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Bk o(j. Pills. B Ri AT CORE OF lUc. Serves, Liver and Stomach, Complaints TT TTTT' HUGHES' Blood Pills. Wonderful Medicine, To be taken in the Spring. Summer, Autumn and Winter HUGHES' Blood Pills. Celebrated Remedy for Scurvy, Scrofula, Boils Skin. Rash, Headache, I A Biliousness, Nervous, tiess, Fits, Rheuma. tis.ni, Neuralgia, Sore Eyes. Distemper, Gid flincsa, osti veness, Wounds, Ulcers. '&c. &c. HOTED MEDICINE FOR. FEMALE 4 COMPLAINTS. h'A by cvjy Cliemist at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. Bughes' Blood Pills WARNING! GREAT DECEPTION Is now practiced upon the Public. The notoriety of these Pills has created base imitations. BEWARE that no spurious | article is sold you, closely imitating the original. See that you get "HUGRES'S BLOOD PILLS" with the trade mark, a 44 HEART" on each box. When offered a spurious article, communicate with the Proprietor- JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, MUNDA) I' 0 CERTAI 7 I This infallible, painless, ui eertaia (UMiyi totefr daoed by J. If UN DAY, be obtained a world-wide N¡ Eutation. The effieaey ef YIKDIKS may be y its having cared eerasof ever SO years' staadiag, which had resisted all other remedies. It Saceecde where all Plasters and Oiaitfll law failed Is Removing both hard or soft Cons lid luts. la Bottles, Price is., by Post is Id. From MUle. Marie MuZler. Mr Man toy, Amsterdam Dear Sir,—I boajcht a bottle of your allium ••▼Wdtoe*' some six months ago in Paris, whidi eared me, and ae I a* a principal riam *r you know my feet we my livlag. The buttle 1 bought dul the service you recommended it, bit I bought another nr,1! aftefw..rds wh;ph was forged and ae feed. As I want a bolt1.* o' or.stnm for a fr'.end of min*, mho is newly mad with pain, will you please »<sn<1 me one Onset. Mdlle. MARIS MTTLLKR. From Jlr. D Anthony, Sisuntea. Dear Sir,- I myself have sattezed with ccrns, and trle4 several of the eertaia cures which people boaat they hare, bit thev al! faild in my ewe. I then got a bottle of yeta Viridine," an t by applying time nightly to the eern I waa furptised to flud I eould draw it clean ap. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. NOTICE.—The ¡!reat sucoes* of my "VIRIDINZ" haa m-Tjy w, th',ess imitations into the market, undei various names as "Corn Cure." Tha pmblic are, therefore, oactioned to purchase no other than MUNDAjTS VIRIDIN Z," and we that my signature is on the end at each package. PRFPA RED qN'LT BT J. JOTDAY, Chemist, J, High St., Cardiff. Sold by a-ll Chemistn and Patent Mcdicine Dealers London Agents—Wilcox & Co., 239, Oxford St., W. ii»>wbery & Sous, S»uger, Satton, Hoveadea, Ae. THE LATEST MARVEL. Mr b- A GteMW,— Dear Sir,-Be good enough to forward me another gross of your Cough Balsam,' the sale of which is rapidly increasing in this district; indeed, I hnv* Btvwr koewn tty Coagh Medicine' that has se qmiokly obtained 88 great a sale, and given each aaiTersal satisfaction. I an, dear Sir, Yours faithfally, PHILLIP RALPH. tigh Town, Hereford, Aagast 27,1878. BUY ONLY £ :;wLioil" WATCM BENSON'S NEW PATENT No. 4658.) "LUDGATE" WATCH lias obtained the IICHIST AVA89 OF A GOLD MEDAL AT THE lnuentions Exhibition, 1885 sxx.wsm. aoia 15 12SI Th 'Ludgate' Watch is a Silyer English Leier Of my Best London Make with Special Strength." THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. L Jewelled throughout in Rubies* True Chronometer Balance, Adjusted for Extremes, With Damp and Dust Proof Patent Ring Band and Extended barrel. Missive Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CRYSTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the Hunter .vith the convenience of the Open Face Watch. Viuds, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy, ind Durability of the "Ludg-ite" Watch, to Swiss ncd American (made in Imitation of and sold as 'Ir.^liab), and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever $till Jold by other makers), from the great eterts of which the Ludgate is exempt,—is u oved by the Award of a COLD MEDAL, l'be only one adjudged to English Watches. The Ladga.te" is of Better Quality and Yalua Than any £ 10 Watch hitherto made. The Lndgate" is my Best London Make. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest usap, And is, therefore, the Best Watch For Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, by Railway Men, Miners and Colonists (No. 1, Large Size) Workmen and Artizans (No. 2, u Sketch) Gentlemen, Officers and Men in TI.M. Services, Youths' and Boys' (No. 8. smaUf Will be sent Free and Safe at my Riak A To all parts of the World for 46 6e.. )r in 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Cfrlaai Com* WE LYE GUINEAS (No. 8 Size). A Remittance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must adeosapany Order. 8PEOLALLT NOTE that J. W. HzKsJt ia the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plata English Watah for jM 68 in Silver, or A12 l%a in Gold, and that oux Patent,, Ludgate Wateh cannot be bad through Or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. An illustrated and Priced BOOK, explaining the advantages of this Watch, over the Full-plate English^ Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post-lice on application to J. W. BKNSON, MATCHMAKER TO HM. THE QUEEN, TRjS STEAM., FACTORY, •3 & M, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. And 16, OLD BOND ST-; EST, W., LONDON. Consequent apoa the award of the GOLD MEDAL, the demand, always great, has-so increased to neces- sitate mere extensive Macbuierj, which now enables as to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the I LUD- QATE' WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches n m £ 2 to £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime and Turret), Electro-Plate, and Musical Boxes. Fiee ou application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SECRE- TABlES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS. •M others will find their Inoomee coni»d«al»if m. sseasad by establishing Ckb8 for the New Patent "Trsisats** Wateh, as it is worth from t5 to fM ■MM smb aay Bajriisk WaMksold, and therefon Isatt illiMi ^#ssti»|ss« sa apfli r A WOMMXt. wmmi. BKlCHi)TS FILLS. I /f/PATENT PM \li ffl Ji?J I I I j JUssissttdl bUMHmli Ma rath a Gatnee haa hrkflMsasi stnewC*. oeden, sneb as wind and pain ia the stsnaaeh, siek iiiiiM>wjpjftiisn faiasws iiad ewellng aftw meals, (Usmeee sod drowaiaees, eold cWHt, iwhiafes of heat, less el appetite, shertoess of knatt, eovtiveaess, MOtry. blotches ea tbe skin, dietoriMd sk»f^ frigfetfsl drcams, and attaervooe and tremblings seB*C*ioiia, Ac. Tbe first dose will gi>e nlief in tweaty minates. This is HO oetNsi, for tbey have done it ia taoasaads of eases, FSvery safTorw is earnestly invited to try one b»x of thAee PiHa, ai*d they will be aeknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of aU ages these Pills are invaluable, as a lew doaes carry off all gross homeura, open all obstructions, and brmg about all that is reqaired. No fellivae should be without them. There is 100 medicine to be fosad to equal BEECHAM'8 PILLS for reoMviot; atty abstraction or irregularity of the sys- tem. If taken aecording to the directions given wtife each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sonad and robast health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dMordars of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and few doses will be foetal to work wonders upon the most important ecKaas of the human machine. Tbey strengthen tbe whole muscular py&tem, restore the long lost oootplexion, they bring back the keen edge ef appetite, and aroaee into action with the ROSE- BUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. Tbeae are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; and one of the best guarantees te the nervosa and debilitated is. Beeehara's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medieiae in the world. t I BEBCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs m general, Astbma, diffi- culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breach, Tightness arwl Op^reasiau ia the Ghest Wht« sing, <fec., theee Pills are tjtnrivaHed; aad aay one labouring under any of the above complaints seed only try Oue Box to »r&v« tb»t they are the best ever offered to tbe pubbs tor AHhmatic and Consiamptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that ser.ae of oppression and difficulty of breathing whieh nightly dvprive tha patient of rest. They give n'most instant relief antd comfort to those araicted wi&U the abova distressing and, when neglected, dan ;r^s complaints. Let any person troubled with any '1 th" above) "AMT()laints give RSKCHAM'S Couea PUAP trizl. 