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assE'J a& tss j&asi j CINBS OF NATUSB « | fOB KTEKY KIND OF DISEASE PLIM4 is rriiK to. 4&T T Fi I' E L L I S MILD & BITTEB KOiMNIOXICATISG PURE j HERB BEER,! FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. Thit Compound in highly recommended by g"04 nntaber of the Blue Eibbon and Good Templars' st*jf M ftoconr» of its superior quality above all others for jprifying rad. strengthening the system, ever brought ■ wsfc-rs the piblic. By the same, thonsanda have beei drunkenness. Sold by moat Chemist, MCt G roc era. i.;d. per Pseket, by Post 8 Stamps- It recommends itself. I TElfflSELL'S TIC-ERADICATOR iH instantly remove Toothache, Tie Dclott>«:x, Ntiiralgis, or any Paint i; the He&d o. Face by simply applying i to the part affoettsi, its auperiont aver all others being that it it applied oaf w II.rd I, while many of tha AOetrum that are iu the market contain strce. pcis-ti-s and fw« taken inwardlv. "A—This will neither leave any mark nor injrur. ftp. efcia »' r» applied.—Is lid per bottle. ftp. efcia W, To applied.-to lid per bottle. & & Wham there is reason to aaspeci a ztih by taking one or two doses of TEIMNSLL'S Life-giving A Preserving CÐLÐ or SWEATING POYDEB It will remove all symptoms from it Milam. No cmelhould be withont [C, aa it is evidentl. SO bed ever brought before the pablic. This oompoand is invaluable in the first stages anl qk"i attacks of Golds, Inflammation, Pains in th. Stomach, Looseness of the Bowells, Rheumatism itiksom-tic Croat. P»kj8 in the Limbs, Sciatic and IT*.?|kiyjUo junctions, Spasms and Cramp, and wti> #0t»pye.aU obstructions ciaaed by cold. It is also ax bxeeilent stimulant tor persons going oat into the damp. frost, or snow, as it prevents taking cold and foj JMnfyis^ «he Blood from all imparities, such as Bad tugs, Pimples, Blotches, Chilla, dfco., it oannot b< Is lid and 2. 94 per packet. t- I ^TRIMNELL'S Life-giving & Preoerving jg, COUGH Bl4 Noths'g tbar ha* *>.t h.fca discovers can Iv- srrnp-irttd with this Balsam, ,'t b<->iei'<<*i >vi'5'.0)i sp'>u '•.«! oi :■? ifjivp.rii.jorj n'4'nai in =i> s.'iipit it 'awy bo vi;:• ifjivp.rii.jorj n'4'nai in =i> s.'iipit it 'awy bo vi;:• Wst'kI With pjdt«l rfafftty to tlws y>-t»»»-4~st o»jil jrav. fit sh .iatfici«atlj 'ttong to ;ue ^»curos* J flnsny >f the most formidable p 'i n-»rx.»ry complain- •ewther cough, eroop, boopi.-K -j pa* u-a-vr* ^taarisy, asthma, broaohiti9..li:S■<;isy of breath: Ac that dreadful di^Ase, uousa'nfKf 10). of W a.atJ." U(,l1g..nd (lie ut)n"Hy dotü:!Q\1 10", 1* nod :j, 9ii per hattlt. i i 1 \/1 ,>. L. I embbocatION, Of World-Tide Reputitloa i.=.n,-t»v,U«i, iclisaiBatic ia»/. N-0 T5!wi>« :n liml'-a, a:;d unmbtnc of tlie ifinM neck, oxj» -•iaina, before tCey tire brok^a. aci&fcic ü(l par»l.Tfi» *S eetions, surain?, hniisss, spasms, (piuay, and am» ^srcat, is itckiiowled^ed by all who have aee it 'tti* most efficaciou,4 th&t they ever bad either i.)., svs: X beast. It is an article which will iteelf. ls ld a.nd 2s 9d. tJ TRIMNELL'S Life-giving & Preserving mmnz lo^ic | I, either wil) curp oil ..jivoqb debility, arising from .urce of sq-jafaioss from what<i .1lse it UiJiy arise. These are a few of the Symptoms f Nervous Debility:—Depression of Hpirits, inapd ftnle for exertion, onfitneas for atady, dieliist- roa tscieiy, dislike to enter any kind of bosinesu, involsc bltiahing, A-ness of eight, sparks before h\ t-les, deafnest; an si noise in ths ears, sense of tigbtnese U aufTocatioHi, constant mental misgiving, pains in th* 4inP and a constant sense of wearinftaa, irritatton at st'e ieiiiDeyfl and bladder, palpitation of the hefttV •"fnex*l tre«.nx»loiaac«?bs any or.ddpn imi>nlsB, «xtw«« tifSdence. fond of moping s>»*b«\ morbid aensiciliff. lirelese abont life, its itf- pi«-»anre8, acl lM •infers; irregularity of the bowells, feeling goo>3 tn BPthing, faitnre of memory, inteJlectnal powor Rui '*cultieg more or less impaired, extreme restlpEcnt is, latnleney and indigestion, freqtsetU tieadache.s, e-'lcat wxetchednegs, arising from the fear af physical JNKh», ies^&f meanity, miserable foitbochngs for tat TcsMnt, no hope for tiie ftiture, starting; daring ?!