead, or nleeiwted. • Tanwin Gargle is strongly re to speakers, singers, «kc. as graaiiy pre ssnvativa and sustaining. It is also a va^«.h1e j patifim to a month liuh, bei at singnlstlv sgrw%ri;e. •atringeit, and cleansing. Bottles, nolo every- • e>- fVn.m-irra Soar n A Tau.M lion CETWAMUUO flrnriiis ni—It is a delicately refined, cheitiicaUv pan Soap, hiteaded for neaeral sse, and is frfW frnPrJ io^aruMH acrid oiis peouliar to common, imper- fectly prepared soaps. Snlpholine Soap is exct>li<>iH for washing at all times ana rendering the skin soft rbe», and pliable. Tablets, Sd. each. Sold every S I To Envas t CtMi Ben—Snlpholine Lotion oles of all imperfeetion* ia a few dags. &pots, Blemish* IvriUatag Obieetiooable Appearanoea • Badness flenshnesa Tan, Uaoomfortable Skin Diaflgais aanta Ae., howeear obstinate, entirely fade away leaving theSkia smooth, transparent, aapnie, natnral sad healthy. Perfectly harmless- Sslpheline i< d^ghtfallv fragraat, oooUng m* asftaebNig: eona- laxaets effects of weather, eoftene, %ad prsservss Ii. SoU everywhere. flnsas. B—tons, in an"aonib fe-i fenrrs.— Daua'a Oeaa ana Benton Ptae»MjM»lhtsaly na»1tT They differ from all placer a, shields, aompositions ever isranl. By iartaattf aofVn&g fte, eallona snrrenndiag the pain goeisat snoa, ths seoa feOe^lqg. BnnieaM asi aaUofl tM> ae.rSLrlar 'sxtrso?^ D, T H K BENNYROYAL, K%0 |)^ H B ■ ALOES* BITTER APPLE. W ■ I NO OBSTRUCTION STANDS AGAINST THEM. OOATKD, TASTELESS, and (jaite harmless to the moit delicate a institution, bat MARRIED LADIES ihtaldftihwe steiettjte UM direction*. If. ljd., a§. ML, and U. 6d. per bo*> By post, audercorer. Id. extra. Of *11 GhemiaU. m IM htrnmt UNIVERSAL DRUG Co., 19 and 21, Queen Victoria BtrwtT*.C. ) HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY. I fe I. — I Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rhondda Yalleys PERMANENT B2NEPIT BUILDINC SO .IETY. Established 18C6. !•" .trpor -feil 1874, DI.RECTORS:- MR. THOMAS MOBUAN, Y Froll, Pontypridd. Chanmbn. MR. JAMb8 UlCHAHOif, 'irefuTest, Yiee-ehair- m'n. 111R. JOHN MO'GAN, L.titt^n«int, MR. Wn. PHrk Hunse, Cardiff MR. PaNJM, 11,1 I v.s, Cilnpftyn. Pontvpridf. MR, KMJH ARi- RO'KB^, P'i-niypridd. )!R BICHABD t EWiS, B. ot Dej-dt, T nypandy "KV. WM. PAR' Y. "atf Srr^pt. tnitypi-itid. M,I. MOSES CULE, PenTeiMch.lPoDtypiidd. Advances made, on Mort, ape in sums vartfhu, frcin £100 to £ 10.'M), r^i»iynbl*> in monthly, or qiw.rfvrly i al' lin^nU MORTGAGE AND SUM VET FEES PAID B1 THE BjCIETY. Advances made t the Shortest Notice. For further particulars apply to the Secretary. MR. H S DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, Pontypridd. co SUITABLE FOira^MSHIRTniQlTS. OOLLARS. -BRISTO FHiiLfP P. JAMES, PONTTPBJDD ANDJRHONDDA VALLEY. I Biliyoster and Town Crier I|BENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS IN PQNTYPRXDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES >0(1 IMPS kept for Kire., PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Officeez Peiitiel Square, Fontypridd. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P-S'-S GRA TEFUL -COMFORTtNG. I COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. South Wales Emlgraties cmcel. Poatywidd. JAMES ROBERTS. LTCE?sBED FA^RN-f»RB AGENT, Donkp totli pww ol tbe seerd ud t-y all lines of iiteoprwre. Americsn Pasws exehaH^fl free of cost, and his I'aasei^t'rs urt toet n, l.rv«»poel hv responsible Agent n Cheir arrival, snd eondorted Co'tbe Hteamers LOWES r ro c. _>/ pj z M OHJ,f> ^TVM>T^-T> PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co. Ul Hawnl 0»6act tow, tit Bona fit 'j oislters. „ ,f!T ShdUbinr far Adult Funmem. Coatk JØI 'fcldrtn'g Funirals Wreaths tit jr" wmnttff ThOdren's Ooflns how 7*. I kdulte CoSne ,n 26k. 'elished Oak OoCns with Whit* Trim* .1IDp." L Jbellihiar « oarry f inside and eaffta oat- aide fn>m Pontypridd,, Espkamea, Cw^i»a»an. Ohaiaweska, aad TN- lornal W Oamsterj >M a10" Wdh ta ayiy 6 (a*»e tad Ml*a«fla Rim!@% Nmo ubm Nkgm *nO— t 80 irE^-R/S IN CARDIFF R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, Opposite University College, CARDIFF. Having bad great experience both in English and A-inerican systems of Dental practice,, is enabled to give his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner which bat very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, by which Oiily a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he is enabled to supply beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of rataral appearance, and which defy detection. No Sea-horse Ivory Tcath. No 3s. Teeth. No RibIM of any kiai J RELIABLE TEETH: Partial Sets.from 6s. to 30s. Each. Sets Upper or Lower 11 50s. to 20 Guineas Inventor of the Al A mil gam Stopping, as u*ei by the best Dentists in Europe and America TEETH S :VED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. 0 Nitrous Oxide Gas administered daily at Cardiff by the best & safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. ixtract from the" Chronicle," December 24th, "The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr R. B. Boulton, of Acton House, Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the boat work we have ever soon." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. 2ST OTICE- And at MrPJ. HAP-ttl, s, Chemist, Merthyr, the Seooad Wednesday in each .{montt). from 12 to 3. 31, DANVILLE ROAD, DENMARK HILL, LONDON. t Printiag Printing! Neatly executed at the Office of this Paper. GEORG^'8 PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT D02 Á- It is more than Gold to me,—it saved my Life." WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO • WUAT WILL IT DO' WHAT WILL IT DO f WHAT WJLL IT DO WHAT WILL IT 1)0? WHATWtLL!THO? WHAT WILL IT f)O P WHAT WILL TV ooP HUaT WILL IT no i' W tl AT WILL i DO? WHATiWILL IT no r WHAT WILL IT DO? VHAT W|tJ, tv i»o? WMAf W;1,1, I »•<> ? WHAT WUX IT W? WHAT Wli L IT uo II WHAT WILL IF DO P WHAT ILL IT TK) P WHAT Will JIT DO? WHATJJWILL'I R DO ? WHAT Wll L IV DO? WHA f*WILL IT DO? WNATJWILL RR DO? WHAT WILL IR I>O WHAT WiLL. (T F»OF WHAVWILL IT DO? WHAT VdL, IT IYG? H ..T IIJ^ IT W 11 WHAT WILL IT Htf WHoA1' WIU. rr DO t WHAT WILL IT [)UP WHAT WILL IT Dot WHAT WILL IT PQf WHAT ^L IT nul' WHAT WILL IT IX>? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT POP WHAT WILL IT 1X1? WHAT WILL iT THRF WH!AT WILL IT DO? WHATAWILL IT I't.» WHATIWILL IT IX), WHAT WILL IT DO W UAT WILL IT I»O? It IJAIR. WiLL IT b(i p WHAT WILL IT 001 WHAT WILL IT »H> ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL )T hU" WHAT WiLL IT un, v WUAT WILL IT IK) ? WHAT WiLl. IT DOf WHAT Wtt.t., IT DO? WHAT WILL IT WttAT Wn.L IT tAi p WHVT WILL IT HO? •WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT IN»? WHAT WILl. IT IX WHAT WILL IT J>Oy W HAT WILL IT M>Y W4U.T, 1ULL. 11X TTO A H AT WILL IF V% WA, .!A S'Aki w BAT WILL IT i»oP WHAT WILL IT DC If yoa suffer Ptnr in the BACK and Lours, or between the SHOULD BM, tbie remedy will effeotu>illy remove them. It yen are tronbled with IMITATION of the BLADIBU, 8CRPPB«FLT>IOR and RarrwTToH of th* wtter, STUN. or GzAvxL, tne ONLY SAPS effeotneU Remedy Erra OSVUMSO TO TtI. Wûlt-L'D is GWORSglg y. and GSATBS. Piu.a If the wnter is HKHB OoiiWara, Tfrrcx, and depoe»iangf mock SERTMRST, UWA* no time, procure a box af Gnosttn's PtE-M, and yoc will IIOOU be Ruitnr a^>aia. If yo^r KtdMeyg %Ud Uver are dhqnri^ and Out of order, this Remedy wilt .IleetJI.tJ .I.up tas" im^3r*aat or^aus, open tip tIleir Cukm-co PAwuaoL- and promote the seeretton ef hMtltll) Mli> a81 efc -««r vital lintitak. If yell are a martyr to laillrntlM, and C«iwtl|mtina, 700 have a Sunn Bemedj.in Gaoran's Pnxb. If yon suffer from any Bowel disorder, saeh as PUen, «). at (Hlton Flataleaee, 0*lie, /a have here a Beotedy yon can alwuye h'ly tlpOD. If yoa snflVr from PulplWtlail, and are afraid that your HRABT ia affected, yon will fiod tbese ftlls an Byncacxous HBJIBDT. If yoo snfferfrom Headache and Giddinesm, Ge«.rge'i Pim win remove these PAINS sooner tban acy other known medicine. If yen hRv-0 '1. "ft.r Butlni*, aa4 fM 9rair«y and u.. a. OUeA.WW of George's fwils will aot Like a cnarm. If yonr Pwotl turnM -our and rises into the month, a fee Aam of we Hwujedy will make yoar tronbles a thing of the pMt. If TOfit feel Vervatts, Bxeitubl^aad Low Iplrlted a perfect AxTioors will Ile fonnd io George's Pill" If 70U VUVTH A I>l*H)rr«et»ble Tu.aae in the mooth. t PttMu* Do«x 4)f Oeorgt; fite and åNvel Pills at bed-time will claa* tne LoOltUe -kwf4)ro toe d»«wn of another day. it Nl4^p ails to give yon Try George's Pills. Toey wul snake yonr bert e-i-sy, nleep refreshing, and Rsrivs yoar STBKNOTB. Lf yanf,-ol u.ttit ft)r. Ex«rtl<»a. Wet*U, and this Remedy will r»s»>)re your1 /Varaaar and SramrarH, and will goake afeoar and Exe' otao tht, ^Injotmknt of yonr life. ff ir- troubled .Witt? oLn4 VonaltftnST at tM Ft of Iqt.;n a box of Gfcortfe's Pills will make yoar meat aDd <TR5I.V T<LL FJ»IV»TT»»R and Pt.tASAMT. It is*1 <»*><! is impure, iD will keep open all the iroportan of f "1)t",lId t^iu- gire fwe exit to all Gaoss HUMODIU 'rKt u, v P914tod f(ti|>nrltiea will be seen bar^tipy thrww • t?' 'k"< io IPIAMPleft, Hlul4!hwt, koire, h. ikott oi Cit""L it has removed from the Blood, l'O"t aDG breaeb, »l'«rhutlf. socrotalosaft Taints ilat Kad"S-'l''»i'J t- r Hei"e3"ies. <v m, teiidenoy to Dr»p*lrrtl fAWellinirk, tbie RTTAWMJI U* «C,-ti>N. upon the KIDKSTB and 6<!W. will eoon briag P Eeht-f. If l ave tmiltrulty Of BrOultIbillN, this rmt,-dy will prove fr.