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fttjn bt-iOtia cossapnunM, »moh en y inenza, loss qf appetite, mdigeetioa, dinmwn of itiUDfl and giddioeBs of the hiftd, and All Hmmiw :he stomach and boweila. 16 114 and 2w tel per box. 4. &NTIBIWGUB, TEGETABI** OASTOB CNK* Or APERIENT PILL& May be had in One Penny boxes. One trial ie sufficient to prove the cirtne of the »hN» ,>;n pounds. To b* bad &t most reapeeteble Chemisto^ agists and Medicine Vendors tbrorlll hon t the wwML i too have any difficulty ia obtaining it, send Btswa^W- j.; i>0at Office Order direct to the Proprietor, an& xfr "11 be forwarded at once. All Ss 9d sisea post iaaa is aii y part of the Kingdom. • 4.B -None are genuine anless they have titea fteprtetor's signature on the Government W«|s— ? TKUMFJ-L. TO IMITATE TmS "OULB as rosairair FuLt. Dirve-ts,t- m Bacis Pasxao*. _A-' íaCLB MAMOFAfl PKoPFlRTOH— ■7 fSUjCffELL. Mol)ICAL B«Tawi«ti llalBA Timm* a«Mi9 TRIMNELI/S UFE-GIYIKG ft PBESKRTO VEGETABLE TOIIC, APERIEHT ft LItIl HLUL NOB. 1 A 2 for either Sex. A mod celebrated remedy lip -A- £ 1 aaose it may arise. These axe a few of the SymptMaa* 1! Nervous Debility:—Depression of spirits, ina;v*C~ iade for exertion, unfitness for stndy, dislike from moiety, dislike to enter any kind of business, invabooo. tery blushing, Alness of sight, sparks before tthwe J188, deafness and noise ia the ears, sense of tiffhtBMMi II suffocation, oonstant mental miapTing, pains ia Hue ieina and a eonstant sense of weariness, irritation off ih^kidQ^ys add: feU^sr.palpiUtioa of the • leneral tremulooeness on any sodden impulse, extreme liffidence, toad of mopiag aleaa, morbid mefmhpfc jareless about life, its joys, its pleaaorea, and mm Inties; irregularity of toe bowells, feeling good An* aothing, failure of memory, intellectual power aadi tMtdtiet mere or lees impaired, extreme reetiaaaaMt, latnlency and indigestion, frequent headaches, da# wretchedn«B8; arising from the fear ef phuioal eaik> aess, fear of insanity, miserable forebeds&gs tm fib* present, no hope for toe fntnre, starting dariag sAeafll, looking and feeling ill without apparent sense. fiba Wt two packets of TrimneU's Nervine Teais vmS ore all saees of the abeft. Is lid mud Ss M fsr perntot TRIMNELI/S Life-giving & Preserving NERVINE TONIC For either Sex; will ear* all kinds norvous debility, arising from *ap> source of weakness from whatoww ii blailia. before they are hrrfwen, sciatie and paralyflft* kifectiona, sprains, bruises. spauaiBB.^qainsy, and aaa* tiiroafc, is -acknowledged JY- afl ts{bH nave up«. it to Sab ihs most efficacious that taey eve* v. nther for soa^a ht toast. It i* air article whi »..• i 11 ~onn>geaari3 i%if. Is Hd and 2s -J i riJ iVi W c- L.. "? EMBROCATION Of TOJ-fiMepiu&tioLv •'or rheu.uatiam, rheosaatic c-'nt. rim pains in limbs, and numbsMaib stiffness of the joints and neek, dnl. fMpimtory organs ia so simple that it may ':>s> ""Lm.