«• op booking and feeling ill without apparent cause. 0-at two packets of Trimnsll'f Nervice Tome wit; an oasee of the above 1$1^ mmd 21 td pw jMmi -'k_ I & TRIMNELL'S LIFR-G1Y1KG St PEESER?fflG VEGETABLE TORIC, APERIENT & LIVER PILLS. Nos. 1 A 2 for either Sez. A most selebrated remedy rOi .ytit-.rc and bilious complaints, attacks of teves, ta "Ict,uz., losi ü appetite, indigestion, dimness of sighik isine snd giddinegfl of the head, and all disorders of ibe stomach and Is lid and its 9d pe" box- ANTIBILTOUS. VE;C-BTABI-R, CASTOR OIL W APEIilBNT PILLts May be bad m One Penny boxes. trisJ is snfficient to prove the rirtae of the abort I f.ponnds. To bif> bsd at mostreapeetable Chemists id Medicine Vendors throughout the world ti ,on have any in obtaining it, send Stasapt post 0(8 ce Order direct to the Proprietor, and io J he fevvarded at oncfc. All 2e 9d sites post fre* H aoy p;:¡ra of the Kingdom. 'fT N.B -None ftfH eennina onlesiii they hvf) ..b.e Is signature 'in the Government 5..a. W iV.rjNFa-L. TO IMITATE TBIS WOULD BE FORQi 3F Fcll DlliSOTJIUII 011 BAcs Paer4c- •1901B MANOFACTrKEft A Pit(t ly TBIXfcTELI* Muhqai. B"&=M Keau T« Aaci, OABDTT SALUD 2/9 Sl1LUD' 2/9 SALUD 2/9 URINABIDISEASE3. THE NEW AND PALATABLE Remedy. A certain and speedy cure. Highly approved of by the Medical Faealty. JEffecttvewhere other drugt fail. See testimonials (English and Foreign) with each bottle. Of all Chemists,. and Wholesale of 8ALUD Co., LII., SAvAeu G B«ms, Loxvom, E.c. This infallible, painless, aai eartaia iatro- dsced by J. MUNDAY, has obtaiaed • worM-Wiie ra- fntation. The efficacy ef Vmonra aaay t» joiMd y its hariug eared eetas of erer 60 yean* stoiiiig', which had resisted all other remedies. It ftaceeeds where all Plasters and Cantties htn failed in RemflYing botb hard or soft Coras lid Wirts. Im Bottles, Price 1. toy Post la ML From Niue. itaris Mutter. Mr Munday, Amsterdam. BelleaA. Dear Su,-I bo.ght a bottle of yenr ecKtmn •'▼Irtdtos" some nix months sge in Paris, which enrsd me, aad u IU a principal dancer you know my feet we my living. The bottle | bought <ii<i the service you recommended it, bnt I boofht another ore afterwards wliich w.is forged and ne seed. Ail want a bottle of orjcvjxz for a friend of mine, who is aeeriy mad with pain, will you please 5V me one (.lrset Xdlle. JtARIK KCLL1S. From. Mr. D Anthony, Swansea. Dear Sir.—I myself have snffeied with csrnn, and tried stveral of the certain cures wh:r"M peGple boaet they have, hot ihfv al! fai!e l in my \1, I then got a bottle of yottt • Viridine," an 1 by ayplyin? ¡ "me mchtly to the COla I Wall szi,-ptised t,, ritl I e,,i. i,,l it^w :t ''lean ap I mow enclose imps for another bottle for a frend ef mine. On.C. -The >;re.it of my "VIRIDIJfB" has irrauiht manv wortir.ess inflations into the market, nndei various names a* "Com Cnvt." The pmbUe are, thsrefere, cioitioneil to purchase no other than MUNDAY'S VIRIDIXE," and et' tl.*t my signature is on the end of "■tell pacxaje. P3EPA Kf.f» OXLT 8T J. YT3EAT, Chem's:, 1, High St., Cardift >"o)d by all Ohemi^t.^ .I,teiit Medicine Dealers London Agents— •^ ilcoiA Co., 23:1. Oxford St., W. N<ewhery & Sou" ?a,i^er, Su: ton, Hoveadea, <Se. THE LATEST MARVEL. Xir i"v ■ Me•••■•i; ..1 (■ -n:»V -.>rward ni c- -,»• i I'.lsam/ thf, aii- r i: i'liv r ting in lid" vi'i ■ ict; f- i. I h Known any Cough M•»<<:» f- n'n-t-V«-A4> st: quickly obtained so »nd giv.^a auch anivorsa.) 8atj.f, I am, r :r'r f .rhfullv, h i .[vIP RALPH. Hik'H To-m. A 71 i IIT BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCflES. BEiST SON'S I NEW PATENT No. 4668.