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UWN << -51: ""beg to Inform,thf SubJ^l!^ ■?* £ & just' Automatic MsAma.jiftii.Jiw'jStffis* < ■~I«wn Mower SM^gKSf* with the greatest acctl^Vjjywcff cannot bg (lt)4^| OLboUt^- All machines forwardedlo them Tor repair, .or to ■\m]i .■jjg ,Sentfc 0ut*>i w &i i quite i ,charges. —irk-sM Wmnva1; « The Hayes ■ • <»# ~a si i'UfdWU'fil*ti- ••%•, J ell -•'■■■ *•»*$;-¥*i S»llii W!IT!I 5*atte3» >4 Xiii » i. 1. ill a« rtwMaa **—^rrrr^V- ii* ■ —— "w i -—»uj J «(•« ')Sl<« « £ £ ? w. *i«Tts- A \as ♦ { it«w J* -»■>•' 9 1 Reliable jw,, t" W Preparations. v. r,-<" -■ *••- s, ■.neww- .•»•• KISS'S: -r ■■ Blood/ ^Purifier the Blood; it is k1i i Autumn Medicine. v *'•'•>•■* -Q ■• ,• /r¥'" £ Key's Effervescent*- -,JI 00 A household remedy, p^eqtly barmiws, ttati can be taken at any time by young and old, and in all Climates'. v This pleasant and refreshing Saline, willlbe found etc^j^g^vataable, Jfipjfywfy the Hood and and all B&IOOB Dxsiirderfl IT J ^m befoana very beneficial, acting as a mild aperient and also on the liver and kidneys.. f_ ^ifl In all Dyspeptic. Affections it/^ill »6t by remov ng k acidity, dispelling wind, and thus preventing tHe ^tot^e,«llayi^ the fever and proving a moat **>freahing beverage.. „ -v«&•;•< k •T.-rr J '"fl' ■' »A* y?< >• ,\u KEY'S m*-i± -■ *• <•* .<■•>■■ > >>* HJiTlVJE ELIXIR, Specially recomlnend&i^ot Persons otootive Habit- o——-r- 1-. "t' ,¡ KEY'S SPECIFIC,CpE, Fcr Neuralgia, Rhevms, face-Ache, or ■. £ ooth~Acihe. m One Dose alway* reU^es. Two DoBea,always ( Kej's Concentrated Coflslitation BITTERS. Tor losBof Apatite, Liver Complaint, General Debility, Dyspepria, &(*, these Bitters are m- Palpable. They are prepared from the cboioest herbs only, and, while possessing povrerfnl tonic pro- DeatieB, are perfectly harmless to the most delicate 1 constitution. JAMBS' Pectoral Balsam Of Horehound, Mar^ma* Moss, and _-0- James1 Aperient Globules. A SUBSTITUTE roIi CASTOB OIL. Sach of these QlobdleB is equal to an ordinal Dose .1 of Castor Oil. NERVE PILLS. Q-pfldv and Certain Care for Tic-Doloreux, Tooth- ache, and all Nerve Disorders. 0~ THE It YOUNG LADIES'" PILLS. Strong, rpcomxnended for Pale Delicate Young Sto gEJdTes suffering from Debility, «kc. -0- w. H. /«f^, KEY, CBX«IS« TO ]"* »■»«"*• TIFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. V i i u. r.t -V-HU.4 j •• '• • ..• s, v, •; ••> '» • ■•>• ( |j«*w v4. «.v ••?, "s.* t-v-' •' •' ••' «*»« *=* »:.v. •s-V'-MMiW'H i-ntu* A*#i J ti).4« t r*'Vt *f t:-> *T- >4 >l^U* V» -,■• V v'; • :*tif :«n MASTERS & COMPANY »"♦«*» -v(i 1 >4' "'■*■' ;.f •• 'it a%j••• ^'L'*4 •-•■■• f- ». v'u:' ■■ •■ ■' < • ■•< "i. »V.L .^I4 ^RI.. » 4* A, IN PRESENTING THEIR PRICE LIST OF BLACK AND WOEST ED GLOTHIN G *■% li^yey^jponfidegce. in stating that for VALUE, STYLE, PIT and- -"DURABILITY, tkese Go^dsare unsurpassed in V I;u SAA-*« ii&.iyt- Great'Britaia! 5 -t* «< ft t» r. a -a • v it*}^ ■. •• "«iW 'i -i -N; ji/ -• -r -—1-U-1-J- ■ ■ ■ in ••■*• /• i t MEN'S BLACK WORSTKD SUITS, ."i ViJ ;T* • W.?" (J^'i *•* » i •'• I7s ua, 8I.'64,- is. «#, «d '•JN> 3«ii' -•* .fi » t MEK'S BLACK WOR8TEl> COATS & VEiSTS, vidfC •-«,.