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IMP CP: T ANT NOTICE. All UUIRS In Advertisements SliCL j-jL) LE SiiNT IN BY W EDNESDAY Ti; RECUSE IXSEBTIOS. All News sfcon!d also be sent in by Wednesday night. SOOKSI BOOKS! B 0 0 X BOOKBINDING, BOOKBINDING, ,1 BOOKBINDIW6 MATLY AND OMAPLT DOJtf AT B. DAVIES* cnOflCLB" STEil mrnn WWI, 23 4 24, MILL STBMT, PONTYPRIDD PRINTING neatly and promptly at the I&BOIUCUI sm PONTTPRlZnX to «- P08TISS n iu Sana, o» u»a, t*>* I u MOBS Cotooia, go w D»VW Granting Work*, Hi A 84, Mill Sfcrwot. pridd. HAKDBILL8 Awr CIRCULARS for 1,v- and Others, ia large or etaftll awlwditiounly D»vi«a' Stdv* Printing Warka, 83 & U, Mill Street, P"=., pridd. ucnOEICLE" STEiM PSfflTlSG WORt: T>1T:T. INVOIC1, MSJIOBANOTH ANI> NOT- Jj HEADINGS, promptly aad tastefully prints at Davios' Steam Printing Works, Z. & t- Kill Street, Pontypridd. BANKBUPTOY FORM8, Notices of Crediu- JJ Meetings, aid all kinds of Solicitors' prints eZOOEted at levies' Steam Printing Worts, i A 24, Mill Street, Pontypridd. A UOTIOK"EEE.S' BILLS, Catalogue and »»».>.i UL aanoancem ents at l>*vie»' Steam -nrvv. Works, 23 A 24, 3 £ iil-ii„-Pnnfcvnricd SALUD 2/9 SALUd 2/9 SALUD 2/9 DBINABYDI8EiSEff T. "W L; PO.AT&N Remedy. A certain aad needy ooze. Highly approved oi Dy the Medical Faculty.EfTactive where other drug* fail. See testimonial* (jfagish and iV>r«ign) with eaeh bottle. Of all Coemi«ta, and Wholesale of SALUD Co., Lv., BATAM 6£80- oxx ItOKOOH, KJX lr4 This infallible, painless, aai certain raSMif, intee* faced by J. MUNDAY, ku obtained a world-wide it, Entation. The effieaey ef M Vnunntn may bo jodce| y ita having eared earns of over SO yean' standing, whieh had resitted all other remedies. It guceeeds where all Plasters aad CaMtfea hwi failed In Removing both bard or soft Com lid lute. In Bottles, Prloe 1. by Post la SC From MUle. Mari, MrrtUr. Mr Munday, Amsterdam. leDnl bea- ,Sir,- I bought a hottla of yeur enrenm .1rId", some six months ago in PAril, which ettred me, and as I i* < principal dancer you know my feet ara iny living. The bought did the service you recommended it, btt I botJfhl another oe e afterwards whieh was forged and ae seed. Am want a bottle of gencin* for a friend of mine, who la nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one di,:tct. Xdlle. KARlE XITIXSB. From Mr. D Anthony, Swantea. Dear Sir,- I myself have suffeied with ccrns, and trlel several of the certain cures which people boast they have, W e, they al! failed ia my »a.*e. I then got a bottle of yeiu Viridine," an i by applying rune nightly to the earn I was surprised to find I could dr*w it clean up I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. 4 NOTICE.—The great susoe»s of my "VIRIDINI" has forou'lit uianv worthless imitations into the market, ondei various name? a« Corn Cure." The pnblic are, therefere, cautioned to purchase no other thsn MUNDAVS vIRIDI!T?, and see tbat my signature is on tie end of each package. PREPARED ONLY BT J. IfTJNDAT, Chemist, I, High St., Cardiff. A Sold by all (-'hem' st i nd Patent Medicine Dealers London Agents—Wilcox & Co.. ii3. Oxfoid St., W. Sewbery & Sons, Sanger, Sn.ton. Hovpadea, dke. THE LATEST MARVEL. Mr B. A GicoRric,- Dear Sir,-Be good enough to forward me another gross of ycur 'Cough Balsam,' the sale of which is rapidly increasing in this district; indeed, I have never known any Cough Medicine that has so qnickly obtained so great a stile, and given aneh universal satisfaction. I am, dear Sir, Yours fiithfully, PHFLLIP RALPH. High Town, Hereford, iagast 27, 1878. BENSON'S ROYAL EXCRAME" SILVER GOLD (YD* Cd 0 = cd ,rffm I T ro )., m = BENSON'S KEYLVS LEVE?R. r "ROYAL EXCHANGE" WATCH WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. BENSON'S CLOCKS.