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i [" The Chronicle • | Steam Printing Works,! '• i i 23 and 24, MILL STREET, I POHT YPBIDD. ^ESTABLISHBP 1863 AS THE FIRST PRINTING OFFICE IN THE RHONDOA.) I B. DAVIES, PRINTER, PUBLISHER, &BOOKBINDER Has LARGE and RAPID Machinery to Compete with the Cheapest Houses in the Kingdom. IN 4 Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Billheads, Memorandum Forms, Books, Pam- phlets, Magazines, Club and Colliery Rules, Financial Statements, &c. !I GEORGE'S Cough Balsam. The Boohs of Brompton Hospital Do not contain a case of Asthma or 'Consumption which might not have been effectually cured by George's Cough Balsam. A great number of the moat eminent Physioiansin the Kingdom, when every other means had failed, to remove affections of the Chest and Lungs, have recommended their patients to Sry George's Cough Balsam, And the result has been immediate improvement and a speedy cure. Persons employed in factories, coal and iron mines, close and unwhole- some apartments, &c., and whose suf- ferings are, therefore, the greater when afflicted with a hard cough, tightness or shortness of breath, hoarseness, bronchitis, &c», never find anything do them half as much good George's Cough Balsam. Mothers, upon whose little ones the ^^amp seemed to be gathering as the bosom or proa- a lap by Whooping Cough, See" their h., ishecl idols revived and brought to life again by George's Cough Balsam, Members of Parliament, Military Commanders, 9lergymen> Public Speakers and SingeP8> 0 fcaia8 Qf Ships, Schoolmasters, and ^hom the aggravation,^ a bad co £ gh had imposed the necessity for relin. xmishing their employment, have been Enabled to resume their engagetnenta 4)y taking 0 George's Cough Balsam. It is a truly wonderful Expectorant, Anti-spasmodic, and Demulcent No No family should be without it Read the countless Testimonials. PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co- WrWTftllM, lid General Cabinet Makers, and House Far o nishers. Shellibier for Arlult Funerab. Coach Jot Childress Funerals. Wteath* grist variety j Children's Aoffias from .u 7s. 6c. Adults COffiM 25s. Polished Oat. Coffins, with White Trim. mings a'd padded innide 60s. Shellibier t(. >»rry 8 inside and coffin out- ride fron. Pontypridd, Hopkinntowo. Coedpenmaen, ChainworVs and Tre- forest to Coisetery Be. jotkfh to carry 6 'iati.d.41 child's eo8. outside from above ptaoea to Oeaietacr t CORNW, li .A RC.KB lot Jtptm-m Prur'S C»K.N i. i:. Jji'Nio> PLASIKRS are the outs remedy. They ditlcr from all plasters, elm-Id* or compositions ever invented. By instantly sofuuinf the callous surronndiug the pain poes at once, the c,,rl toon following. Bmiione and enlarged toe jOlllh 1,- quire more time for perfect cure, but the certain. Boxes. Sold by Chemists, <Ve. everj v. h, i » GREAT BODILY, NEKVE, MENTAL, A-I-, Dun.snvf STKENGTH follows the use oi L'tjn.i. s QUJMX*. A.N;> htON TONIC. By mfueing new life into the nerves enriching the blood, and strengthening the muscular system, symptoms of weakness disappear, appetite re- turns, fatigue ceases, and lecruued li« alth rcMiU-* Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. It can be obt>«ii«-? a; 2a Gd. bottles. Sold everywbeie. It cost-s nl .ii.-i ljd. each dose. • TARAXACUJI AND PODOFBYLLTN — A liver 1. aine without merenry, is a mixMic of juices «.i ti-» mandrake and dandelicn plants, soor. iut Lend torpidity, costiveness, liat-uleuce, heai li: .irn, ii.dii.'ov ticm. biliousDCsa, rcprguauce to (ootl. 'eneral dian<<m- fort, depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum unJ I'odophvllin, by stimulating the liver with a most gentle action on the stomach, is the spfest, most, re- liable medicine. Bottles 2s. Sold everywhere. Insist on liavinf To DAXKKN Gttb-V iiAIK.