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TlMj ..( 5: J." .1 N ( A: •«,. • 1 » Steam Printing' Works, ■, "r.f 33 and 24, MILL STREET, .>. ( 0" i //w-l F 0 IT T-m3 K, x ID 3D »|HRIMIHM [1843 AS -run Pimrr PBIMTIKO Omci 1. RIOXBSA.) B. DAVIES, PVBLNM- HM LARGE and RAPID Machinery to Compete with the Cheapest Houses in the Kingdomt IN JPosters. Handbills, Circulars, Billheads, Memorandum Forms, Books, Pam- phlets, Magazines, Club and Colliery .Rules, Financial Statements, &c. ,A GEORGE'S Cough Balsam. The Books of Brompton MosfAtu Do not contain a out of Asiotrn Unsmiaption which mi nt not OS e %MB effectually cur- George's ough Balsam. A great number of the most eminent •? PhyaFciaiwin the Kingdom, when e»«*7 •other means had failed, to teoiffl 1 ^Sections of the Chest and Lungs, bTe reoom mended their patients to <try r- George's Cough Balsam, And; the result has been immediate improvement and a speedy cure. Persons employed in factories, coal aad iron mines, olose and unwhole- some apartments, Ac., and whose suf- ferings are, therefore, the greater when afflicted with a hard congh, Itightnime or shortness of breath, hoarseness, bronobitifl, &o., never find, •anything do them half as much good George's Cough Balsam. whose little ones the ^ea ,-damp to be gathering aB iney lay gasping upon the bosom or pros- trated m the lap by Whooping Cough, have seen their ohetiahed idols revived and brought to life again by "George's Cough Balsam. Members of Parliament, Military Commandera, Clergymen, Publio Speakers and Singers, Captains of "Ships, Schoolmasters, and other,, upon -whom the aggravations of a bad ooogh bad imposed the necessity for relin- qaishing their employment, have been -enabled to reerftne their engagements by taking ^George's Cough Balsam. Jt is a truly wonderful Expeotorant, Aati-Bpaamodic, and Domnloent. No 0 family should be without it the countless Testimoniats. PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co. Was lid General Cabinet Maters, and House Fur. nishers. SheUibier for Adult Funerals. Coach fof Ohiidren's Funerals. Wreaths in grsat varietf Children'g Coffige from 7s. 6<?. Adults Coffins ^» ••• 25s. Polished Oak Coffins with White Trim* mings and padded inside 60s. thellibier to carry 8 inMde and coffin eut- «ide from Pontypridd, *°PJcinitown, Coedpenmaen. Ghssnworim ud Tre- forest to Cemetery to, ••• 8s. abaoh to carry 6 inside sad child s oofta outside from above ptM" to Oeesetecr -B. G. SOOTT, WATCHMAKER lID JEWELLLER, GO to inform the inhabitants of Porth and D District that he has BOUGHT THE BUSI- NESS lately carried on by W. L Jones, Jeweller, 37, Hannah-street, Porth, and is now offering the whole of the well-selected Stock. of latches, Clocks, Musical Boxes, Jewellery (In Silver and Gold), Electro Plate, Cutlery, and Fancy Goods, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Iff" All Accounts owing to W. L. Jones are now payable to me, .&G.8. Watches, Clooks, and Jewellery of every description Repaired and Cleaned on the shortest notice by oompetenfe workmen. All Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned at the above establishment will be kept in order for Twelve Months Free of Charge. All Purchasers of Wedding Rings will receive a WEDDING PRESENT of Half-a-dozen best Tea Spoons. OBSERVE THE ADDMM :— R. G. SCOTT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, PORTH. Trying to do business without advertising is like winking in the dark: you may know what you are doing but nobody else does. RUPTURES! RUPTURES « TIODGE'S PATENT ■ i. Self-adjusting j AUTOMATIC TRUSS SOFT BOBBIE SHELL T P6 U 8,9 is the most perfect we ever examined."—"Medical Press and and Circular," Oct. 21, 1885. HODGE'S Patent Truss is the most comfortable and effeotiye truss; it gives an elastic pressure, possessing a very greau advantage. It adapts Itself readily to the movements of the body. Lancet," Oct. 3, 1885. */T*By ingenious andsuccessful truss."