-Marble. BENSON'S CLOCKS.-Gilt. BENSON'S CLOCKS.-Carriage. BENSON'S CLOCKS.-Chime. BENSON'S CLOCKS.-Church. BENSON'S Illustrated Pamphlets Free. J. W. BENSON, Qaeen's Watchmaker, STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL; 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE; and 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON. 6 £ U (u/ Lil T. & «—• 5 > > M v« i .S %Ti:, t 1' I:' ¡: ;f '] \m \) ié ru' TrJ rwwT^WTwm ■ I /§IPs A,' & J- X5ACIRLL7G_-I230N, 'W'/OtL^y 5* 1VHFA<TT 1:. !•:< • p'^o'oHrtT, p-as'i'Srb.irfti?.' Pit c"r'c.2 :). VVeo k. tnoas • "»'■ MWIFSO- iure .i c CtHeurij I'" 11.. ](':T i; V r X' .-=! •••< rsi* cov Kits at;gglx3, s' i -gs KaITTIKG YAiiNS. kc. ri»ms ttoni the leading Journal. c^iur^e?:&fftH part:o«!aM s-z t .t:ar!c-:uir?d. yield ot v. e<it. &c.o crpUratfon as »•*>▼«. See o"7 o' er.pTiTi^; -l(y, ;eet tt.8 o"7 E o' er.pTiTi^; -l(y, ;eet in tt.8 Illter;1\únl: E)iliîi(). 2Ui;onr-a.C: .Kc c. "=- -_# George's Coucjh Brusam. ',j"" "J l, L1 '< f A N M ARV •• LLOTJ< < ]X THR II HON" PDA li A-li Ter,re, Fpn'rf.i' Der.r sir.— I rave trrfat ple«snrr> in be-i:. i:iE Rincer? testimony to the- VH'UB TI>' jntir BallIm. r\,r a j, ,n.! f>♦-r:-■<] [ snfftiFd from ft cr>!(i, in my c isr. which T"r¡df're, me a burdeo t3 mY"t"f "win: t;) congS, 8 rea'.b, h^Hr?eiic.-s. blo, cl-s,itting, v to He >M hH.1, iDRbili'y to walk. in fact. iuab;!ity t. do except si:ting in !.I f- that gainful enons;h very often. Bat cne rigtt n fr'.ef: eee me find asked me if I bud George's Congh Bslsam. I ?ep ied arid he advised me to :ry ir, that ic would be snre to do me pood. So I resolved to pive it a trial, and I am glnd tu state it gave me wonderful relief; and, in my opinion, there is nothing like :t for the above ailments. Y oars, Jonx JoxEe." Prepared only by B. A. ftliJOKGE, Medical Hall, Pentre, and pold every- wfaoro in bottles at Is lid ecch. A VWMM wmm. BWRCHI 11*8 PILLS, r7PATENT Hi I|1 PILLS. jSJ T.5 "SA Ave adwiHti by tkesssoli to b* wartti a ftasasa a bac tor hiUows Mwi a«cvons dis oadera, aaeh as wsad Mid nain in tha atowad*, siak headaebe niddkaeoa fwiness (Mtd fwetHsg afteg aaeais, dixameee and dhrowsiness, 4wid obiHs, Anshinos of hema, loss of appetite, shortness of toea&, coetiveaass, searvy, Motehes on the skin, £ Utarbed sleep, frigbtftil and all u^rvoas and tremblings sen^c-t!•;•««, *c. The first dose will gi?e ratief ia tweutv missies. Tikin is *.1 Action, for t.bey have done it ia thoneaads of sasea. "N'1 mfforl-r is lIestiy invited to tey fxio box of Pills, %Li tke-y will be acknowledged to he WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fematos of all ages these Pills are mvainabie, ita a few &»es carry off all gross hnraoors, upeu all obetroetiene, and L-cing abont all that i required. No foinaie shoald be witVvoat them. There is no medicino to be fttqnd to eqnal BEECHAM'S PILLS for ramovii^T avty- ohstrnetion or irregnlfwriky of the sjrs- UJ. If taken meor(littg to the directions given with etneh box tbev will sj,)a restore fooialee of all agos to stond aati robust health. For a weak stoiM^ch, invpaired digestion, aad all liwwdors of the ttver, they aet like MAGIC," and a few doses w4H be foand to work wonders upon Ae most important organs of the human macbine. They strengthen the, whok fmscalar systew, reaore the long lost oomplerion, tbey bring back the keen edge ef appetite, and arooee into aetion with the B06E- BUD of bealdi the whole physical energy of the hnman frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thoasands eRiteaciucr all elassas of society; and one oi the Hest ^nar»atee5 ko the nervoaa and debilitated Bttechant's Piiis have the kurgest sale ot. any patent Mcdieiae ia the wend. tt BKKCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Conghs m general, Astbrna, difli- c''ty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression in the Gueet Whe* zin^, Ac., thees PiHs are iskrivalled; and any one labouring nnder any of the above eowiplainte need only try One Box te ,»rove that t;)k-y are the best ever oRöred to the pablis :or A^thmasio »«d Go>i»H»iptive Coughs, Hoarseness, JI,¡..d Oppressioti^f the Cheat. They speedily remove cfcst sesse of oppres^ic.a and diffieuHy of breathing ieh aigbtly deprive tioe patient of rest. They give *'r»i:-t i»>:ant relief w-d comfort to those nffiicted the ab-'«ve distreesing and, when neglected, don- i-rf m eoll.1plg, t- IA-t any person trenbled with any d th» hbove noii;plaints give I^bkcham's Couch Pills 1 4<1ts! T.>»o«t "I I t Congh will in a short time be r*- rti«j»ed. Cabtk;».—Tho pnblio are reqnssted to netiee tbat *s Piixs, St. Helen's," are an tit.- G»vem;a«ti rftamp sttissd to each box of the ritts. If on they rvre forgery. F,-e P.r,j oniy HUKJ sold wholesale and retail by the T. Pae^ha^. 01»»mist, St. Helen's, Lanca- shire. bosos If. lid vi ■.•<1. fret nfefc 10>1" ,o or ia —Sold by an Paioftt Jk^dieine Dealevs iu the Kine- IÑRoi .R.—Fall direations are given with each box. INFANTS' POWDERS. 1,7. s IN Registrar Geaerai, in Iii4 recently is- sued Quarterly Ke?nrn», efer, to the fact that the nnmber of deaths f in- faritsha.s bee*; far less in rierefoid- thlre t.lan in >• cy ;>?i."r connty, beinif ou'y 6o nat of every 'honsand b'rths -,ered. while in other con wis it ran from 154 11 J80 per tho-ioand. This sreat blessing is lar^y d'1e to th<j ^eror;»l practicei; t tleref.K d->hiie mothers için their infanra s Infants' Pow desks," of utie che- uiiat u :.■■■(' (,.tr P. tiJij.) more ;haD all other babies' p-e^a-ations together. -tb;jve Kre a few of the many !.h"h'.¡nd espfessi n? of the public as L; -e universal eteem in which tbey held by ail who ii'iv-1 rested their iu d utr auon infuiits and \i: L' r.i.aren. Imiohtant —The Proprietor wishes t.DOE' that give C-20?^2'S IKFA2TTS' POWDERS a tri.1, to nnderstand that the first dose often produces vomiting, this tr>!1sr tigt alarm them; it is only a rrf),, f the medicine is producing horefnt tifects. Cavtion. —When yoa ask for GSOEC-RS I^FA^TTS' POWDSBS See that you get them,-as other appa- rently cheop but icorikless gubsututes my be offered by nnpnncipied- par- ties. • Every jcuuine packet has the f r iper label, and the Inventer's ig. riatnfo witten on the Government t,i m ri. ■. 5otice.—The title GZORSS'S POWDERS is c [trod registered under the 'IVadv# ,\¡ arks Act. *#* Avoid a'] Soothing Syrup3 and so- Ciiled Powders containing Opium; they kill more infrtnes tnna all the diseaseg put together. Sold Chemists and Medicine V'M'corts everywhere, at 1/1 £ 71{'( nn:.I'I' T per par' -P- E P P S S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. A! OOOOA liNEN WHITE CLOTHING SWEET AS smw. MwM "s "Z: "w" I By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under Royal Letters Patent yi* Importance (md Utility. PATENT BORAX i:>\ EXTRACT I OF SOAP I "PERFECTION." PATENT- In duarter-Fonnd and Half- Found Packets of all Grocers, njijyll Known throughout the world bg this TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all othen. MB IOT OF THE WORLI TOA1PWTS me™ THE PEOPLE Proves w|t for Yalns, Qoality, and Bxeallence S«Svar« DnwMO Co's English Lover WdConos IMTO no Equal. j iUR W^TQSES are CONVENIENT, STRONG vJ REL^ £$L3, «nd EFFICIENT, and are solel] oar awn mouwaotere, thus the public dealing direc with ".1IMe (to themselves two large profits, thl Wholesale Merchants and the Retail Dealers. Qkw trade mottoes are Excellence, Efficiency, Un equated Value, Free Approval. Guaranteed