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BLcJifea AitiS THE JliSXii CINES OF NATURE JOB "EVERY KIND OF DISEASE VLBMH IS TO. i TRIHHELL'S MILD. BITTEB. HeH-IBTOXICRTIRG PURE HERB BEER, FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. ( This Cooiponrd is highly recommended by a g18*) »ember of the Bine Ribbon and Good! Tempiars stan n aeccmut of its superior quality *b,>ve all others foi anrif viuf- and HV.oM^in^uLQE tbt; t>yste.n, ever brongat before tue public. Ly tbe aaraa. tnou^aads have bee* lescned from drankeimeM. Ht,M by most Chemirtr tod Grocers. 641. per Packet, by Hwt 8 Stamps. It recommeada itself. A TRlSBELn TIC-ERAIICITOR "Will instantly remove Toothache, Tie Dolorenx, Neuralgia, or any Pains is the Mead or Faeeby simply YM9 i to the part affected, its sspenonfc over all oflsew being that it is applied ow wardJy, wbile maay of the HestrtuB that are is the market contain stzooi poisocts and are tabes inwardly. NJB.—Taia will neither leave any mark not ia$vi ft* skin where applied.—la lid per betfele. I Wbea thee* ia reason to aoepeet a soli by ttMng one at two doees of 0 -iw TRIIENELL'S Life-giving A Preserving dLB or S1UTDM P81M8 It will remove all sywntems from th* rom. No one aheold be witkeat it, as it in evidentl. I 1M beat ever brought before the pùlio. Thia eetnpoand je iawtnUe in Mm first stages ani ^Moot attacks of Oetds, Inflammation, PaJMrntht fltomaoh, Looseness of the Bowefla, Ahosmatiam Ikaaostit 3wt, Ftiu ia Limb* Semtta id Pvalytie affections, Spasms aad awtmM. ana will fueovs all obstroctaens (sued by eeid. ft im also n •xoeUent stimulant ter peraeoa gotHR inU the damp kg, frost, or snow, aa it prevemts taking eold; and ft* Mafyiag the Bleed fcom a* impurities, saeh aa Bad Lege, Pimples, Bletekes, OhMs, <*«., it aMUWt b« It lid and it 9d per packet. < It lid and it 9d per packet. < H TRIMNELL'S I Life-giving ft Preserving 0 GOUGH BALSAM.! Nothing that has yet been discovered j can be compared with thia Balsam. HI beneAoal aetien upon aH diseases of thi inspiratory organs ifl 118 sunpta ffcat it may he admin- 5stared with p^rfeet safety to the yonagest children, jet is sufficiently Strang to arrest-the prepress of many of the most formidable pulmonary complaints Whether eough, eroop, hooping ee* £ k, patHsmenia, alearisy, asthma, broochitis, diffisal%y of breathing sr that dreadial disease, oonsamptten, of which sc aany thousands die annually around is. 11 lid and I, 9d per bottle. &JU TRIMNELL'S EMBROCATION, Of World-wide Repta&ori* ? :r rheumatism, rkeamatic goqt, lam- pains in limbs, and numbness, stiffness of the," joints and neck, chil- blains. before they are broken, eJia.tic and pAfaiytio tSectipua, sprains, braises, spasms, quinsy, aid gere threat, is acknowledged by all who have use it to be the most eftseacioca that they ever had either for man M beast. It is an article which will -te-uaend 1hcH. Is lid and 2s 2d. A* v. p- Ii tliRlieJEtL'S Life ^iving & Preserving mmm to^is Seiz; will crire &)I kinti,; nt i-: vons debility, arising from .cj o'rce of wetkBiiMi hSra wKs^ftvor > sa".se ii. r;ay arise. These arc- a few of t»» Syr»tp:fros af Mt-rvrc-.ij Debility :—D4pre<?sic»s of spr't vvvpti- fede for on m^tn^aa Wr study, f"E ifity, dislike any ot bn sinesn, invoinn- t»ry bl»-?bing. ^yponeas of ¡¡kbt, sparks befora thAI oyaa, deainesu anH noise in tli. ears, sense of tightness jr sr.ffocatioH, eo«star^ mental