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CORNS CORNS 11 1 ,t> B n ^1 A A_ I (RegisteredVTrade Mark, No. 369%0 A Oicivi |J if-3 tor oora-j. PAI s LE 5 S AND HARMLESS. .cl,y introcl;ice(1 bv J. (sORNS! Th-is irJaiiible remcdv introd:icec O SUNDAY QOR^S it by its. hiving Cr.rea Corns o! ovpr f>0 Wars' landing, which had resis- CORTO ted all Piasters and! PORNS C^t\f1A;OV[ w r>OTH HARD OR ° 1 IbrrCORNS AND WARTS. PORN3' l KSTIM JSIALS. ° Fro» Mr. HOPKIS HOPKT^s, Gors- szJ9»*m CORNS t iTirSS;X p.orns I »5« vot, L™n,ena it f te. i COBNb'it wiU* becoino more. handfeds of C0RXS' peiSw thatuid'b^ gladto know of its noRNS!e £ fp^ M,1Ue. MARIE MULLER, Amsterdam, Holland. ),h, A e, N 1'\Y C0RNS DiS^K-iV,boa^abott!eof year nORNS 1 qel,niue yiridille, 3.me six months a^o m ° kris which cured m sand as I am a p nci- HORN'S • -1 -Uncer von know tay teet are m\ living. C° ttt I bought did tho stsrvico you .i_.it. tj._Ls.cx Hou'ht another one C0RNS '■ SStinchbr ssS C0*^ p*in, will you mL¡IJ, WIIO 19 near\y 'l1a,d wlth potln, Will you C DR* '• Pl6a3e 56nd mC MdUe^MAKTE MLLER, „ CAUTION .-As there are se CORN.-3 1 tations of this the public are requested to ASK L'OR CORXS: M^U,.V\Hit>INE." Y RiD I E." Q0RN3 And see th vr mv sion vt; rh is ou the eud of rORNS.^VofdSuK Corn Cure' yon -y receive one oi the many so;called ie«« r^n^vS'edies' which only renet, oi »onw worthless imitation ot 4 '• uridine. IN BOTTLE PKICE Is.; BY Ii!. d. P'iF.PARKD oa.Y J itt u K 1) A Y 1, H I G B StVA'i'c.U D 1 F F. old by all ChemuU. ADVERTISE in the V 0 N I (i E. -P" CEOSui'S IKFANIS' PDWUEifcS FROM L')NDHN. 13, Q iten's J-qn-u' London, W. D r ynn 1}1eA.se forward m»> six cf jonr A t,), much 1 liiia t-n b>i thtMi fces'i. I ùud them invala-,ble, and always use them with lhb sanction of ur medico innn; By so clfjjl you will oblige, Yoars respectfully, C. EDWARDi, Crouc-f, Esq. 4 r A packet forwarded to any address for la 1 h A HE )RGE, Medi.-at Hall., i'-ntre, G;.tm i j; Yxl]GE.^ & CO SffAM mm AND SCOURING WORKS, ^i^NDii-F at J ad, CARDIFF. H'i, ^h >t ihlUhmenO: — V KHERBrOWN, 4.í.i; T:. I' ¡{:<.J r r ) 62 O' rxii fjti Ji iL. jsCRKET, NEWPOST. 83,' tx, ii Si'RRfir, NEWPORT. i 21, 0 •;KEKT, SWANSSA. A -• for ULo t'U.u — ¡ MR. J. H TAILOa A DSAPER, j ■ a. J.N '.A >'■ •.SBl'.iPO.'ira. B"0tth F;-fle!y Sl«ep"Calmly!! — ø Francis'i Asthni Poiu ler HDYM h,iea. Qi/e? in/iat Mliflf^ia cas -a of BE0S"03IT £ .v ASr.1 H, CATARR3. wtio ipiNG JOUGI i,fc. Be Testita,,ii:la fr j*a Prafe.j^ioqal Qaatlomsu and I otterrt 'v!->o -are "I the; Vlarvalloos Edict oi this Powder. Sold by 11 Medicine Vsoiors, in tios:at 2/3, 4/6 & 11/ W loleaaie from W, II), B<-»eburch YavdJLoad n. r, th" P • )p it;tor, ST AWT, HAVERFORDWEST. » itlt ..4. —P WORK! WORK f WORK! Vivy littio w )rk y onn do while your blood i 't ia »ona i f,)r:ri,,)r other is .(,1. ia? a hold "1) y :«•• cHHtltatioa duly. Parifv v onr btc) -d winhnnt deUy by U-4iniz HUG, -i fir surp-iui "n ot jor r-3 diefl f r th? *tl vjd 1"w h: li JJa. 9.1.. i -u 4, 6d., of oilt ■j/cdkrio-? v«pd.)f4. :i): i A&vmr+TIER .