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Has obtaiofd the Htcazsr AVAss OF A GOLD JVCEIIDJLXj AT TBB Inventions Exhibition, 1885 SX3.VEB. 005D )9< k fAg The 'Ladgats' Watch is a Silver English Level 0 Of my Best London Make with Special Strength." rSR.EE-QUA.RfER PL.-KTE MOVEMEttr. Jeweilfd throughout in Rubies. True Cbrotionjet«r Balance, adjusted for Extremes, With Damp and Dust Proof 'atent Rint Band and Extended baiicL A(ii8sive Sterling Silver Dome Oases, With CRYSTAL GLASS Front, f Which cotabines the Strength of the Hunter tho convenience of the Qppn Face Watch. Viids, oeta Hanus and Opens at Back. The Immense supr;ioiity in Value, Accuracy, ■ cd Durability of tu« •'Ludyatc" Watch, to Swiss it;d American (made in Imitation of and sold as ^!i >lish), and to the Old Fail-Hate English Lever iii sold by other makers), from the great ctects of wcich the Lud^ate is exewp v«d by the Award of a '3 -OLD MEDAL) e f nly bne adjudged to Enelish Watches. 11 a Ladgate is of Bt tter Qu.iiity and Value i au any /.10 Watch rar.de. t; Lndgaxe is 1lJ (;"3(; L: :don lake, •tror. Handsome and Eeiiabie, Will stand the hardest Wear ar.d roughest usage. And is, therefore, the Urst Watch Fu>r Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, by Railway Men, Miners aId ts (Ino. 1, Large (izc) ;iktii'.n ai d Aitizui s (.\ o 2 as Sketch) lj,,Dtleia en, Othceis ai d Tu( n in H.M. ■'•Tvices, Youths' and Boys' (No. 3. Small) be sent Free and ijafe at my Risk o all parts of the World for 95 5s. iS-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass Caaea, T, V F, G U F A Rsmittanc.^ •' Cash, must ( accompany Order. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BENS, is the only Maker of a Three-Qnarter Plate English Watch for £ 5 5 in Silver, or R.12 128 in Gold, and that or-c Patent" Ludgate Witch cannot he had through or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Infringement of the Put Jnt liights will be proceeded against. An illustrated and Priced BOOK, explaining tha advantages of thia "Watch over the Pull-piata English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Poat-free on application to X W. BENSON,! WJ TC/:MAKFn TO H.M. THE QUEEN, Tit8 STEAM FACTORY, 6 3t 0-1. LUDGrATB HILL, E.C. xTr^T Lad 35, OLD 30:»D STREET. W.f LONDOX Coa-jcqaent npon the award of the GOLD Medal, tue denuuad, always great, has ao increased to neces- sitate r.v»ve extensive Macliinerv, v.hich now enables us to LIXECUTE ALL OP.DEKS f:>i the LLD- GATE' WATCH WITHOUT DJiLA Y. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches ix 1,\1 je3 to .CMO. Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks Chime tad Turret), ElecUo-PUte, and iiiusical Boxes. Free on *^LUii° ASSOCIATIONS.—FO REMEN, SEGUE- TAR IE S OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, I and others will find their Incomes considerably in- creased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from £5 to £ 11 more than any English Watcb sold, and therefore bound te saperoede all others. Particular# on appli j oatioa. 1 WMMMgL WMtUHHC BBKCHAlTJi PILLS. /patent Kl m —lls*m T'r to It varik a Gainea a bsi 1st Mmw and MtvoM cJie. ssiilssft, aaah as wnd and MnsiB Aas*eeia«^ seek aad aeala, ilisaiaeas and ckowacneae, MH,tlills,lsiirisms(imt, lass of SPPOWO, shArtness at Wmh, emtiva&esi, saarvy, Uotcbes 8ft the skin, Katartad stoop, frightful iMaaaa, and all aervoac and twiahiiaan -saaa^iona, ¿¡c. rboi irst dose wait gi e raiief twenty suaatea. This is no fietaen. for dsay hw« doae -it Si ibougmas of mm. Every safterer ia earaestly iavited to try one box of these PiSe, abd thay will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For festalm of aM aaaa these Pitie Me mlyeAusbIs, hb a few Seaes carry aff all groee hai—ara, apea all obstrnctsMM, aad briag about ail that is mqaired. Ma female shoald be wittuwt tbem. There is Be medietas to be feaad to ejaal BEECHAM 8 PILLS for jewovinR aay