misgiving, pa»na in tb< leins s-nd a ecre-Isnt wtse of weariness, irritation of tfse ktrir'-ys and bladder, palpit^tfon of the heart, Ieneral tremnloaenees on any qtidden im^nlse, estrerae i^deaee, fond of mopisg alene, morbid sensibility, Wffctesa ab^nt life, its joys, itF pleagnrea, and its Intics; irrcjalnriwY of tao OOwI,111, feeling good foi g<>t.bin?, faiinre. of memory, ir.tfiiloctaal power and lMnltie" more or tea? impaired, extisme restiessnesa. Eainlenoy and inditrestion, frequent headaches, ailen4. wretcbednscs, an si a g from tha fear of pbysicr.1 «e*k- B«5«, ft:ar of insarmj7,. ;nif>eraWe for«jboding!>' for *b^ greseet, no houqftJr i«o fntnro, starting daring sleep, okirt.c and ft e'rfctf ill |Kthoot nw#re#t catisu. 0 2? K two packets of r«ih«l!'l Nervine Tonies wi' 5MB all oaaes of th# aOcye ( to 14d and 21 W v#r pa&n.i, TRIMNELL'S LIFS-GimG § PRESSRYIliG minM TOHlC, APBRIEUT 4 LIVER PILLS. Hos. 1 A 2 for either Se*. A mopt celebrated remedy fo. «ostive >■>■■! cf'ons aossplftints, attacks 01 ie»sr, ii»- keDZ" anpetUe. iodisrestion, dimness of sigfet, Jains a-jcdiTsecB of the head, and all disorders oi ike stomach an3 howVua. 1* 7 id nrd 9.4 ptr hex. hi'" .v- ANTJB1L10H8..VSGETABI' \CASTOR QIÅ w* aP^RIS^T' 2ILL.5 'Kay be had in One Penny boxes. Oaa trial is = rTicic"at to prove the virtne of thoabov^ J* .^mpoonds. To b«« h«d at most respectable Chemisis. P:n £ ewts ana Med'.ci ee Vendors tbronghont the world. h von have ri" «ificrUy in obtaining it, send Stampi sr Post OSk.r Or dor <T:i*?ct to the Proprietor, aad it »V.l be foi-vacd id at once. All 2a 3d sizes poat free oc auy part 01 the Kiua'^s"11- v f? -Nor..s are gennine cnlecs they h-tr*- ',Ut- Pr»>prie*or'a sigaatare on the Goveranjenl StKxnf ■— W- TiaJNiu L. TO 1MUATT-. TTJI!! WOULD BE FORGERY Fctt. on E.&ew P 6i:g,s manufacitber A PRoPRrn?; Midioai B«rA«in. V liOOA fe GABDIfl ■ f-NQ MORE WATCH KEYS. I p K' (Worth £ 10).—In return for a £ 6 note, free and safe WO per post, one of the "County" Gentleman's Kejless LEVElt WATCHES, with a compact liijrlily-finishe'l J plate lever movement, fully jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, and soundest keyless work, in massive sterling silver eases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button, arn! gold joints. No .srreh value has ever before been offered to the British public, Wing regulated for hot and cold climates, and to stand the roughest wear, and give the highe-st satisfaction in private use. This fine Watch will he worth putting into a Sold Ca.se after twenty vear's wear. (C[,Uli ASL) orhrlt AlltJNTS WANTFD WATCHES, £1 TO £1(f) Illustrated Pamphlet sent free on application. f llr. T. R. RUSSELL (Maker to the Queen), CATHEDRAL WOllKS, ItJ, CHURCH-STREET KVSKPOOL. A WONDERFUL HEBIGtllE. BSEOHAM'S PILLe. -.1 1 ukaairledgsd to be An UmfM kj tomato t» fee #frOi afihtesa Wnowa anA aamoa flaordera, seek aaHrtod ad n 1a tie etemeh.tickheadiohe gt4<Hwwa MMaaMWfnrsflioz drowswer. *)MS flwMJiiyi of tieat, ttM Of nlTni. AiiUiMIma. aSSnaSa^ tyaote^ea. MtojMn, fortk^tMM«aBati»aeaaaa«a efcaasa. BtsajaMtwrlseaia- •stljr ^Ke4 to try cm bey of A out thay «ttl ha WORTH A GWIWBA A BOX. for femalM «fnU arwtkaa<PQls sra lnval«aM«, as a few «aaw of tfcsm earry off all gsa taasoara, qnen •»obetrnctions. md Was shoot aM that is acraired. He ftaale skgold !»