0 Tlx. Hiotit Cough will in a short tisee be reo vr.eved. CAiixiew.-Tbm public are requested to aotiee tbat the wcads, »ERctuasi's Piixe, St. Helen's," are en tbe G.ernme.t 8&4wnp affixed to each box of the Pills. II net on they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and letail by th, pr«.(>ritVtw T. Ppcham, Clinwiat, St. HHea's, Lancn »bir«, in bes«« is. and t4. ad. eACh. Sent post frf fr*at the progri^ior for 15 or 36 by a!: 'Vtufsis&s anA Patont Medicine Dsalers in the ffini. daw. M •••—•Fail direetioaa are given with sacli box INFANTS' POWDERS. BABIES IX HEREFORDSBIBB.-The Registrar General, in his recently is- sued Quarterly Beturn*, lefers to the fact that the number of deaths of in- fanta has beeu far lets in Hereford. shire tlan in any oth"r county, being only Go out of every thousand births registered, while in other counties it ran from loi to 180 per thousand. This great local blessing is largely due tothegeneral practioeof Herefordshire mothers giving lhe:r infa.r, ta «GHf\lWI\ S IJJKAMS' PoWDEE»,"of which one che- mist a'one in Herefordshire (\1 r P. Ilalpb) sells more than all other babies' preparations put together. **4 The :.hovo hro a few of the mfiDY thousuud expressions of the public as to the universal esteem in which they are held by all wilo liv- tested their undoubted power upon ibftiLts oDd yoneig children. IiCt'OHTAJii'.—The Proprietor wishes those that give C-E0F.G2 S INFANTS' POWDERS a trial, to understand that the first dose often produces vomiting, this most not alarm them it is only a proof that the medicine is producing hopeful effects. CAUTION.—When you ask for GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS See that yoa get them, as other appa- rently cheap buttoorthless substitutes may be offered by unprincipled par- ties. Every genuine packet bas the proper label, and the In center's Sig- nature written on the Government Stamp. NoncK.—The title GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS is copyright, and registered under the Trade Marks Act. Avoid all Soothing Syrups and RO- called Powders containing Opium; they kill more infante than all the diaeaees put together. Sold by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors everywhere, at 1/li per packet. f° 9 E P P S S CfiA TEFU L-COM FO RTINO. COCOA OUKWS PATENT m FOB EXCELLENCE HIOHXST AWAED IV THE W0B1D- BECATJS* PATENT (D TRADEMARK BORAX DRY SOAP "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING, WASHING, and PUBIFTIJG EVERYTHING. In Quart0r-toun1 on4 Hulf-Ptvnd Ais*sts, «/ uli Qromn, 4V Known Evrywhtrt iff thi»— PATENT TRADE MARK I I Aik f»r fMnt Iniz, aad wfcw all IIUI YBBDIOT OF THE WORLC AND THE UNANIMOUS VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Proves that for Vaiae, Quality, ,and Excellence Stewart Dawson & Co's English Lever Wotelidu have no Equal \UR WATCHES are CONVENIENT, STRONG w RELIABLE, and EFFrOjE \TT, and are solely oar own ntanafacture, thus the public Seating 'liiec with OS save to themselves two iar^e profits, tin Wholesale Merchants and the Retail Dealers. Our trade mottoes are Excellence, Efficiency, Uu equalled Value, Free Approval. Gnftrat>t<;ed Satisfao faction, and we assert, without fear of contr.qflictio.-) that we can serve the public better than they p< served elsewhere. SEND FOR OU-t CATALOG Ji;, and learn for yourselves what your hours siti about oar Watches, and not only that, you will hi taught How to choose a Watcb; also learij how tht firm of Stewart Dawaon & Co have become SECONt: TO SONE the wide world over as WATCH MANU FAOTURERS. We will forward our Catalogue (t1 Horology post free for Two Stamps, cost of postagt only. Ifyou require a Watch ranging in price from 25s kt £ 25, send at once to STEWART DAWSON & CO, WATCH MANUFACTURERS, LIVER POO; ENGINES FOR SALE. TWO BOIBS POWER VSKTXCAXi ENGINF Af^O BOILER, WITH FITTINGS. Engine-8in. Stroke 4in. Bore. Boiler— 6ft. by 2ft. 2in., IN FIRST CLASS WORKING ORDER. ALSO A HALF-HORSE POWER Vertical Engine and Boiler, Engine-6in. Strobe, Sin. Bore, and all fittings complete. TO SB SOLD CHBAP. All may be seen at the CHRONICLE" Office. TRICYCLES! TRICYLES1 To be Sold, Cheap, A 44 INCH CAViBMIAN r-r R T c y OIL In First-c!ass Condition, including a PAIR OF LAMPS, and all accessories. A BSBO&W. ALSO A e. COVENTRY ROTARY TRICYCLE, VALUE £6.