Satisfac faction, and we assert, without fear of contradiction that we can serve the pablie better than they ean b< served elsowhopo. SEND FOR OUR CATALOG OE, and loan for yourselves what your neighbours sa) about onr Watches, and not only that, you will bl taught Bow to Choose a Watch; also learn how th< firm of Stewart Dawson & Co. have become SECONI TO NONE the wide world over as WATCH MANU JfAOTURERS. We will forward our Catalogue al Horology post free for Two Stamps, cost of postagt If you require a Watch ranging in price from 25s to £ 25, send at onee to j •STEWART DAWSON & CO., WATCH MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL i HAVEl YOUR OWN WOOL MADE INTO ClØTB I@ LTLO 11 A. & J. MACNAUGHTON, Woor.i.«r Uahctactubem, pITLOCHRY, PERTHSHIRE, Pay carriage (or Woolaeut them for lluiuft*. tnre into their Celebrated PITLOCHBT TWEEDS, DRESS TWEEDS, BLAMKKTS. BED COVERS, DRUGGETS, SHEETINGS. KNITTING YARNS, Ac., Ac. Hlgheit eolo- giami from the leading Joarca'v jjPaUania, •hargM.a full partieularm as ta time required, yield of vrool, iee., on application as above. SM oot Exhibit oecnprlng 400 feat apaae in tbe lateinatioaal KxmoUioo, Xdinlmrcb.ct. No a. 20,000 Lives Lost. I A WFill CALAMITY! CAUSED BY USING ONE PACKET OF o Hafron's Powder. THE GREAT DISTROYER OF Bugs, Fleas, Crickets, Blackbeetles, Moths, Cockroaches, Ants, Lice, and all Insects. Sold in Green Packets at 2d. Each, I — 6ci and Is Tins.— 3"A that the name 13AGON is on every Package, &J note that the Lowest Price Packet is 2d. L Sf) 11 27.-?.>• matie of H tgou's Powder." Sold by the Following Agents — ° TRSFOREST—Hill, GeneralDealer PO' TYPP, ID D-Da vies, Chemist; D. Williams, Mill Street. iIATt OD—Mrs Morgan, Grocer, Trehavod Road, David Morgan, 20, Trehavod Road E. Thomas, Trehavod Road James Richards, Britannia Shop, Britannia. '4 FORTH—Davies, Grocer, Pontypridd Road; Samuel Grhfiths, ">5, Hannah Street. iiihALAW—Thomas Jones, Miskiu Shop: D. J. Rees, Grocer. IP ANDY—Prothero, Dunraven Street; Pegler, Dunraven Street; Thomas, 55, Dunraven Street. &.LWYNPIA—E. Meredith, Grocer. TREORKY—E..Jones, 17*2, High Street. ACH, YSTRAD—J. Jones Grocer lirimble, General Dealer. TREHERBERT-Joncs, Ironmonger, Bute Street and R. T. Jones, Ironmonger, 127, Bute-street. SALE! SALE SALE /'IRLAI ANNUAL SALB at the old-established X n nd in. ted oheip H' FU K, X f S f! V >; ■V ARE HOUSE, 7G ROCKHJ(RBI"JIVN" CARDIFF. A splendid opportunity for parties about to furnish. Ihe whole of the VALUABLE STOCK of Furniture, Carpets, Bedsteads, Bedding, Linoleums and Oilcloths, Clltlery and Electro Plate, Glass, China and Earthen- ware, General Fitney Goeds, Ac., &c., specially marked down a.t considerably REDUCED PRICES. Dont fail to see the bargains, and judge for yourselves. Izsr* All Goods Carriage PAID at- BERRY & CO. S, 7(;, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. •- .■ ¡ i i ¡ (':1/, vh-. TT *■ 1 «i. T> A T T I • xii .rf.o-j. c:, A.uii: this Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These- f:ur-ou* Pills ptii-:f- the BLOOD, and act powerludy, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF- LIFE. They Are confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy lin all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are. unsurpassed. r -1 f. ) PT' • •; '• if i. tts Searching and Healing Properties arc known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEQS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed oo the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cores SORH THROAT, Bronchitis. Cdughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never heen known to fail. Sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 633, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wo.id, in Boxes and Pocs, at is. lid., 2S. 9«L, 4s. 6d.