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IIBBBS ARE THE MEBl CINES OF N A. TUBE. PQB BTBRT KIND OFDISBASB FLBSM IS om TO. i ^—— I 71111ELLIS MILD 4 BITTEB 10I-1IT0IKULTI16 ram HERB BEER, FOX SVJIXD AND WINTER. as fcaoonnt of ito nptcuir above *11 ethers lot aerifying *ad «t*«Bgtbening the sratem, ev* bwmght More the publia.By tha NM weomada have bees ISMoad from drtmheanoss. Sold by moet Chemirti ttt Q(oo«ri. 6d. per Paoket, by net 8 Stamps. It reeommeods itIeIt _—————— i TBBHHi/S TR-MMCiTOS Will instantly mm Teothadke, Th Dolor* Beaxalgie,. or say Pans fa the Head or Faee ny rimaty apfdyiagi to the aart ita sopeaMM «rtfillo(hmbea(tbaiitii«ppMiW WWDLF, while MOT of <>• aostraa that ace i fte miw> eootaia atroBi poiaooe Mid an lakee iawe«ny. Hjl.T-Tai* will aoither leave in mark DOC iajw feeakipwhereapplied.—la Itf yerbottie. A Whea tfcass Is reasoa to rocwt I aoW by Uin eao K two daeae at TBIVNILL'S UIKWH OFwmhIi CD. IUlftIC PIDIt IUHBNBMW ill anaptoaMfrailb ■■lam No one ahonld bo withoat it. fta it is evideatl: W beat eves breoght before the paMie. Tina ooaapooqd M invalaahla in the FIIft atagseaof <|slant ajtaafca sf Oofda, ybuaakiai, Peine la At glaaifok, LBHMMH of the Beweae, Bheaaatin ■brrirr* Pafcu in MM Limbs, Sciatie mot PanlytM affeetieos, flpaaeae aad Greaag, aad wiE IsaOtaTall obattwioN aawai by eold. » Ia eke M aaoelleat etiiiralant tar neraooflgotag oat into thedamp lac. boat, or enow, M n ymeata wriac aokd: mdni awlyjjf the Blood from afi i asperities, mo aa Bal tegs^ Pmaplea, Blotches* 0bills, £ e., it eennot b* la m «M la 94 per patkei. I i. M amomon e TflHINELL'S Life-giving Preserving COUGH BALSAM. Nothicg that haa yet been diaeoveraf eap be compared m^b this Balsam. lb beneficial aation ason all diseases of tin xaepirato {v er^p-j i« a* quaptothat it ■ ba admin- istered Witu [KwtiM safety to the yenageet akildrea, fit ia suftoieatly ataong to ariwat the progress oi May of the moat formidable p«*lm#>aary complaints ahettai eoagh, anop, kooptw; eeagh, pn«««a#H •leariay, asthma, jyai^ifa, difficulty of kueathirui «r that.dr^adM Atopee, aeorametioa, of whieb « 1188.1 thoasMda aï. unaait, arooad as. II 3* Id per bottU. )E.d! .1 I i i MiN EMBROCATION, or, Yi orHl- wide Repiitadw F.it rUcr njafciflwi, rbeomatio ((oat, lata -affp, p»i»s ia linba, and nambnesa. utiffjieae of the ioiata and neck. obit blaina, bt'fnrs taay are kt-okes, sciatic and pualjtu •flefticps. sprains, bmMM, apaRnw, qainay, and aoca ibrt-at, ie Jv-Koowledeed by all who have nae it tc ba th* wiist uStowsoni txMit they ever had either for W*8 or beast, lii is an article which will "^Jowtoeud ^taslf. Is lid and it id. Jt m TRIMNELL'S life-giving & Preaerring NERVINE TONIC >r either Sex; will ears all kinda al ♦'i-voaa debiiitv, ariaoag from at» «» lt we a few of the Symptom, •f N«rvoa» D^biluy r-Deprwswo of spirit^ inapti- •adbfor nnfiteese for atadf, dieUke for "& d^lk# S? mte* Vxy kind of bwrneaa, iavoloa. tory blading, ^tOAM of riaht imrka before the eyea, deafneea and aoiaeiatheeara.aeaseo< tuzhtaeaa yrapgocatioa, cmstaat raeotal mi wiving, pama la the S1*6 W wearSeaaT mitotipn of P*,Piutkm of ♦« bawrl, •oroleaa about lile, its jay. „|>M,Tn, !1ST ft, latiea; irrMralaritv of t^bowaju wi.ng good foe aoOuag. failare of memory, mtdOeotaadpoww aad Uoultjee m«ie or leaa impaired, axteane rnatlmaiiiiaa SatalMOT and wretcheaneas, aniiag from the fear oi phyaioal week- fawbSd&ia te the ■-Tag^i a ^"Ma'.TCSj M wm u ma ow to td Pw s. TRIMNELLIB LfftGIYTO I MESmac YESnillE TOIIC, iPfflim t LIVES nus. Noa. 1A S for either Bex. A moat oelehrated ramadr In poeiive bitioni coia ke bvec hi sacom of appetite wamtemmmm_ of sigh% 3id gwinow of 1* an owedlin- *A I m t and bowaft V W lM » W jmt ka. ''rfØ¡LIOUI. TWBTANA. oabtos OIL APaBIJIQ PILLe he had in Ono Pomy tMM. f Oattrial !