-i,a t. yon in the benr of nenl. It will "l)a.nge yonr constant ailing to freedom from pain. It, -will Cftann- tile sn.ll<«w comptexion to the Mown oi hoalfck. It will cba?ute yonr sicklipw to viuonr; yonr lan^jnor to activity smd y«nr ^Mi»>ral <l«»te»lity to firtnnww of sinew and mnwele. It is A ard t»i«ref<.we wiJl nam <>»■»%cI. #«<»«» If, m A ntll»tlio«SM. and will. ttiArefore, eoMeet all I rreifulariti«w of tiie i i*«r. it it Dlnrvtlc, and will, therefore r re Ti tWp IV" ke?p open lh<» wat-^r passages. It is Tostle, aod will, therefore, Woe *»d yijfour b> the Dianrrrvs Oftotxs. R is Hloo<|< {psirlfytntf'aod Hervf"*treayth6BlBj i it ia, tharafova ALL YOU WANT. TBEAE Warid-renovBod PQ]« b-m «AID trwwlMrt, in Boxu Mt ad 2/9 sub. j COUGH BALSAE For tte enre ef Coagfca, OoUft i Honrsenesa, Wheesteg, mf fiaeusa, Spitting of Blood, OeMMtp- ,J fa *■> P, Prorchiiis. Whooping Ooogh (.■'flifoHy of Breathing, and aU Alts n Tth of the Chest and Lungs. ¥ CvT" Kjtmorrlmary Care ef a Ooogfc > f six ) ears' standing, deolared hefoM o ( «i« ii ner ta Administer Oathfl in the -ii|»(jio Court of Jndioafcnw^ ruyl-ivj. "» HirRY JAMES GAMMAGH, cf .1 i 116 A 117, Wideovarsh-streaflt in !1- ( ity of Bet-ef(-rd, ContnctaR 't s.-iJ '< c -iaif r, do s-olomuly and sis- -i«>iy flfccmre as follows :— 1 b< nt eight year? Hgo I had • j Iffi atrsck of rbeona^'icfever, fresa wh''c -^tivn I l ad r^co^uted, I had a bftd o vtjr., and the ite 'ic*! man who at ea -i vqe, wito is one of the Visit- f* '.lit. r~- to the Herftford Infirm- r ary. illIorwed me that 1 neverconld ba tborcn;ihJy cored ff«tn ?r, 2 Ffoatt (hftt tittle until abont two V yt arh "HQ I Lave suffeied more or iett i frovri t,Lt' smnc COHgn., wbicb at timett Tr&s wprte man at others. i esp ecially aif(-!G! »"d by it iu tbemot nii-gswhsa I pot i.-fi. »ben sometimes 1 oonghad A an+il i wn« k1 oiost suffocated, and I t,5joo:?ht- i should be stifled. $those years I consulted several nodical men, from following W\ h. 89 aJtice obtained no reiief, and |f I have taken virions patent medi^^sa r with the saute result, and I gives It P all hope of alleviating the eengh. t 4 About two y^are ago I was reoorfc g mended by a friend to bny a bofctls of ¥ t George's Cough Balsam, And sltheogh I had no faith ia ip proving efficacious, I eave way to my friend's importnnities, aDd parehaaw i a bottle. 1 6 From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam [ took I felt greatly relieved, and I boteht another bottle, wbieh I toetr. and which eSeotually cared my oonfh^ and since that time I had Be retat* ad theoaoch. IC If I find I have taken cold I tab adoseof tfbe Balsam as a preventaliww } end I am now, and have been sinea I took :'t George's Cough Balsam | As free from Cough aa I evet IN in, < mj life. And I make thit eotem* dsclarati— eonsoientioasly briieviag the sanaa to « be trne, and by virsna of the prsafr sions of fa Ant made and passed ia the fifth and sixth years of the reign of bit kte Majesty King William