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f The "Chronicle" Steam Printing Works, 23 and 24, MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDE. (E8.o1.1. 1863 AS THE FLKCT PRINTING OwncJ: IN THE RHONDDA/) B. DAVIE S, IBISTEB, PUBLISHER. sB00KBIKDER HAS LARGE and RAPID Machinery to (Compete with the Cheapest Houses in the Kingdom IN Fosters. Handbills, Circulars, Billheads, Memorandum Forms, Books, Pam- phlets, Magazines, Club and 10 Colliery itules, Financial statements, &c. GEORGES Cough Balsam The Book* of the 3>c<iptor Uospitf At not eoatais a ease- ",t Asthma of Cessmmptier which might not have boom ikteeluslly « red by Geu ge s Cough Rol-r-am. A peb, nnmher of the most emmernt pbyaioiana in the kingdom, when every other means had failed b remove alleetiona of the Chest and Langs, have reoommeadaa their patients to try Georges Cough Balsam. -i the reailt has been immediate improvement and a speedy etre. Peraona employed in faetoriea, oat and iron mine, eioee and nn wholesome apart atenta, Ae aad whose enfferiaga are therefore the greater when afflioted with a hard eongh. tightneas or ahortneu of breath, hoarseness: bronohitis Ae never find anything do them half as mnoh good as George s Cough Balsam cm Mothers, upon whose little ones the death-damp deemed to be gathering as they lay gasping apon the bosom or prostrated in the iap 117 Whoopiag Cough, have seen their cherished idols revived and brought life again by George's Cough Balsam ) Mexub^ #f parijAaeat| milit»ry eommende. I public speakers and singers, captain* •» I ^»MterB and others, npon whom th,l aggravation*. a bftd oongh had imposed the' '^eii employment hare beep eoaHed to their #n^gement,e by taking J George's Cough Balsam. It is a wonderful Bxp«ofcorant, Anti-spas- Modio aad Demaleent Wo family should be with "t it. liod tka ooontless tfttiaoailw. PONTYPRIDD JOHN CROCKETT & Co v.:ø-'1'AB.Ø8. And General cabinet Makers, and Honse Fur- nishers. Shellibier for Adult Funeral9> uwch /or {Jkiidren's Funerals. Wreaths in gr»< variety Giiiidrep's Ooffios from 7s. 6d. Adults Coffins t<> 5#. 25B. j Polished Oak Coffins 'with White Trim- ] Tilings and padded inside 60s, Shn'h'o'e? .oarry 8 inside and coffin out- | aide from Pontypridd, Hopkinatown, 1 Coedpenmaen, OhainwotVs and Tre- J foreat to Cemetery 8a. I 3 i'ifh f :• carry 6 k»»d child's ooffin 1 .-■I'sido f;om r, hove place, toCemeter* | I^EBVOUS DEBILITY, DEAFNESS, NOI F.3 IN THE EARS, AFFECTION OF THE EY S, and other bodily ailments. Sofferers should se for REv. E. J. SILVERTON'S WORK °OwM t mp'aints (275th Thousand), containing finable unorination. Post free for Six Pennj ^tampe. None should despair. Note the address **▼. E. J. SILVERTON, 16 to 19, IMPKKIAIBUIII 4%. LUDGATI Oibcvb, LONDON, E.G. CkvtNa, .akujw Ten Joom — DuiiiR's Cmtf ,I.M) -H MON PLASTERS are kite ONLY remedy. They differ from all plaatera, abields. w composition* ever invented. By instantly 60fteuinir the callons surrounding the pain goes at once, the core soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe join' quire more time for perfect cure, hut the net ion •* certain. Boxes. Bold by Chemists, <&c. everyv.h -r< iiltKAT DoDIT.Y, NKKVB, MKStAL. ANB DiOO.i I Vft STKRNUXH follows the use of Pkppkk's QUIKINK and IKON TONIC. By mfnaing new life into the nerves enriching the blood, and strengthenjng the macular 9ysymptoms of weakness disappear, appetito ie- t« ■ • fatigue ceases, and recruited baaltli resnli^ In1 on having Pepper's Tonic. It can be obtained ii- '■ ¡;d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It costs a been Ijjd. each dose. I T.VKAZACOU ANT> P0D0PHT-I.I,IN.—A livt'l n.fil'i- iine without juerenrv, is a mixtnre of joiees t't t)*» iciwii irake and dandelion plants, go,,Ll for }leuch,-I; !to. c-idity, coativeness, flatulence, lieartbnrn, jt'tot., uilionsJiiosFj, repr^nau^e to food, general -i- ff i t. depression, &c. Pepper s Taraxacum <v>S Puaophyllin, by stimulating the liver with ii j-iust gen tie action on the stomach, is the safest, nio-i fÓ" I Hf\.t,Ít, medicine. Bottle* 2M. 9d. Sold hbta. Jli!ion baviiif/ P«»)ii«r's. •ro DAKKIUN GkEY JblAIB.