$. HROIWOLS A WOiHDSRFOL MEDICM BEECHAM'S PILLS (Vf P7 PATENT V;l I"' PILLS, /g) Are admitted by fboaAnd to be worth a Guinea a box for billions aad nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddi^eea,Mines# ".nd swelling after meals, Jiasiness and drowsine", ,-old chills, flashings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness ox breath, costivenesi, scurvy.blotches on the skita, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and tremblings, sensations, &a. Tiii-first dese will giver re- lief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, tor they hav* done it in 'Ihousancs « cases. Every sufierer in M.r»esfclY invited to trj box of these Pills, and tbey will be acknowledged so be WOBTti A GUINEA A BOX For fpRsales ef •all apes these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about *11 that is required. I female should be without them. There is no mcaic# 5 to be found to. equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for r»- f Saving any obstruction or irregularity *of the system, j taken according to the directions given with each hex they will soon restore females of all ages toaound and robust "health. Far a wbak stomach, impaived digestion, and Ml dkerders of itbe liver, they act like "MAGiC," and a few doses will be fonad to work wonders upon the nost important orgam of the human maohine. They strengthen the whole m**>Slar system, restore the long lost ooruplexijin, (fcey Wing back the keen ed^e of aopetite, and aroaa* igto action with the ROSh. BUD of health (&• trkole jhysiaal energy of tha tiunwua frame. TlwM m 'TACTS" adir.ittad by thousands embraeta «H ptoses oi society and one øf the best gitaraujost io tq iteltwo!uss"and debilitated Is Beecham's Pt. boto the latgeat eale of any aatent medicine i8. world. bekchaM'S KA#IC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for CmA« >a general, Asthma, diffi- mlty of Breathing, ffewtaops of Breath, Tightness utd Oppression in A* C&eot, Whee«ing, Ac., these Pills are unrivaUet; mm aaj one labouring under any if the above complainta sow only try One Box to irove that they are the beat ever offered to the public 'or Asthmatic and Coafamptive Coughs, Hoarseness, md Oppression of the Cheat. They speedily remove hot stose of oppression and difficulty of breathing vhich nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give dmost instant relief and conifort to those afflicted wi4b the above distressing alii, when neglected, dan- ,erous complaints. Let aay paraon troubled with aiy of the above complainta r,, -,U.Ae, CouaB ?iixs a trial.. The most violent. Oongh will in t ahoct time be emoved. Cauxios.—The public are raqoeeted to nouoe that he words, "Bbschah'b PqM St. fielen'a,' are on he Government Stamp affixed to aach box of tbe ?ills. If not tbey are forgery. Prepared only, and sold wholeaale and retail by tha iropnetot, T. Beeoham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanoa- ihire, in boxea If. lid. and J>. M. eaoh. &6nt .P*?8* ree from the proBtmpt fat 16 orM stamps.—Sold by dl Druggista and Patent Medicine Dealvra ia the Lined om. M.B.—Fall dimtfaas ara firm mSA «Mk bos. WOOL A. & J. MacnáughtmJ, WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Have been AWARDED • PRIZE MEDAL for tbet* Woollen Manufacture" in the EDINBURGH INTti-S NATIONAL EXRIBITloK, 1". They pay carnage ol Wool «aii* to tbemtauaaulactui* into their celebrated PITLOCHRY TWEE8S, 0RES8 TWEEDS, BLANKETS* RUGS. &c. Bigbest •«!or.-ras !nm h, {,_d!!lf Jonre* Paw lersa. Charg«. &tii "II):IH& 1).<1 toO ts^aL'^ of "Vp't:. 3sc.. A» l '-r- f •" W.i>PLi4» 84 -v-f _m'- ¡ obtained in «. — cost* about Hd, each ao<ie. — Tabaxacum AND roDofHYLMN.