— LoCKYi.Hi # SUl.l'li I'U HAU. RESTOKEK produces a perfectly natural shade it. a few days. No hair restorer offered is equlli to Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleansing nct- tion on the ha.ir, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, s. 6d. Seld everywhere.. Tc CURE SKIN DISEASES.—SUU-ITBLIIIE LOTION will completely remove all exupticus, pimpleB, redness blotchcs, scurf, eczema, ptcriasis, etc. in a few days Sulpholine attacks old skin disorders, and totally do- strove them. It is a pocuiii.r. agreeable, harmless fluid, prodHcirp a clear S dpi; oline Lotion is. sold by Ohemims. Bost-U<>. 9d. DRAFNE.S&. N<" lis IN TIi\- i^ArtS, &c.—DET.I.AH'S ESSENCE yen 1) <.EM is sfill ihe only remedy of any real worth, ..pStVW et nkarkig the air passages and olum rtlicyva^ old jases hao beoj proved during a quarter of a rouiiaL'y. Applied on cotton wool. P,Ottlel;, IF;. cxsT?where. A DTAADBTVQL i-»VOVH.— CKAV-UOKT'ii AKICCA' NUT TOOTH PASTE.—r,; 4 this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice, the ename. *Le teeth becomes wlÚto. sound, and polishea 1, Y. it ib exceediujly fragrant, and specially iise. ,n,irt-g -"z) crust. t i, -iii? of tartar on neglected Wx-k oidby ali Chemiatt. Pots, 1B. and 2s. each. Gc, ('i rt/oit' LXVKB. GOMPIIAINT. — Ti.r^vj-I'owrfsha of our functional derangements are <■.<>-ved »iy ictorrnptiwi of the liver's action. A few aOilC:S o' Dr. Kiog's Dau- delion and Quinine Liver Pills, v.b.oiit mercery, are a potent remedy. They perf .-m flU the benefits of mereury, without any of its d) and dangers. Dr. King's Pills reincuve dl jiver and stomach complaiiits, biliousi,, ii, headalI.u. SICkucss, shoulder pains, beartbrrn, icdigeation, ci.Supavion, BO ensuring perfect health. Thestold-W LIIONWI Pi'la still keep ahead of all otiiere as the gnat liver re:nt>d' I Sold everywhere. DK. KING'S LIVER PILLS, coutaioin^ dance.iou and quinine, without mercury, are far ab've all others as the Burest, mildest means ol removing indigeatii ■a, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions ami irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring perfect health. Dr. King's Pills are fold everywhere. To STop COUGHING, a TEW doses of PEP^H'S WHITE COUGH MIXTUKE arrest, the II.OET troablesome nt o coughing, restoring relief and tiaiiquility to the irritated membranes and air-r' Soothing, comloiting, and demulcent, its action ie? quite different fve^whwrear^ Ilemedies. Lotties -a i-ILLS.—t»K. iUNS'S DASPf. U0^ fn LS?V1LJdV^PlLLa—f«n«a8 P»U8 dt> not :,on f Mercury, or any of the many dan wrous ingredients frequently found in advertised Pill*. Wii^ctcontmues to keep Dr. King's renowned discovery to fr<»nt »>f all V|fJ^ia*soever. a« the safest, best, speediest. certain and effectual remedy for disorders of toe Live. ^Td ia Uxe form of Biliousness, Constipa- •OB, In-lit ^,Headache, 8houWei •K A-. tles>'Ve88 of the whole system. Disinelina »Tj i^.v f'-ji. ayn,pu"u. Ltl!nerally. The I-' i'ideii ,¡ Lffract contained in Dr. King't •ills, by itoo v": il f tonon the Liver (the most im- Kirl/arit gland •' '■•i<5 11 J frame), (Muses the bodily re- ,j(>iis f> flow in f'-U''1 r Wja^ner, and conjointly with th« irigredieutK, luyigorates, maintaining tin /reat portals of the sjutam in the nt condition te secure gooc .«altJi. Any Chemist sells them in Boxes la. l|d. and Ss. W naeli. RUPTURES! RUPTURES H°DGE'S AUTOMATIC TftUSS SOFT EUBBBB SHELL is the most perfect we ever examined."—"Medical Press and aud Circular," Oet 21, 1885. HoDGE's Patent Truss is the most comfortable and effective truss; it gives an elastic pressure, possessing a very gr<a" advantage. It adapts itself readiiy to the movements of the body."— Lancet," Oct. 3, 1883. "YN&Y ingenious and successful truas."