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0LERE"40 A.&.3 THE MJSJUi CINES OF NATURE « fOB IlUBY KIND OF DIBBASB fLiM 18 HEIR TO. 4L-,im-t TRIMMELLIS MILD BITTB. loi-mrroxKiTiM ran '■ HERB BEER, FOB SUMMEB AND WINTER. tbie OeamMod M bt t OM*t qnality iboniSl^^ia Cily«»X ^■i eteeMihwpi^r** Vstew et*f ore tfc% pattfe have bees nwad ir sm inwkauMM. Sold by most Chemist* mi 4.1. per Packet, by het 8 Sk-pt it ntoaiMdb MMIL 1 tEllHIELL'3 T1C-ERADIC1T0R Will instantly remove Tttrfhacho. Tu Doloroex, NnHidjri*, at any- ran b the H«ad O* Fsee DJ eimply APPLYING > to the part affeetod, Hi supenonb over all others being that ifciaapplied rai wavcHy, white man/ of lh* nostrum thai are is the.miauet contain atroa, poieobe and are takea inwardly- «.B.- -Tfu8 will neither leav* aay mark nex iafan Mm skin ren applied.—la 1M per boiM. A A Whaa Ihsae ia reason lo suspect a seU bf taking ana sr t#o dotes U '1' I '1 'K IIL'L 8 OW « SIUTUfi PØlÐBI Is will remove all nostsM from lb ■II— Noaw SSMOI* be wiShotrt it. as it is evidentl WMl iwi h—aght before thepnblie. Thie ssanfttalift lsfavalaable ia the ftttt vtagee aai Itjiih el Oolds, Intommotion, Paiaa in tin ,|wfta<b, Looseneea of (he Bowells, Rheumatism iJthHbibati* <Qoht, Paiaa ia tba Limb*, Soiatie ant raraiytie alTertirues, Spasma and Qramp, -eod-wii Wcw all obatraetions oaaaed by aold. It is also a* OKeeUent stimulant tor persons going oat into the damp ••ft frost, or now, aa it prevents taking cold; audi fe? Verifying the Blood fawn all impurities, such aa Bag MfaTPwplaa, BloSshss, Ohills, Ae., it eannat b» le U4 end Is 9dp*r pm§ktt. 1 I -I! .TRIttN ELL'S Life-giving Pr-r ving o COUGH BALSAM Nc^hia^ thai hM øbfJen diMOT<T<- can be compared With ibis Balaam, 1% betoofioial action upon all disease? of 94 .teapiratory organs ia so simple that it may oe adima 4U^d wittr pqtfeet safety so th« yonu^ess ehildreii fo* is sufficiently Strang to arrest tiie progress o wany of the most formidable pulmonary complaint:- whether ooagh, oroop, hooping eon;!Î1, pneamo'j;* fUuriay, asthma, bronchitis, difficulty u breavhi-v v that dreadfol disease, consumption. if .h¡,.h woov tW<mt«nd« 4;« aanualiy aron-id is. Is lid <MM< a* M per bottle. ,1 i <uMN £ CL.L/$ EMBROCATION Of World-wide KepatadoB 'our vhea&i&tiaiti, iheru.tAtio Vt)ut, l«'.» ^as^r, pains in limbs, and nnrubi.ft^- 3tiSnt8» of the jointa Mid neck, C, plains, before they are brokea, suiattc and paiah ti- affections, sprains, bruises, spaema, quinsy, and vi^- Aroat, ie acknowledged by all who have H m !> itarnxost efficacions that they avmr h.tl eÎth. #«»» »?» or beast. It is an article which will jtaeli. ls, IJ4 mud 2s 94. A I t TRIMNELL'S Life-giving A ProserviDf, NERVINE TOftiC For either Kex; will care all kiutis 2, nervous debilitv, arising from an] soaree of weakness from whai«ve^ "use it stay arise. These are a few of the Symptom ,1d Nervous Debility:—Depression of spirits, <nde for bxertiob, unfitness for study, dislikn tot aeoiety, dislike to enter any kind of bnsioAsa, in yolno xry bluAing, ^nnnefis of sight, sparks before ,b, "'89, deafness and noise in the ears, sense of tightness "r aufiocatioa, constant raental misgiving, pains in the ino and a constant sense of weariness, irritation ibe kidneys and "bladder, palpitation of tba heart isneral trsnfnloasaeas on any sodden impnlt e.. eitresas iiffidence, fond of moping alane, morbid sengibiJiij tMeleaa about life, its joys, ita pleasures, utid