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HUSHES' Blood Pills. THE GREAT CURE OV Blood, Skin, I Nerves, Liver and Stomach, Complaints GIK- in-I Wonderful Medicine, To be taken in the japring, Summer* Autumn and Winter "T HUGHES' f' V:: Blood Pills. I Celebrated Remedy for Scurvy, Scrofula, Boils. Sltirl Hash, Headache, Biliousness, Nervous- tiess. Fits, Rheuma- tism, ,.Neiirttlgia,l Sore >01" Eyes. Distemper, Giddiness,Costiveuess, Wounds, Ulcers.^&c. 1&0. IO,Tmt HEDICIHE FOR. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. J. w • y _| ,il II' Sol4 way, Clwsast at Is Hd, 2sI9d, 4s 6d. Hughes" Blood Pills WARNING! GREAT DECEPTION Is now practiced upon the Public. The -notoriety these Pills has created base imitation!). BEWARE that no spurious article is sold you, closely imitating the original. See that you get "HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS with the trade mark, a "HBAST" on each box. When offered a spurious article, communicate with the Proprietor— JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, "FEIsT JLxS/TH. 'ICLRTAIN .CURE I I Tbkinfallible, »aial.se,and MrtBteNMlkhf iseed »y y. MPMbAT.Iuaihtsisil ■ which had HMHi elhst IllMMrfivbmall PIMIIMNIOMWIIM (ftilfi liltsHlii toft tat rkm« On* itf Into. ta Bottles, Prtoe 18., by Mliai lVw|,|4b. Jferff 1 BOMGKTS*»•«• «* YM <5SWWSP^BHS» MM BMltto *n £ N^ Jj* wtaaipai rt»nt«r *y *•* *» *f yi*. Jgewm Wsckt4M the aarvtaa ye* tmemmmUA •aether eae afterwarda wWah was farfadaa* as Mi l>J ml t Uttlt «f«miwfcr i Mead ef aiif,«wlitMV ma with pain, •—•jmasa«u» .4IIe. M..8m tkeyal! failed im my aaa*. I tt* l|* tjWM_ff JW etanpa te another boiiU for a <H«a4 ef wtaa. NOTICE. —The great raecM *f ay Vnnuft B«ny wertMeaa ialtatieas late tt« tiM, ■*» THtow imm h c«r* Cw." tt* JJ5w«SrtSSl entincd tA pwehaae ether than MuttDAT'a "VIBIDIKS," aee tkat my aifMtar* %a aa* m MChpackace. PRC PA RED OXLT BT J. ODA y, Chemist, 1, High St, CirdSft B*M ky all Cheralata and Patent XcdictM Dwlw Lidn ^|aili'—Wilcex & Ce., It], Oilwd 84-, W< Mewfcsry A Bens, SMKK, Ssttoa, Heveaden, Ae. THE LATEST MARTKL Mr B. A QNMI,- DMT Sir,—Be good aaoagk to forward no uoOitr gross ef your 'Coso UM' tka Ml* of whieh is nyiil; iaereasiag'in this distriot; i. I un ..ww NW I oosgb mo"so, SW b" me quimv w p«at i •»!•, iai givea MB MiTWll sstislaatiaa. I MB, iw lir, i T«m faiihfally, PHILLIP BALM. Sigh Town, I««M, iyny/iwi. BUT ONLY ENGLISH IATCm. BEN" SON'S I HEW FATEKT Jfo. 06M.) "LUDGATE" WATOH H as obtained tl^, SM»**fr *W**B «ri GOLD HVHEJXXAJL. AT TMS Inventions. Exhibition, 1885 8ø.9_, j, fiw. Ä. I 1\8 ilidgitel Watch is a Silver English Lira Of my Beet Locdon Make with "Special Strength," FHREE-QUARFER PLATE MOYEMNf. Jewelled throughout in Rubies. True Chronometer Balance, Adjusted for Extremes* With Damp and Dust Proof J" Patent Ring Band and Extended Barrel Mftssivs Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CRYSTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the NwatM ,with thrcmrenienes-of ths Open Face Watch. Winds, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy, and Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to Swiss tind American (made in Imitation of and sold as English), and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever still sold by other makers), from the great refects of which the Ie Ludpte II 18 exempt,—is oved by the Award of a COLD MEDAL, The only one adjudged to English Watches. The Ludgate is of Better Quality and Valuo Than any jKlO Watch hitherto made. The Lndgale" is my Best London Make. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest usage. And is, therefore, the Best Watch For Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, Railway Men, Miners and Colonists (No. 1, Large Size) Workmen and Artizans (No. 2, as Sketch) Gentlemen, Officers and Men in H.M. Services, Youths' and Boys' (No. 8. Small)v Will be sent Free and Safeiat my Risk A To all parts of the World for 25 be. h in 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass Cam It WELVE GUINEAS (No. 3 Size). A Remi ttance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order, w SPECIALLY NOTB tk»t J. W. BBMSUTT is the Maker of a Throa-Quarter Plate Engiisn W.teh for £ 5 51 in Silver, or 912 118 in OxJd, and that our Patent Ladgate Wateh caunot be had through or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. An illustrated and Priced BOOK, explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Fall-plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Poat-free on application to J. W. BENSON, | WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, fi & 64. LUDGATE HILL, E.C. And 16. OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GOLD MKDAL, the demand, always great, has sc increased to neces- sitate more extensive Machinery, which now en v ies ns to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS tor the 'LUD- GATE' WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches n j:.] 92 to JE500. Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Cninie «i.«l Turret), Electro-Plate, and Musical Boxes. Free ci. application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FORflMEN. RE TARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their Incomes considerably in- creased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent Lmdgate" Watch, as it is worth from JM to JBU store than any English Watch sold, and therefort bound to npezeede all others. Particulars on appli i iifaitf 'ArtiiT sSSSMRT c I -ML i. I.- nUsw» a^iHaita <»fS>SMad'«MSVM*» beim im do @&to" bm Id &WWM memo". W"6" omm== VIA-"Of mm MMB, tm Ihey have DOM ll sa ihoaaaala N MM. Ii'wj Man h wwi<lriswirf trhf^aa-t*stf-i- thine ISIs, aai vifl he ashwMged h la WOttTH A. OUIVCA. A BOX as a leer 4MM niafal r*ai WMH, •fas'ia atatraa^awe, «ri hsn^i akaal aH hal is Mfiiial. la inwait A*aMho lihai thsaa. Vkwa is aa aelhbi «Mh oaja sssl»a <—jlas ai ala«ii'ts Fer: i^Jar^«b«MM^ia^MM<*diMaMeaL aa^'aB I! i liaie< <fcefceea.Ihay ast Mho"HAtHC." aai a awl memtmmI ayy of WliaMkiir«lgi?f^»i» RKXiira KAOIO OOUOH mu. As a waaiy Is* #ec«ha a-pasa^Attta^ HA- Fids aas aanvalsi; sad amy eoe lahonriag aaisr aay s<lb*ateutnaiainiaairfosb try Qae|« to fr#» LHIT'«»A^-WA FT&E HSERB'AJPXIA TASEJIMKI Isr Aaihiaalieaai Cea—ptiveCoughs, Heainaisa, aai Oapiiaatea at is Chiat. IW asaadily Maiaw ii5Zal#^fc..jhisg ahaah >J|htlj ii^i« Aa patisoi M i*esi. IMI |M ahyt iaetaa* saUef sad etafart to those dfcnted Ji^?aa!i^fctosSK ^"SSI'Siy pawa^ *t the above «*aylaiats givo ITaasata's Gooaai Pau atrial. # TtMMMet -»»leot Piaah will m a dhat liato ho sa- ■aoved. «Mh oaja sssl»a <—jlas ai ala«ii'ts Fer: i^Jar^«b«MM^ia^MM<*diMaMeaL aa^'aB I! i liaie< <fcefceea.Ihay ast Mho"HAtHC." aai a awl memtmmI ayy of WliaMkiir«lgi?f^»i» RKXiira KAOIO OOUOH mu. As a waaiy Is* #ec«ha a-pasa^Attta^ HA- Fids aas aanvalsi; sad amy eoe lahonriag aaisr aay s<lb*ateutnaiainiaairfosb try Qae|« to fr#» LHIT'«»A^-WA FT&E HSERB'AJPXIA TASEJIMKI Isr Aaihiaalieaai Cea—ptiveCoughs, Heainaisa, aai Oapiiaatea at is Chiat. IW asaadily Maiaw ii5Zal#^fc..jhisg ahaah >J|htlj ii^i« Aa patisoi M i*esi. IMI |M ahyt iaetaa* saUef sad etafart to those dfcnted Ji^?aa!i^fctosSK ^"SSI'Siy pawa^ *t the above «*aylaiats givo ITaasata's Gooaai Pau atrial. # TtMMMet -»»leot Piaah will m a dhat liato ho sa- ■aoved. 