—" British Medical Journal," May 23, 1885. WITHOUT enlarging the opening as conical pads are apt to dll, while its resiliency ensures the pad keeping its place without exerting injurious pressure. Medical Times," Oct. 10,1885, POSSESS decided advantage both in efficiency and comfort over all others with which we are acquainted."—" Liverpool Medical Journal, January 7. 18S6. "A very ingenious truss."—" Edinburgh Modi- cal Journal." Feb. 1st, 1S86. Description, a Stamped Addressed Envelope, HODGE AND CO., Army Truss Makers, 327, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. FACTORY—18, JAMES STREET, W. niB VSRDICT OF THE WORLI AND THE UIAIfIKOIJ8 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Proves that for Value, Quality, and Excellence Stewart Dawson Co's English Lever Wo4che8 have no Equal. 0UR WATCHES are CONVENIENT, STRONG U RELIAI", and EFFICIENT, and are solel] lour own muaalaoHn, thus the public dealing rfiree with 00 save to themselves two large profits, thl Wholesale Merobaats and the Retail Dealers. Oar trade mottoes are Excellence, Efficiency, Un equalled Value, Free Approval. Guaranteed Satisfac factioa, and we assert, withont fear of contradiction that we can serve the public better than they can 01 served elsewhere. DFINS FOR OUR CATALOGUE, and lwn for yOHtselves what your neighbours Sit.) about our Watches, and not only that, you will b< loaght How to Choose a Watch; also learn how the ftm of Stewart Dawson & Co have become SECONE TRO NONE the wide world over as WATCH MANU WMmrREBJS. We will forward ourCahrluae oj Horolegy post free for Two Stamps, cost dfpostage you reqaire a Watch rangiog in price from 25s to IK^JOM at oaoe to STEWART DAWSON 4 CO. WATCK MANUFACTURERS. LIVERPOOL iff. J. HEATH and SONS, 9 Agents for. ENGLISH PIANOFORTES By BROADWOOD (2 Gold Medals 1885), COLLARD ERARD. KIRKMAN (Gold Medal, 18»81H^0P KIN SON (Gold Medal, 1885), BRINSMBAD, ««• FOREIGN PIANOFORTES By Schiedrtkmir, i/Solt 4g6»cjf), Pleyel, Wtlff A Co., ier Rttmbaeh, Nenmeytr, SoUtng on< Spmfigtnberg, fiord, Knaitss, Haahe, < £ c. Sole A gents for Mason 4e Hctntlm Organs (Only Gold Medal 1885.) ALEXANDRE HARMONIUMS. Ruth & "OMAus' Thru'Years' Systeg [s Applied to tba Sire and Purchase af Instrument: by all Makers, from 1011 Monthly. every Icstrameat Guaranteed. Co-operative Price for Gash. The Larrest Stock in Wale# te Select from. 12, C KO CTE 1SEBT0WN, CARDI'L1 THE "OCULIMSDE EABSIN&S.' NO MORE SORE EYES! Ill poraons sufering from the above dittrMtiBg oomplaint should at onoe try F. Filippini's Oculimede Gold Earrinp Prices s—3/ 3/6, 4/ and 6/- per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCHMAKER, ETC., Market Street, Pontypridd HAVE YOUR OWN I WOOL HADE INTO PL01H VAT 0 0 L A. & J. MAGNAUGHTON, W00I.UK KAKOVAOtmUIBS PITLOCHRY, PBBTBSHIBK 9 Pay c«rri»g« for Wool Mot Oram for Vanniko fiomi trom the leadlns Joim«i«.. (barges,* fan putianlart as tottmonm £ *Sl yield of wool, Ax., on applieation m abova. SM our Exhibit MeupTta* 400 feat n»u« hM Intarnatlonal BxluMtloa, Uiidnurgk.ot.Ho.a MONEY by WAY of LOAN. TC TRADESMEN ANL OTHERS. MS. W. MORGAN, Accountant, Chvroh Street, Pontypridd, has had placed at hi* disposal the sum of £600, to be lent in sums of AI to £ 200, repayable by instalmttr ta. Tradesmen and others desirous of temporary ecuoiary assistance maj be accommodated on ap licatiou personally or ty letter to the above. The atmoet secrecy may be relied upon.— tecs. W. MORGAN, *Accountu,nt, Church Street. Pontyprid* IV. E. IYAUGHAN & co„ STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch .Establishments 77 c ^OKHERBTOWN, 1 CA 1' TvoTE STREET, J AKU1Ff 5^, tJoHMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 88, liJCH STREET, NEWPORT. 27, C'-Sir.E hlREET, SWANSEA. Aytic. for Bhondda:—. MR. J. r, I HJMAS. TAILOR & DRAPER. L s All .>T"EET, PORTH. "Thw OLXAV llMk n* Pimm JAMES' 'JG&MY 2SI BLACK LEAD SIWAtl rfWwtM ■— IBHIHW



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