ta, Inties; irregularity of the bowells, feeling good tOt lotitrag, failure of meraory, intellectual powftr ttst5, faculties mere or less impaired, extreme restitue-at" lataleney and indigestion, frequent headache, siktv. wretchedness, arising from the fear of physical weak ••as, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings for tit. fJreeent, no hope for the future, starting during altep woking and feeling ill without apparent owse. on, on two packets of Trimnall's nervine Tai. wt ■ SIM all eases of the above. Is lid <Mt<< t< M pgr pmmL 11 TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIYIKG & PRESERflSt VEGETABLE TOllC, APERIENT & LIVER PILLS. Noe. 111 2 lor either Bex. A most celebrated remedy ia *■ Pnd bilions complaints, attacks of fever, 16 §'i-iu7», 10;<9 ot appetite, indigestion, dimness of sight tains and sriddine<iji of the hea^, and all disorders oi ill,. stomach and bewail 11 lid fMfI 94 per bom. 4NTTBIL10tI8 VBGETABI*» OASTOB on APjbIBIBNT PILLS May be had in One Penny boses n" a. trial is sufficient to prov« the virtue of the &bo,, r'jpOuti^a, To bp had at most respectable Cnamisv I\ncl Mediciue Vendors throughout tn'" woil^ n ,"on have any aifficulr.y ;n obtaining it, send 3tam;;< Foat Office Orde» direct to the Proprietor, aas? **33 fp forwarded at AD Ste 9d nni poaf v if «0F ',)I%Tt of the Eicgdon. H.B —None arb- gi-imnins unless they i- 0" Istor's signatare on the GovemmCin* fY bi:.fNEJ. 1. TC IMITATE THIS WOrlLB MM ■' pott Dutcnttt on BU8 Ftwi-4 OM MANUFACTURER pimrru ?•"? Muieu Beximxt. MMBA T"" ,f OAiu>m SJILU0 2/91 UBINABY DISEASES. j THE NEW AND I Remedy. A certain and speedy QAlSlin O /A ?Pre- Highly approved of by Uie Q ji) sill //Ml Medical Faculty. Effective where '"■■■wl# mil V other drugv fail. Seetestiiuoniala (English and Foreign) with each — m a bottle. Of all Chemists,. and Dili D Sfl A /A Wholesale of SAL till /H SALUD Co., L»., 8ata»b ■" W SBMS, Zmhbox, SLCf CERTAIN C U -RE w This infallible, mw«l«H, yd. iaeed by J. MOMDAt.ki itowihfriWitW; Catation. Tba tfttMy of *• TZHMM Ml to MP# y its having eared earns ef ass* 10 yewr ataBl«f> which had resisted all atiiar rsisliss. It Saceeeds where all Plasters aad CaMllaf tow failed In SemoTiiig both bud or sort cas iaf Into. a Bottles, Price la., by Post Is W, Frtm MdlU. Mwrit Jfciffsr^ Mr Monday, AmstsMaa. Hill Dear Sir,—I boxght hottle ef year serosa Vbifto some six month* age in Puis, whloh eirsd SM, eat wlaas principal ri»m-«r yoa kaow 1111 feet ars ay tiviag. Ike Mts 1 boanht did the .Irviee you rMoouaaaded it, bat I WngM another on* afwwards which wasfergsdaa4 aa feed. Aw < wast a boUlr of OKKSIVB for a friend of mine, vUie asst^p ruad with pain, will )Ou. pleas* «dnd m* eB" f.U<et. ICdlle. KAMI uguax, From JXr. D Anthamf, SIIMI.6S. Dear Sir.— I uyMlf have raffeled with ewoo, sad t"' teveral of the certaia curss which pespls beast they heve, bat tbev al! failed in my ea»e. I then got a bottle ef yeai Viridine." an J by applying :nn« nightly te the eera I wa* '\ur.till" h flnft 1 MuM <ir*w it clean up. I aaw eaetei* stamps fwr auotiier battle for < friead of mine. NOTICS. —The utett miccem ef Ny "VIRIDIMt" has "roujijt mmr worthier* imitations into the Mtttt, aade* various name!) aa Curs The pablie are, therefere, :autioned to pwi-ha^e no other tban MONDAT*H VIRIDINS," and .ee tlaa-, oiy siguatare is oa the sat ef ^ch package. PREPARE") ONLY BV J. r^NDAT, Chemist, 1, Hjgh St., CaxdiC