• wtfteat tfcsm. These ts »mwwm te he fstaad to eqwtMWEtft JILLI for removing any ebsta-actioa w frrspUartty of the sys- uei IftskaaaoeortftegtetbedkeotteasglveawltfcwchkM will seoa rsstore fsnsales of ail acaa taaoudaai lafeaat 3ea1t1a. Stai weak atomaeh, hnaaM Olgaatkm, tai aggaardwaej th» liver, VMJ act Hhe ''Mlafe." awl a tow Aoaaa wabefemnd w work woadivi apon tka aaoatapertaat on* th« btwiaa machine. Tkay atraagtim the whole aaaeolar systsjt, restore rfca loag lost eompteioa, backtha ^eMadgepfapp* aad areoM tato aettes with the R9RHW ofhaelth the wbele physical aaercy of the kaaaaa IcaaM. These are FAOOT ad- mitted by thousands embracia< ^classes of eeataty; a*4 ese of tha best goataatees te ttJftarvoBi aad dafcSitatad la, Baechain a Wis have tbe largest gas of aay pateat saadiatoa In the world. BIEOHAM'S KAfHO OOU611 PILLS. Aa a ranedy tor tfeoghs la geaeral, A*tkfl«,t)UBe«iHy of g.^Mhing, thortaaas rffcaath, T^tness and Opjwessiri 1* tie Chaet, Wfceesiac, *e.,tteseH3sat»r. d ri valled and an? 5na labouring aader aay of the above eo:i :<«ts aeed oaly «T 9na Boa to spots that they an the best ever offered to the pawie for Asttunatla aad deaghs, Hoarseness, aad Op- -jr«s»ioa -«the Obest Ttoey speadHy rwaove thai aaaae ef op- ?r«ssiea aad <U«e*tfty eThrw«WM *kicli a^tly deprive the tatisnt of rest, thy giveafawatfratant reftrfand eoatTertUi :hog« aflKcted with fte above distressing and, whsa aaglecten, laagerous oomplaiats. Let aay persea troubled with aay « the above eemMalnta give Bncaan'rOoon Bum atrial. The most Tloisiit Sough wiH lb a.diort Qw he relieved. 0*oTio»r -The pablle ate reMaated to aottse ttaMhe wordi ii Bneaaa's nus, St, Hdni| are on the QOf eiasssat Btaas] affixed toaaohbezef the ftlle. If aot on ttey are a fargWT- Prepared oaiy aad aold wholesale aad-retafi by tbe t. Beechasa. Obessdst, St. Hrieas, LaasMbtos, la bea« « !"= fS C £ S.nSir^AS' am gtvaa with a^oh *a«.$ SRH1CK*S YEGKTABLB FILW8 v soft 1 I^ ERTOCK'S VEGETABLE PILLS « vom K' ERNIOK*aT VEGET^BLa PILLS rose nrAa«B»rHMK, | l^EBJTieK'S VBGETABLK WLLS | T7" EUNIGK'S VEGETABLE PILLS j jxm. comrnrtnems. i; Y E FCTABL^IT IiE o>.tTilX V* 1TS3P«!*».. X^EILNTCK'S VElj ETABLK PUJJi- ARK S.MAH. A-Xb KJ8JST TO W KSJJVW., 7^ ERXICK'S VEGETABLE PILL.C -1 *• STK.*5»CTKK8r TJ? S gTfra* "f '•T': VE^i tiiTA MiS Jf' 5^ A\ rvsLflfr^rHx "xijrxtfik *■ ••• .»> /.v>res 7 Is. #»»W 2a. M IUfI, /•-• >*■% tai l* 1t'J). *ic-'W a■ •' \-loiiW3, M"nv;)7!>e~T*<ui dvroct »/ tiki* i'•■*>&> KtHMHK tic ^O'.V s -W*- Trent lozenges are the most effiearions rerneay ever ^•.xatced for Worms. Being innocent i", their .v.racter, they may be taken by chil< £ «"». of all degrees 5.coriilsticns with perfect safetynrTbo; ar* most for children of deKcate stomaoh^ and pale com- :< \iia, aa they strengthen tha system by giving an v ■ "ftite. ( Mcthrrx only knew 'he vctht* ef lAtte Ltizmgr* n* •/ "mi:: be tetihhut a box. Soi4 t, ttfuietaltU "■ ■ <•. ?id lIIitd 1, 1. q < n,; 1\ r V T r q ,1 f I! r ,HAlftMlAJRU IIAIIl! IT AGON'S HAGON'^ I-T AGON'S TI AGON'S HAGO\:s. H AGON'S' FT AGON'S ii qo s H AGON'S H AGON'S HAGOS's HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S | COLOUR. RESTORES Gln;Y frAjll TO ITS OHiGIX.U, COLOUR ..and BEAUTY. — igfimzr Dr. li'H'i, C.:n:tlf, says I it to benrwf-ofirsrrftW' j.ii'l most' st'iisihie tl!11¡lie..ltl,'fn: for the I lair." Mr .7..T. Tloitori. Chemist, ^trat-• for.road, BirIlI111;.f}¡;:lli, says Have l'crm in business over ::1'1 year's iil BifniiiijiTiaih, Jind iimst sny that no Hair ii.is ^iven* f.ipir satisfactiontis {_ yotars." is. 6n. per Eottle. By POèt for 24 Stamps. k. RSiSTOSER KKSTORER •REftTORSR 'RESTORER ^F.STORER RESTORE il Restorer RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER- HESTORKR fiSTOKER RESTORER' RESTORER 5 HA IR j HAIR I aAIRj fl A JR | ilAIR i Cnn.nru?:x. HAGON'S ROBSMAiqp,' CJeansinE; Lotion for Children's- Ilany Destroys all creep? £ ;?.' hit'?, 'ito. Gd per Hettie: by post, nine stamps. CLEANSER cT A CLEANSER CLEANSER ;CLEANSER i CLEANSER HAGON'S I-L,A GO -N'S HAGONS HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HA GON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S GROAV, TH. Is a positive remedy for Loss of. ilsir, Baid Heads l}tld Patches, ate. Mr F. Howell, o. Biom- field-st., Lower Grange- town, writes:—"I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite Balp. btit after using two bottles of yonr Hair Kanewer ray 1 Hair as thick and strong as ever. is ''d per Bottle. By Post for 21 Stamps. ( RENEWER REN EWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER SOLE MAKER HAGON, CHEMIST, 89, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Cobnrn Street, CatUys. London Agents for above Preparations—SANGER and SONS, 439, Oxford Street. mipiBi mm PROPam ANP INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED, Old Post Orrtm OwiMssaa PONTYPRIDD DlFUlCToFIS i H> JAMBS KOBKBTS, TftX Vate llllH tm forost CSwknML MS #K0B»B KNILL, Twjpudf. "a Ohaivmaa. MB BWHA.B9 BOAXU, Pontypridd. MR BY AH DA VIM, Tho Walk, CadI, MB mBWDI PHILLIPS. Pontypridd. MB TBeKAS THOMAS, dww-j-awri Treforeat. Secretarr-IIB H. 8. DAVOM. Jlfices—Gld Poat OSee 8Uaben, PeatypridA This Company ia prepared to receive Bepoaitt >t MO and apwarda repayable at Three Monthi Notice, and te hear Intereat at the rate of Fivi pound. per Sectnia per Amm, payable Hfclf yearly. Apply to the Secretaqr aa abort. WORTH THE RANSOM OP A KING? &MHin OSiHTAL 84LYE (AI supplied to the Right Bou. W. B. Qwadstww). ^URES Burns, 3ores, Piles, ^eumattsm. ^a W» ivsi3 Lumbago, Stiff Joints, White BweHmga. Yens." Hip disease, Chest & Lung Complainta,-Ao., Ae. BEAD Buzabeth Blood, 28, Neif- 1 tborpe-street, Nettingham 1 suffered tor over three years from white swelling. *he ioctor's opinion here was that it would be. vears if ever J was cared. Wbrlst on b v:isi. to Swansea I was atfnsed to i use fiamjee's Salve. Tbe cbange for tho better was rapid and in three weeks 1 walked up the steps of tb. Midland Station witfcout assistance, altbougb on i»v j a.irival there I had to t>v carried. Four boxes eom# i uletcly cured me.—Certified bS SGKJ. EiiOoD, M.R.S. 1 ] di-d" • similar cases have been cured. GAAJGEB S hASr rNDIAN PILLS, or Blood Indiseition Bilious or Liver Complaints, Piles, CJravel Wind restore ton. and vi-'our to the most weakl) constitution, and are the beret in the woiyi for >' Female Irregularities. Perfectly Herbal and tasteW s Evervose who has tried them says they are tbe BEST REMEDIES IN THh W6RLD. f,ij -i^ i lj a. nci i« 6d. From W. H. 'V' In1ioi-*s at 'i.. 