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PUBLIC WOTICES. I —— PONTYPRIDD- '_L- GREAT DRAPERY SALE AT JOHN E¥ANS & CO, COM MENCING SATURDAY NEXT, FOR 21 DAYS ONLY. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. —: All Goods Marked in Plain Figures -===. EADY OE OL. STRDDIS D 'VIES' 1' Fruit Couffli Balsam A permauent cnre of all disorders ef the Cheat, Lung*, Threat, viz :-Corgh, Difalcriltv, of Breathing, Hooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Icflnenxa, Asthma, Bronchitis, Shortness of Breath, Spitting of Blood. Its action ou children is direct, safe, and certain. J. MYRDDIN DA VI hi S, A.P.S.. Consulting and Dispeiisinaf CHEMIST (By Elawinat if-Ia.) (Late Qualified Dispenser of Medicine of the Apothecaries' Hall, London, 4, OX7i I ULTD ST BRET 8 NV ANS EA. To be obtained o meat chemists, ia Bottles, Is lid 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. Any Chemist not haying it in stoek will immediately ebtaia it if requested to do so. Loadon Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, A Co., and all other Patent Medicine Yendora. Agents throughout the RHONDDA VALLBY. S I L 0 All, GYFEILLON. CYNELIR EISTEDDFOD GADEIRIOL yn y Capel uchod DYDD GWENER Y (jROGLITH, 1888. PRIF DDARN:-I'r Car, heb fod dan 80 o rhif, a gano yn or en, Y Ffynon ger fy Mwth," (Gan Alaw Ddw;) GUlobr t5, a ehadair t'f Arweinydd. Beirefaid—Mr D. Torath (11:08 Hafod), Cazu a Mr Cosslett t'oselfctt (Cara Elian), Barddoniaeth. Yrogrammu* yn iwr yn barod, yn cynwys yr toll o'r teatynau, yw eael gan yr Ysgrifenydd, MOKGAJs MORGAN, Ty Rhondda, Hopkinstown. PONTYPRIDD & RHUN DDA V ALLEYS Dol Poultry, Pigeon. Cage Bird, I AND CAT SHOW. The above will be held at the TOWN HALL AND MAhKET HALL, PONTYPRIDD, ON THURSDA Y, MARCH 15th, 1888. 32Classes for Dogs, 47 for Poultry, Pigeons, &c,, 23. JUDGES — I os<: Mr George Helliwell, Sheffield, AND Mr .i. H. Hijssey, Cardiff. POILTKT & CATS: Mr John Martin, Worcester. PIGKOH*: Mr E. Gibbv, Mertbyr. CAM BIBDJ: Mr D. MoLellan, Bridgend. Several Silver Cups and Special Prizes will be awar, ed in addition to 1st Prizes For Schedules A,, ply to JAJIJTS £ S PICKETT, ~i „ fi R A. LEWIS, j H°B- 8eC'- TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. Xf B. IVAN THOMAS will SKLL by AUCTION, *t the CATTLE M AHKK T, on TUESDAY. 20th X A, N C LT. at 2 p.m sharp, about GO squares of FLOORTNGROARD3, arid several hundred feet flf SPRUCE RAFTERS, Si by 3. Electric Belt Free. To introdii<-j it .mil oi-tuiii Airciits rvc w:Il for the next Sixty Ditvi <Kvc a v. in c of eliaijjp, in <ncli Town in Great Hrituin, • n:i.liter of our GERMAN ELF.CTRO GALVANIC SUSPENSORY BELTS, Pricu One Pound; a positive and Bnfailiug cure for Nervous Deli!itv. Varicocele, Night Troubles, I-o-s of Energy, if. Zito) Iteward paid if every JWlt we manufacture does not generate a genuine eic ctiia euwnt. A'iilrpsi at- oive ELEOTHH' BELT AGENCY, P.O. Bo* 1TSS BROOKLYN, N.Y., U.S.A. I. CURE FITS! Wbws I *»y ctu* I io not mean merely to stop them for a tint* »u4 tfaea hare then return acaia. I mean a radical cure. I hare »a4e 8h» dieeaM of FIT*, EPILEPSY or FAL1JNO SICKNESS a atady. I warrant mj remedy to cm tke want aasMi Be&aee otlwa have failed u no reaaoa for •otsMW mHirtK a sure. lend at race for a treatise M l Tm Bottle tfflgfefelBW* *«»*• JKve Address a It twh m eflfrfeglai a trial, w4 Iwitt ww yew. AidfsM i>R> H. G ROOT, Jl*a VMi ct« f^majdwu-ft, LunjMfc HAGOU'S t Honey Syrup Honey Syrap Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey Syrup Honey oyrup Honey Syrup HAGON' S CAUCHT COLD" means, in its abstract effects, COM- MENCED CONSUMPTION," jnst as CAUGHT FIRE signifies, if not J stopped, CONSUMING of the edifice, If you have TAKEN COLD," Sneezin, issne from the nose, hoarse- ness, tight breathing, slight cough, and lather svmptoms are warnings that ] DISEASE has laid hold of yoar HEAD, CHEST, and LUNGS to a certain extent, which may quickly pro- dace BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, or CONSUMPTION and if not checked must cause premature decay and disease. It is marvellous how many TRIFLE WITH COLDS. Medical men daily assert they caunot comprehend how