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ESJ 'I Blood Pills. THfc GREAT CORE ur o o d. Skin, Nerves Liver and Stomach, Complaints HUGHES) Blood Pills. Wonderful Medicine, Tó be taken in the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter HUGHES' BM Pills. Celebrated Remedy for Scurvy, Scrofula, Boils Skin K ash, Heaclacht Biliousness, Nervous. ness, Fits, Rheuma- tism, Neuralgia, Sore -to E ye ».-• D i s t e m per. Gi<Miri&sS,Costl veness, Womuls, Ulcers, &c. &c. NOTED MEDiCIHE FOR, FEMAlE 't COMPLAINTS, Soli by every Chemist at lsiifl, 2s"Sd, 4s 6d, Vli'D ? !t Hughes' Blood Pills WARNING! GREAT DECEPTION Is now practiced apon tho Public. Tbt notoriety of these Pills has created base imitations. BEWARE that no spurious article is sold you, closely imitating the original. See that you get RUGRES'S BLOOD PILLS with the trade mark, a "HEART" on each box. When offered « spurious article, communicate with the i Proprietor— JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, PEN A:RJT:E3:. } This infallible, painless, ui OMttaia SMMif* lafce- daoed by J. MUMDAY, has obtained • werid-wtte potation. The effieaey of Vnunnm may he Mpj Dy its haviag cared carat «l •?« 10 yeats' lUMil|i 1 which had reeieted allotber teawiiw. It gaceeede where all Plasters aad Oaasftfee IW ) failed In Removing both hard or soft Cons lid Tuts. Is Bottles, Price is., by Poet IS SA. From MUlt. Jimri* Midler. Mr M nnthv., Amrterdsm. JMjsad. Hear Sir,—I bought a bottle of year esmrnra ..ftI4III8" ■owe six iri'iivUis tyo in P*ri6, whloh eared ne, aad as I ay j priDot!>.)l ''s I-? ".r von know my feet are mj Mviaf. Ikl buttle] bought (Ivi ltic nervine you recommended It, tailktaikl another one afterwards vrhieh was forged and Be feed. A* 1 want a l ott> o'cF.Neise for a friend of mine, whe la aaeily mad with pain, will you please feci) me one uf. set. Mdlle. If ARIE MULL1B. ?'ro<n. Mr. D Anthony, Swansea. Dear Sir.—I mvself have suffeied with cwui, and trial neveral of the >-f CT.R cures ivhicli people boast the* ha«re,b«t they al! failed in my cw-e. I then got a bottle of ip • VirWu.fc." -ui •; ;>y applriog .e aightly to the eern I wan •urpiixeil to'ii- I c-i'iW <ir*w it cloau up I BOW eaelose stamps for an for a fri,nd of wtue. NO I'fGR.—TUs t it Of mv V1RIDIVB" has taw at m.wv woi Uiles-s imitations into the market, uadei vmi'ius Hiiiiit?'* a* lt Covu Liu# The public are, ivtiiioiifd t<> purchase no other than MUNDAaS VITtII>XSt £ and -*•« tliat iuy Mgi.ature is on the ead ef ,Upack^e. n;Wlv„r,,0SLTBY J. I'TTDAY, Chemist, 1, High St., Cardiff. Sold by all Cneiiusi < *:i i latent Medicine Dealers London Agents—"Wilcox & Co., 239. Oxford St., W. N»>whery & Sous, Sanger, Sutton, Hoveadea, dss. THE LATEST MARVEL. I Mr B. A GKORCB,— Dear Sir,-Be good enough to forward me another gross of your Cough Balaam,' the sale of which is rapidly increasing ia this district; indeed, I have aever known any Cough Medicine' that has so quickly obtained so peat a sale, aad giren tMh aaiTeraal satisfactiea. I an, dear Sir, Toars faithfally, PHILLIP RALPE. Sigh Town, Hereford, .t 27,1878. BUY OfsLY WATCM BEIsr SON'S NEW PATENT No. 46M.