6*eaa*.—The paklis aas laaeasled to astiea that P*a||ah aai iatsM MMMMM HI the Ibf- ■ i i i.i .■ Ti ■'■<» INFANTS' POWOEitS. RABIES IN HEKIEROKDSNIRB.THE Registrar (ienerai, in his reo«ntly is- sued Quarterly Ketnruk, ief^rs to the faat tbt^ tqe nnOjbrr of deaths of *ip- fajite has beeu far leas in Hereford. shire tLan in any oth*r oounty, being only 65 unt of ettcy thousand births registered, while in other counties it rjin from 154 to 180 pec thousand. Thia gr^irt foc^l blesamg feiar^ety doe tortieffeoorttV^ractioeofHerefordshire mothers giving their infants "GKOKGK'S JNTA^I^' POV\OBK»," of whieh one che- mist alone in Herefordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than-all other babies' prepaiatinns put together. ### The above nre a few of the many thousand expressions of the public as to the universal esteem in vyhich they are held by all who ht»v« tested their undoubted power upon infants and young children. IMPORTANT.—The Proprietor wish?* those that giv? GEOEGE'S INFANTS' POWDEES a trial) to understand that the first dose often produces vomiting, this most not alarm them; it is only a proof that the medicine is producing hopeful effeots. CAUTION.—When yon ask for EMEU'S INFANTS'POWDEBS See that you get them, as other appa* reotly cheap but worthless substitutes may be offered by unprincipled par- ties. Every genuine packet has the proper label, and the Inventer's Sig- • nature written on the Government Stamp- NOTICE.—The title GEOEGE'S INFANTS' POWLEES is copyright, acd registered under the Trade Marks Act. *#* Avoid art Soothing Syrups and so- called Powders containing Opium; they kill more infants than all the diseases put together. Sold by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors everywhere, at 1/1 per packet. E P P S S mothers giving their infants "GKOKGK'S JNTA^I^' POV\OBK»," of whieh one che- mist alone in Herefordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than-all other babies' prepaiatinns put together. 0*9 1'he above are a few of the many thousand expressions of the public as to the universal esteem in vyhich they are held by all who ht»v« tested their undoubted power upon infants and young children. IMPORTANT.—The Proprietor wiehew those that give GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDEES a trial) to understand tha-t the Brat dose often produces vomiting, this most not alarm them; it is only a proof that the medicine is producing hopeful effeots. CAUTION.—When yon ask for GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS See that you get them, as other appa* reotly cheap but worthless substitutes may be offered by unprincipled par- ties. Every genuine packet has the proper label, and the Inventer's Sig- • nature written on the Government Stamp- NoMcz.—The title GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS is copyright, acd registered under the Trade Marks Act. Avoid ait Sootbing Syrups and no- called Powders containing Opium; they kill more infants than all the diseases put together. Sold by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors everywhere, at 1/1! per packet. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFOHTING. k:" A GOOOA QUEEN'S PATENT m FOR I EXCELLENCE HIGHEST AWARD IS THE WOBLD-I BECAUSE I PATENT (I TRADEMARK BORAX I DRY SOAP "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING, WASHING, and PUEIFYINO EVERYTHING. Ill Quarter-Pound and Half-Pound Packets, of all Grooere. PATENT 89 Sir Known Everywhere by thi.