- istarod with porfeat safety to the younger rot is sufficiently strong to arrest the ;-F,h; uany of the most formidable palmanary co a^.v:^ whether Gough, oroop, hoopia«;««oaght pui jljsarisy, asthma, bronohitis, ditficiUy of ,!t\hat dreadful disease, consumption, of whicc„ titay thousands die annoally arouud as. Is 1|4 Met 18 9d per bottle. .TRIM NELL'S Life-giving & Preserving a COUGH BALSlC Nothing that has yet been diseovenaft can be compared with this Balsam. beneficial aetvon apon all disuses oi v&a -a 1 mtea. No one should be without it, as it is evaoaaaag| £ tae but ever broaght before the pcblie. This oompoand is invaluable in the first stages asauS Solent attacks of Colds, Inflammation, Pains ra i&tui fttomaoh, Looseness of the Bowalls, Kheomatie Gout, Pains in the Liinbe, Soiatie nan# Paralytio affections, 3pasms and Cramp, r.nd wiiS tamove aU obstructions oaosed by oold. It is Mø" axeeUe^ Stimtdant tMjpertMM going oat into the feg, froet^for snow, as it prevents taking cold and fowe mrifyiag the Blood from all impurities, such ae Satt tiegs, Pimnles, Blotohea, Chills, &e., it Swr •foalled. Is lid end 20 9d per packet. When there is reason to suspect a ioaiw- by taking one or two doses of TEIMNBLL'S Life-giving & Preaerviagi m or SWEATiKG POIDm It will ramove all symptoms from tti A poisons and are taken inwardly. N.B.—This will neither leave any mark nor ia$B0t% As akin where applied.—la lid per bottle. THIPELL'S TIC-EEADfCiTOf 'Will instantly remove Toothache, Thua Dolorecx, Neoralgia, or any Paias me the Head or Faee by simply applyiajj 3 to the pwt affected, ita sapesaoote over all otnms bang that it is applied amm wardly, while many of the noetr^aa that are in the market contain oteaaH i I SERB BEER, ¡ FOR SUMMER AND WINTER II This Coinporaad is highly recommended by a » omixir of the Blae Ribbon and Good Templars' k- mm account of its snpenor quality above aii ochacs i^ocit »3iifying and stront;t,bening the aystam, ever bro3*^jtofc before the pobho. Jtiy the aqb, tlioosanda have fjsaoufld ft-om drunkenness. Sold by moat OhetOMstat# fjsaoufld ft-om drunkenness. Sold by moat OhetOMstat# met Grocers. I 6d. per Packet, by Forit 8 Stamps It reoommends itself. TRIMSELL'S MILD BITTER NON PURff SERBS ARE THE KE&.it: CINES OF NATURE OR BTBBT KIND OF DtSBASS FLC^-SiS 19 miw rc. i r i • | "NO MOBE WATCH KEYS." | i> K (Worth £ 10).-In retnrn for a £ 5 not*, free and saf <3-' KJ per post, one of the County" Gentleman'» Keyless LEVER WATCHES, with a compact { hiphly-fiaished } plate lever movement, fully j jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, and soundest keyless work, in massive sterling siJve. cases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button and gold joints, Nostt,h ralue has ever beft>r | been offered to the British public, being regulate '« for hot and cold climates, and to stand th, roughest wear, and give the highest satisfaction in |>rivate UII", lie, fine Watch wi!l be worth putting into a Guloi Case after twenty year's wear. (CLUB AND OTHER AGHNTS WANTFD I WATCHES, £1 TO ZCIO) j Illustrated Pamphlet aent free on application. Mr. T. R. RUSSELL" (Maker to the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18. CHURCH-STREET | X.TVZSPOOL( j k WONDERFUL lEOICHK. I110UK1 PILLS. .I li a, PtL 18. t. Mhd Hi www ttwtat, stoaaraas ftdaaai aM wwffliag sOw WattumiaA drowainw*. ee|V IflOMOta. Cuktega of heat, Ma cd wmmd, mtrrf, kMthwwttM tau Hi aB mtrrmm »rt twMfag IWrtWIi VM MtaivBllfudUfitvn ty