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BISSBS ARE THE MEDi CINES OF NATURE « tOB tTVBBY KIND OF DISBA8B IUH IS HEIR TO. At I ""t TRIMHELL'S' JULJht BITTEft- IOI-IITOIICATIIG PUBB "HERB BEER, f FOB SUMMER AND WINTER. This Compound is highly recommended by a greet MMaber of the Blue Ribbon and Good Template' stefi as account of its superior quality above all others for aerify] ug and strengthening the system, ever brought ftfore the pablie. By the same, thousands have bees ftsoned from drunkenness. Sold by most chomim Wad Grocers. ttd. per Picket, by frost 8 Stamps. It recommends itself. 1. ,1 TRIHHELL'S TIC-ERADICATOR w ill instantly remove Toothwhe, Tit Dolortxtx, Neuralgia, or any Pains & the Head o* Faee by simply applying i to the part affected, its saperiontj over all others being thai it is applied oal wardly, while many of the aoatnua that are in the market contain pteus poisons and ate taken inwardly. H.B.—This will neither leave anv mark nor iajari So skin wuere applied—Is lid per botUw. .,I Whro these is reason to saspeet a eoU by taking one or two doses of TBIMNZLL'S Life-giving A Preserving CÐLD ? SIElTIIG POID. It will remove all symptoms from 8Ia iTwena. Mo one snoold be without it, as it is ovidenik m* bad ever brought before the pablie. i Thie oompound is invalaable in the first stages mai 4lbot ftttooks of OokU, Inflammation, Pum in febi "JhsMoh, Looseness of the Bowel)*, Rheumatism ■lieamatio Goat, Pains in the Limbs, Sciatic mai Faralytio affections, Spasms and Cramp, and wit jamove all obstructions caused by cold. It is also as excellent stimolant tor parsons going oat into the damp fee. frost, or snow, as it prevents taking cold; and fot mrifying the Blood frota all imparities, sack as Bad Lfgs, Pimples, Blotches, Chills, &e., it sannot b* Is lftd and Si M ptr packet. ;,i .-III TRIMNELL'S Life-giving & Preserving COUGH BALSAM. Nothing that baa yet been discovered oaii be compared with this Balsam. Ill beneficial action upon all diseases of thi inspiratory organs is do simple that it may be admin- Watered witil pirftiit safety to the youngest children, /•» is sutficieatly string to arrest the progress of many of tild-Post formidable pulittjttary complaints, whether cough, oroop, hoKpias; cough, puoanaonia ^learisy, asthma, bronchitis, diificalty of breathiag sv that dreadfal disease, oonsumption, of wbicb s' •many tkoasands die annually around us. A* 164 94 per bottle.. dL JL i i xY± iN :ci,L-,L-' S EMBROCATION, Of World-wide Reparianv f" or rheumatism, riieurtatic gont. lam jasfo, pains in limbs, and numbness, stiffness of the joints and neck. chil- WUI19, before they are broken, sciatic and paralytic affections, sprains, bruises, spasms, quinsy, and sore iJuvM, is Acknowledged by all who have use it to b. Abs BioatetpciMions that tbey ever had either for mat wt beast. It is an article whioh will 'onjpaend ^•seif. 11 ljd and is 9d. Å 3J TRIMNELL'S Life-giving & Preserving t- li NERVINE TONIC -r either Sex will care all kinds of Mas debility, arising from any nee of weaicneas from whatever (if Y, ■ nee of weaicneas from whatever saose It mu y un se. Th.ae tore a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Dwbihty .