- TRADEMARK I Aik for Patent Borax, and refine all ethent two%is gr Olt, iTz Talc Prevss MM* 1st Valae, Qaalito, and BiMbae* MMM Dawaaa M Ce English Levjf. Watonss have so Equal. vUB WASMBBS are OONVfiNIBNT, STRONG ■« B* Ihinjwllres; Mvo larx* pnffta, th« Whadwtis ■iMlaart a»d th4 lietail 9<U»r4t Qm trade metteea are Escellenct, UMciency, Un afasiled Yalae, Free Approval. Gnarautoed Satisfac feetiea, isl we assert, without fear ef eeatradietieu thafc wa saa.sapw .ths pn.hiic hflUac. than thsy <« Dc aerved etssvksre. UKB FOR OUK OATALOO OS.. ^ad kaiffa m yea«kehFM' what v«ur neigbhesrs saj ahott 4mx Watches, and net ealy that, yoa will b< toaght lit. to Cheese a Watch; also learu how tfa* 1- ..c .&ø.nr- &~iio harrwtveoew8BOON! TO NOME the wide world over aa WATCH MANU MOTUBBH8. We will forward oar Catdlegae at Waaalsgjf post free for Two Btomps, eeat of postagf 'i{J.- Mature a Watch ranging ia priee from 268 to M, ssaa at eneeto •STEWART DAWSON & GOt; WATMN IfANDFACTURERS. UYSBPOOL ENGINES FOR SALE. TCM BOBS* VOVBS TBSTMA1 ENMtE WD B0H.ER, WITH FITTINuS. Jngin&—8in. Stroke 4in. Bore. Boiler— 6ft. by 2ft. 2in.f -IN FIRST CLASS WORKING ORDER. ALSO A HALF-HO^SE POWER Vertieal Engine and Boiler, Bj^pno-—6in. ^treke, Sin. Bore, and all fittings oomplote. TO BB SS&B <MF*9 All may be seen at the CHSOHICHLE Office. TRICYCLES! TRICYLES! To be Sold, Cheap, A 44 INCH CAMBRIAN '( T ::rn' TRIOVOIjS:, in First-claas Condition, including a PAIR OF LAMPS, and all accessories. A BAMAH. V< F #" ALSO A covim-TRT ROTARY TRJCm, ,MALUS eSJ Si,U Gear, Fast Mttchine, and good, øtrcmg: Roadster. -I For further particulars, apply at the "CKBOXICLB" Office, where the machines may be seen. HEATHS PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND I HARMONIUMS. Thrte Yeare Systen. Is Applied to MM Kce and Parchaa* «I laitouaaenV hf ad Meteor fr*«n 10« Msctkly- SMQC flatftoaasat •aacavtN# Ce-eperativc Pri<f far Gash. a ia WsJea to Select fresa. t% oBstrYiNnraTpw*, OARDIF/ IOU mmSSB OSjfRl"i HB 1« PITLOCHRY. PKBTHSOIBC; — -— a Fay carriaga tor Wool MUIUMID for Hsnnifee. VfUUL aassssMra's^Sg HADE IITQ AV jagnrl Jrisld of wool, ic„ on applle«tion U mboit. S«* HEALTH rOR ALL! ii 0-t L fhia Great Household Ke(Ucine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These C:m.)\). Pills purify the BLOOD, and act Ifteo powerluuy, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, und BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy In all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are Wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. t I 1-1' ,1 I' Its Searching and Healing Properties arc known throaghout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed oC the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to faiL Sold at Professor HOLLOWAVS Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wo.id, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ijd., 2s. 9d., 4S. *2S. and 33s. each. FME printed directions are- affixed to each Pot and Box, and can De had III language. V.B.—Advice Gratis, at the aboTe address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter, "¥ ff o- THE YE^y I #• vouit BElaT FRIEND. » B it Im qdm bo tm Wftkmm ty OW, I" of as P" vhftr, w 4"wio% #a fiyilpn M^pWNE BITTERSu n. oaneanp* mam. atk^ 2i2S5S'S«Sl5B 3s535«sa!its:rrt50 &fvs^aC rl twaar 4sttsata ilhr 1h» in Wiartss itaw*r, rfyaratiamB tola iHSas^s aatirsly aftoe m dariag J |r lu! rp^h^Wt^ha waata to ha S^ hady, fari«as'«to Mm4, imv pleaeana ef NMt jltjJMwkmQ] i^SQ is mesa" <a tr 1 ar a aa-a ■■ hamaa naada. Kvocyhady whe kas *eetodlfcla Wti^wageo^ wor# iaMf,lv it. The Analysis 4eelaca k to he kemtegj^JMtqi. if as Wiag altarf certain; thTcho^Se eeU Mas heiM y>^lS^¥^yaa¥il^r lhePhitoSto«ea?aahehi• podtfTely satoilae twdf; w* wwiMy