¡= Side Gear, Fast Machine, arut good, strong Roa-hter. ——I 'SVIIOOtfl For further particulars, apply at the "CHRONICLS" Office, where the machines may be seen. k J. HEATH and SONS, 0 Agents for 0 ENGLISH PIANOFORTES By BROADWOOD (2 Gold Medals 1885), COLLARD BRARD. KIRKMAN (Gold Medal, lttfi) HOP KIN SON (Gold Medal, 1885), BRINSMEAD. At. FOREIGN PIANOFORTES By S!chie&"W, (Sole Agmey), Pleyel, IPolfd Co., Hlutl. ler (BcM. Apmy), Bndibach, Nenmtytr, Soiling ant I Spmftnierg, Bord, Knauss, Haake, sic. Sole Agents for MasOIl <k H imlwi Organs (Only Gold Medal 1885.) ALEXANDRE HARMONIUMS. Hath SL Sol,s' Three Years' System [EI Applied to the Hire and Purchase of Instrllment: by all Makers, frem 10s Monthly. étváry Caafcrameat Guaranteed. Ce-oaerative Price for Cash. The Largest Btopk in Wajaa te Balect from. C&OOKMB&BTOWN, CARD IF li HAVE YOUR OWN WOOL WOOL-, MTOCHBY, MBTHSHIRE, #! Pay canrtan for Woot wnl them tor i^irta* TWKB^, ^SS°^S^S,P^S^ KHII1UI& 1A&K8. to.. Me, BlfhMt mIOI fJnm«from_fche le^Bng /ooroal«,aPsttpme. jleldof wool, 4c.f OD appUeatkm u abor«. & oof VxblbU occnprinf 400 fnt reeee fa Intaraational SxUbiUm, S«e6a5kOUtoS EKALTJ; roll ALL II this Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famons Pills purify the BLOOD, and act NMat powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, aad BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to tftese great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They arc confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are Wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and.as a GENERAL FAMILY MttDICiNE, are unsatpassed. 01 NT 'T -HOLLOWAY(' M E iN -Eb L L a: Its Searching and Healing Properties Mt known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed old the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known tv fail. Sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S EstaWishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; alao by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised WcrM, in Boxes and Pow, atis.-ijd., 2s. yd., as. 6d., us., aas. and 53s. each. |fail gristed oiiectuma arc ^ffixed to each Pot and Bos, wd can be £ ad in-«<>y language. VA^Adrice Gratis, at tfee above address, dally, >itww tha ban of 11 and i, ar bjr Mdr. "IH THE SPBINQ-TXM-M 07 THE YEAR." Or YOUR BEST FRIEND, M if ya«r^«kaa Warn waake*adVyaaj of the trials e# the past winter, or otherwise, la Gyilym Evans's QUININE BITTER& vTh#ifff^2,SSn>e?,iiJT^ The MOTHER'S FBI- « vTh#ifff^2,SSn>e?,iiJT^ MOTHKR'8 FBIK1TO « fcas keen M • v ■ t the eares of the family are watfa i health skews any Ol log heavily on h«r, ar if any da- breaking na after tke tnahi ol The CHILDREN'S FBIEND, if they Iniagemeat of the' natural IMP the past Winter, is andonat VH are growing rapidly, and are not aaffj "on* anxiety, ■ Bitters. It wuiwnoe up ag p-| app^y. delicate after tha severe Winter the body, gives strength iasts the failing bodily po a, we vena thranah. ia oartainly fv '>'w**kueas, and infuses newpp d^aJe.andeSblethe^ather kj »wily« Evans's Quinine Bitters. There pj Lulftse^#Kverv to bear up in the future bet- Y 1 is nothing like it for purifying and TAR than 111 tke past. enriching tha blaod, and thus producing rn The WORKMA N'S FRIBKD,* nie STUDKNT'8 FBiBND when "1 glowing health im weakly frames. Try 1XJ bV0 w.eat^er» M in danger of breaking down H it. n W^?Sfehoarai?ol0!t3 entirely after or during a »«ntilated rooms^°rbrea^J course of severe study, or i< II1 "T —7 |L4 ^e impure air of tbe n« the confinement to book. M The Best Boiliody of the AffO. L1 the furnace, or the factory^ threatens a constitution al- £ 2 gw»lym Bvane's Qui»j doubt G^vmEvans'aQuin8 EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, if he|R this invaluable m^fciSTbei in^rs It directly coun-wants to he recraited in health, if haL h»i time saved to teracts the injurious effects r wants to rid the system of tha weak-ll family the Workmaa's eMg of over-study, helps to build 1 nesses entailed !>f tha hard Winter, ifi* f°88' *8- without it, he up fresh, healthy tissue in tbam he wants to ba strong and sniov the!