„ns., *2S. and 33s. each. r. F»K printed directions are- affixed to eacn Pot and Box, and can De had inany language. N.B.-Advic Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the houxe of 11 and 4. or J.1 JItter. &" Trying to do business without advertising is like winking in the dark: you may know what you aN doing but nobody else doea. j I "9 THE SPRTVn-Tya" C- THE TBA h (V YOUR BEST FRIEND, J» *k" tyftajof the trials of the put winter, o. otherwise, to un I I' iym Eyans's ftDININE BITTERS. t The FAfHMt N J'BIDD ifff he has been overworked, or if health skowe any lipl el breaking up after the trials of the past Winter, is undombt- edly Gwilym Evang's Quiufm Bitters. It will brace up again the failing bodily powers, fortify the system against disease, and enable theFather to bear up in the future bet- ter than in the past. The STUDENT'S FRIBND when in danger of breaking down entirely after or during a course of severe study, or 11 the confinement to books threatens a. constitution 71\1- ready delicate is, beyond s doubt,GwilymEvane's Quin- ine Bitters. It directly coun- teracts the injurious effects of over-study, helps to build up fresh, healthy tissue in the body, purifies the blood, and thus clears the brain, and assists to secure that reserve of strength whieh the de- mands of close applioation to study necessitate. I <3r W IL YM • I E VAJtr I The CHILDRXirS FRIEND, if toy are growing rapidly, and are not M strong aa they ued to hot or If they appear delicate after the severe Winter we have gene throagh, is oertainly ftwilym Evanies Quinine Bitten. There! is nothing like it for pnrifying and enriching the bl^od, and thns producing glowing health in weakly frames. Try it. The Best Remedy of the Age. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, if he wants to be. reunited m health, if hol wants to rid the system of the weak-, neaaea entailed by the hard Winter, if he wants to be strong and enjoy the1 pleasures ef health ia ndevbtedly Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitten- w ca UIIETIIETIE I :EB I r-r I The MOTHER'S FRISKS the cares of the family are well ing heavily 011 her, er if any raageaent of the natural M tioDa is causing anxiety, Gwilym Bvens'a Quinine BUM It restores the failing health the body, gires efrength insM of weakness, and infuses new I into the blood. ttverv XeM sheuld use it. # The WORKMAN'S FttrmfD. he i» exposed to the weather, works for long hours in eloee! ventilated rooms, or breath) the impure air of the the furnaoe, or tho iaetery, Gwilym Evans's Qwnh Bitters. The timely mo this invaluable medieino hi many a time saved te family the Workman'! CM ings, as, without it, he have been compelled*It gi1 up his work. It has aa*i falling baek on the el«h»aa has reduced the doctor's Ml It has done so for othera, will do so for you if you gli it a fair trial. V_ Being a happy combination of the active prineiplea of the most famed and most valued medicimi plants known to modern science, ft Pr*c#8e •' manufacture, specially adapted to human needs. Everybody who haa tested it in any way, or seen it tried, has a good word to* say fee it. The Analysts declare it to be pare and harmless; the Deeton prescribe it as being safe an4 certain; the Chemists sell it as being popular and trustworthy; the Patienta nse it as beinr 1 positively unfailing remedy; and everybody deolaree it to be The Best Remedy of the Age for Affections of the Chest, for Diseases of the Blood, for Complaints of the Liver, and for tronblea of all kinds in the Stomach. As the universal testimony is that there is nothing equal to Gwilym Evans's Quiaine Bitters for removing effectually all theae