lfc le he ti The Best Remedy «f the Age • lor Affooti—ef tha Chest, for Diaaease "jMrletr fhfliieto ef tiirLiwsr. eailttnallB ef all kiada ia AM Bteaaaeh. Aa the ie selhlag ef aai to Mb| ■vase's ^sisiae BMIen for reseviag eieetaa^ "BSt 4haUMalsla, aee that jea get thj% «l ttfeBly. to wae <( wb wsmit Uto fcm hen pm, aedlB SSSMT fhr liSrniWi eake ef estm steil.' —Betha I— aawftil set hi heB^h* B—eaiher that what everybody a«ksewl«^gM — Ifce Wei wed| ef the age l« Owttym Mmmdk %tiaise BiUeea. « Sold Everywhere. Praised by everybody. Age^lsattSaBsef tbe We*|4. Mest«4|illB f totd; doaWa #ef, «eM; saseesf three large hettUe, !»« £ Te W ta4 ff etf OmMi s3| %iien sf liURt-Madieiiea, or will he seat at efceee ydeM tt eaf airfea, free as< ale W* Pareels Peat, eeoare frost abservatien, direet frost the r Pre^ietor—Mr OWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., Hanaily, Soutti Wjgha M :i. <30 ^ABS IN QABDIFF. R. B. BQXJLTQN, i. L BNdLlSB AND AMERICAN DENTAL SUBOSOK. ■ ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, y (Opposite Usirarsity OeHeje), d Q^JRDXFH\ 1 darisf kad grcst ezpenesoa bath in <nglieh and Amerioas sjetMU sf Denial asMflBBr is enabled to give to hie patients the benefit of sash aapaciasoe is a siaaBsr wfittlp very few Destiats cas offer; and being the Isrestor el the PatoB* (^sfealM^ %| whK* srperfect impression of the BM>ath oas he obtained, he ie esahled to MM TMtk weskauuuhip^ ef satenl appMBI No. Sea-heise Irei7 Teeth. It as. TeeI. It Ribbiii if aj UpL )', BELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets ••• ••• *»* ••• from 6s to 80s Saeh. Seta Upper or Lower 8" ot 60s to 80 Ghilneask. hmmdor of tke Jil Amalgam Stoppimf « seed by As beet Demiieie im Mmrept t -4IU bI:, TUTH SAVE) by >MII» whioh last from 10 is 40 jean, at lfoderete VImb, MinODS OBDElAwamiaistered Ally it Criif by tlIlIIt III 1, ro safest tatllod.. Refabw Extented jMRomptly on ov own, or upon work madk 4 by other Deitiik fxtrfid from the "Chronicle," December 24th. f- no of the well-^cnown Destal Sturgeon, Mr. B. B. Bomltos, of Astes Bmfc • Cardiff, ie Tuy higlfry finished, and is th* hMt work we have erer eees." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROH 10 TO I., NOTIOB. IMMOVBD from at Ohtherise'e 8treet, to Ma. Tal Staset, PeBtjgiMff Atteadanoe—the first Wedaeedaj in eaeh »<»th fresa 2 to 4 aVeek. Alee aft Mas. Warrss, Ohesuet* Ao, Messtais tte BUBO day fresa 10.9* to I edeek. Aibmb Ohsisist, Merihrtv es Seeeed Wedaesday is each moo& is to r THI "OGULIKEDZ IAIBIKGI: NO MORE SORE BYJiS J in pscaeaa sdhriag fresa the ahove tinr-iat eoafhiat should at eaoe fJrT F. Fitiniim's Ocalimede Gold Earring* Prises i—»/ 3/6, & and «/- per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCH.I. KB&, Etc., Market Street, Pontypridd MONEY by WAY of LOAN. TC X&ADESMEN AND OTHERS. ME. W. MORGr N, Aooountant, Chnroh Otseet, Pontypridd, has bad placed at his dinosaf | the som of £ 500, to ho lent in sums of 42 toJMI repayable by instalments. Tradesmen aad othass dosiroas of temporary ecuniary assistanea low be aesommodated on ap lioation personallj erlf letter to the above. The utmost secrecy may he relied upss 1 W. MORGAN, doom-,&-a Chnroh Street. Pontnai* SPECIALLY VMST13AN13S, COLILARS. ISTIH&C BRIM V tNFAMTS' POWBERS. Marvellous are the effeots of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very best and safest Medicine luothera can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diar rboea, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &c., &c. Sold by most Chemists, in paokots, at j 1/1 i, or from the Proprietor, I B. A. GEORGE, I PENTBB, P0NTYPBIDI> 1