obatraetkm or irrej^alarity of the sys- tem. If taken according to the directions given with eaeti box they will soon restore females af all agee to son ad aad robaet .hkealil For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders at the Krar, they aet like MAGIC," and a few imi wffl ba fsaai ta w«rk woadara opoa the aiost important eagaas of the hamaa laaehiae. They rtrewgtben the whole masealar system, reatora the loag lost oootplexioa, tilley briag back the keen edge af appetite, and aroase into action with the KOSE- tOD of health tbe whole physical energy of tbe haman feeme. These are "FACTS" admitted by tboBsanda embracing all alassas af soeiety; and one af the best ^narant«es to the nervoas aad debilitated Beecbaat's Pttle have the largest sale of any peat nedieiae it the wartd. A BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs m general, Asthma, diffi- imJty of Breathing, Shortness at Breath, Tightness and Oppression in its Gfcest Whef ting, &c., these Pills are tmrivalled; and say one laboaring ander any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that they are the beat ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression ef the Chart. They speedily remove that sease of oppression and difficulty af breathiag which nightly defttive tha patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfart to those afflicted with the above distressing and; wben'mtfectfeT, dan- goroas complaints. Let any person troubled with any of thl- above <wmplaints give BsacVAM's Cooaa Pius Tt! ..L.tont Cough will in a abort tiaae be re- moved. Cav tuhi.—The pablic are requested to notice that the (11"1.8, "JhBClU)('S Pills, gt Helen's," are an the Gov«rnmewt Stamp afiixed to each box of the Pills. If not on they are forgery. Prepared only and soM wholesale and retail by the pwjpuetMr T. T'-aeeham, Chemist, St. B(46&,s, I.Snea- •hire, in Is. lid. and 2s. ci. each. Sent post free from tbo proprietor far 15 or M stamps.—Soli by all I>i n^.Si«ts and Patent Mediciae Dealers in the King- dom. N.B.-Full direetioas are given with each box. K]EcRmclrs VEGETABLE PILLS "■ fOE HKAPACHJM. TT-ERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS TOR BILlOPSyMa. KERNIOK'S VEGETABLE PILLS —— FOB INDIGESTION. T7" ERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR LIVKB COMPLAINTS. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR CONSTIPATION. TT-ERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS CONTAIN NO MERCURT. -fZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS A HE SMALL AND LASY TO SWALLOW. 77 ERXICK a VE(7ETABLE PILLS STRENGTHEN THE SYSTEM. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS —— PURIFY THE BLOOD. Sold in Boxes at 7 d., Is. ld., and 2s. 9d. each, most respectable Chemists in hngland and- the Colonies, or may be had direct o, Ithe Hole I'roprktors, KLRNICK <k SOS, Wl\ole- anle and r.s.\>crt Druggists, 5, St. John's Square, CARDIFF, INFANTS' POWDERS, BiEiEs„x\ HEHEFOIWSBIRE.- The Registrar General, in his recently is- sned Quarterly Returns, refers to the fact that the narefcer of deaths of in- fants has beeu far loss in Hereford- shire tlan in any oth^r county, being cn!y 65 out of every thousand births registered, while in other countics it ran from 154 t) 180 per thousand. This great local blessing is largely due tothegeDeval of Herefordshire mothers givirig their infalts "GFQitGP'S Ikfaxis' p()" lIEr;s," of which oneche- ¡ !T1Îst alone in Herefordshire (Mr P. lLdpb) sells more lhau all other babies' pt el a-ations put, together. The above m'a a few of the many thousand expressions of tte public as tn the universal esteem in which they are held by all wi-o hav,) tested their undoubted power npon infants and young childrtn. IMI,ORTAN-C.-The Proprietor wishes those that give GEORGES INFANTS' POWDERS a trial, to understand that the first dose often produces vomitting, this I must net alarm them it is only a proof th t the medicine is producing ? hopeful effects. j CAUTI-IN.