—LOCKYKB S MJ i PiC'K Halii, Restorkb produces a perfectly natnral shnL in a few days. No bair restorer offered is equal u1 Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleansing ww- lion on the hair, causing it always to grow, liaxgr bottled, s. 6d. Seld everywhere. To Cokr SKIN DISKABKS. SITLPHOLINK LOTIO> will completely remove all emotion-, pimples, re Inos? bl'.nciies, scurf, eczema, psoriasis, &«.'i4.a few J.iyp S .iijholine attacks old skin disorders, and totally Lie- six! jH them. It is a peculiar, agre<iable^|tamiless fl'u'ii, producing a clear skiu. Salpholiortiotiou in. sold by Chemieta. Bottles, 2s. li d. Dkafnkss, NOlSJlJS IN TIt If EARS, &e.-—DEI.lab's E ssj^'ck fo& DBAFhB»8 iw still the only remedy c I any rt"J. worth. Ita power of clearing the air p: aDH often relieving old eases hllJ¡ been proved dui'ing a quarter of a oenuury. Applied on cotton wool TH. lid Soli^ever v where. A .OauGHmi, 1'tAVOur..—<.JKACEOKT's ia^'ci- NCT TOOTH PASTE.-By nsin<; this delicious Aronigtii Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes whit! sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially l''1ed for remoi/ini incrustatu nf of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemist*. Pots, Is. and 2s. <?a,ch. Gee Cracroft'a. LlYNBCOMPLAINT. — Three-fourths of functional derangements are e&uriocl'fcy interruption of the liver's action. # A few dosoc oi Dr. King s Vim- delion and Quinine Liver Pills, without mercury, a potent remedy. They periorm t-,11 the bent lit >f mercury, without any of its disadvantages :1 'langers. Dr. King's PiBa remote ¡)'J\I\:c,nd stomach complaints, biliouhriess, headache, aichii< ii9, shoulder pains, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, ensuring perfect licaitb. These old-fashioned Pills ^iill keep ahead of all others as the great liver remedy. «yory wbere.. DR. KING'S LIVER PiiiW, containing dandelion and quinine, without mercury, are far above all others as the surest, mildest means oi removing indigestion, biliousness, headache, dyspTfia, obstructions and irregularities of the liver and atomaoh, so ensuring per ect health. Dr. King's PiUa arp f old everywhere. | CotaHiNG, a few doses of PEPPLR'S WHi5i: L/ough MIXTURE arreots the most troublesome fit of coughing restoring relief and tranquility to the iTrr-aied membranes and air-passages. Soothinsr, comiorting, and demulcent, its action is quite different from ordinary Cough Remedies. Bottles Setf iverywnere. parous isgredients frequently 'found to «dvS7I?fl- S3 froDt of all rills wnatMever, M the safest, beat sueedit- aao&t certain aad sftectual remedy tor disorders of the Live i<:d Htoma^h, Esther in the form of Biliousness Coust ir-u -v n iiidiuestioa. Flatulence, Acidity, Haadn^KJ "v: Fevtr sl! jReatlessuesa of the whole system, Dislnaliua ;o; Food, or Ovsjx;ptic symptoms generally. The Dandelion Extract contained in Dr^Kinp by its well known actlon on the Liver (the BI-;SI im i,: glaii'l in the whole frame), causes the bodiiy s, -r.> t, S m m a ngular jaanner, MQ conjointly witi ih. r 'ieuti, iTjpearly invigorates, so maintainiuf." tli- w iits oi the system in the fit condition to secure' aoo. miia V..V tSi<ani»t aella thm to Boxe# Is. Iffi. aad 3a. RnpruBES! ictu^HntisV! HODGE'S AUTOMATIC SOFT RUBBBB SHELL PATBNT Self-adjusting rp&UBS I is the moat perfect we ever examined." -"Medical Press and and Circnlar," Oct 21,1885. HoDGic's Patent Truss is the most comfortable and effective- truss; it gives- an elastic pressure, possessing a very grea. advantage. It adapts itself readily to the movements of the body."— Lancet." Oct. 3. 1885. — "VKBY ingenious and sucoessful truss.