-A liver medicine Without in ere a rv, is a mixture of ]U2ces of the Without in ere a rv, is a mixture of juices of the mandrake and dandelion plants, g»rA hs.'xfd^• ton>id;tv, cost: senses, flatnleBce^.heai.oaui. indiges- biliousness, repugnance \o'"Tooo, ftcnoral d«- "om^-rt. depression, &c. Pepper's Taiaxacum Podo- Bhvllin, bv scunulatinn the liver with a most gcnJe Sciio- on'tbe stomach, is the safest, most rel'ib^ medicine. Bottles. 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. laws. ou having Pepper's.^ To DARKEN GitFy Sur.rn-JR Hal. Btotorsm pr viaees a perfeciiy nataral, Bf-M.fi ni [few dav3.. Nb; hair restorer '.3 «r«.;aa. L>ckyar's Suifbar toru its, f-iH. <• action on tlie-hair, eftir-mg it «.!• • iv -»■ ^w- 8 bottlea, Is. 6d. Sold everywber, Dbafness. Noisbb IS THE Eaes. A'C.—I)EU.ab' ESSENCE FOR Dsafskbs is .;tm the (\d,' coin>*ds any real w.tn. oi t'^e ^ar passages and oJien re'evm*f 0; ca»os^< during a quarter of a century. Appn t ca c-tton wool. Bottles, la. lid- S^d ever> v.-«er« A DBI-"»WtJTI. Fi.Avoua.—CRACROFT ABSCA-JI •■•i TOOTH By neiug this deli -u-os Aro.natK- Dentifrice, th? enamel of thh teeth wl.i-o, sound, and policed like ivory. It is evceodmti.v fragranfT^d ^necially nsed for reoiovwr incrusta- tions of t»i tar en neglectea terU<- i->old by "l; CheniMts. Pots. ]•». and 2s. each. <?et Cvacroft s. Liver GovPLAiSr.—Three-fourths of oar functional d«rw^tw«w are caused by inturrin-tum ot tne liver's acv,, A few doses of Rise's l)ANi>nuoK a:m OniNiNE liiVFh Pulls, without morcury, are a potent Tb».> jtorform all the benefits of mercury, I wiUwvu any 'of its disadvantages and dangers. Dr. Kibk's Pi lit. r • nove all liver and stomach coui- I pUints. Mlionuness, headache, sickness, snouldor pains. b^arW)i:m. indimsstion, o»n»ti|>»tion, so eiwut- Lr pertHct ne- .oh. These old-fasiuoned Pills rti! keep a'rw.^ of all others ae {treat liver rem ear keep a'rw.^ of all great liver rerne(iy Sola every wn«r« — — Da King Livek Piij.S, oontaiaing daudelioa ana Cttinioe, without mercury, are far above ail other- *a the surt ai-'ldest mains of removing indigestion, bilioaanrs-t, headache, dyspepsia, obstructioiia a,i irrenniar^f. of t. e liver and stomach, so anaormu pm&ct health Dr King's Pills «e sold every charts To Sro" CwaHisa. a few doecs. of Pai'FaK Warn Oooh M i* 't'l- <■ greets the most troubles^' -n-j til jonKliiBiz. -r*i ori'Mr relief and tranqailuv f-> -,i' irrita^d f" and rviv^ usages. ,th ;II wmfo tiou is qniM niiloj- ant tiom «t ls .H.ry Cough Remedies. Battle*- ♦veryw:. Fofa .,1\06 TBI Tkkoat AKD Uiir j PEPPKU f >0 TUSOAT G-»u»i .— Ao »pw .«-ui'u zi-eatsf.iv> -tiler relaxed • ,raS";l. Tan?i:n 'ia^ie le ru oomioetui«'• peaWer*, aua^e.-K, &c. as gr^in pre jervatn«e purifim ,th bei a». •«!ocularly AiEt-ceaJJo. »atriii.j. ■< ol^uaiax Botties. whew â Suuv. h'A.P is a Tül1.ft Soap co.-»Tiisii^<i Sui>PHOu«fe. It t* a delicately *«&oed,_chcMJiicaiiV pure Sor■) for ateueraf hm, and is iw- tbo injur oco.mar to common. vny»r feotly pr -«"w ><1 soaps ..8alo'!».-»line Soan is ex for wasib' «a -<M tiai»s aw* r-aderiag tho akn?. clear, anr) Tablet*, ifd. each. Sold ev. ry '(There To F.Nauui. Ir rJoBAt of all imperfections in a few days. Spots. RlemÜfJaf Irrita»mn Oojootiouable Appearannea SRedneaa Boaghnoss, lran, Uncomfortable 8kin Disfigure- ments fte.. however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving the Ski a smooth, transparent, supple, natural and healthv Perfectly harmless. Salpholine if delichfr?olly 'r*erar k oooling and refcashing: ooon- teraets affects at weather, aoftana, and proeervee BettiM a* Sd Sold everywhere. Coawt Futnjwa, U. EnrnABaao Toé" Xourrs.