ariaotaa. Wiln»Mbi, telkvhmlHMitettMMVir DPW eeUy S*ltat to tey MM box of om nk mi «fcey >» "M*WWW to be WORTH a etniriA > BOX. »<* females of aH agea theaa^flla an la^aliiaMe, ia a few Mm of tkiB earry off all grv» iMuarara, open all and bring about all that ia raeuired. We female *oq}d fee witte*» ttiem. Tkere is na m«di«*a te 1M found to eqnat BSECHAM'S PILLS for muring any obetraetioa or tnegalaritjr of the aya- PILLS for muring any obetraeitoa or tnegalairtjr of the aya- I tsaa. If taken aocordiaf to the dlreetioaart* witk aaak hex tha^wlll MOB reefers feiaalae ef aU agae te Mil aa4 fsftaet Wot a weak ateaaefe, InpaM ttgeaMea, aa* aB toerten ef fiWlhKlhtfHtHk* 'nXCTC."apdafuw hmffllitfcuM U> work woawka im the aaott impartaat mu or the bmoa machlaa. Tkay straafthea the wholaainaeakr system, netere the kwg loet MfUti, Matte* the keea eOce of petite, irt aroaaa tato aetteawfth tk« BOSKSUD health fee whole fhreleel eaerfj if tttkvua teat. Theae are"FAOT»" a*. arfkedlvtheuaaassaitmotafalUlaeBaiefeoeietyjaadoeeof the beat faataateeetelheaOTtOM aad4«bUitata4ta, Beecham'e fllla have the etaaat aala ef aay lateat medicine im tha vocML R-We HAGIO roUGH PILLS. Aa a HMilyhtOa»tri la gaaaral, Asthma, Difflealtyof •raathtac, tbortaaes of Breath, Ttehtne»» and Opprssrtfafti khe Cheat/Wheeataf, tee.,thesePiusn n-allad: andanr mm laboorlagtuUer caret the above eoid, tUaeedoaly try One Bosteprore that they are the best «vei .lered tothepahue for Aathmatleaad Gaaaampttve Oeaghe, Boamaneee, aad Op- "Nice -<th< Cheal They speedily remove tkat aasaa of op- preaaiom aad dificalty of braathinc which aishtly deprive tba patient of not. Thay Kireafaaoat laataat r^af asdeovfort to th««a aflietaA «Ui tkrSbem «MraottSf aad. wbaa langei—a ewnaUtata. Lat«ay pmm Imbiod witt» aay « Iha'abM eamsiateta atfa'BaacKMrt flaw Puxa atrial. 1S> voat iwnt Coogfc Ml rriwt tloa be ntami OaBTwAi^kaimMioanBKmMMfeBattMttattaieworAi M wimrt Piixa, t. Halaia, ara on tha g«yar«MaBt gia«t aftxad to aaeh b«z of tka FUla. If not w tbay ara a farfaty. Fraparad <mhr a>4 aoid wbotaaala asi ratail by the proprietor T. Baartiaan, Obealat, Bt. Helama, Laaeaahlie, tn boxaa a1 la 1$4 anOa M aaeh. last poat fraafroa tha proprietor In UotM ataapa.—SoM by all Dracfiata and Patent V-diit, j Oaalan in the Kiagdom. m ilipaettoaa arafhraa with each C 1 _■ IR YBQKTABLE NUUS < VTCsxABt^rpiuir ¡ m lrrjiiiiiawigi K ERNiõK" vwrrABLI IM ntwinaiw I |R TMNIERS TLXWTAJBLX PILLS .IÝ- TT KKNTCK*S TBGETA BL E PILl^S K* (XHWmi-TIMt IR I^RPRICK'S TEFIKRRIBLK PTLUI ( OORTABT Mt Mnem I Tr l:iKM6K's" VEGCTAMJE IwilJS 1 AKK MM A LL 4.1TB KjUIT TO|fWtXJ^I> i y h n x G K VEGETA I STKgJUVTKKK TB.« rTSCW*. i r YlxjOTABLiF"mxi' I À PITXITY iw* Hxwa I$</ld in a4 7 'id., la. l^dL, a»ni 2a. [ Tt?j>rcUibLf flhsmK-d* '/K'- t tOW./ '»« rl o; tfea i &Jk }- ,r,-ri.ití'A" & t\§W H"K de <SoA ,ff1.d. *f «*><? /sport fJrugyisU, 5, St, -/aWy j I Theaa Laeeegoa W^ 'TIH HM* eflkeoleea ev»r > IrttJ"()d!ael'lll tIDr Wefmt. Being IDDeeent IK their 1 i cl:aro<3ter, Aey may he tabwn by dtiWNwm ef all degrees ayid ccm<UtMna with peafect aaf«ty,WT%ay ara most useful tor eklklren of aelimto atoM*4^a and pala coai- J p'exioa, aa they atrMgtfaen tha qitaa by aji fcMwiitt:. < if