unconcerntd so many go upon the threshold of dangerous and destructive diseases which is a flat contradiction to the first laws of nature "-Health Protection Life Preservation The best Doctor's Advice is not always acted npon, the best Physician's Per- suasion ia not always accepted, yet, having knowledge of a certain^MEDI- CINE, the value nf which is based upon many years' experience, and the unimpeachable testimony of countless restored sufferers we most FAITH FULLY ADVISE and EARNESTLY persnade those who from COLDS have COUGHS, SHORTNESS of BREATH, ASTHMA, BRONCHI- TIS, INFLUENZA, and all affections of the THROAT, CHEST & LUNGS to take Hagon's Syrup," THE NATURAL REMEDY," simply a Honey Syrup combined with equally efficacious plant and fruit juices for the complaints stated 'tis AN IN. STANTANEOUS RELIEF and UNFAILING REMEDY. Whether sufferers USE it or NOT we have done our duty in telling them of it, and if they do not take it the consequences of their own neglect are theirs. Again we repeat—"BE SURE TO TAKE FOR COLDS. COUGHS & CHEST COMPLAINTS f HAGON'S SYRUP." Sold by moat Chemists and Patent Uealvfs, in Bottles at Is. lid. ann 28. 9(1., or Post Free from the Maker at same prices. SOLE MAKER .A.a- AG O:t\r, T-T _A CHEMIST, 39, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF, AND 2, COBURN STREET, CA rRAl S. See that yon Iret Hagon's Syrup; no other genuine. WILLIAM PHIL LIPS, DECEASED. PURSUANT to Statute 22 & 23 Victoria, ohap- JL ter 36, NOTICE IS HiSRBBY GIVEN that all Persona having clainas against the Estate of William Phillips, late of Bryrgolau, near Ponty- pridd, in the County of Glamoreaa, gentleman, deceased, wbo died on the 16th day of October, 1887, are required to send partirul-tre of their claims to the uisdarsimmed, as solicitors to Mary Phillips, the administratrix, to whom lettera of administration were granted by the Llandaff Dis- trict Registry, of the Probate Division of her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 25th day of February, 1888, on or before the 2nd day of April next, after which date the administratrix wiil distribute the estate among the persons enti- tled thereto, having regar-I enly to the claims of which she shall then have had Notice. Dated this h day of February, 1888. MORGAN & MALE, Town Hall Chambers, Pontypridd, Solicitors to the said Administratiiz. A CARD. Ai IxreMTANT DfcooTm is asaeaaeed ia the Paris Figaro." of valuable zeaely for aervoas dattfiity, physical exhaustion, aai early daosys. rhe discovery was mide by a missionary in Old Mexico t it aaved him from a aiesrakle existence andsa early grave. We learn that the Rev Joseph HoUcr, Bloeasbary Maosioas, Bieemsbary Sqaa.e, London, W.O., will sead the prowriptisits tm of eharge, ea recei" ot, a ee £ f sdiresesd damped envelope. I ¿ j¡,II" ,J af T OST, March 3rd, SCOTCH COLLIE, with long XJ grey and white hair, small head, little black 'pot over one eye. Answers to the name of "Spot." Whoever will return the dog to JAMES PARFITT, Eirw Road, Britannia, will be rewarded. TO LET, GOOD DWELLING HOUSES at Lewis' Terrace, Graigwen Road Rent, 22/- per Month, clear. Water laid in.-Apply to WIL- LIAM8, Painter, No. 1, Lewis' Terrace, Pontypridd. "PONTYPRIDD MUSICAL SOCIETY. THE ABOVB SOCIETY Has been formed, and will be worked on strictly NON-SECTARIAN PRINCIPLES, And supported by the giving of frequent Concerts, the First of which will take place On Thursday, April 12th prox. Practices will be held in WESLEY SCHOOLROOM, On Wednesdays, from 8-15 to 9-30 p.m. Those wishing to join will kindly attend next Wednesday Evening. The enrolling Fee of Sixpenoe per Member will cover all expenses. The Society was formed on Wednesday, the 22nd of February, with a nucleus of Forty-five members. CAERPHILLY CASTLE. A GRAND llSTEDDFOD Will be held in the far-famed rains of the above Castle (by the kind permission of Lord B ki t,), ON WHIT-MO FDA Y, MAY 21st, 1888 PRESIOENT: SIR MORGAN MORGAN. ADJUDICATORS Eos Morlais, Mr Tom Price, A.C., and Dyfed. Chief Choral Competition We never will bow down," t30. Male Party, 25; Javenile Party, £ 3 Soloe, il eneb. Chair Pries Awdl on Stanley," 95 and chair, As., 40.. Proyrmmnw* by pott, 1-id. from n. WILMAMS, Soret ary, Caerphilly. TREDKGAU CHAMBER OF TRADE ATHLETIC SPORTS. Th J following events will be oomp ted for :— 1 20 YABDS OPKN HAKDICAP.