IV, inti- tuled "Aa Act to repeal aa Aat el Ma prssaat Iswlca at Pirtisaiit teftfr* | toled aa Aot far the mere (Cutaai Abolition of Oaths aad Afinutttaas f taken aad made ia various dapaife menta of the State, and to sahatitala Declarations in lies thereof, and flat the more entire suppression of voha- tary and excrajudioial Oaths aad Afiiz,. t mations, and to make other proristoaa for the abalitiea of nnneoosaan Oaths." { Tsken and daehursd at 16, Bedford t ■aw, ia the Ooanty ef Middlesex, thfli 9th day of October, 1880, before nas. o. Locx. Mem, e Commissioner to Administer Oaths iv the SapraaM %wrt of Jndioatnre. > By. m OiiouA Kr B. A. GIOXSB.— )ear Sir—Pleaaa isad me three gross f Coagh Balsasa at once, as I shall be quite aat ia a few days. The sale .aring the paa* seat winter has been the greatest I have yet had, as many j thirty bottlsa i having been pnrehsse at my shop ia a ctay. This has hoei aaosed eatMy by tbe reeommendati a of those wit* k havs <^sted Its efioae I to, deM sir, yot s fahhlally, Pntr Atra, i High Town Hereford, i aaary 17, UM. CAUTK The PaWio ails psrfk'3a»iy wqsssfad' taoheerye that the wo ii^tilOKQPi OOUQH BALSAM" • te stampsd ea saoh Bottle. NOM 8. Mini wftimt. The "COUGH BA .SAM" will is fonnd peooharty serr seable for KB» UKTIKQ ALL PAn 8, 180. ? aver censing anelaa, i ush as DMni- ACHE. K-AB-AC8E, >ArK IN ft. I OHBS^ OR BOWELl DIASBH«A» Ac.,&c lWei if Bottles, at J if aad fJ'a. by mett Ohemlsts an. Medieaae Ts»> dens la the World. B. A. CEOI tCE, MJEDICAL ] ALL, « PDTBB. PO TTPRIDD, ( ^iMMimaa George's COtlgQ Balsalu. Members of Parfiftoisn, ifiiiiary Commanders, Clergyman, Fabuo. ttpeafcers end Singe's, ranfains of Snips, tfeboolaiaster*crt otiteik, tipun whom the aggravafrods of » bad esucga had impollCl cte DeeøAlUty ter relin- quishing Cheir sm|i'ojrmeB>, have boau enabled to reentoe tbtfir engsgeoonce by cakiag George's Cough Batsam. n LAMBING SEASON COItKEltS rXKK S DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sbeep, Horses, and Cattle. STAND aarivahed in vsliw- fa the &EASOJ3 OP LIMBING. Theaaand* of £ a-tfs and Lamos hnia been saved by Cheir aile in cooeii of C-»id«. iDanua- tions. Swollen and Black Cdd,n. Seeur, Anl to pres- veot Heaving. Betablisnm 55 years.—1\«>«/y »«<l is liNeijaaUe^ for any aetesmtJ or n>- m-j-n-t.-ut A fine EUUfiOCATlONtt. Broktfn R«e«s, M.ilts.Ckiap* Bruises, Bweliinps, InCammattenj,, Sprrtias, L<ki««* ness, Sprang Tendons, Ae. Sdld »v<>rywKere. 2* wine SfZe. SOWER IN Lcml". maAtercd hy the DGVO V- Blilily, COMPOCND. (Xerer 2% ft, "Y Dust 4sttd.—CORNER'S FAMILY EMHROCAMOX fee Golds iu tbeCbest,R.HittmatiiiB,Cliilfoiains,ABC.deuU A»: Is ljd.—Wttte for TeHCisMnrat*, rroprietor Hichard Corner. Wellington, Soaisrs^o, whose siss* Uftar*> tsen each Bottle ur it b ►eut'ioiaa. -Kctiaterod "rrodo Mark I- TIEVON HIRE." ^elliery Ciwditt, Febiaaxy l.Hib, 188$ Ma RICBABW CeKNER.—Dear Sir,—We havepU saret n stating that we kate far seme time past bee using year Dnsosssioe OILS for aar Horses, andlowl- people advise n, with very katiriaetajpy resnlle. Wa have awsr Ktym at oar CoOiery. We have aash ftIr. indJ, 1