— Dillu'i Coaa AKa Bosim Puaeraas are the only ramedv. They differ from all pl*stwx. shields," pe 00mpositions &vw invested. By i«al# aofiruipg the callow eansoundiag tha pain eoaa at anoe, tha IX ? £ SrtTsir^aff^QSU a» [ *■ NO 0^WuCTt0N-^mND^A<i\T^^W COATED, TASTELESS, »nd quite harmless to the most delicate constitution, bnt MARRIED LAIiIKS should»dh«re strictly to SM directions is. lid., 2s. 9dn »nd 4s. 6<1. per box# By post, trader cover. Id. extra. Of *11 Chemists, or direct (ism UM UNIVERSAL DRUG Co. 10 and 21, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY. I- Pontypridd, Llmtrlsaat, and Rhandda Valleys PERMANENT B21I.SFIT BUILDINC SOIETV. Established 1(6. L nor pur ted 1874. DIRECTORS !— MR. Wm. GiilFFlTH^, lItJ k Ilotise, Oardiff, Chaivrrtiti. MR. JAMES RICHARDS, Treforest, Tice-ehair- Di-n. MR. JOHN M0HG\N, LIhi trisant, Xifi. THO}fA" M0P.CAN, Y Fion, Pontypridd. THH. DaMKI AY I L f T r;hHr,yn. PUDtypridi'. MR. Kit HARD ROGERS, Pontypridd. Advow.es made on MrrrUface in sums varying item £100 f £ 10,000, rtpnyahU in monthly or quarterly » sl^lmnnih MORTGAGE AND SURVEY FBES PAID In THE SjCIETY. Advances mttds th,- Short-eet Notiet. For further partieular, apply te tie Seoretary, MR. H S I) A VIES, OLD POST OFFICE CHAMBERS, Pontypridd. SPECiALLY US WP.ISTBANDS. SUITABLE FOR SH1RT FROHTS. COLI-ARS. &S ST1FF&C°^0L. ■PHILLIP R. JAiflES, PONTYPRIDD ANDiRHONDDA VALLEY. r Bill Foster and Town Crier j t:RENTS ALL THE PRTNOlPAL POSTING STATIONS IN PoMYPRIDD AND RDONDDA VALLEY. HORSES find S hpt for Hire, .PIANOFORTE ON HIRE.! Offices: Peir.id Hcjuaie, Poctypridd. .r.V" MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITm BOILING MILK. cCstli Wales ? in:.r;ni!ioii Office, Pontypridd. JA^ I >; J f ( UJ E J T S LICENSED PA.- Si AGENT, Books toalj psrtfr oi the "C'l:(\ ry iiI Hues oi steamers. Anit,z,lcaii PtiFse; free of coat, and his t'asfieugrrfi art: met .^cipi^ol by respousible Agent on their arrival. t> <■ "t.-d to the Steamers LOWEST FAHK ;< LL "AKTriOF r ( W 0 QUOTED PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co. VSrOMBTAJKJUM, M Gaeral Oabinei Makers, and House Far -,Dmam i $Ktfltbi&r for Admit Fun«raU. Coach Wreath* in I varifly ,%ildreles oomme from «M 7,. IdnHa'ChfBBa I 268. t'oliahed Oak CoSns with Whtta TrDa. mings and padded kiside 60s. thaUitnar fee aarry 8 fuside and oofta aatr aida ham faa^yjiridii. Heyliiaalaiae, '-n Coed pea maan, Chaiaworka ibod Tie- :1.áø hw> tatiartiq M.a108 >1 «hM*iaofta oateMa tram aborra ylaoaa to OinlM» fa. | I 30 YEARS TIsT OA.E/IDI^'F R. B. BOULTON, I ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON ACTON HOUSE, HOATH ROAD, Opposite University College, CARDIFF. Hiring had great xperience both in English and American systems of DenM practice is enabled to »ive his pariants the benefit of sneH exper.aaee in a mum! wh.ch bat very few Dentists eaki offer; and bqiltio, the Inventor ot the Patent Composition, by which oaly a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he i3 enabled to supply beautifully Btting irtineial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearance, and which defy detection. No Sea-horse Iwry Te9th. No 3s. No RdM of any kial. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets from to 30s. Rach. Sets Upper or Lower II 503, to 20 Gamaaa Inventor of the A1 A mil jam Sapping, as u-e I by the best Dentins in Europe and Ame-rtca TJ23TH SAiVilD by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered daily at Cardiff by the best & safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the" Chronicle," December 2-ith 11 1 1 The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr R. B. Boalton, of Acton House, C, Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. IT 0 r-r T- C):0 And at Mm. Harris's, Chemist, Msrthyr. the Second Wednesday in eachjmontb. from 12 to 3. 31, DANVILLE ROAD, DENMARK HILL, LONDON. Printing! P rin ting tno Neatly executed at the Office of this Paper. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS, A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT-DO? It is more than Cold to me,-it saved my Life." WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO r what will it do WHAT W ILL IT DO ? WHAT WiLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAI' WILL IT DO? W<JAT WILL IT DO ? WHATfcWILL IT DO? WHATSWILL IT DO? WHAT WJLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT A ILL 11' DO? WHAT WlI-LfilT DO? WHAT.;WILL-;IT LK> ? WHAT WILL IT DOP WBA rWILL If DO? WHAT-WILL IT DO? WHii'r WILL ir DO WHAT WILL IT oo ? WHAT WILL IT DO? I' WHAT WILL IT DO? WH \T v>. ILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WiLL IT DO Y WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT;WILL IT POP WdATiWILL IT DO. WHAT WfLL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP ..WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOT WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT UOp 'WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P I, WHAT WiLL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp I WHAT WILL IT DOp HAT WILL If DOp WLHAT WILU IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp jriut wrcc rr do If you suffer PAIN in the BACK and LOINS, or between the Shoulders, this remedy will effectually remove them. If you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladder, SUPPT.?EgSrow anrl Rbtkn'tto'* of 1-h* water, Stoss )r G-tAVEf., the oxlt SAFÆ do," effectual lieuoedy ILVKR. Ofi'tKKD TO the Wo::r<D is Gsobjs'h el ft-,d Guavkl PILLS If the witer ia HIGH COT,OUITICD, Thick, and d jpositiQ^ mnof Skoimknt, lose no ti'iu\ procure a box of Gao.iaa's F'fLi.s, and you will soon be Right again. If vo ir KidlleYIii and Llvep tre slavish and out of order, this Remedy will zently obese imp>rUnt or ,aas, open up their Clogged Passage, and promote the secretion ot liealtll} bile ami other vital fluid*. If you are a martyr to rililiarestlon, BniOlllitne8. and Constipation, you have a SURE Remedy,in Gtkoege a PILLb. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, each as Pile8, Cnn.. Ht p UOJl, Flatulence, Colic, you have here a Beaedy you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your HEART id affected, yon will find these PiUsaa Efficacious Bkmudv. If yo-a pufferfNm Headache and Giddiness, Gecrge'* Pills will remove these Pains sooner than any other known medicine. If you have Irain after Eating-, and feel Browsy and Listle4s, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food turns uur and rises into the mouth, a fdw doses of this Remedy will make y>Ilr troubles a thing of the put. If you feolNervous, Kxcital»le, and Low Spirited a perfect ANTIDOTB will be found in George's Pills If you have a Taste in the mouth, a gllqGLic Dosb (,f George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-tune will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. j If HSeep ails to give vou Rent. Try George's Pills. Tapy will make your be i easy, sleep