—Depression of spirits, inapd. tode forexMhcu. nntitnees. for etndy, dislike for ,"misty, dislike to euter any kind of business, involnn. »*ry blowing, i^neae 0{ eight „park9 before the 9yes, deafness an« noise in the et»ra, sense of tightness jt suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains in the Seme wad a coDsUnt sonae of weannoaB| irritation of ill. kidneys and bladder, pejpnation of the heart, »emuloa,ne8s ou any sudden impulse, extreme liffldauce, fond <m mop^>g ai»ne, morbid sensibility, :arelese about life, its JOys, its pleasures, Md in inties j arregularitvof the bowells, feeling good fo> nothing, failure of memory, intellectual power and faonlties more or less impaired, extreme restleserieea, tatuleney and indigestion, frequent headaches, silent wretchedness, arising from the fear of physical weak aeN, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings for ths present, no hope for tne future, starting daring sleep, fcokrng and feeling ill withQut apparent eaaM. One m two packets of TrimneU'e Nervine Tooie will saze nil eases of the above. Is It" emd b lw For pama. 11 TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIVING I PBESERYDS VEGETABLE TONIC, APERJElT & LIYER PILLS. No., 1 & 2 for either Sex. A most celebrated remedy to and oosaplainta, attacks of fover, is- lotnza, lose >t vjipat.tt, indiirestion, dimness of sighl jains and giddin^» cf tbo head, and all disorders of ike stomach and bowal'ie. '1» Itf: and So <id pKr 608. IT. ANTIBILIOU8, VSQETAJBI^ CASTOR OIL wy AfRlUENT PILLrJ May be had m One Ifenny boxes. One trial is swliisieatto pmvo tha viritie of tbe abov. ? omponuda. To b« had most r«apeetable ChemistB. I)«aggist3»n^ Vandor* ti-.ronphoat the world, ft too have any '.liSkuUr ia obtaining it, send Stamps Post Office Ordvr diswu to tbs Proprietor, and it »'1l be forwardwd Ail 2a 9d sixes post free te aDF part of tjlj Kingiioai. N.B. -None ar genuine snleas they Imvo £ <« ^"Pw«*or's signaiere on th" Government fttamf W TMUNittL. TO liiltA TV. rt'!19 WdrjitB B8 FOBQER j PøLt. DI(d3c:n.n.¡ra 08 Sacsi Pssk»o«. titHM M41iOFACl'-OViKK v j>UOPFJMTU?5 w tsokeli, B9I4ISR. Esm TrasM% OABDm SAL j 2/9 SAL j 2 Hi SAL 2/9'' jUii 1 N'ARY DISEASES. it: Ali,) PALATABLE Remi-Sy. A certain and speedy cure. HigJdy approved of by the Madical Faculty. Effective where otil':l'il!'ngf fail. See testimonials Rr;rii3b &.1111 Foreign) with each bonis. Of all Chemists,, and Whoit'sa'.fl of "I tSAjjUi) Co., LiD., RiTAea QA&. ifb. Lqmww, ..0. IMUND CERTAIN Ali 161"' WART-S This infallible, painless, and certain rsmedy, intro- duced by J MUNDAT, has obtained a world-wide re- putation. The efficacy of Yuusira may be judged by its having cared cerns ef ever 50 yeus' stltfidisg, which had resisted all other remedies. It Succeeds where all Plasters and Ctoaties kave failed In Remaving both bard or soft Corns a&d farts. I In Bottles, Price Is., by Pott Is 2d. From Mdlle. Mmrie MulUr. Mr Munday, Amsterdam. Holland. Dear Slr,-I bought a bottle ef your cbhuinb •' Viridiae some six months ago in Paris, whfah eared me, and an I am a principal ilwir yoo know my feet are my living. The tpwttjlel bought did the service you recommended it, bat I bought another ot-e afterwards wbieb was forged and me,good. As I want a bottle of orhcime for a friend of mine, who is needy mail with pain, will you please lour* roe on» (.^ tot Mdlle. MARIE M0LLBB. From Mr. D Anthonyx Swerisca. Dear Sir.- I myself have suffeted with corns, amd tried several of the certaia cures which peeple boast tliey have, but tncT fai'e l in my ew-e. 1 then got a bottle of youl Viridme," ap I by applying t ''me nightly to the ceia twas surpiiseri to find I could draw it elean ap. I now IInclose st iinps for another bottlt for a friend ef mine. XOrMR.—The gre.tt "ucctM of my "VIRIDINJ:" hall bruujnf tnsnv worthless imitations into the market, undei various name* a* "Coin Cure." Tke public are, therefore, cautioned It/J purrhafe no other than KUNDA Y'S VIRIDINE," and see that my ttgutture is oa ths en. of esoli packing* PREPARED OSLT BV J. YTSD&Y, Chemist, 1, High St. Cardiff: Sold by all Chemtst-i "wi Patent Medicine Dealers London Agent,Wilcox & Co., 2;tt. Oxford St., W. N-whery & Sous, Sanger, Sutton, Hovenden, &c. THE "OOULIMSIJE EARRINGS." NO YORE SORE KYES I All persons saffering from the above distressing complaiut should at once try F. Filippini's Ocalimede Gold Earrings. Priced :-3/ 3/6, 4/ and 5/- per pair. F. TFILIPPINI, WATCHMAKER, ETC., Market Street, Pontypridd. BUY ONLY ENGLISH WAICMS. BENSON'S NEW PATENT No. 4658.