—First Prize, iJ4 43.; 2nd do., £ Is. j 3rd do., 10/6. Entrance Fee, 1/6. 440 YARDS OPBK HANDICAP -First Prize, ga 3a.; 2nd do., 91 la.; 3r do,, 10/6. Entrance Fee, 1/6. 250 YAKDS SUAULK RACS, (Eight Flights of Hurdiesi.-First Priaa, 3 3:t.; 2ad dj., Sl la. Entranoe Fee, 1/- ONE MILK HANDICAP (,Ip,i). -First PrizA. JEt 49 2nd do A\ Is; 3rd do. 10/6. Eatranoe Fee, 1/6. Hlad JCMP.—AI Is. Entrance fee, 1/. ø- Numerous other Boents see Bills. All entre* to be to MrG. T. Hodge, Tre. degar, on or before Maroh 28th. A-fmixsion to Field, 6d Enclosure, 1/- ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warran ted to care all discharges fromp the urinary ergans, ia either sex (acquired or constitutional), gravel, and pains in the back. Guaranteed free from mercury sold in boxes, to 6d each, all ehemiats and pafeat medicine vendors; or seat tag sixty stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drag Co., Lincoln. Wholesale. Barclay and Sons, Londoa Established 184:8. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE!! IN CONSEQUENCE OF Alterations to Premises CHAS, GOODMAN, General Dealer, Jeweller, Outfitter, &c., 7,HIGH ST.,PONTYPRIDD (Next Boor to the Victoria Hotel), I Begs to thank his numerous friends and the public generally for the libernt support ac- corded him in the past, and desirea to announce that., in consequence of alterations to the premises, he is reducing his Stock of JEWELLERY, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, J OUTFITTING BEDDING, &c., &c., Which he offers at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. GOLD WEDDING AND KEEPER RINGS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GUNS, BREECHLOADERS, REVOLVERS, AND PISTOLS, ALL IN PERFECT CONDITION. LIBERAL TERMS OFFERED FOR WHOLESALE ORDERS. The Goods offered for sale as above are not damaged stock, but genuine articles in every class. During the period of Alteration, Customers can be served at the Back of the Business Premises. In addition to the above Stock, there will also be sold a Large British Plate Glass Front, (IN TWO PANES,) Only been in use from five to six years. With PANEL SHUTTERS, measuring 7ft. 11 inches, by 6ft. 4 inches; together with a large SHOP DOOR FRAME, and FAN LIGHT, all complete and in thoroughly good condition. As Early Visit of Inspection will oblige. Any Purchaser of Goods to the extent of d62 and upwards will be allowed a Discount, and all customers in the town and neigh. bourhood will have their goods delivered FREE of charge. Any Customer from a distance, making pur- chases of je2 and upwards, will be allowed their Hailway Fare, but not in conjunction with the Discount. -I' '1" NOTB THE ADDRESS— CHAS. GOODMAN, 7, HIGH STREET, 'f PONTYPRIDD f V' rtot PUBLIC NOTICE PARISH OF LLINTRISINT. TO CONTRACTORS. THE RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY of the 1 Pontypridd Union invites TENDERS for SUP- PLYING and LAYING about 1,200 Yards of 3-in. CAST IRON SOCKET PIPES, along the Tarn- pike Road from the Village of Brynsaddler to Llantrisant Junction. Specification may be seen and form of tender obtained at the office of the undersigned, Tendrs to be in the hands of the clerk, Edward Colnett Spickett, Esq., not later than 10 o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, the 28th instant. The R.B.A. does not bind itself to accept any tender. By order of the Rural Sanitary Authority, JOHN EVANS, Surveyor. Navigation, March 14th, 1888. PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL, PWLLGWADN, PONTYPRIDD. AN ENTERTAINMENT Will be given on behalf of the above-named place cf worship, by Members of the Wood St. Chapel Choir, Cardiff Consisting of Choruses, Dialogues, Recitations, &o., in WESLEY SCHOOLROOM, (KINDLY LBXT FOR THE OCCASION), On MONDAY NEXT, Jlarch 19th, 1888, AT 7.30 P.M. Chair taken at 7 30, by J. Crockett, Esq. CONDUCTOR—MR.G. DAW. PIANIST- AlissL. HOOPER Tea will be provided in the SCHOOLROOM at 4.30 o'clock. Tea and Eittetrinmeiit, Is. Entertainment only, 6d