refreshing, and Esvivo your STSPlNIITH. If you f?el unfit for Exertion. Weal*, and Limp, this Remedy will restore your Bns:e»t and Stebnqth, and will make ahoar and Exercise the Ehjoyment of your life. If voa are troubled iffith and Vomiting at the thor srbt of patini, a boi of George's Pills will make your meat and driuk let! S/vottby and PMA3ANT. If Y.Ul Blood ia impure, it will keep open all the importan oaiAets of the body, and thus give free exit to all Gooss Humodbs and no more Blood Impurities will be seen bu-stipg throun the Skin in Pimple«» Blotelies, Sores, | £ 0 In thousands of caster it has removed from the Blood, root and branch, Rheuiualic, Hcorbutftc. »«rofulou» Taints thtt had defied all othfr Remedies. If you have a tendency to Dropsical Swellinjfs, this TJemedy, by its aotion upon the Kidksts and Skin, will soon bring Relief If you have Difficulty of Bretttbinar, this remedy wflj •rove a friend to you in the hour of net-d. It will chfcoge your constant ailinsc to freedom from pain. It will ohan^ the atllow comp!exion to the bloom of health. It will cbaope your sickling to viarour; your languor to activity and your neral debility to tirmneea of smew and mud-e. It is Aperient, and therefore will remove Const!- I nation It. is Akntibillous, and will, therefore, correct aii rrezularitiee of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefore., keep open tbe water passages- It is Tonic, and will, therefore, irve totfe and vicoer to the Dwbstiv* Obqamj. It is Blood- Piirif^lnr and K erve-*tre«artl»enlnar» it is, therefore ALL you WANT. 1 These Worid-rentned Pills are sold everywhere, in Boxes I/la and 2/9 wh. I i iu uOUGH BALSAE For tJfI pire of Congba, OoUi rseness, WheeiJaj, Whoes, of Blood, CODIUlDP. t. r, iit:Tq. Whooping Cougb 1 • of "r^atliing, and all Aflw f i S !■_■< COP Chsst and Lungs. :¿'0r' Rxrra-ordinary Care ef » Congll ( ix standirer, declared befoft H; h tt) Administer Oatha (r. "f .»'jretr'e Court of J ndioature. !• KY JAMES GAMM AGE, of < 1 :í:; c7 117, W idew.-argh -street. itv of Hereford, Contractor t, v-f -i rti.r, do solemnly and Ilia- ••ir si-as fellows:— 1 b ur ^liv'bt years ago 1 had ft j r. r-jjcK of rbfom^tic fever, from f-:•<* I V.ad recovered, I had ft ¡:: ,1 c • and the medical mar who (v -ifir, ■ w;,o is "ne of the Viat- » .imp to thw H«refi>rd Ii>firift> ,y^ v. ini' rttied me that I never coaldbft | orcnt'hly cared from it. 2 f-n lime until about tmlt s" ,p.> 1 have suffered more or lent í, fp-'r,' if" cong> which at times va v ri nr at others. I especially waenfiiv:?'"•y ;t i" themorcingpwhem eometimes I coughed utV-il ] v,.Ui'opt suffocated, and I ii. 1 t-l-onh? be stifled. a Larir,« tlt-,Pe years I consultad ral ch.1 mer, from foliowinj nr, flj, ten obtained no reiief, and it 1 ".ve ta^fr vnrious paK-t medicine# "j v/irb tbe s»n.t re?n!t, and 1 had give* up all hope uf alleviating tie cough. v 4 Abon* t wo ypara a^ro I was reoora- | mended bj a friend to buy a bottle of f George's Couh Balsam, And h I had no faitb in its prov.n pfficacioua, I cave way to my friend's importunities, and purchased r a bottle. I 6 From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam I tock I felt greatly relieved, and T bought another bottle, which I took. and which effectually cared my cough, 1 and incp that time I had no return off the c ut-h. 6 If I fiod I have taken cold I takft a dose of the Hnlsam as a preventative* j end I am now, and have been sinoe I ) took d George's Cough