('><» .u ■ jWiiijiiii. ^u' itir.ie < '• A. -v. .^VIRFI .«.4- To match, 18s 64 21B 6d, 25B 6d, 29s 6d, 36s 6d, 42s, 49s^6d. *f ^;] *•? 1: ^2! MEN'S BliACK WORSTED TBOtTSERS, J t r/rv • -v *• r •c«"s °?r ;I* lfcea. ia.jfa, MEN'S BLAQK. WORSTED VESTS. ;r i« TA'1 3s lld^; 5f l^d, 6s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s 6d. ',v,?4 ,4i s i BOYS' BLACK WORSTED IMPERIAL SUITS, J Prettily Braided, to fit boys) vom 3 to 9 years old, all sizes same price, 5s 1 Id. Better Quality at 7s lid. Superior 9s l id to 25s Sd d': YOUTHS' BLACK WORSTED SUITS, \o a ho cr4,;V- ? From 14s 6d to 46s. ( I 'black Worsted Suits, to Measure, a Perfect Fit Guaranteed, 42s, 49s fid, 59s 6d, 67s 6d, 73s 6d, 75s, 79s 6d U. v -i v A-? ft.x-rq rid ■■■ -i*ix; ?•' v t** r\ f V f ?? •* .•■• V'V.V .;• MASTERS & COMPANY, The Cardiff Clothiers, s s! SO. T-A-KK STREET. PONTYPRED3P. T \a1SO at>?9 and 30, St. Mary-street, Cardiff; 18 and 19, Castle Street, Swansea 39 and 40, High-street,*Newport • 124,High- i.s. street, Merthyr; 11, Canon-street Aberdare; George-street, Pontypool; and 70, » lM:'i \{;t Frogmore-street, Abergavenny. 'T4W0.1 -v' ",v y [ 28 and 29, High Street, CARDIFF. I Mh> iliiUSf——— > X^^OK/T-A-IsrT HOTICE. iTOillT J-A-3VCES a7 Great Half-yearly Sale of Snrplns Stock at Lessened Prices. • "jg-^f.^y>g-*?oop8 at REDUCED «Mw ^a^jh, be ■We h«« adopted onr Populvr System of roatking every »rtMeJn tied Ink beneath the Original (whicn i« >lw.yB in plain figure.) aho-ipg th. «n.rt .»»„! ,f -j- Reduction and the benefit offered to our Patrons at the end of each Season. We wish particularly to point out to our Customers that we Only Reduce Goods left at the end of the Season to make room for our purchases for the foUam Wi • J r never buy Rubbish for our Sales. ng. e >/ .l. «««i^^•_ The Greatest Reductions will be found in the following Departments- l' MANTLES, MANTILLAS, DOLMANS, AND JACKETS. We hold in this Department a Grand Assortment of High-Class Goods, Made Specially for us by the Leading London and Berlin Manufacturers. Every Garment will be Redneed Our Sale being earlv in the Season, ladies will hare the benefit of having the Latest Models in Mantles at Prices much below Regular Value." New Beaded Mantillas at ••• 15s lid Regular Value 25s lid. NEW OTTOMAN SILK DOLMANS.—The Latest Modele 12s lid Regular Value: 18s lid ,q. < v' •••••• „ t5stld „ 25s lid 4. » — 21s lid „ 35s I Id r,j^A Very Rich Silk Ottoman Dolman •• 29s lid „ 45s lid O. Our Special Silk Dolman, Richly Trimmed, reduced to 45s 1 Id „ 69s 1 Id BLACK STOCKINETTE JACKETS, Braided.—Lot 1. Reduced to 4s lid „ 8s lid .10 in" Lot 2. „ ostid „ 98 Ild :>i" Lot 3. „ 8s lid „ 12s lid J JH Ladies' Coloured Jersey Jackets, in Grenat, Fawn, Brown, Tabact Grey, at 4s llfd „ 2Is 1 Id y- -*■ ( | c'r V This is a Line worth looking after. J L Black and Coloured Braided Jerseys.