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Hyp Detained the HIOHlSr AWARD OF A GOLD nvEEID^Ij AT THE Inventions Exhibition, 1885 SXX.VSX *° *• The 'Ludgate' Watch is a Silver English Lever Of my Best London Make with Special Strength," rHBEE-QUABTEB PLATE MO YEMEN r. Jewelled throughout in Rubier True Chronometer Balance, Adjusted for Extremes, With Damp and Dust Proof Patent Ring Band and Extended barrel. .massive Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CRYSTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the Haute -v-ith' the convenience of the Open Face Watch. ViLds, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy, nd Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to Swiss r..r..d American (made in Imitation of and sold as and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever «til sold by other makers), from the great elects of which the Ludgate is exempt,—is uved by the Award of a UOLD MEDAL, file only one adjudged to English Watches, The Ludgate is of Better Quality and Value Taan any,410 Watch hitherto made. 1 be Ludgate is my Best London Make. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest usage. And is, therefore, the Best Watch For Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, by Railway Men, Miners and Colonists (No. I, Large Size) Workmen and Artizans (No. 2, as Sketch) Gentlemen, Officers and Men in H.M, Services, Youths' and Boys' (No. 3. Small) Will be sent Free and Safe at my Risk To all parts of the World for £ 5 5s. ■ in 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass CaM* "t¡ ''AVELVE GUINEAS (No. 3 Size). A Revn ttance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. Bbmsu»( 19 the orly Maker of a Three-Qaarter Plate English Wateh for 95 58 in Silver, or 2.1% 12a in Gold, and that otu Patent "Lndgate "Wakb cannot be bad through or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. Au illustrated and Priced BOOK, explaining iha advantages of this Watch over the Full-plate English Watches sold by all other makers, wiil be sent Post-free ou application to J, W. BKiSrSON, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 6? & 64. LUDGATE HILL, E.C. And 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upoa the award of the GOLD MEDAL, the demand, always great, has so increased to UEO?I;- aitate more extensive Machinerv, which now enables 118 to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the LUD- GATE WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches Hill £ -2 to £ 500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (Iioa»e, Chime <lUÛ Turret), Electro-Plate, and Musical Boxes. Eteo on application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.-rFOREMEN, SECRE- TARIES OF FRIBKDLY SOCIETIES. AGENTS, and others will find their Incomes considerably in. creased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from 96 to -SH more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others. Particulars on appli sation. JMjpHift BiJMOHAir* PILLS. I CH /f/pATBNT^ 111 M I I AVE IMHID by AISSM h*. « JØb a. Gninea a kaa toe l-Hiowi tuid a«tfO« die- e^oca, tmtk aa waad aad pam ai Mm ■»—saeh, siek hsadaefct falaasir Md swsWieg ahm aseaie, Idiaaiaaas ami iaawaaeaa, lan af awerite, SbertDesa of bun, eeetivenees, mwwyl Uotebee an Uie skin, fiatorbed sleep, friebiful arewm;-sz&onwwvowau& tremblings seaec^'ns, &c. Tbttirst dose wØt ciVexeiie^ in twenty tniaatae. Tab is no fietiea, far they have done it ia thoasanwn af eaaea. Svery saflorer ic earnestly invited to try ooe tec af theee PMe, IILd tiiey will be aeksowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For feaiales ef all a«M these Pille are ksvalaaUa, as a few 4oses earry en all jfrow humours, open all obetnieti<»i«, aad bris^ aboat all that ie reqnired. Me femnale should be without them. There is ao medieiae to be foistid to e.uaJ BEECHAM'S PILLS for raasoviug aay obetraetion or inregnkutity of the sys- Mm. If taken aeeording to the directions given with eaefc box they will soon Metore femalee of all agaa te KOeud and robnut health. Per a weak stomaeh, impaired digestion, aad all «linordwi Of the liver, they aot like MAGSC,~ and'a few doom will be Jawed te work wonders npon the most MpMtaat mtui of the hnman ssaeatae. They stresgthen the whole muscular system, restme,the loog lost eoespleviea, they briag baek the keen edge ef appetite, a«d avowee into aetiea with the S06E- B0D of health tbe whole physical energy ef the human hsue. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all elaooee of eeeiety; and one of the Heet £ aaraatees to the aervoas and debilitated ia, Doecham's PiItø have the lorgeet sale of any patent medieiae 18 fbe werid. t BEKCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Gonghe in general, Asthma, iim. c-Jty ef Breathing, Shortoeee of Breath, Tightness and Oppression in the Oh est Wbeesing, å., theee Pills are trarivaMed; and any ene labonriag nnder any ef tbe above complaints need only try One Box te prove that they are the best ever offered to the public lor Asthmatic aud Consesiptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression ef the Cbeet. They speedily lemove tuilt sense of oppression and difficulty it breafhiag which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give iiimoflt instant relief aad comfort to those amicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, Aan- f'rwMS complaints. Lot any person troubled wkh any <•1 tilp ktvove nomplainte give BBBCHAM'S Cowl PlUa trinJ. Ttu' mom Cough will in a short tiaee be No nioved. CAU*I»>—Tho pnblic are leqwested.to aifet te»> the wo»«s, "BBBCHAM'S PIIXS, St. Helma's," are on tho Gevernmeat Stamp affixed to eaoh box of the Fills. If net on they are forgery. Prepared only aad odd wholesale and xetail by the proprietor T. Beechani, Chemist. St Helen's, Lanca- shire, in boxes hi. lid a»>d 2, Vld. eac-6. Seni post fret from the propt-ietin Um 15 er 36 staaope.—Sold by all Ouøm- aad Patent Modiehte Sealers iv the Kint: dow. N.B.—VaU direetioas Me given with eaeh box. I INFANTS'POWDERS. f¡, J". QRUEPOKDSBISB.—The TU'g'.i-tci; tieaerai, in hi? recently is- mea <L'i;ulerly Returns eferig to the fact that the number of deathB of in- fants has beeu far iers in Hereford- thiro ti an in RBy othpr county, being on'y6oruvof every Ihonsand births rt^i*fj vvhile in otlttj- counties it ran fron: 15* n ISO per thousand. ia u'rea- local blesai*?^ in largely due to the funeral practice cf Herefordshire mothers pi»ing their icfacts "GEOKGB'S ISFFANJS* PO"DEES," of wh:ob oneche- THis* T'or;e in Heiefordshire (\!r P. H.Jpf1) (sella more tbaa all other babies' I vera aions put together. £ f, i he above are a few of the mnny thousand expressions uf the public as t:> the universal esteem in which they aro hell] by ail who hay, tested their an.l u:fc>i power apon infanta and YOllug .hildien. Imfobtaxt.—The Proprietor wishes tbos" that give aiDPf^'3 INFANTS' PCWSSRS I a Hi d, uodere:and tLit :ha first dcfH ol'itn t'p-dr.-es vocaising, tb;s in»st HOC alarm *.Eeaa it iB only a pro; 1 tl!t the me-••joe is prodnoing L eful tifec:s. CAl:TIcN.-When you ask for GEOHGS'S INFANTS' POWDSES e that you s;o-; thetn, aa other appa- rently t)a-, .oorihless substitutes mny be offered by unprincipled par- ties. Everv jenuine paoket has the proper label, and the inventer's sig- iviture w i'Tc-n on the Government Stamp. NOTICK. — :'hv title GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS l is cipyrighr, 1:: 1 "egistered under toe Trade i A: *#* Avoid all ^(.t.if.inir Sv«iv;>s and 9-,)- called Powdera o.jntaining Opiura; they kill ncie s:il'u.s t-.a.ti all the diseases put u Sold bj nw-:t het.tlsts and lledioiue Vendors fc/r-inohere,, -ri 1/11 per packet. E CH Al-^FU I C r. PORTING. C& f\ f% A f %J %J %J ri LINEN WHITE MeSU&r CLOTHING SWEET as NEW MOWN AS SNOW. hay. By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under