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Has obtaiDPd the JUOSLSr ADVAaB UK A GOLD IVEEIDJLIj AT THE Inventions Exhibition, 1885 gILVfiB, «OU) 15 12SO the 'Legate' Watcii is a Silver English Lever Of my Best London Make with Special Strengih." "HREE-QUARfEfi PLA.TE MOYEMENr. Jewelled thioutfhout in Rubies, rrue Cbroaonieter Balance, adjusted for Extremes, Nitti lJamp and Dust Proof 'atent Riug Band and Extended Barrel. viassive Sterling Silver Dome Cases, A'ith CRYSTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the Hunter .it,h tlio convenience of the Open Face Watch. ViLds, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy, nd Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to Swiss itid American (made in Imitation of and sold as •iusHiab), and to the Old Full-elate English Lever still sold by other makers), from the great titects of which the Ludgate is exempt,—is oved by the Award of a UOLD MEDAL) i lie only one adjudged to English Watches. L he Ludgate is of Better Quality and Value l't,an any LI0 Watch hithfrto iuade. t ce LuJgate" is my Best London Alake. Strong, Handsome and lieliabie, A ill stand the hardest Wear and roughest usage, Vml is, therefore, the Best Watch ■i'sjr II onic-, Indian and Colonial Wear, by Railway Alen, Miners and "oloniats (No. 1, Large fcize) vVoikuitn and Aitizans (No. 2, as Sketcn) Jentlemen, Office is and Men in H M. services, Youths' and Boys' (No. 3. Small) A ill be bent Fiee and Sate at my Risk o all parts of tbe World for 95 5s. in 18-CAKAT GOLD Crystal Glass Caeet, n'ELVE GUINEAS (No. 3 Size). A Remittance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. 15kns<T*, is the OLJ Maker of a. Three-Quarter Plate Eugliah Waieh u £ 5 5s in Silver, or £ 12 12a in Gold, and that ol Patent Ludgate Watch cannot be had tarong. or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. All Infringement the Patent Rights will ba proceeds against. An illustrated and Priced BOOK, explaining tb ad vantages of this Watch over the Full-plai Eutrlisu Watches sold by all other makers, will bt sent Post-free on application to X W. BI^NSOISr, MATCHMAKER TO II.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 6> & 64. LUDGATE HILL, E.C. And 36, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GOLP Medal, the demand, always great, has so increased to neces- sitate more extensive Machinery, which now enables us to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the LUD GATE' WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches ii mi £ 2 to £50U Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime auo Turret), Electro-Plate, and Musical Boxes. Fiee tu, application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SEGUE TARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their Incomes considerably in- creased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from £5 to -Hit m,grathan any English Watch sold, and therefort bound to supercede all ethete. Particulars on appli e»tiOB. -ft. k 10KB&&HL K&BICUIK. BRICHAWS PILLS. f 7 PATENT T* | l|l I Are tfaittad by tbsmnii to be worth a Guinea a box tor btkons ami atrToatrdit- otdon, yoei W wiad and; caia M tha atomaeh, sick jbeadeehejgidjtoees fulness. AM! (veiling tltor meals,' Aizzioess and drowsiness, cold cfatiis, lfashings of heat, loss of Mpettte, shortness of Wtfr aaattvemese, scurvy, blotches an