Soiti fejy *tii <' Meuitiiiiv Dealera uoodon Ajentf Wv:.ox A Co., '289. Oxford St., W. hvwMiy dr, boup. Sntton- iiaveadea, At. THE LATEST MARVEL, Mr £ A GMMK,— Dear 8ir;—Ba gaod eaoagb ta far ward sse another gross of your I c. the aala of whioh ia rapidly iaarsssiag ia this distriot; iadaad, I bava asnr known any Coagh Medieine' that baa aa qaiakly a^aiaed aa great a sale, aad givaa aaah aairaraal aatiafaetiaa. I am, daar Sir, Tears faithfully, PHILLIP BALPH. High Town, Hereford, .t 27,1878. BUY ONLY l bLiiH WATCM B NEW r.VTENT No. 4669.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Hi»s oi.)t.,alupd the UL&KNOV AWAIS GOLD ivTED^Xj AT TS8 Inventions Exhibition, 1885 5 531 Y,12 12& I The 'Ludgate' Watch is a Silver English Lever Of my Best London Make with Special Strength." rflgEE-QPABJEB PLaTE MOTEMEHr. Jewelled thiousfhou^in Rpbies, Ctue Cnronooieter Balance, injusUid for Extremes, V ltn Damp and Dust Proof relut Einif Band and Extended Barrel. massive Sterling Silver Dome Case3, A tth riKYSTAL GLASS Front, Wniuia ootnbines the Strength of the Htratof « ii)i Lhid opnvenienoe of the Open Face Watch. v Ilands and Opens at Back. ) t't! iuituuase superiority in Value, Accuracy, i L» ^ability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to Swiss • .r.-i jk.uaeiiuatn (wade in Imitation of and sold as iu-,i ). and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever ..1 I., ,"viiI by other makers), from the great of wuioh the Ludgate is exempt,—is "4 hy tne Award of a I ■QL.O MEDAL, i.a < ii.y one a-ijuilyed to English Watches, f i■*■ 4 'jûd6at" is of Better .Quality and Valoe J. ,tf. Mt.y I.IV WaLch hitherto made. « Luxate is wy iiebt London Alake. •" i t lriauddome and Iteiiable, v\ ai iSt.i I,d the hardtst Wear and roughest usage, ■\nu M. cliefbfuie, turl Best Watch i i-t Hutne, tudian aud Colonial Wear, by '»-uw-ty .Ien, iVJuieis and "•ojjioio ¡. 1, Large bize) vV.jiAiutn uod Aitizans (.No. 2, as Sketcn) ukiji ii-iuei), uhiceis and Alen in H.M. -■»-« vi'ta. Yuuthb' and Boys' (No. 3. Small) A i ) be eusnt F) eM and Safe at my Bisk — > 11 parts of the World for 96 68.. 18-OABAT GOLD CrystAl Glass Caaaa, ■ KI.VE GUfNJCAS (No. 3 Size). A ilwii-uiitiuce by PO.C., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order. Bi'KCJALiLr NOTE that J. W. Benson i9 the only :U«kor ot a Thrue-Qaarter Plate English Wateh for i'j on HI Silver, or jE12 128 in Gold, and that our i'aceot Lud-:ä.¡e" Wateu cannot be had throngh ■:>t i'f <njy otiher Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any iijiriii. tjiutut of tLt Patent Rights will be proceeded Au il>nitrated and priced BOOK, explaining the ati, of taie Watch over the Full-plate riuK ii -»ii vv'atcuub tsvid by all other makers, will be wut i^dfet-lrt-^ on application to X W. BENSON, WATChMAKEJi TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THiJ STEAM FACTORY, 6 & 64. I.UDTTATB HILL, E.C. T-TD 25, OLD BOCID STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GOLD MEDAI., tile demand, aiwaya great, bas so increased to neces- eitatenjore extensive Macbinory, which now enables 08 to iSXECOTB ALL ORDERS for the 'LUD- GATE' WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches n tn X2 to £500, I Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime and Turret), Eiectro-Piate, and ^lusical Loxoa. Free on application. & ChUn ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SEC HE TABLES OF FHAEINDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others wiJi hnd their Incomes considerably in- creased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from £ 5 to £ li note tban any English W atch sold, and therefore bound to supercede all others. Particulars on appli "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from A:6 to £ li note tban any English W atch sold, and therefore bound to supercede all others. Particulars on appli sativn. ..1 r I" A V8HBML MIL liieim nut. CH iffpATsmrm lH P1LL>- M I J»l»«ariha(KiMftNi UMI# swrfwfig-' alto* wssla> UiaMMac assi daawsiese^ r«>Wi nMMfs.BasiiiaM^^eat-, loee al apaitrt*, dwrtaws si basalt, aeetiveaeM, Many, as 811 the skin, jfatartai aissp,- frigbtfal kisaa, awl all nervoae and bisAliay sn«c*i?aa, 4ifc;. TM vat dbse wit tgive raiief ia twewtv amatea. This is *o ietsesi. tot they b»ve doae.it in tboaeaaili of saasa, Svsey saitsrer a earnestly wntai te try sine beK aI tbaaa PSHa, aaJ t^ey will be aeknowledged to be WOftTH A GUINEA A BOX. Far In 0i tM arte thaaa P91s are iavalaabU, ■i3 a lew taaee earry eB all grass he—ears, epsa all abstrnrtisdMr, aaj| brmg aboat aM that is seqawad. Ve wiihowi tbaai. There is no maitaiaa to be. iaaa* ia eywl BSECHA^'S FILLS far lesaowng a#y ihhiitilu ocu irremlarity ef tha Ma- tew. If wss^aa*oHiB|r to tirtNlireetiaaa given wrth aaeh box Ibey via eoen restore fansalss of all agaa la aMt< and robnst beaMh. ^seadeae at tIN Kw, tlhey act lib "MAGIC." and a few daasa^well be teund ia fork wepdeas apoa the wost aiaf sH^isswaiis of ttaarbamaa ^yttaiae. They airea«rtMa Ma wWoie mascular syetem, reatora the 1081 lest eaaapSeataa, tbey bnag baek. the keen edge »f Aflpetit*, aad avoaee iate aetwa irith the ROBE- BUD of haslth tbe whole physical energy of the loaiaa Isaase. Tlteae are "FACTS" admitted by tboaeaads omgwaeirg aN slasom of seeietr; and one ot t6a wwwaftp to ike aeiveu and vebititatad is, Baeegtaas's FiUs have the largest sale ot aojr pateat asedissne in tba wend. BRKCHAM'S MAG10 COUGH PILM. As a remedy i- (Songhs n general, Asthma, aiel- ulty of Breathiag, Sbortneas of Breath, Tightaesa r-ad Oppression in the Oaeat WhetEmg, ote., theee !:iliu are anrivaHed; and aay oiw Jabonriag ander any ef 4ba above eeaaplamts need oaiy .Uy One Box be prove thttt tbey are the best eyetoÆtrid to the pnblie Aftthoiatie Mtd Ceaaaoiptive Coughs, Haarsenesa, *ud Oppression ef tha Cbest. They speedily reasave t4»at sease of opprewiio^ ami. JttWlhilg. *inah nigbtly depa-ive the patient of rest. Thaw give mOl't instant Mief and eoasfart to those Mticted •vitb the above distveesing and, when neglected, das- eemplanits. Let any.psraoa traabied with aay «? 4b« above ^iplaints give BBBCHAH's Casss Pftu tri»l. 0 I'd.' mom .oni Cough will m a ah art tiasa be aa- ••;»*ed. iiAntimi.—The pablic are requested ta aatses that the wotdc, M jtmcHAM t FILM, gt. Helen's," are an die G.ralMeM Stanrip a £ 5xed to eaeh has of the Pin.. if net on tbay asa fesqgaay. Prepare* oaly aød sÓW wb^esale and retail by the prop?ietw T. \;iurlAixè. St..n- L8aca. "&iN. in 0a:41S Is. i„d .md 2a. awA. Seat post free tram the peoaraetnr far 15 as M staaspa.—Soil by all dncff^ieto aad rateat Medieiae Dealers is the &ing- V.—Fall dissstioas aaa gsvsa with eaeh box. i. fTERNIOK'S VEGETABLE PILLS I <i> IQK HXAPACHM. fZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FO> BXJOPgum XrSBNIOK*S VEGETABLE PILLS vo» tNDIOMnON. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOB UVKK COMPLAINim. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS | FOB COKSTIPATION. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS K CONTAIN NO MERCURY. TTERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS K ARE SMALL AND EASY TO SWALLOW. TZERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS STKENOTHBN THE SYSTEM. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS PUBIFY TUB BLOOD. Sold in Boxes at 7hd.t Is. 1 g<i., and 2s. 9d. eatJi, by most respectable ChemUU in England and the Colonies, or may be had direct oj the Sole Proprietors, KERNICK d: SON, Whole- tale and Expert Druggists, 5, St. John's Square, CARDIFF. INFANTS' POWDERS, ) BABIKS IN IfftitEFOPDSHIRE. — The Registrar- General, in his reoeutly-iaaaed "Q IhrtedJ returns, refers to the f-ot tHAt tho tte*.ber of ioHths of infants has been far leas in HeiWordsMis ;.b&a in any other ooanby, being only 65 uac of rvery thousand births teiriwtesred, while in othei counties it r-an from 151 to ISd der though d. Th u ( '^reat loeal blessing is largely dua to LUe genera! yraotice of Herefordshire m >th«rs uivin^ their i-l- rants •' George's Infants' Powdwis," taf w hioh 00. chemist alane in I^iiefor-ishi e [ vlr P. Ktiph] nore tha." all other babied preparations pot to- tether.—Hereford Journal. '!II oJ The aboTa are a few of the many thousand expressions of the pnblio 1\8 to the universal e»t»»»<> ia wbiah they are held by ail who have tested their andoabted power upou infants and youuji jhildren IMPORTANT.—The Fropne.or .ish those that live George's Infants' Powders trial, to understood thiit the first dose often tn inoes vomiting, this munt not alarm them, it if >>niv a proof that the medicine is producing hopefo) fffeets. CAUTION.— Whea JOIl ask for ¡. e- George's Infants' Powders ee that von get them, as ether apparently cheap ] but worthless substitute* may be offered by an- principled p,irti.-s. Every ytnuine puctet h«s the prc,j>er tabel, aud the Inventor's denature wrictaa oa the Qovernuieat Stump. I KOTICN. -The Title George s infants Powders '■i copyright, and entered at Stationer's Hall. Avoid ail Soothing Syrnps and so-o«lled I powders containing Opiom they kill mora iufanrt than -1,11 the diseases put togather. Said by most Chemists and Medicine Vendor* everywhere at 11 lid, and 2s 9d per packet a waOLFSALE :-Lv..fi"D Barclay; Sutton* ^Hiiger, Edwtuda, &e. Liverp<K«l: lfivans, Sons & Zo.; Rams York. Raima. Gdiab^r^h KninS. J Blenchaid. & Co. Bristol; Cnrry; Lloyd A to Cardiff: W Smyth, or from the Sole proprietor.— B. A. GfiOiiGE, Chemist, Penire, Peatypridd ONE BOX OF CI ARKE'R P41 PILLS is wimran ted to cure all dipckarnos from the urinary organs, in either sex (arcnind or ror.Btitntioiml), gravel, and pains in the htK h. Guaranteed free from meronry. Sold in boxes. 411 Itd each, all chemists and patent medicine vendors: or sent for sixty stamps hy the j Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Rrng > Co., Lincoln. Wholesale, Barolay and Sons, London Wotiitt i'ME UAN80M OF A KING If SAIJEn ORIENTAL 8ALYE (AI sapplied te tll. Bight Eton. W. B. Ocanswra) ONURES Bums, Boies, Piles, Rheomatism, Para 4-f lysia, Lumbago, Stiff Jo? at a, White Swatling^ Vans. Hip disaasa, Chsst & Lung Complaint*, Aa., lite I I .01 t J 0 KEAl) Eususs-rn HLuvlll. N. I' tbaipe-^tioibt, Not'»in^ia«< I suffered for ovex tiube ye^te from *,(I. &a swelling. Tie doctor s b.to was that it would ijo vears if over 1 was cured. Whilst on a ttM. to Swansea I woo to are Gamjee'fc S,.h.t! The change for the "U.. t»pid aad in three w*«»k* I walksd up tlie steps «>/ tile Midland Station witfcoai k*a»istanee, aUbougb an n>y »riivai thers 1 had »c be earned. Foar boxes tsm. kpletaly eared me.