- When you ask for GEOEGE'S IInFANTS' POWDERS See that you get them, as other appa- rently ckeiip hot ivorthless subatitutis may be offered by unprincipled piir- ties. Evtrv genuine packet has the proper label, and the inventor's Sig- nature written on the Governmeut Stamp. .NOTICF. title GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS i is c'py right, and registered under the Trade Marks Act. *#* Avoid all Soothing Syrups and so. called Powders containing Opium; tbey kill more infants t:ian all the diseases put together. Solt7 by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors cvvryivhere, at 1/1 and 2/9 per packet. eIpps s! GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. i COCOA ) W: Ik. nl THE HANSOM OF A KING F GrAMJEE'S ORIENTAL SALVE (As vupplied to the Ribt Hon. W. B. Gtinsto**) "^DRES Errn». 3cr?s. Piles, Rhetmatitm, P*ro lysis, Lumbago, fetiif Jomts, White Swatlinjc^ -Vena,"Hip disease, Chest & Lnng Complaints, Ao.,&' j i ] 1 !m "mB a READ 81.I,6" i jafferod ovt-r yrHlI rror4 while »v. eliing. Tss ioc-tor's opinion btre tlwt t w»i! currtd. Wbi!«t tt a ti/ii. to S'.Miners, I ttdviwd to He G&mjeo'e Salve The for the hcitr.T rapid <8Id in three, week* I walked cp the stepi; of tiit Midland Scutum witb, luKifttaijce, althoiigb oo wy arriTal thtralna.d &e be carried Four boxes eom. pletely eurod me.-Cartitied by ho Blocp, MRS. II J'7:if¿ds of similar cases have been oared. GAMGEE S EAST (NDIA PILLS, or Blood Cleansers, thoroughly porify the Foolast Blood. eor« Indication, Bilious or Liver Complaints, Piles, GraraL Wind, restore tone aud vigour to the most we«*'J Wind, restore tone aud vigour to the most weø>I, •oastitation, and are the besliin the world for *»l Pern ale Irregularities Perfectly Herbal and taetalo-^ lvmv»one wh. has tried tk.!nl wys tb/y re LEST REMEDIES U', Til-Q VitliLD. In Bfjtes at 7;d, b ltd, 2s 94 4s 6d. From W. H. K ■■ ruwii&t. Pontypridd; W, H. Joneu chemist, Mountvtij* Daviea, rhfaoHt, Mrg R. M. Evam, Perth; 1. Rich#? demist, Treherb^rt; T. Jenkins, 2, CbipeUtrwst, flirdiflr—iUrmclr it Son (Wholesale); Hick» & Co.; T. williai or direct for the amount In itaaps, with llpectal fnatr. ttons if required, from tbe sole proprietor, 0HA.RLS8 H AGv> U, Wind Street, SWUM*. 4b BKWARS Off travmuwo impostom. H S!:X:=SB 11 11 ENGINES FOR SALE. TWO BOBSS Powsm VERTICAL ENGINE AND BOILER, WITH FITTINGS. Engine-8in. Stroke 4in. Bore. Boiler- 6ft. by 2ft. 2in., IN FIRST CL\SS WORKING ORDER. ALSO A HALF-HORSE POWER Vertical Engine and Boiler, Engine-fi-c. Stroke, 3in. Bore, and all fittings complete. 0 TO BE SOLD CBBAF. All may be seen at the CHRONICLE" Office. TRICYCbKS! TRICYLESI To be Sold, Cheap, c" A 44 INCH CAMBRIAN TRIC YCEE,L In First-class Condition, including a fPAIR OF LAMPS, and all accessories. A 8AEOAIV. ALSO A COVENTRY ROTARY TRICYCLE, VALUE 306. Side Gear, Fa-st Machine, and good, strong Roadster. For fu'-t'ier it)ply at the "Chronicle" Office, where ttie macnines may be seen. "I,J-h '.¡. LINEN WHITE AS SNOW. m j CLOTHING SWEET AS NEW MOWN HA Y. By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under Royal Letters Patent for Importanct and Public Utility. PATENT t §§§ TRADE MARK BORAX EXTRACT I OF SOAP I "PERFECTION." PATENT In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packers of all Grocers. ppMiAf Known throughout the world by this TRADE mark. Ask for Patent Borax,.and refuse all others. IiIALT J ALL 6 P., i. t 1, -1, il This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These fair o-us Pills purify the BLOOD, and act !9!er.t powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, ha become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in ?-> ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as GENERAL FAMILY MRDICINE, are unsurpassed. -i ,7i- I. 01,11 S. Its Searching and Healing Properties Ut known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually nibbed 011 the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses.. Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. Sold at Professor Hot.lowav's Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; *lsc by nearly every respectable- Vender of Medicine throughout the Civilised W-d, in Boxes and Pots, at is. tid., 2S. gd., 43- 6d., us.. i2S. rind .33s. each. Fail printed ah-ectioifs are* affixed to each Pot and Box, and can,pe.had ov language. N-B Advice Gratis, at tile above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. | I "IS THE SPRING-TIAM C7 THE JEA1! if W YOUR aeSi FRIF-ND, n | if yonr has been weakened by any of the trials of the put winter, or otherwise, U I I Jfiwilym Evans's QUININE BITTERS. I: The FA f HBR'S FRIEND if he has been overworked, or if health shows any breaking up after trials ol the past Winter, is nBdoubt edly Gwilym Evans's Qumine Bitters. It will brace up again Bitters, the failing bodily powers, fortify the system asjainst disease, and enable theFatnei to bear up in the future bet- ter than in the past. The STUDENT'S FRIEND when in danger of breaking down entirely after or during a course of severe study, or ii tbe confinement to books threatens a constitution al- ready delicate is, beyond a cloubt, Gwilym Evans's Quis- ine Bitters. It directly coun- teracts the injurious effects of over-study, helps to build np fresh, healthy tissue in the body, purifies the blood, and thus clears the brain, and assists to secure that reserve of strength which the de- mands of close application to study necessitate. US -v A S'S The CHILDREN'S FRIEND, if t'h are growing rapidly, and are not cs{ strong as they used to be; or if tiaej. appear delicate after the severe Winter' we have gene through, ia certainly Swilym Evans's Quinine Bitters. There is nothing like it for purifying and enriching the blaod, and thus producing glowing health in weakly frames. Try it. The Best Remedy of the Age. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, if he wants to be recruited in health, if he wants to rid the eystem of the weak- nesses entailed bv the hard Winter, if, he wants to be strong and enjoy the pleasures of health is undoubtedly Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters. w QTTJ I 3Sr IIETIE I > s'a a LL i i a: i The MOTHER'S FRTBND • tbe cares of the family are wsMfe ing heavily on her, «r if any la rangement of the natural tnm t\ou8 is causing anxiety, tt Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bittssft It restores the failing health SB the hody, gives strength Insteal of weakness, and infuses new Ml into the blood. v(-yv MettA hheuld use it. The WORKMAN'S FRIEND id he is exposed to the weather, HF works for longhours i a close 0| ventilated rooms, or breath- the impare air of the 1n the furnace, or the factory, if Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters. The timely D88 of this invaluable medicine imm many a time saved to tim family the Workman's ewat) ings, as, without it, he wonli have been compelled to yjivf ap his work. It has saved falling baek on the club, aad has reduced the doctor's It has donn so for others, If will do so for yoa if you give it a fair trial. I Being a happy combination of the active principles of the most famed and most valaed medicinal plants known to modern science, aud being, in the process of manufacture, specially adapted %• 1 human needs. Everybody who has tested it in any way, or seen it tried, has a good word to say for it. The Analysts declare it to be pure and harmless; the Doctors prescribe it as being safe and. certain; the Chemists sell it as being popular and trustworthy; the Patients use it as being a positively unfailing remedy; and everybody declares it to be The Best Remedy of the Age for Affections of the Chest, for Diseases of the Blood, for Complaints of the Liver, and for tronula of all kinds in the Stomach. As the universal testimony is that there is nothing equal to Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters for removing effectually all these complaints, see that you get this, aai this only. Other preparations, to some of which somewhat similar titles have been given, are oftal offered for sale for the sake of extra profit Purchasers cannot be loo careful not to be misled^ Fmember that what everybody acknowledges as the best remedy of the age is Gwilym Evanrft Quinine Bitters. 