the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreamt, and allnarvoos and tremblings sensations, Ac. TIM first dose will give roiief in twenty minntes. This is 140 fiction, for they have done it in thousands of eases. P<very saSerar >4 earnestly invited to try one box of these PiHs, ai<d fbey will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all agee these Pills are invaluable, as a few doaea carry off all gross hansenrs. capen all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEE CHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or. irregularity of the sys- tem. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of 'all ages to aoaHd and robuet health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human maetrine. They strengthen the whole msscular system, restore the long lost complexion, ttaey bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSE- BUD of health the whole physical' energy of the human frame. These are "FACT!-}" admitted by thousands embracing aU elasses of toeiety and one of the best guarantees to tbt> nervous and debilitated is, Beecbara*s Pills have the largest sale of any patent medieiae in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COVGB PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general,xAsthma, diffi- culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath,-Tightness and Oppression in the Chest Whetsing, Ac., theee Pills are nnrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the above complaints need only try. One Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, a and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression, and.difficulty of hceathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief aud comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, clall, herons complaints. Let any person troubled with any • >f the above complaints give Bbkcham's Couoh PILLS a trial. Toe most violent Cough will in a short time be re- moved. i Cadtmn.—The public are reqnested to notice that words, Bkscham's PILLS, St. Helen's," are an the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the PiUs. If not on they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the pmprietar T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanca hire, in boxes Is. lid and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post fre. tffmt the proprietor for 15 or 3i stamps.—Sold by all druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the Kiig dom. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. ^IRffiOn TMRAlU nil j £ ERNI0X>f YXOSTA1U KLjjT^ Na KDlUOD TXQXTABLX pmm J J^KBXKan TMliM TOAM j^ERNIOK* taOKABLS mi* jwxmcjm TKQFITJLBLS PILLa ec8'IrAIIr L K ERNIO]KIS VEGETABLS PILLI AM BMAUL AM9 1MT IWAM1, XTERKICK'S YEGETABLS PJLLI wunwim rmn mil TTERKICK'S YEQ £ TABLE PILUI TVMFY TKM If FIB ffuld in BCYLa at 1 id., lI. li&, mmd SL iii mch, by nuist rtvpectabU ftwiiA in Mmgimmi mud the Colonies, or may be JaM dirtei of Ac SoU Prtvrutort, KEENICK BON, Wkeie- mU attd Kxpori Druffiete, S, St. Jmkttii Jgw arc, CARDIFF. These Lozenges are tbe most efficacious remeu; ever Introduced for Worms. Being inn-ment n. their .character, they may be taken by ehildmw. of all degrees and conditions with perfect safety. feThe; ar. most useful for children of delicate stoniatfii and pale com- p!exion, as they strengthen the system by giving an appntite. If Mothers only knew the value tf itkeet iMtrtigt*, so fmtn.ilj t would be without a box. Sold Iqr mwl rftpteuM* Ck&riiiU. in 7 U and Is 14d teaan r COLOUR. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S RESTORES GREY HAIR TO ITS OKiGINAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Di". Buist, Cardiff, says :—" I believe it to be one of the safest and most sensible applications for the Hair. Mr J.J. Horton. Chemist, Strat- forcl-road, Birmingham, says II Have been in business over 26 years in Birmingham, and must say that no Hair Restorer has given such satisfaction as yours." Is. 6d. per Bottle. By Post for 24 Stamps. RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER (RESTORER RESTORER ■RESTORER IRKSTOHER (RESTORER RESTOR R |RESTORER RESTORKR IRESTORER [RESTORER (RESTORER 1- CHILDREN. I HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAGON'S ROSEMARY, Cleansing Lotion for Children's Hair. Destroys all creepers, nits, &e. 6d per Bottle; by po3t, nine stamps. CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSE R I CLEANSER i GROWTH. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAG 'N'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S Is a positive remedy for Loss of Hair, Bald Heads Bald Patches, etc., etc.— Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- field-st., Lower Grange- town, writeB I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite BALD, but after using two bottles of your Hair Renewer my Hair grew as thick and strong as ever." lIB 6d per Bottle. By Post for 21 Stamps. i RENEWER RENEWER IRENEWER PEN EWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER IRENEWER BENEWER RENEWER RENEWER SOLE MAKER:— HAGON CHEMIST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Coburn Street, Cathays. London Agents for above Preparations—SANGER and SONS, 489, Oxford Street. •f ,,<v Trying to do business without advertising is like winking in the dark: yon may know what 70a arc doing but nobwly else does. IVu*.I'll RANSOM Of a -.1."ob; GrAMJEE^S ORIENTAL SALVE (At supplied to the Right Hon. W E. GLADSTONE) "^URES Burns, Sores, Piles, Rheumatism, Para lysis, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, White Swelling' /Ven#Hip disease, Chest dr Lunfe Complaints, deo., ctt I I .1 I VP I I I READ f ELIZnBKTS HLlJOn, 88, NtfW- thcrpe-street, Nottingham 1 suffered for over tkrew years from white swelling. The doctor's opinion here was that I it xouid be vears if ever I was cured. Whilst on a viii:, to Swansea I was advised to use Gamjee's Salve. The j change for the better was rapid and in three weeks 1 walked up the stepis of Lb- Midland Station without assistance, although on UI) arrival there I had to b* I carried. Four boxes ecua .pletely eared me.—Certified b) IGbo B^OD, M.R.S. lii.Miu-eds of similar cases have been enrod. GAMGKE S EAST INDIAN PILLS, or Blood Cleansers, thoroughly purify the Foulest B.ood. eurt Indigestion, Bilious or JLivor Complaints, Files, Uravel Wind, restore tone and vigour to the rnoat weaklj constitution, and are the best in tbo world for ar Female Irregularities Perfectly Herbal and tastele* Everyone who has tried them says they are the REST REMEDIES IN THE WORLD. In Boxes^at 7id. 1. l^d, Js 9d, 4s 6d. From W. H. K ehemist. Pontypridd; w'H. Jones.,chemistj T.Davie#, -chemist, Mrs R. M J f}U!r'" Trelierhart T. Jenkins, 2, dhaj»ol-str«et Heolf esnliff—Kernirk A Son (Wholesale): Hicks & Co.; T. William he., or direct, for the amount iu stamp*, wjth 'V. tions if required, from the eote propristor, CliAHLBS HAUO.- 14, Wind Mtrtet. Swansea. BEWARK (W thaVMJMO IKP08T0K8. • ii*}^ SPECI \VRISTBANDS, SUITAB LE R ').SHIRT PROMTS. COUARS. STIFF&C -ro'. :.n 8 I PATENT 'AL -A JØ FOR EXCELLENCE I' HIGHEST AWARD IN THE VORLD- MCAUNN PATBNT B TRADE MARK BORAX DRY SOAP "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING. WASHING, and PURIFYING EVERYTHING. In Quarter-Pound and Half-Pound Paohote, of all Qroeere. 