'w-II Jones chemist;, Mountain a TS&TTSS-xL ii «&:T. **> Ciiditl -Keinick 4>. Son (W.loltsale); H*«k" £ £ iustru<- or direct for the amouat m itarap » ilAGG^ tions if required, from the sole proprietor, CHAKLiKo Ii, Wind Street, Swan.sa. 1, BEWARE OF TRAVELLING IMPOSTORS. L k p; J i J. <' I I I SPECIALLY WRISTBANDS, I SUITABLE FOR SHIRT FRONTS. COLLARS. "A: I F F& C. BRISTL'IL. 1 1 ■■ ■ LINEN WHITE AS SNOW. Pc^S •&&> I I CLOTHING SWEET AS NEW MOWN HA Y. By Authority of Jler Majesty the Queen, Under Royal Letters Talent for. Importance and Public Utility. < PATE-NT -V 1 IV I TRADEMARK BORAX EXTRACT I OF SOAPj « PERFECTION." In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packets of all Grocers. Kncwn throughout the world by this PATENT B;D,IR A ( OD., TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, a-ad refuse all others. W. E. yAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LANDAFP ROAD, CARDIFF. Brwftefc BriabUthmenti :— 77 tJROCKHlIRBTOWN,\ CARDIFF. 348, BUTB STRUT, j 5S, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. V 53, HIGH STRyET. NEWPORT. 27, CASTLE FTBEBT, SWANSEA. '<I to BUrttulda-. MEL I B. THOMAS, TAILOR & DRAPER, HANNAH ST., PORTH \T/°v INDIGESTION. CONSUMPTION. LOW SPIRITS! I I DYSPEPSIA. BRONOFLITIS. DEBILITY. 1-.1 V_y or HEART DISEASE. or ASTHMA. or LIVEE COMPLAINT. For INDIGESTION in all its various forms, of want of < appetite, a feeling of weight or oppression after -0* "Ovjibv V meals, Headache, Heartburn, Cramp, Wind, pains tj, ^y\ abotit the region of the heart, and other syinp- /ij \^J&\ toms which are often mistaken for those of vfr, ,0^<v the dread HHART DISEASE; hundreds />/ -<> have caused anxiety te themselves and Say it is th.eir families by groundless fears X SAFE ivn 3 ^»\ through ignorance of the feet that o, npPTira c$H w the above are eymptoms of ^TAIN. <v^ 2 geztion; no one need suffer the & a SJS \y2? terrible pains of Dyspepsia §E0 °r o g and Indigestion while there o (j for nti is a cheap, simple and £ M thosp W ^h\ effective remedy al- /<+ 5S ^>4. \y^z\ ways at hand. For P a oSH MS? engaged in Wo.05-5, all the various 2 c, •*& I £ forms of Indi- /S!S?/ Sayifcis S I US I «> ^8.tion'Phy- B 5 ill § g PURELY ?i ?= "CrS»™ "M Ul ™0ETiBLE |-s»fiJi|\ \s/ IHhtH THE VERY lfl!l|«!nBESTRE"E0'U ItPI'i I,°"ULAE- OF THE tj jirfa:* > f°r "5 V^\ aec /kj £ ^4 those sr^&g.-gsl breathing$* gl^g § R\1/> H8&gS.*l 4 Og.J«§,B.2d5Sg M S B 2 5 ,d"/ v "*V7> /iQa \i6%\ Ifc is 4. SSSlIi'S"/§?/ \Z<&\ ALWAYS 3ga-g||| /C5?/ \^5t\ OERTAIN » «sjsir/^r/ iss5«. ™ DO von wioSS £ PUB aTnXjjjud JOJ \v&\ g-B ^.g" GOOD. st j £ «P am ,0 <5.|'3-P1S O x.oT-^ StnjTOi0^q<ISuTp«0l9q? fTpgg" OB'S TO noitrtdo stjonnrrmm S S, a, fe"§2 W '■ XtmBaTpro pa« ^aM. g S.W ofo^ si pooiq em W J&mweq g.QS V-^ Or for i-5-a /vC pus Uuoj?s eraooaq ^ouubosnos gg. <0- thosp -jedpamniqap P™ pnB \^5^V\ ?E! i2 AV » 'nejpitqoSnuiooa aeedjo'Ixfueaq. 5 Says exposed t& « 0q p0o[q eqi jt wad oq Wmreo p "? < tbe Weather, spun s,joipoui eq^J Sexnd aq ^rm eto 18 Aa Ottarrtwfn ssapin is'eajq oq? POTO sqaoamu ^jad the /C5^/ -ojd ijotniBO Jaqiotn oqi: qi^uaj^ pTO n^aq BEST DRIVEK,b, 10 ssojnosaj eq? qip^ 51 qOH™ pubpoejq eqj D-nMwrkV FARMERS, ijiondo^'otuo?a^q^oSaApoo^emossipeem(jwMrii /f REMKDx LABOURERS • ^W'AXIHaad niojj 2uue#n9 TTV J°f pn-e 'Kffaa \#. of the &c., &c.&c -lino t)NmoHO saaHXOn omishhn y AGE WHY DONT' YOU TRY If? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU ? It has cured HUNDREDS sufferin from the same complaint as you. IT WILL CURE YOU, IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Every day gives the disease fresh hold upon yoa, and though Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters have cured Hundreds of Ca.se3 given up by friends, still the sooner the enemy in yonr system is got rid ef, the better. Sold in bottles at 2s 9d; doable size, 4s 6d cases containing three large bottles, 12s 6d. May be had of every Chemist, or Vend.)r of Patent Medicines or, if preferred, will be sent at above prices safe by Parcel POlt, secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., Llanelly, South Wales. SO YBABS TILT CARDIFF. -') R, B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, Y (Opposite University College), ,M CARDIFF, Having had great experience both in English and American systems of Denial practice^ :s enabled to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a mannerjssbiqliJwt4 very few Dentists can offer; aad being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, ky Trhich only a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he is enabled to Stipplj beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearand a.nd which defy detection. ¡ Ho Sea-horse Ivory Teeth. No 3s. Teeth. No Rubbish of any kind. I RELIABLE TEETH. I Partial Sets.from 5s to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas. I Inventor of the Al Amalgam Stopping at used by the best Dentists in Europe t Ameriom, r TEETH SAVED by fining I h last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. NITROUS OXIDE GAS administered daily at Cardiff by the best aBi safest method. — —— r.' -v'.rA, p ?' Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon tfork maxte by other Dentiste. ¡ Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Acton Houses Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE. REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MR. Notts, 77, Taff Street, Pontypridl. Attendance-the first Wednesday in each month from 3 to 4 aclook. 41 at Ma. Warns, Ohemists, &0, Mountain Ash, the same day from 10.3d 0 0 to 1 o'clock. 4AteB £ a at MB. RLziusla, Chemist, Merthyr,.the Second Wednofdav in each menfh — from 12 to 3 — I "The CISAF Black Lst4."—rMe toe* I JAMES' cO«-b ■"■DAL Sueossfdre ivuli for ftc- B Iffl IVfi %m mKe&aeof Qu^iity an A deaoli- i v I &—"» S/BLACK LEAD SBWlLttB of WorthHw PONTYPRIDD. rORri CKOCKETT Oo., trsraisaTjeLxass, lad General CaMnet Mate, ui Houle hr. nisbsrs. Sh&UibieY for Adult J^unnraht. OoaeA foi Thildren'x Funerals. Wrzaih* in great variety froik, 7s 6d kdall Coffins 161 istaorl Oak ColSna with Waite Trimssiagt tags and padded inside 608 ''htoit'.bier to carry 8 inside aad aofBa ont- r"oa from Pcatypridd, Hopkimetown, Coedpenmaen, Cbaiawsrku, aad Tre- {'•itBi to Cemetery A 11 to earry 6 inllde .1id ehiid'a ootBn u,it""G few afeoTt piacM te OW^T Pontypridd, Llantrisaaf, and Rhondda Valleys PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILD1N0 SOCIETY. Established ] 8t"C. Incorporated 1874. DIRECTORS Mlt. HICHAllD ROGERS, Pontypridd, Chairman. MR. JOHN MORGAN, Llantrisant, Vice-chair- m-,n. ME. CHARLES B AS SETT, J.F., BrynffynoB Pontvpridd. Iliz. THOMAS MORGAN, Y Fron, Pontypridd. MK. JAMFÆ RICHARDS, Treforest. MR. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Glasfryn, Pontypridd MR. WM. GRIFFITHS, Taff Villa, Pontypridd. MR. E. C. SPICK ETT, Maesysoed, Pontypridd. Advances tii'ule !IlL Mortgage in S/¿ln8 varying from £ 100 to £ 10,000, repayable in monthly or fuwt&rly instalments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY FEES PAID BY THE SOCIETY. Advance* matte on the Shortest Xotice. For further oarticalars apply to the Secretary, -AIR. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, Pontypridd.