lloyal Letters Patent for Importane* and Public Utility. PATENT A goic ^BORAX fHi rirrikiivr W EXTRACT OF SOAP "PERFECTION." PATENT In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packets of all Grocers, Known throughout the world by this TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. ■" | iks VIBRDI0T OP THE WOaSr I f AND THE thTUS VOICEIDF THE PEOPLE I f, Proves 'thai* for Talae, Quality, and Excellence .1 Stewart Dawson & Co's English Lever/ 1 Watches have no Equal. [ IUR WATCHES are CONVENIENT, STRONG REIjIABLB, aad EFFICIENT, aud »re solelj -our own ntaaafaotore, thus the public dealing rfixec with as save to themselves, two lai-|»e prefits, thi Wholesale Merchants and the Retail Dealer*. with as save to themselves, two lai-ge. prefits, the Wholesale Merchants and the Retail Dealer*. Oar trade mottoes are Excelloncn, E!^ci«.ii«y. U.i nqoaUed Value, .{Tree Approval. Gnarauteed Sati^r- faction, and we assert, without fear of contradicti: nqoaUed Value, .{Tree Approval. Gnarauteed Sati^r- faction, and we assert, without fear of contradicti: that we can serve the public better thau they can L., 1 served elsewhere. SEND FOR OU OATALOCJUK, and learn for yourselves what your neighbours ."ai about oar Watches, and not only that, you will b« taught How to Choose a Watch tttso learn how tb4 ttpm of Stewart Dawson & Co have become SECONE I TO NONE the wide world over as WATCH MANU FAOTURERS. We will forward our Cataloguo 01 Horology post free for Two Stamps, cost of postago eaiy. S you require a Watch ranging iu price from 25- to £ 25, send at once to •STEWART DAWSON 4 CO. WATCH MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL ENGINES FOR SALE. TWO HOUSE TOWSB VBftTIOAl ENCINE AND BOILER, WITH FITTINGS. Engine-8in. Stroke 4in. Bore. Boiler- 6ft. by 2ft. 2in.f IN FIRST CLASS WORKING ORDER. ALSO A HALF-HORSE POWER Vertical Engine and Boiler, Eagine-6in. Stroke, 3in. Bore, and all fittings complete. TO an 80:LD CR8A.P All may be seen at the CHRONICLE" Office. TRICYCIJESI TRICYLESI To be Sold, Cheap, A 44 INCH CAMBRIAN TRIO y OLE, In First-class Condition, including a PAIR OF LAMPS, and all accessories, JL SASOAtV. ALSO A COVENTRY ROTARY TRICYCLE, VALUE £6.1 (Side Gear, Fast Machine, and good, strong Boadster. —i For further particulars, apply at the "CHRONICLE" Office, where the machines may be seen. HEATK'JS -• PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS. ttettli 4 W Three Tears1 Systea to Applied to the Hirfc and Pnrcn^->«' ot Inatrumem by all Makers, from 10* "Vl^ctlily. Bv«y fastrnruent Guaranteed. Ce-operative P. for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wa)es te Select from a, CSO OK EKRBTOVN, C A R D I > > ,4 t.. II v C, I @fei cwm L A. & J. MACMTJGHTON, W^LLir.J ? 1A VU1'ACTC.1 yP.3, PiTLocHitY, P; carrijga lor NVOOI tem themfor Manwfsff. turo i'.t'i their Celebrated t'lTLOCIIH'/ T'.VBIIDS, I>H1 £ 3S I '.VKED3, lil.ANKETS H :i> OOV5.HS. 1'RTJGGhTS, SHIiJliTINGS KNITTING YARNS glunn from the leading Journa>. Patteriin, thirsts, ij. f.til particuLirs c. t')t.u:lC required, yie'.d of woo]. Ac., on application as at.ov^. ReI) our orcupyini; <0.1 feet spuce in the Xuter.iationalExliibition, £ uinaur(b Ci No, O. HEALTH ?0R ALL! fhis Great Eoiijo/ioid lleaieine r a, amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 1 hesc f<iiÙ<J\ r.:lls purify the HLOOD, and act Sftest powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, find BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour tc these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy tn all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as a GENERAL FAMILY I MRDICINE, are unsurpassed. I 111 ill I leI, Its Searching and Healing Properties arc known thronghout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually nibbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to faiL Sold at Professor HOLLOW A v's Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wciid, in' Boxes and Pots, at is. xjd., 2s. gd., 4s. 6tL, IM.. <2S. and 33s. each. Fell printed directions are affixed to eacn Pot and Box, and can oe had in language. :N .B.