^ *v? n c?mPejIa^ #3 body, purifies the blood, and \J pleasures ef health is nndenbtedly n) f%;na baek^n of strength which the do- TT -J. IT..1?AJA DON« 80 for others* „„asa.ppuwtioii Q,TJINTNB s? £ ,0°•'I0* to study necessitate. ■ y Being a happy combination of the active priaeiples of tha most famed and most valued medicinal plants known to modern science, and being, in tha process of manufacture, specially adapted fca human needs. Everybody who has tested it in any way, or sean it tried, has a good word to say f. it. The Analysts declare it to be pore and harmless; the Doctors prescribe it as being safe aai certain; the Chemists sell it as being popular and trustworthy; the Patients use it as being positively aafailing remedy; and everybody declares it to be The Best Remedy of the Age for Affections of the Chest, for Diseases of the Blood, for Oomplainta of the Liver, and for tronkh* of all kinds in the Stomach. As the universal testimony is that there is nothing eqnal to Owiiy* Evans's Quinine Bitters for removing elaetaally all these oomplaints, see that you get this, a»a this only. Other preparations, to some of wluch "onewhat similar titles have been given, are cfered for sale for the sake of extra prentv Pnwnsseta cannot he too carefnl not to be misled Remember that what everybody ackaowledges as the heat remedy of the age is Gwilym Evastffr Quinine Bitters. Sold Everywhere. Praised by everybody. Ageats in all parte of the World. Prices:—Bottle* 2s 9d; double size, 43 6d; oases of three large bottles, lis Sd. To ha had of all Chamista aai Vetdors of Patent Mediaiuss, or will be sent at abeve pneae to any address, free and safe p* Pareels Post, secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor OWTLYM EVANS, F.C.S., Uanelly, South Wale* 30 "ST JE1A.E/S X3ST C A. E IT. R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite University College), CARDIFF, daring bad great experience) both in English and Amerioan systems of Denial araotiMt is enabled to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a masaor wlûol. 01. TCTJ few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Compeetiieat V which only a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he ia enabiad to beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed worhmanahip, ef "spiral a and which defy detection. Ho Sea-horse IIorJ Teeth. No 3s. Teeti No Rnbbish of my ktai RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets. -from 6s to 30s Each. S#t« Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Quince Intttnior -11M Al Amalgam Stoppfaf at ted by 1M 11M Dentists in Bwrop* f IwwijfT TEJBTB SAVED by which last from 10 to 40 yean, at Moderate Feea. NITROUS OXIDE G«. diiertiistered dailj it Cardiff by tbe bat III safest EstlwxL Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or spoa work autdo by other Dentists, Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. "The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Aetem a.- Cardiff, is Tery highly finished, and is the beat work we have oyer teen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE- BBMOVED (TOV St. Oktbeiin'i 8tnet, to Mi. N«m, 77, Til StrMt, PwtffriS' Attendance—the first Wednesday in each nsonth from 3 to 4 o'elook. At- at Mas. Wurrsa, Ohemists, beL, Mewataim Ash, the same day from 10.3- to I Juttaais at Ma. R A. Vf, Ohemist, Merthyr, the Ssoond Wedneaday in each MOW i from 12 to 3. TBI "OOULHIEBB EABBINSS.' NO KOBE SORE BT2S! All I lis IBS saCaring from the ahove dtatraMisfl asmpiaint should at nnoe try P. fitijpini'g Oculimede Gold Earrings him 8/6, 4/; aad $/- per pair. F. FILIPPINI. WATCHMAKER, Etc., Market Street, Pontypridd L..o- i MONEY by WA Y of LOAN. TC TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. MR. W. MOEO N, Aocountant, Church 8tie«^ Pontypridd, "u*s had placed at his diapos** tbe sam of &500, tv be lent ia sums of JlS toJ0& repayable by instalments. Tradesmen aad lesiroas of temporary eouniary assistanee MOO *>« aeoommodated on ap lioation personally or W otter to the above. The utmost seorecy may be relied upem.—J* W. MORGAN, docountcmt, Oburoh Street. Ponfcrw* SPEC IALLY WRISTBA:NDS, SUITABLE SHtRT Frs. COUAR tNPAMTS' POWDERS. Marvellous are the effeots of "GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very best and safest Medicine mothers can give their little ones dur'ng the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diar ?feoea, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Sll, Ac. Sold by most Cho-istm, in packets, it lilt, or from the Proprietor, B. A. GEORGE, rwraa, PONTTPBIDB. vJSHHB 1;