• topro»atfco ihtaa at tfca atwi 4f xpa Cye any <K«OQ1^ Wrnai Orfor dnreat to the Proprietor, aad It v«U be ft* aided at oaoe. AQ Sa 9d aiaea poll (rea M aoypa^ 0f the Kiagdom. U. 7^ are g«o«a Baleaa ftey have the PiMpMant « £ «atHre oa Ihe Iniawiiiiwrt Bha|i-> TO ANZ?Alg rMi* W. FOMQMRY PWI4 Bttgntwt m Mum fiffiaa •QUI HANDFA^TtlRER PKOPRIRTOR v TRTVmi HfMU liMR, UMMk Timn GOD., GROUND RENTS OS SALE.-Th. Safeat of G Inyestments, to pay4 and 4t per Gent; £110 per annum, Swansea; m London; .t4O. 220, X37, Urerpool; and several oth^. :n Haaoheeter. AA WANTED to BORROW, ^ONET.aa aadoabted IVoperty Securities, in amm, of froai am 1* ^W00- ^PP'7 H- J- H. FBMBBBTON, Macfcet Street^ IfaaeheetoK I This infallible, painless, and certain remedy, intro- duced by J. MUNDAY, has obtained a world-wide re- putation. The efficacy of VIKIDINB may be judged by its having cnred corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It Succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed In Removing both hard or soft Corns and Warts. In Bottles, Price is., by Post Is 8d. From JUlIe. Marie Mtdler. Mr Munday, Amsterdam. Holland. Dear Slr,-I bought a bottle of yonr OKNUIXE -1 Viridine" some BIT months ago in Paris, which cured me, and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the service you recommended it, but I bought another one afterwardx which was forged and no good. As I want a bottle O'ORSCINE tor a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one airect. Mdlle. MARIS MULLER. From Mr. D. Anthony, Swansea. T)ear Sir,- I myself hare suffered with corns, and tried severa lof the certain cures which people boast they have, but they al! failed in my case.. then jot a bottle of your Viridine," and by,npplying some nightly to the corn I was surprised to fiud I ceuld draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. NOTICR.—The great success of my "VIRIDINB" has brought many worthless imitations into the market, under various names as "Corn Cure." The public are, therefore, cautioned to purchase no other than MIJNDAY'S VIRIDINS," and see that my siguati^re is on the end of each package. PREPARED ONLY BY J. MUNDAT, Chemist, 1, High St., Cardiff Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers London Agents—Wilcox & Co., 239, Oxford St., W. Newbery A Sous, Sanger, Satton, Hovenden, &c. lal "OCBLltfSDS SABIiir&S. NO Ross SOB. BYES' AI peneae eaCerra^ itwm the abdiatt««ci. somwimm ehv*^ at oocse try r, FlLlPPlNi' lAID 8eu KAJUUMM. Frioae—8; 8,8, aad 61-, per pair. F. F I L-TP PINI, WATCHMAXSJ4, Sic., MJLSKBT STREET. PONTYPRIDD. HGY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. BENSON'S c NEW PARENT No. 4658.