—"British Medical Journal," May 23, 1885. WITHOUT enlarging the opening as conical Pa<?s,are apt to do, while its resiliency ensures the pad keeping its place without exerting injurious pressure. » Medical Times," Oct. 10,1885. POSSESS decided advantage both in efficiency and comfort over all others with which we are acquainted. —" Liverpool Medical Journal," January 7. 1886. "A very ingenious truss."—" Edinburgh Medi- cal Journal, Feb. 1st, 1886. Description, a Stamped Addressed Envelope, HODGE AND CO., Army Truss Makers, 327, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. FACTORy-IS. JAMES STBBBT, W. r "TheCLXAJT ME" BLACK LEAD UVABlinrt iUMitattMftMi Imlatin/^Ob^^OBable Redness, Roughness, Ta*„ UaMpiforjiftbU Skia Disfigure- ments Ae., however obstinate^ entirely fade away, leaving the Skiis sfee+tb, IraMQtareot, snnle, natural, and healthy. Perfectly harmless. SalphoHne is delightfully fragrant, cooling and refreshing: coun- teracts effects of weather, softens, and preserves. BottlM'2s. 9d. Sold everywhere. DOBNS, BUNIONS, AND EKLABOKD Toa JOINTS.— DSLLAR'S COIUf AKD BVNIOK PLASTBBS are the only remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions ever invented. By instantly scf&emng the callous sarroonding the pain goes at once, the corn soon following. Bunion* ana enlarged toe joints require more time for perfect etuire, hut the action is certain. Boxes. Sold by Chemists, -Ac. everywhere. GBHAT BODILY, NBBVB, MBHTAL, AND DIOKSTIVK STBXHOTB follows the use of Psrnifs QQUOSB AND IBOM TOXIC. By infusing new life into the nerves, enriohing the blood, and strengthening the muscular system, svmptoais of weakness disappear, appetite retains, fatigne ceases, and recruited nealth results. Insist on having Pepper's Tocie. It can now be obtained in 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It cogs about IJ& each does. i" ^ABAXACUM liIB PesonsTLi u*.—A liver medicine without mereury, is a mixtare of jaices of thje mandrake and dandelion slants, goed for headache, torpidity, «ostiveness^ ■ iatattadet heartharn, indices- tics, biliousness, repugnance to food, general ais- eomfort, depression, Ae. Pepper's Taraxacum Podo- phyllin, bjr stimalaiing theliTeu wfljh a piost gentle action on the stomach, is the safest,' most reliable medieine. Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insi" on having Pepper's. ) To DARKEN GBBY HAOt —LoctTZR'a Svii-xviL HAIa I RRSTORBB prodaoee a perfectly natural shade in & i few day*. Ke bair reitoMf offered is., eqa# Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleansing action on the hair, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. 6d. Sold everywhere. DRATNHSS, NOIBBS IN TBB EAIM, Ac.—DBLLABf ESMOTOB- TOB DGNANTBSY ieettll the-ealy »e«edy of any real worth. Its jiower of clearing the ear passage* aadVfit*10 c'elie vi ng old eases baa been proved aniiMg »quUriex ni at ^eentuy. Applied on cotton weal. Bottles, Is. lid. Sold everywhere. j A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR.—CBACBOR'S ABBCA-NCT weal. Bottles, Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR.—CBACBOR'S ABBCA-NCT TOOTH PASTB.—By using this delieious Aromatic Dentifrice, the fiflaBfllPttfShh teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially used for removing incrusta- tions ef tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists. Pots, Is. agd^-saflbve^eKbaexoft's. LIVBB COMPLAINT.