—British Medical Journal," May 23, 1885. "WITHOUT enlarging the opening as conical pads are apt to do, while its resiliency ensures the pad keeping its place without exerting injurious pressure."—" Medical Times," Oct. 10,1885. POSSESS decided advantage both in efficiency and comfort over all others with which we are acquainted."—" Liverpool Medical Journal," January 7. 1886. "A very ingenious truss."—" Edinburgh Medi- cal Journal," Feb. 1st, 1886. I Description, a Stamped Addressed Envelope. HODGE AND CO., Army Truss Makers, 327, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. FACTORY—18, JAMBS STRBET, W. im VMMJIOT OF THE WOaLI, AMD THE VVAflttQ^ YWCE OP THE PEOPLE Prevea Chat ilir'i TaM*' .^iiaiitj and Excellence &Ume#DiMmi 4, Ce'R English Lever ttaieh^g have no Equal. | vUB WATC988 wa OONVENIENT, STRONG K I REUABU|,AOd.EFFlCIENT, and are solel) like pt^jlic dealing flikee S?, *wo larj»e profits, th. Wbaieaale ■erebad«s an* the Retail Dealers. are Exeellsnce, Gfficieney, Uu aftjMapj yynjp, Friie Approval, ^aarantoed Satisfao ■tttM^fnaa we aSaert, without fear ef contradiction Mat ve eaa aerve the public better than they can bi odr oiTi,oaiJI, ff' yeawalvefr what yaur neighbours aaj WitteiMa, and net roly 'that, you will b« 5*1™* t*^deMA Watch; also laarn how tbi 2» of Sjewart DkwSen A Co have become SECONE JOHOWE the wide world over aa WATCH MANU M0TUKEKS. We will forward our Catalogue 01 ■yyiJ poat free for Two Btampa, cost of postagi *JM reqaire a Watch ranging in price frem ?■> SMdvat^Bee,k).. c >JS ♦STHIttBT DAWSON L CO., WATCit MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL n J. REA TH and SONS: ■ for ,'8' ENGLISH PIANOFORTES By' BROADWOOD (2 Gold Medals 1885), COLLARS BRARD, KIRSMAN (Gold Medal, L»4M») HOP KiNSON (Gold Medal, 13$ £ ), BRINSMEAD, **■ FOREIGN PIANOFORTES 1 By Schieekm^mr, ^iale Agtwu), Pleydl, Wtiff 4b Co., Hlutk let ( £ fol* A§entiff JA Rttmbach, Newneyer, Sotting Spmm0**k«rg, Jhrd, Knaust, Maakt, Jkc. Sole A genie for Mason 4s U xmlm Organs (Onlv Gold Medal 1895.) ALEXANDRE HARMONIUMS. & Sm' Three Years' System Is Applied to the Hire and Parchase of Instrument by ad Makers, frem 10a Monthly. E very IneHanaent Guaranteed. Cs-operative Pri- -v for Cash. The Ijargest Stock in Wales to Select from. 12, CHeenEHBRBTOWN, CABDI/i! J'X TBS "OCULIMELE EARRINGS." NO MORE SORE EYES! Ill persons suSering from the above distressing eoaplmnt should at once try F. Filippini's Oculimede Gold Earring* Prie81 :-3/ 3/6, 4/ and 6/- per pair. F. Fiijrppusri, WATCHMAKER, ETC., Market Street, Pontypridd. hayehtcySTH YOUR! kL*L*lm OWN W | M PITLOOHBY, PKBTHSHIBB. Q>' lAinni H|| II II TWEBD8JDKB68 TWBBDS, BLA*KST8 ■VII III BED COVERS, DBOOOKTS, SHEETINGS' ■■ W WFC* KNITTINO YABKS. *o.e. Hl^hMteSo." MADE INTO PE^DDMT AATO^I'OREQABSSL Af AMfl yield of wool, *c., on appUektion u abore. fi CIJDTII MONEY by WAY of LOAN. TC TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. MR. W. MORGAN, Accountant, Church Stree*. Pontypridd, has had placed at his disposH the mm of MOO. to be lent in sums of AI to JB200, repayable by instalments. Tradesmen and other- desiroos of temporary pecuniary assistance maj be accommodated on applicatibn personally or b,i letter to the above. The atmost aeerecy may be relied upon.—N. I tee*. W. MORGAN, decov/ntant, Church Street. Pontvpridt_ W. E. lYAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFP ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishments 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, 1 rA«nTPi? 248, BUTE STREET, f LAKU1* 52, COMMERCIAL STREET. NEWPORT. 83, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. 27, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. Agent for Rhondda;- MR. J. H. THOMAS, TAILOR & DRAPER, HANNAH STREET, PORTH. "Thw GLXAV Diesk L«ft4.rM» JAMESO -COLD* MF.DAL 0 -1 Qm-miwam= DOME SSiVBLACK LEAD | ^EWAll tfWi»IMfT«HttlW I • '■ > <■ •? i SZVJr" V"' ti/;