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4. or by letter. .(. AMR SPRIITQ-Tjam C-, THE my 1; IT YOUR BEST FRIEND, JS K t. Iff*«rqn*«*bMb«aBwaakamadb7»*y at the trials eltha past wUtar, or ether if Gjrilp Evans's QUININE BITTERS-l The ra rasa's FROND KM has been overworked, or if health shews any si^as of breaking of after the trials of the past Winter, is uadoaht edly Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters. It will braeeap again the failing bodily powersi fortify the system against disease, and enable theFathex to bear up in the future bet- ter than in the past. The STUDENT'S FRIBND when in danger of breaking down entirely after or during a course of severe study, er If the confinement to books threatens a constitution 1101. ready delicate is, beyond a doubt, Gwilym Evans's Quin- ine Bitters. It directly coun- teracts the injurious effects of over-study, helps to baild ap fresh, healthy tissue ia ths body, parifies the blood, ana thus clear. the brain, and assists to seeure that reserve of strength whieh the de- mands of close application to study necessitate. I <3- W X L IT 2*CL • | The CHILDBKITS TSIKVD, iffhty are growing rapidly, ana are net aa1 strong as Ibay asei ta to| If th*f appear delicate after the severe Winter we have gene threagh, ia certainly Awilyai Evans's Quinine Bitters. There ia aothiog like it for purifying and enriching the bjaed, and thus producing glowing health ia weakly fnaeI. Tq it. it. The Best Remedy of the Age. EVERYBODY'S FilIND, if he waut. to be- reonltea in health, if he wanta to rid the ijitea of the weak- nesses entiled by the hard Winter, if lie wanta to be stroof and enjoy the pleasures ef health 18 nndenbtedly Gwilym Zvmem Quinine littwi. Q, TJ T 1ST 1 1% i I I rr rr:m m S .t- I the No IPR,E VILOW- i'- Am earas of the (Matty an W)C iag heavily on her, er if aay aigtaoK of the natural tieua is causiag anxiety, Qwiiym-Svaas's Qkiaine BnW It restores the failing hea!1J3 y the body, gives strength iasIS of weakness, aad infuses late the bloed.K»erv iM*- ould use It. the WORKMAN'S PRSSSJ be is exposed to the wuUlteri 8 works |or long h onrs ia eMfl ventilated room*, or the impare air ef the «i4 the furnaee, er the faetaB7|* ] Gwilym Bvaae's QiVn Bitters. The timely up this invaluable medicine 2 many a time saved te wf family MM Workman's age, aa, withoet it. he <'S have been compelled It <E up hia work. It haiM^9 faUiac baek aa the eli^g hasredaeed the ilectmeloo It has dona se for ethers» j will do so for yoa if yoa (P* it a fair trial. Being a happy combination of the active prineiplee ef the most famed and most valued mediciso plants known to modern science, and being, in the prscaea ef manufacture, specially adapted f human needs. Everybody who has tested it in any. way. or seen it triad, haa a good word to say '•J it. The Analysts declare it to be pure and harmlaaa; tne Doctors preeeribe it as being safe certain; the Chemists sell it as being popular and trustworthy; the Patiente use it as beiag* positively unfailing remedy; end everybody deolaree it to be The Best Remedy of the Age for Affections ef tbe Cheat, for Diseases of the Bloed, for Ooaplainta of the Liver, and for trooH* of all kinds in the Stomach. As the universal