—Three-fourths of our functional derangements are caused by interruption of the liver's action. A few doses of RIJto'. DANDELION AND QCNONB LIVBB PILLS, without mercury, are a potedt remedy. of mercury, without aiy^orlnr ^saovntkgeB and danger^. Dr. King's Pills remove all liver and stemaoh com- plaints, biliousness, headache, sickness, shoulder peine, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so ensur- old-fashioned Pills still the great liver remedy. Sola everywhere. Da/KinaVTLVRB PILLS, eo^t^tt)hg ^findetion and quinine, without mercury, are far above all others as the sarest, mildest maine of removing indigestion, bilioBsness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions and irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring pernet health. Dr. Kqpg's Pills are sold every- where. To STOP Couanmo, a few doses PBFPBB' WHITE COUGH MIXTURE arrests the most troubleso me fito f coughing,and tratfqpillity irritated mSslngftBes aoiSi, sappassifeiw. Soothing, comforting, and demulcent, its action is quite differ- ent from ordinary Cough Remedies. Bottles. Sold everywhere. oJ, great service for sore throat, whether inflammatory, relaxed, or ulcerated. Tannin Gargle is strongly re- commended to speakers, singers, &e. as greatlv pre- astringent, and cleansing. Bottles.^ Sold every- where f^LPHqLINB ScpLp A" ■qoNtAINING SULPHOIIINE.—if is a delicate^ refihed, chemically pure Soap, intended for general use, and is free from the injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, imper- fectlvprepared soaps. Sulpholine Soap is excellent for washing nm6B*&1ia xetideriM the skin soft, clear, and pliablfl.a,TabletB, 6d. each. Sold every- where ■M ;■ 1 11 ■■ ■ I ty. E. YAUGHan & (jo., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LtLANDAFF ROAD, CAHDIFK. Branch EstablÚJlaments 77. ->KHKRBTOWN, "1 pATtDTvy 21b STREET. J 52, VI. MMEitCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 83, n.'iTil -i'FEET, NEWPORT.: 27, 0 Si E .hEVT, SWANSEA. for Rhondda:- MR. J. H jHJM A.8, TAILOR & DRAPER, a. 1\, Au J 'EET, PORTH. 4'" PERILOUS ADVENTURE ON CADERIDRIS. Much excitement, says a correspondent, has been created at Towyn, on the Welsh coast, by the ad- ventures of a minister and his wife and family. The He v. W. E. Henigson, M.A., of Coventry, who, with the members of his family and a friend were staying at that quie £ watering place, made an ascent at Caderldris, and after spending the day upon the great mountain they made an attempt, at four o'clock, to descend the peak by the renowned Fox's path, a precipitous stone-strewn slope, leading down to Lake jLhmyjcadei'. Ioattjad'ofTstriking tlie path, however, (Kapfctty taint beyond and got separated, ultilllH tely finding themselves in positions of such danger that they had to seek shelter for the night amid the rocks. At nightfall the minister and his wife found, theeis^Wj^mding. vJPW a precipice so deep that a fall oveir it tfotfldTuirfe resulted in their being dashed to pieces. Three other members of the party, who were hidden from sight by a huge piece of rock, also got into a situation where they could move neither backwards nor forwards. They cried aloud for help without avail, and were compel- led to remain in their perilous location throughout the night. During many hours of the night the moun- tain was enveloped in a dense mist With an al- most superhuman effort Mr. Henigson at length dragged himself from his place and clambered up the cliffs. After a long and weary journey he suc- ceeded in getting a strong band of men, who hur- ried to the mountain with ropes to rescue the affrighted family from their hazardous positions. With great difficulty the party were drawn up the rocks by the ropes, and were subsequently lodged in a cottage at the foot of the mountain. After some rest the ladies seemed but little the worse for their extraordinary adventure, but Mr. Henigson suffered severely. He lost his voice by continually shouting for help, and became prostrated by the long night and his exertions in thrice climbing the great moun- tain within the 24 hours.

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-','r.,." TOPICS OF uti, WEEK.…

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