—Certified by uiiio. iiLoen, M.R.S. .uicdw o'. similar ease# have beat cured. GAMGEE S BAST INDIAN PILLS, or Bioed Cleansers, thoroughly psrify the Foulest BteodjSnat Indi^*»tion,BiUoM Wicl. reetoro tcue iuad rieov most •oastitutiou. and are ilio ooyi in ..&e woild nr. "l Female Jrregularitibs Perfeotty tiorbsi and tastsi- Everveae whe has tried them says tbey are ih» j BEST REMEDIES IN THE WORLD- In Boxes' at 7J<1, Is Jid, 23»d, <s «d. Vrom W. M « -y efc.misv Pontypridd; W H. Jones, chemist, Lionittr;ti J. Uavies, rhianist, Mrs R- M. Evans, Pcrtn f. Kif ™ shaatisv. ▼rsherb^rt; T.' Jenkiaf, 2, Chapei^atreet, Hautf:; -u Sartlifl—Kvrniek*8oa (Wholesale): HickiCo.; T. Willi!!) te., or direct lor the aaseaat ia ataapa, with *p«c»l liens if required, fren the Sole fropnator, 01LAJRLBS MAU-.s U. Wind Street, Iwaaaaa. m BJWAJtyor mtmuiia mtrmpiA ENGINES FOR SALE. TWO zomats fOVII TIXTXOA1 ENGINE AND BOILER, WITH FITTINGS. Engine-8in. Stroke 4in. Bore. Boiter- 6ft. by 2ft. 2in., IN FIRST CLASS WORKING ORDER. ALSO A HALF-HORSE POWER Vertical Engine and Boiler, Engine-6il1. Stroke, 3in. Bore, and all fittings complete. To SS &0.. CBBAt. All may be seen at the CHBOWICX,k" Office. TRICYCLKSITRICYLES! To be Sold, Cheap, I A 44 INCH CAMBRIAN TRICYCLE, lu Fiiat-clase Condition, incloding a -PAIR OF LAMPS, and all acep!=sorie8. A mAMAMt ALSO A COVENTRY ROTARY TRICYCLE, VALUE aee. Side Gear, Fast Machine, and good, strong I Roadster. For fut-ther particulars, apply a.t the "CKRONICI.E" I,. Office, where the machines may be seen. I QUEEN'S PATENT j Am, liva lmw&P- FOR EXCELLENCE HIGHEST AWARD IN THE WORLD— BECAUSE I PATENT B ) E I' TRADEMARK BORAX DRY SOAP "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING, WASHING, and PURIFYING EVERYTHING. In Quarter-Pound and Half-Pound Packets, of all Grocers. PATENT 14agiisn., B R Hi tfI" Known Everywhere by this- TRADEMARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. El ALU. rOil ALL JJ.L ,J.j.ø. ¿v. A ..4 loot fhis Great Fouscliold Hedicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. Ihesa faR:o;S Pills purify the BLOOD, and act iSiaot powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Mid BOWELS, giving tone, energy,, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They ttre confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are Wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. I I its Searching and Healing Properties aii known throughout the World, For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually tabbed oil the neck and chest, as salt into meat. it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis- Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses. Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE; it has never been known to faiL Sold at Professor HOLLOWAV'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (iate 533, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wood, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ijd., 2s. 9è, 4-s. 6d., its., 1:2". and 3vs. each. FYLI printed directions are &fftr:ed to Put and Box, and can oe iiad ■ ■'>' language. K B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, ex by latter, "IH THE SPRINO-Y.UM O? THE yn* | YOUR BEé-r FRIEND, » f xf rwaj»la«h*Wa«w^aMdbyaajaftfcat«iaka«thapa^wiaUr, ar athwwi*, to Sj flvilp Evans's QUININE BITTERS.] Ihe lAmBMlTMllNDtfh* "CT T7" A VJ' » 0""l The MOTHER'S FRIBNB • I fcas bean overworked, ar if P ) y >*». J^l ? *»—' the ceres of the family are wd^ I be*lik »k#w» MIT of log hanvilyaon btr, %r if amy i* K briakio|Usit*rwto|bol The C EILDHllt S ISISNU, if they- raugement of the natma) faa* ■ tbe past WinUr, is tmdoabt LJ are groinifif raaHIy, and art ait «ST/Y «ae^. enaiefe » ■ H wiUbSe"S*ldn 2 stron8 *• 'k#J #F w^*7! 11 rJtorea^he Vh^eStM Hitters. ftwiUbrae PH H apjtaar dalicata aftar tha aatara Wimtari «. the body, gives strength inateg tbe failia* baoiJy pawere, —eB- thvauh ia MrtailW fV 'if weakness, aad infuses new • (ortity the system against. J »UJ the blood. '"v,rv MettV dieeaws, and Mwhla iheFartjei kj AwJxill^iWtffa Quinma Bittara. Thare]^ sh#uld use it to bear up in the future bet- Y 1 is >othin$like it for pnrifjrin^ and -j ter tban in tbe paai. enriching the blood, aad thus |"J Tbe WORKMAN'S FRIBWD, ■ theSTUDPiNT'SFRiMJOwben J glowing health ia weakly fra*«s. Try UJ ieOTVaXCw,«i,ti^rj-t^S :n danger of breaking down f-| it. (' *"f»^<«Kn<>nrsiBcloe^ ,or dnrintf i ip vcfltilitMtootni) w "to J^ki H The Best S«n«dJ of th* Ag*. SHsElS fcVERTBODy'8 Si m il S ™ ""t" >~Uh, it k.iL M tk> i.inn«».S«t, r TOt.tori4tk. «M tf tk. w^k-i. '«»4j >k.Wotkn,„ ot o%er-study, helps to build 1 aeaaes aatailad bvths hard Wi»t«r, ii'" •■.without it, ha wwsl* op ire&h, healthy tissue in the rK ke wants to ba atroag aal bnjoy the hody, f urifiee the blood, and \J pleasnrea af haalt^ia :■aa^aabtadlylD t^SSkS mtuids of close application Q,TJliri2«TE to etady necessitate. ■ 4R Being a happy combination of the active prinsipieaof th« most famed had most vaJued medicinal W plants known to modern science, and being, ia tit. process of manufacture, specially adapbed te I human needs. Everybody who has tested it in any ;WajS or sepn it triad* has a good word to say for I it. The Analysts declare it to bo pare and h&mlees j the Doatora preseribe it aa being safe and « certain; the Chemists sell it 1M being popular aad trustworthy; the Patient* ose it as being a 1 positively nafailing remedy; aDd everybody declarea it to he The Best Remedy of the Age 1 for Affections of the Chest, for Diseases of the Blood, QompWnta of the Liver, aad for troubles of all kinds in the Stomach. As the universal testimony is t there is nothing equal to Gwilyat Evans's Quinine Bitters for removing eieetnally all theae eomplaiats, see that you got this, tad tvis only. Other preparations, to some of which y me what similar titles have been given, an eftoa ttfered for sale for the sake of extra profit ^reiauKn UQiirdt becArtfoTntft to be aisled Remember that what everybody acknowledges as the but remedy ef the age is Gwilym Evaaaft Quinine Bitters. Sold Everywhere. Praised by everybody. Ageata ia all narta of the World. Prices i—Bolt lea 2s 9d; donble size, 4 i 6d; casot af three large bottles, lie Cd. To ho had ef aH Chemists aal Vntdors of Patent Medieines, or will be sent at above yrieoa te My tddteet, free abd aafe pet Parcels Post, secure from observation, direct from the Pro rjWTT YAf KVANS. F.C.S., Uanelly, South Wale* 30 TEARS I2ST CABDIFP, R. B. BOULTON, MNG-USH AND AxMERICAN DENIAL SUEQKON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opnu«ite