—Reduced to 2s llfd „ 4s lid 3s11fd, M 68 lid -ir :o » — '4e llfd „ 8s llfd Children's Jaokets, Dolmans and Dust Cloaks. A Large Variety in every size at Clearing Prices. COSTUME DEPARTMENT. In this department we have a beautiful assortment of the Latest Fashions in Cashmere and all the New Fabrics. All reduced to clear A lot of Washing Cambric Cos- tumes-reduced. Our Well-known Challenge Costume at 10s lid reduced for this Sale to 8s 6fd. Special Line in Costumes-One of our most Successful Models, reduced to 6s lid. Regular value 9s lid. All Colours. Children's Costumes-a lot to clear at Is llfd FRENCH A1- D ENGLISH MILLINERY.—The Choicest and Largest Assortment out of London; reduced to half-prioes as usual. Children's Millinery rfduced. SPECIAL-We shall offer at this Sale a Rftre Collection of First Choice well-seasoned Furs in Capes and Dolmans at Prices much below Kegular Value. Ladies' Under-Clothing reduced. Several lines in Corsets and Skirts to Clear. Dress Fabrics in all the New Tints, in Cashmere, Canvas Cloths, Bieges, Foule, &c.; every piece throughout our Well-assorted Stock Reduced. I Lot of Coloured Cashmere, 46 inches wide, to clear at 6id per yard. Regular value lOJd. In all the new colours. All Wool French Cashmere, new tints, at 12fd per yard regular value, 18fd. End and End Dress Fabric—A good strong mixture for children's wear. Ifd per yard, regular value 4fd. Plain Dress Fabrics in all Colours, 2fd, regular value, 4fd, Plushes, Velvets, Silks, &c. Every Colour and Tint to match our Dress Fabrics. A very large stock to clear at Keduced Prices. Special line in Striped Silk for Trimming, at 12fd per ? yard, regular value 18|d. Several lots of Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, at Sale Prices. A choice variety of Ladies' and Children's Sunshades, from 8|d. We have some very choice numbers in Ladies' Sunshades—hand painted. Reduced to 10s lid and 15s lid, regular value 18s lid and 29s lid. Plain Drapery and Household Linens—Let of Washing Prints, in light and dark grounds, New Patterns, reduced to 3|d, regular value, 5fd. Washing Sorata Prints, Quite New, Fast Colours, reduced to 6fd, regular value, 9fd. Washing Cambrics, best Makes. All reduced. Oxford Shirtings, Fast Colours, 3 |d and 4fd; much below regular value. Furnishing Department—Tapestry Carpets, Lot to clear. Brussels do., lot to clear. Tapestry Squares in all sizes, reduced. Special Lot Long Lace Curtains at 12fd, 18fd, and Is llfd per pair. These Goods are fully worth double Long Lace Curtains, tuned edges—reduced to 2s llfd, and 4s llfd; regular value, 4s llfd and 6s llfd. Some very Choice Designs in Madras and Guipure D'Art Curtains—Slightly soiled, reduced from 25s lid to 15s lid, and 39s lid to 25s lid. Lot of Toilet Quilts—reduced to Is llfd and 2s llfd. Lot of Soiled Honeycomb Quilts at 2s 6fd and 2s llfd. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING.—We manage thiB Branch of our Trade in conjunction with our Drese Department J ttrictly Cash Principles. We employ the Best TaleBt to be Procured for Money, and Guarantee Style and Fit equal to any of the West End London Houses. Our Charges are very Low. JOBIV ^AlIMEI^S «SS CO. viUimjjjpr '^3^1 iol {^ > ~—— — f aaitet i)0 £ i*A Pontypridd, Llandisant, and Rhondda Yallejrc PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING. SOCIETY. Established 1866. Incorporated 1874. DIRECTORS MR. RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd, Chairman. MR. JOHN MORGAN, Llantrisant, Vice-chair, man. MR. CHARLES BASSETT, J.P., Brvnffynon Pontypridd. MR. THOMAS MORGAN, YFron, Pontypridd. MR. JAMES RICHARDS, Treforest. irir»* WILLIAMS, Gl&afryn.tPontypridd 25* GRIFFITHS, Taflf Villaf Pontypridd? MR. E. C. SPICKETT, Maes?