Balsam J A3 free from Cough as I ever wee ift U my life. And 1 this solemn declaration ccnscienf K-usly believing the aau>e to be true, and by virtue of the provi- sions of an Act taade and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of bit lftte Majesty King William IV, inti- tuled "Ao Act to repeal an Act of tte present Session of Parliament, bdfp tnled an Act for the more effogtpal Abelition of Oaths and Affirmatjonft taken and made in rarious de mentB of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lien thereof, and ffct the more entire suppression of voloa- tary and extrajudicial Oaths and Affile nations, and to make other provisions for the abolition of nnneoeesacy Oaths." i Taken and declared at 16, Beclfort. ,I row, in the County of Middlesex, this I 9th day of October, 1880, before me^ t C. Locke Mulxs, a CAmraissianer to Administer Oaths ir the Supreow Oourt of Judicature. < Hr. JllTH Gaiqusx. Mr S.A. GnoRox.- )ear Sir—PleaM send me three gross f Cough Balsast I at once, as I shall be quite out in a few days. The sale raring the preo., sent winter has been the greatest I j have yet had, as many is thirty bottles having been purchase at my shop ia I a day. This has beet saused entirely by the recommendati a of those wbp. have ted its effioao I jm, dear sir, yot a faithfully, J Philip ALPH, I High Town Hereford, JAnary 17, IM OAUTIC I Tbe Pnblio are partic Jarly reqsisted to observe that the wo Is "U EO RGLIN COUGH BALSAM" < re stamped as each Bottle. None O twine without. The "COUGH BA SAY," will lie found peouiinriy serv wable for B&. LHVING ALL PAP. S, from what. > ever causing arising* i ich as TOOTH- ACHE. EAR-ACHE.. 'AIN IN THE CHEST OR BOWELl DIARRHGBA, fto., &c. Sold i i, Bottles, at 1 It and 2/9 eaolv by most hemists a Mediaine 7«s* dors in the World. B. A. CEOf ICE, MRDICAL ALL, PEN-TUB, PO TYPRIDD, ( ^soiuiimnu. 11'" Georg* Cough Balaai.ii, 0 Me-Jol>ers of Parliament, viilitaiy CommaniL rti, Cier^ji'mHn, i'nblie Speakers -nd SiogL-s, 0:t >taina ,r Bbip6, ;-<ch)l)l.n.e;rlJ, oDd otturs, ap,u whom th" i{,ravitio«is of Olt. I °, bad impoo< d ti;e oi?oe«S!ty f-r r lin- quishing employment, tva "1 enabled t-, r^smne their eug -riirn a by taking George's Cough BalsaiD. LAMBiNG SEASON COUNBK'a PINK'S DEVONSHIRE OLiS For Fh-»np, iiorees, aad oattie. OTAND atirivaj d lit vaIuh in tll" SfiAsDST OP* LAMBING. J'lioaaaodsi of Bwa,¡ 4iid L bin js have; been saved by tlt-.fr ia «H'38 ot O >uli, tions, Swollen av iiiack U Jd, rs, Sciac, j to pre- vent Heaving. Established 55 ytjars.— Promptly va<?ti i nuilual)". for Via txterual ot internal ailiueu*. v»>: invl-jiit A fineBMBROOA iOtvt Broken Kno -(t ,,Chaps*. Brnises, Swell)iailnjumatious, .-i-i.;>?.-?, Tunw ness, Sprung T;»-.H<>n3. Ac. Sold e\t->-w?jere. 2a wine size. Sco^r ?*» !-ambntriaster-d M t><><EVON»- SHIHE COMPOU N D (A:er<*r fail*,) 2, by post, 4s6d.—COLNEK'H FAMILY EMiiRUwn tTONIee Colds in the Che,,t, i. cidentS' &c., 19 for Tostiro joi^l ë"prie Kichard Corner. W-lliugton. SoinerHc-t, wi)se aW- nature is on cacil- j. u- or it ii; —iieidsteredl Trade Mark" DK YDNSHIRB.* Coiliery Offi- car.lift, February Ij^tb, 188S MR Richart) Cdkuhjl—Dear Sir,—We Lave pie Burei n Btating that we hllove for tMme time p:«3t bee using your Dsvpkshike Oils for onr Horses, and (Mar people advise \18, with very satisfactory resuU«. Va have over 70 Horses at oar Colliery. We ha" smA you a renewal of our Cl.-dem-We are, dear air, tobeNI truly, GKO INOOL33 A OW,