11 Sold Everywhere. Praised by everybody. Agents in aU parts of the World. Prices :—Bottt<t 2s 9d; donble size, 4? 6d; cases of three large bottles, lis od. To be had of all Chemists an* Vetdors of Patent Aledieiues, or will be sent at above priees to any address, free and safe po Parcels Post, secure from observation, direct from the 0 Proprietor—M> GWILYM EVANS. F.C.S., Llanelly, South Walea 30 YEARS I IT, OARDIPP. R B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (OppOlite University College), CARDIFF, having had great experience both in ..nglisb and American systems of Dental pese4auft, i* enabled to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a manDer whick lad; very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent CompoettMB, which only a perfect impregsion of tbe mouth can be obtained, be ia enabled to npab beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guar-anteed workmanship, of natural appeWUMHk, iiid whioh defy detection. No Sea-tee Ivory Teeth. No 3s. Teeth. No Rnbbisb of RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets from 6s to 30H Each. Sets Upper or Lower gi, 60s to 20 Guinea* [nmentor of the Al Amaigaot, Stopping at vsed by the best DmtitU in Bmyp* f AmmiMk. TEXTS SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Few. HITROUS OXIDE GAS administered daily at Cardiff by the but IN safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Aoton HoNfe Cardiff, ia very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE. ftRMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to Ma. Notts, /7, Taff Street, PontypndK,. Attendance—the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Also at Mas. Whitrs, Chemists, ite, Moantain Ash, the same day from 10.30 to ) o'clock. Afttoaia at 1.1&. Chemist, Mcrthyr, the Second Wedneeday in c-so1 iz-iowft _h_- from (2 to el-4 I I €1 ZSY i fn -L" -7"" 'MTsVjfe'Ufl AT ■ « .LiE WIS'S, ill .otirr ^v, i<. Liester, are t'ieMunmctnten I *• IVl V. j. uowa sli over tiie wor.d. liisfast a JJ| I' "■ lit _yi J 1- y re-peet fsitiity, IV—3 will g:TO»*e»- H Thej^r.oftiui beaut' -^i anaaj; the mSTin.'a;V.. <• '"oare now worn Ifll V I S T!i! 'iua it-; VelvctPf'' '3,rr f Draper at #g. G<C.. •$- f.i n 5'. M. » yard. H iff f §| Tlio rub. 'y v n.iyTw r ^ti uiflerence K MS I || I.ViS-S.of M«rk«tj>u- •• r. ?■■■= -selves, andeell 1 W I M It 1.1',t l.nslit almost 1V.> .t t, p. ;0i 2«. a ml. i.K .» S asii ladies to I § § I v.r.*e f, r patterns of t,is Wr.cr; m ■v(.,e,,1. ThevV.M be ah'e to Jwlj-e/„r S 9^BL\ J II ill-Lii-civrs whether Lp. is h. r <anc! e te )■ tneir elv. teen more I f rwl I f :1 (i! <-v.ow;a«yp« i-JSWiS-S P«V eMriSReoa R trT^i I M a.l Or'ers to any aaaress .■•••1 Ptoutmmtuni Out papetiehm writing. | r A 1 I 1 »'<>«!■ .-■• only be procured at Ihexr ettablirhmrnt in B,» Uewis's 'yvfflRKETSTREET,. Manchester. I _# ca SPECIALI,-Y WRISTBANDS, FRONTS, COLLARS. ISTIFF&C. BRIST[IL. SNFAJHTS' POWDERS, fef.r.iv, ara t.he effects of iSFsNTS' POWDERS" Cpon the lnf;?nt System. 1 lt?y ire .'iot only c-ho very best and Ntejici!lk, can give their iilL!r",nea dnril,e he anxious period f Teething, but, they net as a certain for Fits, Inflammation, Bronehitis, Diar rhcea, Small-pox, Scaraltina, Measles, &c., &c. Sold by most iJ'.fMaists, in packotfl, at "T'^li, or frum the Proprietor, B. A. GEORGE, PENTRB, PONTYPRIDD.