4V Known Everywhere by thia- PATENT B R ) E TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all othen. W. E. YAUGHAN & co, ilSTEAH DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishments: — 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, PADT,T131E, 248, BUTE STREET. ( CARDIFF. 52. COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT 83, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT 27, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. Agent for Rhondda :—• MR. J. H. THOMAS, TAILOR & DRAPER HANNAH STREET, PORTH. HEALTH rOK, ALL! I! Sir fhia Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, itnd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy An all eases where the constitution, from whatever c*use, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. f [H'OLLOWAYS Its Searching and Healing Properties U. known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THROAT, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For "Glandular Swellings, Abscesses. Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail Seld at Professor HOLLOW AY'S Establishment, is, New Oxford St. (late 53?, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wcrid, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ijd., 2s. 9d-. 4s. 6d., lIS., 22S. and 33s. each. Fail tainted directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can De had in any language. N B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. NO INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA. or HEART DISEASE. CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, orASTHAH. -i LOW SPIRITS. DiflBlLiT*. or LIVMIJ* COMPLAIN I'. or. for those engaged in v for those breathing W Or for those expased to the Weather, As QUARRyMKN. DRIVERS, FARMERS, LABOURERS, & &c., Ac. For INDICES JIOX in aH its various forms, of wata nf appetiw, H feeling of wei^lit or oppression alter meals, Heaiac/ie. Heartburn. Cram i'. Wind, pains f*j|. » about the region of the heart, and other symp- totna which are ot'teu mistaken for those of the dread HEART DISEASE hundreds have causetl anxiety to themselves and m their fainil'es by groundless fears & throng:, iarnorance of the t'net that o the a^ove are symptoms of Indi- 00 H o gestion; no one need suffer th«. —5:=! terrible pains of Dyspepsia ffl-0c and Indigestion while there a^M tern's is a cheap, simple and S'tJoH _A\ effective remedy al- M S22 5 t £ "S— g ways at hand. For aa 0 c5 Jcoi,a X.\ all the various rs p-c Z5U forms of Indi. «^p.^g-»'oa SIiOs ^8tioa-phy- b%HI§g S-2 g-3 u sioians and /• Z-o B afe o^-g g-s efr+\^un*m-/ »r.s»$ «- Ss2.-Sg if \»greaa/ B J\ Sg ggSSsSlSI-S Wt/ pffJp. »,5§li-T.5lfl ^<ru\ s ss-8 If^ssiiss1 A^isthe>A F « 0 3 2. £ Ictf S- 90S SSI JS# S%\U PI BEST REMEOr 1 lali |sl? L4 nF THf fa) "fl'Sl? 0«h o d a Wr I nC /2 5 O "a • AfiE j/fcJ •el!3§. S,i§l:p-s.3,x,§s B-is £ p|»i Pg- o z /iSSSto iN'ljll g ill! /<v/ js F||?l| ^1X3 § su^xois^nd aurp«ox9^ S m 2 » jo aoniido raouiiuvm 2" & I >•§ o /'■ Xqiiwjqim pnii •?&« Q'S)" WC « p°°w *imA g.a3 /VV/ pnfl 71 noil* Buioouq jontiKSguos O# Med pownwp «1«>n9p pmi • S §. V 'uojpitqo axrpnoji '■ jood JO a .qoB /A^r -tm oq pooiq oqi Ji Mnd eq ^onmo Jinra BtJ9q»oax oq» '■ amd eq ^xnn »q» esejan isnajq Plfqo eeann !i\ -<«d jotniflo iaq?oni eq» i ni»uej^8 pro q^jwq »yO 10 seoinoeai aqi qitM. it qouna ptnipooiq f f Ajund (n 'aiao) poo3 9woi RpMa nut #1* tm, N -aiHO onmoao Pug saaHXOK OXISHXLH zojl Y) 8ay it is SAfc'E AND CjgRTAIN. ifc is "UREL Y VEGEtables 0..( Say it in VERY POprjLAB. Say & It is ALWAYS J Eli TAIN '0 DO YOlr GOOD. -èO Says It is the BEST iEMEDY of the AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT ? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU ? It has cared HUNDREDS sufferin from the same complaint as yeu. 1IT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME., Everyday chives the disease fresh hold up In yoa, and though Givilym Evans' Quinine Bitters hare cared Saadreds of Cases givea up by frieads, stiil the sooner cue eaeuiy ia your system is got rid. of, the better. Sold in bottles at 2s 9d doable size, 43 6d case? cont^iains? three lar^e bottles, 128 6d. May be had of every Chemist, or .Vender of Pttaat Medicines; or, if preferred, will be sent at above prices safe by Parcel Post, secure fr ^m observation, direct from the Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS. F.C S., Llanelly, South Wales. 30 "3riC^.KyS 11 MT OABDIPP, K. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURQEON. ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite Unirewitj College), CARDIFF. flayisr bad great experience both in English and American systems of Denial praeiie% iii enaUed to give to his patients the benefit of snch experience ill a mMf which M fwy few Dentists can offer; and being the IaTWtor of thw Paleni Oompoeetie*^ which wmly a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he is imahfaj to mwih beantifnlly fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearand wd which defy detection. No Sea-horse IIorl, Teeth. Na 8s. Teeth. 10 Rubbish of my kML RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets.from 6s to 80s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas Inventor if as Al Amalgam Stopping at ted by the but Dnt&rtt in Europe f Ammim TSBTB u. VID by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Few. NITROUS OXIDE GAS administered daily it Cardiff by the belt nl safest method. Repain Executed promptly on our own, or upoa work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. B. B. Boulton, of Acton 11- Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have oyer seen*" HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. ILTOTIC-E3. I REMOVED from OIL Oatherine's Street, to Ma. NOTTJ, V7, TOO Street, Pontypritf* Attendance—the first Wednesday in each month from a to 4 o'clock. Also at Mbs. Whitbs, Obemists, Ao, Monntain Ash, tbe same day from 10.31 to 1 o'clock. Afcteaia at Jb. Haras's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Seoond Wednesday in each mcalfe from 12 tn 3- "The 0LIAV Blaek Lead."—Vhlo Prwtm JAMES' ftonomioalll BLACK LEAD ■aVASI rfVttrUHiUUUwi PONTYPRIDD. JOHN CROCKETT & Co., VVSSR fAXESS, And General Cabinet Makers, and House Fur- nishers. Shellibier for Adult Funerals. CottC/t ybr Children's Funerals. Wieaths in great variet y Children's Coffins from 7s. 6d. Adults Coffins „ 25s. Polished Oak Coffins with White Trim. mings and padded inside. 60s. Shellibier to oarry 8 inside and coffin out- side from Pontypridd, Hopkinstown, Coedpenmaen, Chain works, and Tre- forest to Cemetery 8s. Coach to oarry 6 inside and child's coffin outside from above places to Cemetery WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALETHOGRAPHY. Easiest to learn, read and write; Compendium 2d oomplete Is 8d; on enclosing stamps to- MBS. J. WILLIAMS, 2EKSK" Asllfield Terrace, Llangollen. HEATH & SONS Is. CBO(JKHJBaBTOWN. CAEDIPJ", (tve on view the Largest Stook ef Higk-elMe PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, lffi SOUTH WALES, Whioh thay are now offering at a GREAT DISCOUNT FOR CASH, Vnd on the Three Yaars' System, from 188 ft per Month. Pianos, from 16 UaineM. Seath A Sons, their only a41dreø8, Ii, Qkwekhwfc town, Caida. Have ao brtioheg nor agmtk enabling thwm to give an extra diøeoaa. to their outomers). Illastrated OMeloyae* Post Free. MR. T. ROWLAND, Architect, Measurer, Valuer, &C., Has BEMOVEDjo his New Offices, New Town Hall Buildings, MARKET STREET, PONTYPRIDD. N.B.—Estimates prepared; Bills of Quantities wnk«» e«t, aad Measurements oompleteci. l