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v PARLIAMENTARY NOTES. LBY A NEW MEMBER]. I concluded' my previous notes by saying that I I *ould give a description of the scsne in the House "'hen the division was tflken upou Mr. Jesse Colling « Amendment, which resulted iu the overthrow of the iate Administration. Bat BO many things have hap- since then, and such is the rapidity with wbicU proceed in the present day, that reference to it ^ould be regarded aa a coutribution to ancient -1tï8tory. I shall, therefore, go no further into the ^at than last Thursday, when Mr. Gladstone made 'ilis appearance for the first time in his thud term of in the proud position of Premier of Englaad. It is now pretty generally known that tne accommo- tion in the Honse of Commons is little more than IUflicient to seat half its members. To secure a seat -nder ordinary conditions, it is necessary to take the tl8\1.a.1 steps long before the House is in session, but en special occasions such us that of kst Thursday, OUO would have to deposit his bona fide hat on a seat least about one hour and & half before the appear- ance of the Speaker, or, as far as a seat was concerned, though a meuioer may have beta duly elected, and ba-d taken the oath in form and manner as by Statute Provided he would be without a seat in the House of Common's. After depositing h is hat upon a seat, °Qe may wander about the lobbies, libraries, dining- footns, smoking-rooms, or, as most do, sit down and give himself up to the old tuttti of thd s@a of an M.P., namely the matter ct CL.r)-e..ipondenoe. But, he taust take care to be in ùH piac» when the Speaker enters the House, and remain tinsre during prayers. It is true he need not remain out a very short time for the termination of the religious ceremony. We could speak of it as to its lengtu much in the same terms as that in the po«m on the j" Death of Sir John Moore." "Few and short were the prayers they "aid and I belleve they are none the less effective in consequence. Mr. Edito- 1 have had a long and varied experience of p^ • v or meetings. Yet by far the most remarkable Ù.r; Those I have attended in the House of Commons. They are remarkable in the first place tor the pune'.aality of those who attend, for the large uumber who assemble, and the character -of the "worshippers. We hate among them those whose religious belief is scarcely enough for defini- tion, rIght awaj to those whose credence does not stop short of paoal ii^llibility. Little did I think some' tew years ago that I would be in the same prayer Meeting as Mr. Bradlaugh. What his views may be *ith regard to religion I am profoundly ignorant, Oixt as far as outward demeanour and conduct during the short service in the House of Commons is con- -rned he is an example that it would be well to palate by many who make very loud professions. vote were taken upon the question of a religious Z^'ice I would vote in favour 01 its retentisn. What the present or any service questionable in my is the und&nbted fact that many attend under wT^ion. What is remarkable is tbat neither the libers of Her Majesty's Government nor the of the latft Administration attend prayers. -J course, it matters not whether they are at prayers *!re absent, the two frent benches are always ftt&ingci for them. I have otteu asked myself this ^estion whether the members of the Government the Leaders of the Opposition have prayer in their rooms at the rear of the Speaker^ w^^ir ? Until the req.ii^ite accommodation is Sf°vided for every member elated to serve in f^Uament, the religious ceremony is little more >5*u a mockery, and cannot but be offensive J?. one wno would desire that above all "Uiga ju tlie matter of religious ceramonies the T^stion of attendance would only be influenced by a to unite to implore the Divine blessing. The business of the evening was of some local as among the writs moved for was one for Cardiff Boroughs. I am sure, Mr. Editor, that your readers are glad that among the gentlemen ^hom Mr. Gladstone han selected to join his Minis- i« the very able representative of the chief town Of the Principality. The Premier in choosing Sir E. J. Reed not only conferred honour upon him, but upon our little country. As I have no doubt of his re-election, South Wales for the first time for some syears will have one repvesentati ;& who is a member of the Government. It is usual for the Speaker at y* early stage in the proceedings to ask members desire to take the oath to advance to the table the House. This time I casually turned my attea- to the Bar, and I there saw a very familiar figure bom I thought was strangely out of place m that of the House, being no other than the Prime ~?lftiBter. Members of the Government, and those tl ttP°n tbe front opposition bench, usually enter House from behind the Speaker's chair. The appearance of Mr. Gladstone entering the from this direction arose from the fact that th have to go through the same formalities as he newest recruit after his re-election before ha took seat ia an assembly of which he is the best known most honoured member. There was something Jldicroua in witnessing this great man marching up to the t..hl.. hetwaan two eentlemen little known o -p- Otaparatively to tbt members present to be introduced tic Clerk of the House, a gentleman with whom Gladstone has been associated