testimony is that there to notking equal to G*3rt Evans's Quinine Bitters for removing effeetnally all theae eoamlaints, see that 1111 get thia, this only^ Other preparations, to some of which somewhat similar titles have been given, are efl £ offered for sale for the sake of extra prent. Purchasers eannot be tee careful not te be miale £ Ben^mber that what everybody acknowledges aa the best reaibdy of the age Is Gwilym Emm* Quinine Bitters. Sold Every where. Praised by everybody. Agents in aU parte ef the Werld. Prices:—Bettf^f 2s 9d; double size, 4s 6d; oases of three large bottles, lfls id. To he had of all Chemists a*e Venders of Patent Medieines, or will be sent at above priaes to any address, free and aafe f* Parcels PoBt, secure from observation, direct from the Propnetor—Mr GWILYM EVANS, P.C.S., UaneHy, South ||BI— 30 '"Y":E.A.ES X3ST OAB-XUFr-. ,1, B. B. BOULTON, KNQUSH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON- ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite Univertity OoUege), CARDIFF, HaTing bad great experience both in ~nglish and Amerioaa systems of Dnrkl malf^ lit enabled to give to his patients the benefit of snob ezperienoe in a «aaww wmk very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inrentor of the Patent CompoettaMfc 9 which only a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he ie Mithisi to isff* Seautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of asiand 'i&.Ud whioh defy detection. U Sea-horse IIOfI Teeth. No 3s. Teeth No RnbMsb of aj ti* if RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets .from 6s to 30. Bach. Sets Upper or Lower 9-0 50s to 80 flnlnnaf Inmtmior of eM Al Amalgam Stopping at used by iht bftt DantitU in Burepe t AmwiO TESTS SAVED by 1,> which last from 10 to 40 yeare, at Moderate Fees. NITROUS OME daily It Cardiff by tbi btttfll method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or 8poa work uftd« by other Dentists Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Acton Hovfl* Cardiff, ie very highly finished, and ia the best work we have eyer aeon." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTIOB. &SM0YED from Si Catherine's Street, to Ma. Street, Pentyprf Attendance—the first Wednesday in each from 3 to 4 o'elook. 1 AIM at Mas. WHTTIS, Chemists, Ao, MowmtM* AsIa, the ttmw day from 10.. to I o'otoeJk. iMnda at Mm. Habbis's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in each ]Most& from 12 to a- -=-= THE "OCULIMEDE EABBIN9S.' NO KOBE SORE ETBSI ill persons suffering from the above distreaain| oomplaint should at once try F. Filippini's Oculimede Gold Earringt Pri888 :-8/ 3/6, 4/ and 5/- per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCHMAKER, ETC., Market Street, Pontypridd -¡;, MO KEY by WAY of L0/S- TC TRADESMEN ANL OTHERS. il/TB. W. MOEG N, Accountant, Church St*ef*J lVX Pontypridd, has had placed at his dispojj* tbe som of JB500, tc be lent in sums of £ 2 to J repayable by instalments. Tradesmen and otb*^ JliIsirou of temporary ecuuiary assistance so oe accommodated on ap lication personally er V letter to the above. The utmost secrecy may be relied npon.—^ fees. j W. MORGAN, jAocowKtaniy Church Street. Poubmso SPECIALLY WRISTBAN13S, PROMTS. COLLARS. ISTI BRISTOL.1 INFANTS' POWDERS, Marvellous are the effects of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very best; and safest Medicine mother* can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they aot as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diar te, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &:r., Ac. Sold by most Chemists, in packets, at lilt, or from the Proprietor, J S, A. GEORGE, PENTBE, PONTYPRIDD 4