V'tlhtrn only lciime the valve of t&mt Ijoieriye-, M« fn:ntiy twuld be irithemt a toe. Soid to 'tapectMbU j in 744 wut 1* U4 tooaa jliAlil! ii AIH!! HUlilMi I COLOUR. H GON'S A GoN' Ti AGOX'f HAGON'S j i A GUN' HAGON'fc HA GON'S H \GON'S HAGON'S H AGON'S! HAGON'^i 71 AGON'S! HAGON'Sj 11A GON'S: RESTORES GREY HAIR TO ITS OUiGINAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Dr. Buist, Cardiff, says :—" I elicvc it to be oii>; of ti e safest und luost. sensible ajiplii a" oDS for the Hair." Mr J J. Ilorton. Chemist, Strat ford-rnml, Birn:in;:111I1n, says: "Have been in Imsinoss over 26 years in Einninghnm, and must AAV tlist no Hair Hestoi e^ has givou such satitifa.tJrJll as yours." Is. 6d. per Bottle By Post for 24 .Stamps RESTOREB KESTOKEK RESTORER RESTORER jRESTORER KESTOKEK IKKSTOHER [RESTORER RESTORE R iKKSTQKEn HESTORKR 'RESTORER ) RESTORER RESTORER CHILDRKX. JHAIK HAIR I HAIR HAIR llA1R I HAGON ROSEMARY, CLsansinK Ijction for. Cliiidrer'.s Kair. Dsstroys creepers, nit?, Arc. Hd per Hottle by post, nilte stamps. (CLEANSER CLEANSE:; ("CLEANSER I CLEANSER I CLEANSER G ROAV, Tll, lLi GON';s HA GON'S j-IA GON'S HAGON'S! HA GON'S HAGUE'S IIAGON'S HAGON'S HAG N'S H AGON'S HAGON'S' H-\GON'S' Is a positire remedy for Loss of Hair, Bald Heads Bald Pa tcbf: s, etc., f'te.- Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- fifilJd-f.t" Lower Grange- town, writes I com- pletely lost D'IY Hair, until I was quite BALD, but after using two bottles of yonr Hair Renewer my Ha.ir grew as thick and strong as eTcr. 12 I:d per Bottle. By Post for 21 btaaaps ;RENEWER ,RENEWED RENEWEI, BKT\RWKH RENEWER RENMVKF KENEWEE RENEWER KENF.WER !RENEWER RENEWEI1 [iFNEWI,li SOLE MAKER:— HAGON, CHEMIST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff.1 And I Coburn, Sti'eet, Cathays. j L-wdon Agents for above Preparati,"ns-SANGER and SONS, 4S9, Oxford Street. POKTTPRIDD BOUSE PROPERTY AND "It INVESTMENT GOMPANY LIMITED, OLD POST Orvioi GSAVBKU I PONTYPRIDD I DIREOTORS, I MR JAMBS SOBBBTS* Tafl V&W Roue. Tra tezMt Ohairmaa. I 1\1B QBOROl KNILL, Toajpasdy. TW CJliairman. MB 910HARD BOOKK8, Pontypridd. 148 EVAN DA VIES, The Walk. Cardiff, MB EDWIN PHILLIPS, Pontypridd. MB THOMAS THOMAS, Qw«n»-j-e«nr> Creforect. 8eor«tei7—MB B 8. DAVIBS. >flkm—Old Port OSm ChtmbeM. Pontypridd T>ii» CompdBy ia prepared to receive Oeppaiti >( XI0 and npwarda repayable at Three Month* Notice, %nd to bear Interest at the rate of Fi., fonnda per Centnm per Aanarn, payable Half yearly. Apply to the SecMiU^f aa above. WUKFti THE HANSOM Of A K.INU GASJEK'S ORIENTAL SALVE (Aa rapplied to the Right Hon. W E- GLADSTOH*). ^XJRES Bam*, Sores, Piles, Rheumatism, I*ara lysis, Lnmbftgo, Stiff Joints. Wh.te SweHinga IV e, IF disease, Cheat 6.. Lnti- Comphunts, &o„ &c I fJfJJ. READ ELIZABETH BLOOW, 28, N'^W tbcrpe-atreet, Notti-ighivm ] Buffered for over tbrer ye«.r* from white ewelliug. Tho doctor's opinio" here was th*l it wovld be vears if ever I WM cored. Viiiist cu a visit 10 Swansea I was mlvi'ed to aae Gamjee'a SHIM- The change tor the b'-tt.-ir wa. rapid and in three we«<k« 1 walked np the stepn ?f th- Midland Station wilihm aaaiatanoe. although on ioj arrival tbere I had to b* 'carried. F°ur boxes e>-»ro nletelv cored me.