for more than half The topic most debated among the mem- j,? Previous to the commencement of business was tuJ! Way Kissing the nature of the communica- Mt a-J>out to be made by the Prime Minister. When rose to deliver this much looked for Oea ^on after the great burst of cheering had froinfvL'- 80 anxious weie all present to hear what fell sj(.y bis lips, that the stillness was of painful inten- tion What he told us was worthy of our best atten- tiin' 4 those sanguine spirits who expected from Wer a,^«claration of his policy with regard to Ireland *hen 0Qled t° disappointment. We were informed has We c°uld expect him to unfold his plans and he hero hitherto failed to fulfil his promises. I will though the subject is not next in chrono- exrif1J 0rder, that perhaps the greatest interest risi n*st t0 that of Mr" Gladstone, was upon the on • o £ Mr- Justin McCarthy, who spoke on the question of Home Rale. This gentleman is generally by the members of the House of Commons, « the ablest aad by many thought to be the most of those who own the sway of the •lmost* f-or Gork- In the literary world he has and I do not vimeed tbrol am not the ouly one whom he has con- of our oro"Rh that admirable work, The History for Home Rullla69, t^at Ireland is justified in asking in the directi^, Iatu P^pared to go a long way assent to the Wt*ZhB,s mdicated I amnot ready to speeches a moath su^re«ted, bl, hlf m h" then named were Indeed' *h« af- nnarrtr tn lQ the natur« of the demands lotuKq«nected ««emy than what Jou d be ed 'wo partieB t0 agreement, n8 UP, f-r^ffiva him8'. Nevertheless, 1 would be ^ays ready.to give him » respectM hearing) -*hi?^niil t? Vo in nlain transcendant %ha He apok P ms and asserted that and beipre J nf Home b ^'ri'ion for Ire- Waa the question of Home Rui# With regard the Land Question he sai. granted Home Rule other 1ue8tl0n vli This *Otark was met with ironical eers from ttje Con- ^rvativas who treated it much in tn« same way as a once did a scriptural quotation. A pi»Us so* quoted the passage "And the lion and the l^mb down together Y-s,jephed the ™ SidVntl' "°,Qe in"de the othar- The r*fr^tiv8« Kationa.fi f not exPect muob mere, itself now fu Certainly, if history is going r*P°at b*na popular Party have gamed the <«nFtreatment Conservatives cannot bope for 1 fw^tn o otn that they meted out them8 !l(: t iL Mr o/0" themselves with this assurance *r*»* r,<TtheIriB>i tone crowns his life-work with l *1 affairs. it*°Ple the power of conducting their only given after taking nraJon 1?e proper and sure safe-guards *8 u*st °PP[ tn wbatever quarter it is sup- ^•d orisfeared toemanate Mr McCarthy wa9 w '5 u, •?. those dissenters from his trjne, and he 0 in the most becoming mood 2? manner, thj4 'landlords of Ireland would better term with Home Rule than under th.t l? £ > oonaitiQgg- °ne thing.I feel quite assured, j 'bort of Home B the majority of the people tat^nd will remain dissatisfied. Even should the •f laiQent of St. Stephen a proceed so far in the way l%n^?ace,a'ons as to eonhscate the rights of Irisk altogether, the Irish people wonld be not t"m- ]*bit more contented than they are at present. just enumerate the measures they have already f Hb ,afe so much in advance of what we have in the & t|>. i United Kingdoni. They have enjoyed for fifteen years the great boon of religious v They have » -7??. ^ct which with the ^OhiS g °f the custom of Primogeniture and entail, far to, if not altogether, aattle the Land ia Qreat Britain. Then, again in the Labourers' Dwellings Act the labouring poor have in- comparably superior provision made for them thaa for those in similar circumstaaces in these countries. Yet, from the lips of five-fifths of Ireland's represen- tatives we are told that the people are not satisfied with present eonditions. Now, I believe that tne great Irish difficulty is more a question of sentiment than that of principle When sentiment is opposed to principle tuen senti- ment must take a back seat, but I cannot see any violation of principle in the Irish people managing their own affairs in their own way, provided that the dignity "of the Crown is respected, the authority of the Imperial Parliament upheld, and sufficient guarantees be exacted for the protection of minorities. It is re-assuring that in this, the greatest crisis in the history of our country for the last couple of centuries, we have a gentleman at the head of the Government who is acknowledged by the whulo civilised world to be, if not the greatest, one of »he greatest statesmen who have appeared in the arenit. of politics, and that he is surrounded by a Cabinet in every way worthy to be his fellow councillors. That the Welsh people are devoutedly desirous of seeing tlif; Irish question settled is quite patent, as nothing seems more certain than until that object is accomplished we may hope in vain for any legislatiou for the other portions of the realm. Since we have equal need with Ireland for the exceptional legislation which she now possesses we are glad to note thiit at the present time whatever they may do in the future, the Irish leaders desire to cordially co-operats with Mr Glad- stone in coming to an understanding a3 to the terms and conditions necessary to thu framing ot a measure that will ensure a permanent pacification of tne hirtherto turbulent inhabitants ol E.-m. 9P.Wt