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Has obtained the BIOKKir AVAtl OF A- JOLD ZMZErULIi AT ran Inventions Exhibition, 1885 BSX.VSS. /3a ffou £ 5 5S. QQ&2 128, c Fhe Indgate* laicu is a mtt English Lever Of my Best London Make with Special Strength." fHREE-QUARfER PLATE MO YEMEN r Jewelled tb Iougboutin Rubier True Chronometer BaJance, idinated for Extremes, With Damp and Duat Proof Patent Ring Band and Extended Banal. UaasiTe Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CRYSTAL GLASS Front, Which combinea the Strength of the Hunt*- with the convenience of the Open Face Watch. Winds, Sets Bands and Opena at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy ,.ad Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to SWMI iind Americaii (made is Imitation of and sold Bncliab), and l«.the Old Full-Plate English Lev-: (still told by ether aakera), from the gre<v defects of which the Lodgata ia exetupt-o-, proved by the Award of a COLD MEDAL, The only one adjudged to Rngliah Watchea. rbe 11 Lodgate is of Better Quality and Value Than any £ 10 Watch hitherto made. The Lndgate ia my Beat London Make. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest neat;* And Ï8, therefore, the Best Watch For Heme, htdian aad Colonial Wear, by Railway Men, Miners and Colonists (No. 1. Large eise) Workmen and Artisans (No. S, aa Sketch) (hnthaaa, Ofioata aad Men in H,M. Services, YestW and Boys" (No. S. Small) Will ha sent Free and Safe at my Risk N To all pasts of the World for ø SO. Or in 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass CMet 0 TWET-VE GUINEAS (No. 3 .Size). A .u^iuibiaiive oy i'.v.o., jiait o. Oasa, muxt accompany Order. I IPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BM«O» lathe sol} Maker of a Three-QiUrtar flatelajUahWalsh foi £ 5 6a in Silver, or <1818a ia OwdT and that am Patent "Ladgate" Watch aaaaot be had fhsoigt or of any ethar Watohmaker ia the Klsgdem. Aa) Infriagemant ef the Fateat Bighta willSa preasaiat againat. An illustrated aaA Prioed BOOK, explaining fb advantagea e< this Wateh svft the JP^U-alati EoffliskWatensapotd hraUatharmakara, wfilb aent Peet-free M applieatfoa Is J. W. BENSON. VATCHHAKM* t0 BJf. «KV QMS*, THB «T^U fAOTOEY, <r And ^O^imdShr.f Ws Caaaeqaeat «aaa tks Mart # ta« Mutt tha demand, always BMW SATE' WATOH Wnin BBbEr. famt), Blaatra Wats, ittlpN HMi nss oi foe$* A WONDERFUL HEDH3WS. B EEC H A tf'S PI LLS. Are ad taijlited by thousand a QH to be worth a (Jaimea a bex ^V/— N>1*V for bilious aad nervous dis- YA orders, Bach as wind aad \1P\ pain in the stomach, sick #;V>/ \iV-\ tioadaehe giddineaB^ulnaas. I I PATENT -cl "welling after meals, ■ Ml ruldizEiaesa and drowainess, 14 PI L LS. /w I cold chills, flusbiags of heat, l"w*\ — FQw 108B of appetite, raortaess Y2\ /Si of breath, costiveness, AW seurvy, blotches oa the skia, disturbed sleep, frightful X%y ^SjV^r di-etma, and til tMrvooa Mtd tremblings sensations, Ac. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This ia so fietion, for they have done it in thousands ef cases. Every aoifarer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pilla, aud they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. "Por femalel of all ages these PiUa M-e invaluable, as a few deaes carry off all gross humours, open 801 obstructions, and bring about all that is required. Nfe female sboald be without them. There is ne medicine to be found to eqatlBEECHAMS PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the sya- j tem. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, aad. all* disorders ef the liver, they act like" MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human maenine. They strengthen the whole muscular system,, restore the long lost complexion, they bring back the keen, edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSE- BUD of health the ttrhole physical energy of the human frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all elasses of society; aad.one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills -have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BBBOHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. AI a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, diffi- culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightaets and Oppression in the Chest {Wheezing, <fee., theiil Pilla are narivalled; and, aay eaa labouring under any of the above complaints need only try One Box ti,' prove that they are the beat ever offered to the public for Aathnatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, glan- gerous complaints. Let any person troabled with any of the above complaints give BBECHAM'S Couez PILL. a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be re- moved. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice that the words, "BBBCHAX'S PILLS, St. Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to eMh box of the Pills. If not on they.are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and ietail by the proprietor T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanca- shire, in boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Seat post free from the proprietor for 15 or Sft stamps.—Sold by all Druggists aad Patent Medicine Dealers in the King- dom. N.D.-Full directiqna are given with eaeh box. ITMllOn THRiKI nil I m -A K raiM L gBIKHCT YWXMlABUt HUM Kzmmn TiciABLi nam I^KRHMPB TBaMABMMMt •^EBMICCT TBOgTABU pu" pTEBNIOK'S TB6BTABLI Fllli AM BIAtt AJTB MmT 90 Itllllf, j^ERNICK'S TEGETABUE PtLLS TZERNICK*8 YEGETABLE P11AJ3 mwr wi saapm. Hold Wt. Boxttt mf 7id., la. 1^, tmd la M. meh, by tno<< tiMp<e<eM< Cfciaiisii aa Mmflmmi tmd Hit Colonies, er may be had- direct ef As SoU PrtariOon, KJ6MNI6K SON, Wholo- mb ma to/port Drugfitk, f, AL Jekmb Igaara, GJJgDirF. |fiH^R^SKbS2faj £ l £ £ 22BM^HBHU Lo These Lozenges are the moat efficacious cemeOy ever introduced for Worms. Being innocent ifc their character, they may be taken by child»?» of all degrees and conaitioiu with perfect safety. flpThey are most useful for children of delicate stomadBS and pale com- plexion, as tbey strengthen the systim by giving an fcppotite. J/ Mather* only knew the vatv* 4/ ASM Lemit* ne family ■wvuld bt without a ho*. Sold mm* myViM, ?k~*itU. m 744 and If U* hemm C/1) BEAUTIPUIiHAIR! COLOUR. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'8 HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S RESTORES GREY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Dr. Buist, Cardiff, says I believe it to be one of the safest and most sensible applications for the Hair." Mr J.J. Horton. Chemist, Strat- ford-road, Birmingham, says II Have been in business over 26 years in Birmingham, and must say that no Hair Restorer has gi yen such satisfaction as yours." Is. 6d. per Bottle. By Post for 24 Stamps. RESTORER RESTORER IRESTORER (RESTORER IRESTORER .RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER IRESTORER IRESTORER IRESTORER IRESTORER [RESTORER RESTORER CHILDREN. I HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAGON'S ROSEMARY, Cleansing Lotion for Children's Hair. Destroys all creepers, nita, Ac. 6d per Bottle; by post, nine stamps. CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER GROWTH. I HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S Is a positive remedy for Loss of Hair, Bald Heads Bald Patches, etc., etc.— Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- field-st., Lower Grange- town, writes :_U I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite BALD, but after using two bottles of your Hair Renewer my Hair grew as thick ana strong as ever." is Qd per Bottle. By Post for 21 Stamps. RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER HBINRWER RENEWER B^NEWER RENEWER SOLE MAKER:— HAGON CHEMrST, 89, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Cobm Street, Cathays. London Agents for above Preparations—SANGER aad S0N8, 489, Oxfordstjreet. Ifryjag to do basiesss withoat advertising Is Hfcs vfaHagia the darks yaaaaay kaaw what ysa ass lwrt 4bMNk wuKru THE EANSfHl ot A uxe t &WS OKffiNTAL SlLII, tAl aupplied to the Bight Hon. W. B. fltoawm). "VURES Boms, Sorea, Pilea, Rheamatism, Para- a lvsis, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, White ttwelKage. V..n II, Hip diseaae, Che-t A Lung Complainte, Ae., *e. 1 I I 11 I RBAD ELIZABRTH :8WOD, M, New- therpe-street, Nottiugbam 1 Buffered tar over three yoara from white swelling, we doctor's opinion here was tmtt it would be veara if eveif £ WM* cured. Wbilat oa^a visit to Swanaea I waa adviied to BIS Qto^et'i 8alve. The change for the better waa rapid aad in three weeke 1 walked up the steps of the Midland Station withoat L assistance, although on aj j m rival tbwre I aad to be »carried. Foar boxee eom- | pletoly eured me.—Certified bj pUao. BLOOD. M.R.S. t-.un(ir«ds uf aimilar oaaea b^ve beea eared. GAMGKE'S EAST J^e^tbn! W6bu.k« JK^mpla^nts, Pile^ Oravrf. fWle Irregularities Perfeoriy tierbal aad tastoUs' Bveryoae who haa tried fte«W *•h* Tt.7^ hTrt-P*r wttb ueaiel tn«farn< ottJKWooa 11 Wind wtroet, Iwsassa.. uniu or Ttinuff0 Wkotwa SOCIALLY JHHH9 WRISTBANDS, SUITABLE FOR VHOnBSHIflT HMMTS. 00MABS. A LINEM WHITE AJkjL CLOTHING SWEET AS NEW MOWN AS SNOW. HAY. By Authority of Her Majesty the Quees, Under Xoyal Letters Patent for Importance and Public Utility. iiL BORAX EXTRACT OF SOAP "PERFECTION." PATENT In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packets of all Grocers. Known throughout the world by this TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. W. E. VAUGHAN & CO., 1STEIV DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishments :— 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, 1 CAttmi?1P 248, BUTE STREET. j LARDIF*- 52, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 83, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. "7. CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. Agent for Rhondda:- JIB. J. H. THOMAS, TAILOR A DRAPER. HANNAH STREBT, PORTH. EEALT2Z rOR ALL! 1 { t HOllOWAYS PIL.lS Db Great BeuseUdld Medieine ranks uaongst the leading necessaries of Life. llieaa famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act XMOt powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, sad BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to dulse creat MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy In aH eases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are weaderfolly efficacious in all ailments incidental to Peaaalcs of all ages; and. as a GENERAL FAMILY MSfelCINE, are oaaaipassed. [YOLLO WAY S OINTMINT -1 its Searching and Healing Properties øe known ihroaghont the World. For the cwre of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is aa infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed 08 the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THRQAT, Brooqbitia, .Coughs. Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind oi SKIN DISEASE, it his never been Vnown to kXL Sold at FrWtuor HOLLowAys EstabUchmcat, 9t, New Odert ft (late US, Oxford Bt.) Leaden; also W M*«tf «v«ry ras^ectaWc Vendor of Medicine tlu*«fhaat tbo Ovfibad WarfA pa foaea emd Pets, at is. i)i, a*, yi, I «. M-, tfse., aa*. and }p> each. Fee sriated fcsclsoni are affixed to caob Pet aad Be>, aed earn lie had is my laagaafe. VJ.—Adiies CMIIS, at MM above address, dally, telwsim As kiwi filII 4, sr hy i«t<t "Tk "T" INDIGESTION. CONSUMPTION. LOW SPIRITS. \l ) DYSPEPSIA. BRONCHITIS. DEBILITY. II V or JIBART DISEASE. orASTHSt^. or LITER COMPLAINT il For INDIGESTION in all iin various forms, of want of x appetite, a feeling ot weight or oppression after -On Sa meals, Headacne, Heartburn, Oeamp, Wind, pains O*, it V^> '<, r±Tj\ about the region of the heart, and other symp- Qh> 9 tome which are often mistaken for those ef vo ><CVAV ▼ the dread »EART DI&EASB hundreds a ■4* have caufied anxiety te themselves aad' Say it is 'V%iCF\ their familietf by gtoundlees fears > q SiffF a xrr» 8 \V^\ trough ignorance of the fact^at J Aa the al>ove are syinptoins of I*d*- m CJSKTAIN. |s gettien; no one need suffer the S-5 u terrible pains of Dyspepsia ~<e £ V o | and Indigestion whiletbero g|e*| H far w'Sci'2 i» a cheap, simple and /m 8 §30 Kf Z?*, those g £ -S« effective remedy al- /X** 5* §52 *>% j. K -g,, « ways at hand: For /^Or/ «• a eagaged in W £ j,sii. \>\ »il the various A hPB- £ forms of Indi- B • ^a7 ^18 <& £ > i i lli • vbu\ Ke«tion,phy- g | • J S g PURELY vMil 'EuETiBLB v*v*o< bimwt X^rsrpisJ lifs-fife !|IIEST RESfDtn v lssjiaifii* ihMII breathing g a Eg.# Egf & oil 8551 s s /> >o\ s»y slgtli?- /«r/ \Cz>\ E8S«-Eli always Ssillll A2SZ fElytra. osarAin E<i 1 /$/ W /^y \&\ silfi no^dfi JO uonndo sno«^mrm \> x. VTo^Cr feS| /W OV '^iw«iun pwi ma •S&W n Qflr 8in •M* ^A\ 5"9i ^>v<^ Or for JS-C /VV/ p»» UuoiW eu»oeq totnnovooo gt. ^>>cV <> those -Jt»d peqvmxqopjmw e^on»P pwi V>^k\ ?E cvaonrd fn I /"V# Jood-io'^pwq £ Savs 4-u /> -on oq pooiq am n eq ymaeo \V\ 5f78 < the Weather, /A> *1™ s(jaqiouz aqj iamd eq ^nm eq» It is As QuaBBTXKM aBepm |aeajq )e Aiid \• >a\ the DkfVR(i«! /Cj^/ ^Mdieinmajievomeio .qiananapaemiwq \yO BEST Sm'. /*<>/a Xtp\ LAfiOCTRERS, t em'ixinasamoJ* TIT *°i Pn' 'SKHa VJ > of the A" .,Ac., Ac. "^IHO OUIiiOHO P0* SSKHiOK OKISHflK JOii AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT ? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU ? It has cared HUNDREDS safferiu from the same complaint aa you. <|IT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Everyday gives the disease fresh hold up >n yoa, aad though Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters hava oared Hundreds of Cises gives up by friends, still the sooner the eaeaiy ia your system is got rid of, the better. Sold in bottles at 2a 91; doable size, 4s 6d cases containing three large bottles, 12* 6d. May be had of every Chemist, or Vender of Pate at Medicines; or, if preferred, will be sent at above prices safe by Parcel Post. secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., Llanelly, South Wales. :10 YBARS IN QABDXFF, R, B. BOULTON, BNQLISV AND AMERICAN DENTAL 9URGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite Uairersity Oellege), CAJiDIirir. B»TiMkd gveal experiesoe both in £ nglish and Amsrieas ijitou ef Denial is snaMad to give ta his patiants the benefit of raoh Mparienoa ia outBser wiiah M very law Dentists om oiler; amd being the IaTaBtor of tbe Patasit "ifiynsrtisi. ftp vbeh aaly a perfect iaapression af Aa aeath eaa ba obtained, ke ia emablad tm amgm beaatifolly fitting Artaftsial Teeth ef guaranteed workmanship, of nateral appear, and which defy detection. No Sea-ksrse ITOIJ Teeth. It 8i Teeth. Nt Rubbiik tf say kIlL. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets from 6s to 80s XmIl Sots Upper or Lower 99 60s to 80 Cfuinim fwnwrfsr of Gu Al Amalgam 8ioffin§ as mod hp 1M bed Dortfirtt in Jwrsps t AaMrtga^ VJfiJBTU SATED by fittings, which last frona 16 to 40 years, at Moderate Feet. moos OlIDB GAS administered dailJ at Cinlif by the HIt III safest method. Repain Executed promptly en our own, er upon work ou4e by other Dentiats. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Snrgeon, Mr. R. B. Bwrnken, of AoUn He«% Cardif, is rery nighly finished, and is the best work we hare oyer seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE. OXMOYXD frea at. Gbthorine's Stoaet, to Ma. Ifens, 77, Ta* Straet, Peatype*, Attendanoe the first Wednesday in eaeh aeonrthirom S to 4•sleek. Use at Mia. Wains, Chemists, Ae, Maintain the wse day ha 10.89 to 1 VDOOL IMssii at Mb. 1>ail's, Ohomist, Mevthyr, tha Beoend Wednesday in eaoh mMlft from 12 fo S. "The 6BLKAV Haek LeU.H—«#• ^sa, lAMPQ' OOLD MEDAL •a^^DOME BLACK LEAP PONTYPRIDD. JOHN CROCKETT & Co., TOMBtAKSaS, And Geaeral Cabinet Makers, od House Fur- nishers. ShellibUr for Adult Funerals. Coach for Children's Funerals. Wreaths in great variety. Children's Coffins from 7s. 6d. Adnlts Coffins „ 2& Polished Oak Coffins with Whits Trim- mings and padded inside 60.. Shellibier to oarry 8 inside and coffin oat- side frbm Pontypridd, Hopkinstown, Coedpenmaen, Chainworks, and Tre- foreat to Cemetery so. Coach to carry 6 inside and child's ooffia oatside from above plaoes to Cemetery WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALETHOORAPHY. Easiest te leara, read and write; Compendium 2d oeanplete la M; oa eaeloriag stamps te— JIM. J. WILLIAMS, AshSeld Tenaee, Uangellsn. HEATH & SONS 11. OtOOKHaSBTOWH. CABDIM-, asveonview the Largest Stoek oi PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND -r- HARMONIUMS^ IS SOUTH WALKS, Whish thsy ars sow oferiag at a GREAT DISCOUNT FOB &W% Aad ea the Thrse Tears* System, kem MS « fOK Heath. Raass. from 8 aifaaaa (HsaA Seas, their oaly sddrses, 11. eSaskhaSk feewa, Gaidit. Save 80 brsaohes aer imia ssabliag them te give aaectra tisnsiat It thok I.MIi-4. IUsstralsd Oatsiegam Pw prop. MR. T. ROWLAND, Architect, Measurer, Talner, ie" Has RBMOVED^to his New Offioea, New Town Hall BUildings" MARKET STBEBT, PONTYPRIDD. K3.—Bstimatse prepared; Bills sf Quantities wsrt^ sit, aadMaasaramaata oempletsd.