* Pontypridd. Advances%made on Mortgage in suv/is vouryina from,2100 to £10.000,. repayable,^ monthly or quarterly >, 8talmen&- MORTGAGE AND J R VEY FEES PAID BY THE JCIETY. Advances made ( i the Shortest Notice. For further particulars apply to the Seoretary, MR. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, Pontypridd. CASH ADVANCED ON LEASEHOLD AND FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. SHARES apply to JAMES ROBERTS, X Insurance and Emigration Agent, THE GKAIS I POST OFFICE, HTSH-ST., PONTYPRIDD. Tte lerthyr and Dowlais Building Society. Established 1872, and Incorporated under the Building society's Aot, 1874. LOANS made on Mortgage at the shortest AJ notice in sums varying from J6100 to JB10,000, repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments in three to thurteai years, at option of borrowers. Tables of Re-Paymenta, Costs of Mortgages, and Surveyor's Fees, have been revised, and consider- ably reduced. OFFERS SPECIAL AD- £ F« BORROWERS, the Scalfof Re- lo^wZd Preliminary charges being greatly The utmost Secrecy maintained. t>10T P?rtioular8 aPPly to the Secretary, Mk PWSB WitLUMs, at the Office of this Society, 80, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil. t i ;■<: „ W. COOPER PENN, MORTGAGE BROKER, ESTATE AGENT, AC 8, St. John's Square, Crnriif, and Pontypridd. t Sole Agent for the MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS BOILDDIG SOCOTf, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, BARRY, &c. f3eveml Eligible Household Properties for Sale in the Rhondda Valley, near Pontyprid4, Cardiff, and-Bexry. Full parMouL%= on application. PONTYPRIDD HOUSH PROPER^ AND INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED, OLD POST 017108 CHAMBERS PONTYPRIDD DIRECTORS MB JAMES ROBOTS. TM Yale HeaM, Tn. forest Chairman. MR GEORGE KNILLT Tovjyaady. Viw Chairman. MR RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd. MR EVAN DA VIES, The Walk, Cardiff. MR EDWIN PHILLIPS, Pontypridd. MR THOMAS THOMAS. d £ n-r-<}erw% Treforcst Secretary—MB B. 8. DAVIBa. OIIces-OJd Poet Office Chambers, Pontypridd. This Company i* prepared te reoeive Deposit* of £ 10 and upwards repayable at Three Months Notice, and to bear Interest at the rate of Four Pounds per Centum per Annum, pqabk Hair- yearly. Apply to the Seeretarr as above Best PORTLAN D CEMENT IN CASKS 400LBS. Price on application to Sole Agent at the Graig Pout Office, High Street, Pontypridd, or Thomas, Canal Stores. FIRE BRICKS, FIRST CLASS, at 28s. per 1000, measuring by 9 44 by 3 inches. Also, best HOUSE COAL, Delivered to any part of the District at 9/6 per TGa. OW Orders taken at the GRAIG POST OFFICE, PONTYPRIDD. FRONOLEU HOUSE- AUMIMI ROAD, POHNRTBLD?" so loool FOR YOUlti mm n VPMM MISSES REE* The next Term oomsseaeee en Teesday, Sept. 7th