complain ta, see that you get this, aaf this only. Other preparations, to some of which somewhat aimilar titles have been given, are eftef offered for sale for the sake of extra profit- Purchasers cannot be teo careful not to be aaiaI- Remember that what everybody acknowledgea as tIIelMet remedy of the age is Gwilym EmLm% Quinine Bitten. v Sold Everywhere. Praised by everybody. Agenta is JMrta ef the World. Prices:—Boitlm 2s 9d; double size, 4s 6d; cases of three large bottlea, 11a 6a. Te be had ef all Chemhta anj| Vendors of Patent Medicines, or will be sent at above prises te any addresa, free and aafe pat Parcels Post, secure from observation, direct from the 0 Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., Uanelly, South ea 30 YBABS T- IT C) -& I:R, J-D -TL R. B. BOULTOfT, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON. ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite Unireraitj Collet), C-A- IF, Having had great experience both in ngliKh and American systems of Denial pnw is enablod to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner whieh tNl very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent n—nprmitiop, which only a perfect impression of tbe month can be obtained, he ia enabled to msb beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural allium a—a ud which defy detection. No Sea-horse Irory Teeth. No 3s. Teeth. No Rubbish of uy tint RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets .from õs to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guinam Innmiov of U" Al Amalgam Stoppiisr at wed by the best Dentists in Europe t Ammittk ,st. TESTS SAVED by I t fL ow h; ch last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fata. NITROUS OUDE fiAf..aamlaisteeS. daffy at Cardiff by tbt best nl SETSS! tuetlwd, ,-<0- Hepairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentbts. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. "I Tka-work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Bonlton, of Aoton H, Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen.1" HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. u 3STOTXCE3. ASMOTED from St. Catherine's 8treet, to MR. NOTTS, 77, Tail Street, PeatrprtiW. Attejkdanoe—the first Wednesday in' each month from 2 to 4 o'eioek. AIM at Mss. Wiarris, Chemists, Ao, Mountain Ash, the same day from 10.3 to 1 o'clock. Attnis at Mju 3111 Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednosdar in -.mitt from 12 to 3. :1 t, iJan; villo Koad, Denmark Hill, London. 'mil i, rEI OCULIXEDE -EAPPINOB.' NO MORE SORE EYES I r t Alli persona Buffering from the above dutroming eomplaint shonld at onoe try F. Pilippini's Oculimede Gold Earrinp. 1 44-. and 6/- per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCHMAKER, ETC., I Market Street, Pontypridd ,4. 'o-. 1'- X0NE\ by WA Y of LOAN. !f TC TRADESMEN and OTHERS. vrR. W. MORG N, Accountant, Church Street, Ui* Pontypridd, has had placed at his ^he sum of £ 500, tt be lent iu sums of £ 2 toJUOO, -epayable by instalments. Tradesmen and otheaa lesirons of temporary ecuciary assistance maj <± Aecom modated on ap lication personally or hi ettet tó the above. The utmost secrecy may be relied upon. M ■eaa, W. MORGAN, deoowtfemt, OHnrch Street. PontyDrife .J. SPECIALLY WRISTBANDS, SIJI-TABLE FOR AFTS. OOLLARS. Sri 0 INFA,NTS' POWDERS, Marvellous are the effects of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS" U pun the Infant System. They are not only the very best and safest Medicine n.otherscan give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diu !In, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &c., &c. Sold by most Chemists, in packets, at 1/lt, or from the Proprietor, B. A. GEORGE, FBNTBB, PONTYPSiDD