University College), CARDIFF1. daviidg had gnat experience both in ^aglisb uod American system of DnW ma)<)hm I jt enabled to give to his patients the benefit of snch experience in a maDDer which M fery few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Cmnpotitis^ ^hich only a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he ia iraaMni to ppig wautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natanl appianMa tnd whioh defy detection. Do Sei-lwm lTMj Teeth. He 811 Teeth. Ht RnbM tf ny Uai RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets.from 8s to 80s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Oulneas. [mmmtor ef the Al Amalgam 8toppin§ a$used by the bad DmUiete in Jgwvpo £ > Awmim TSXTB SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 Jean, at Moderate Faaa. NITROUS OIIDE GAS administered daily it, Cardiff by the beat III safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or apon work made by other Den tuts. Extraet from the "Chronicle," December 24th. "The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boalton, of Acton ø. Oardiff, Ï8 very highly finished, and ia the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. 3STOTIOS. FTFIMOVED holD. St. Catherine's Street, to MR. NOftS, 17, Tag Street, Ptintjpiiiif Âtteradance-the first Wednesday in each month from 3 to 4 o'clock. AJao at Mia. WHITRO, ChemistM. Jko. Mountain Ash, the samo day FPOW to 1 ololoel. Mali at Bfljt. Hans's, Chemist, Merthyr, the fieeond Wedandkr in ,(." rykowi6 *rnrr> 19 *t» nSttk ^11 LEWIS'S, iri Market AT; ■HSn {■« Oit^e e:iwmrlvis now weiiku^whiuiofe'r the wor.dLltSfeat I BBBBjf ffl 1 pjls ami fast dyed, and every inch is guaranteed. "• aat I ,I £ u ;lfe",lhou-V'f,a*v thetu1;! ,Un.y }"Becl faul'-y- t-EWIS'S V.U a nta) II H l <Jr<is for noth%ng at all. and pa> tiieiuii cos, for m ;kinc and t imin r«* |Ll S B ^Thejirire^uf this beanulul elvtteen m bjick and aii the \j^^iuux ci^oara now worn H Jm J JHHf I o.1 /a it-u7*WStf?".l5»'!?ta]^olw!tbSSt at te. Cel., is. Cd.. and 5s. 6d. a yard. H W BSaPaB^g fj T?-pill- Urfhoiigh ta.y do', i, pay tlV0ir UJrcd profit.iti,a uifferance H M a manalactvjrcrBpt^cc an.n .epncctlie consumer pays ior VMvetee.i. H W W U (or '} mi«b' *hxMifft Ihis extrlinrdma pubUc for 2s- J«Td. LEWIS 3 ack la<lio« to R F VHHHBI yB Sruof,rpattSr?l!TKWIs-s?5v?Sy ve'Te<een. They will then b« abl« to Judge for H fjf&S — CnBBnil A tj #rtP r n,?!-? 61 Street, Wancne^ter. pnn*-# their Vclr te^n more fl nJSSSk BHHHl 1 f| th-.r. -x ileborrea. write lor patterns on an ovdinaiy po-t owrd. LEWIS'S pav carriage ua B HH|| || Or'crsto Any *heX]nited Kingdom. Pi4asementtanikiaiMP«rufu»nu:riimg. 9 r J4 j nHB I I cUJTlo"*Zi V/l,v*tetns can cmly be procure* ai thnr estabhihrnsru ta r ™ M^KIIJF.WIS'S »".yv\ARKET .S;treet..MANCH F'TER. j AllY surrABLE faR SHIRT FRONTS, COLLARS, STIF' INFANTS' POWDERS. Marvellous are the effects of GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS Upon the Infant System. Tbey are not only the Very Bbst aad Saff4st Medi- cine mothers can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as aoertaia Specific for Fit<, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diar- rka, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &c., &c. old by moat Chetcists in pnokets, at In- li-, and 2a. 9d.; or from the PROPRIETOR, B. A., GEORGE. Pentre, Pontypridd. NOTK.—Bead the important and interesting toe" l&imonials around eaeh packet.