—Certified b> few r>i-ooD.M.R.S. 4i ^u.iii'rfds of aiaailaT cases kave been enred- GAwGEE S EA8T mDlAN PILLS; or Blood Cleansers, thoroqgkly pHrify the Foolest■ Blwod. ear* Indieeation, Bilious or LiverComplamt*, Gravel. Wind, restore tone and vigo"^ moat wea!klj eeaatifcatioB, and are the oest ^orld for all Female lrre((nlariti«a Perfectly Herbal and tasteless E*Ato«» kts tried them says th«ya,rethe BEST REMEDIES IN THE WORLD. In Botes at 7W, 1» lid, 2s 9d. 4s «d. From W. H. Kt. fheiHiat PoBtvpiWd; w V Jones chemist Mountaiai As): *T!i« !>h'eroi»t, Mrs H. 11 Bv*ni, Forth T. Richard- ebemiat. Treherbart; f Jankins, 2, Chapel-atreet, Heolfneli Cardiff—Kernick to Son (Wkeleaale): Hickajk Co.; T^Williains *«., or direwt ftir1l^mttaata»p»f q^r^b^Iggh Mens i«wqntfed, fnn» th« sola proprietor, CHABLKS atAUUK U, Wind titreat, Swaaaaa. luMjn. r BBWAR1 O^TRATMiljyOJM^O^Q^ = WRISTBPLNDS, SUITANLE FuR SHIRTLFRONTS, COLLARS. R I 'O* f" ■ ilL. O" QUEEN'S PATENT "f. FOR EXCELLENCE I HIGHEST AWARD IN THE WORLD- PATEWT I ,tl- III Ik'' i 1), TRADE MARK MMN%K &OIWI% N ol Ii,m BORAX DRY 1f )t A A s JB m SOAP I 99 "IS THE BEST" In the World for CLEANING. WASHING, and PITE-IFYIFG EVERYTlIING In Quarter-Pound and Hnlj-Poar.d Packets, of {(If Grocers. « Knoun Everywhere by this- PATENT TRADEMARK Ask for Patent Borax. and refuse all otherL v W. E. Vaughan -v c,o.r STili DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LAKDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Brmw.h f*iahli&mints :— 77, CROOXEWRBTOWN,) p.RnTS,F MS, BUTB BTRRXT, f CARDIFF. II, COMlIZROUL STREET, NEWPORT. 58, HIQB NTByKT. NEWPORT. 97. CASTLf wnENT, SWANSEA. iif«U *• Bhondda: /j ".T MB a. VioWAS, TAILOR "i BBAPBB, BUlfJ. "i ST., POBTH. NO — ——— INDIGESTION. DYS Hi*ST A. or HE Ah' I DISEASE. CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, nr ASTHMA. LOW SPIRITS. DBBJLITT. or LIVlTB COMPLAINT. < v (II' -? t'. >i- tho.-n ecga^tJ ir v -v> o1-' > >"0— AW v c> or Vv f> t li «.»Mi LJl'eat!¡;.L. & %\v^ O' \V v kv>Vv-vx'-■ • 4^. sVoV \v^ O; £ r ,N>- tl'O-e expoitd t t t, I As QUARRTKSK, NTTLVELTS, EVRMERS, L-ABOCKERS, ito., &u., &c. For IM)IOKSTION' in aJl ite rariotu form«, of wunt of tippetiie, a feeling of weight or oppression after weals, ILe«. iftChe. Heartburn, Cra,mp, Wind, pains about the region of the heart, and other gymp- /iC^J loms which ar^" often .mistaken for those of /AJV the dreed HEART DISEASE.; hundreds ^aTe cinji'd anxiety to themselves and tJl6ir famil ee by gronndlase fea« 5 > throu/rn ignoraaoe of the ftict that e ja k the above are sjroptoma of Indi- m £ fc no one aeed suffer the VV/ ? i, terrible pain* of Dyspepsia ^^r q S 3 and Indiprestion while there o S is a cheap, simple and /+ S'flcW S 5" S effective remedy al* » Tj uS- £ ways at hand. For /sS// f £ 3 <o w X.\ all the various fc: p-v a; 2 t3 a'pg £ «i forms of Indi- /11% 8 ■ s.2 r2 c-s. \y5^tx •,ciana "«d /O*?/ a 3 Y&?%\ p*iient* ANSy «-Ssf25?sJ&\ WeeS/^0/ |S!SsM|1- i&UUs nBEST "e*eqv u islkisfg OF THE /Si iLlsl1? AGE. Iffiflli §I s°g'0.^§.« p!is-ii!f A fpUiH /&a/ \0V\ TsI^sbI -ill* 1- -'p«w illirss H'S.S-SS /Sui^und jo} \^w\ 5,"i' si X«p am jo \#5V\ 1 saBTOts^ndgntpTOtaq? OE 3A" J° noTOtoo snonrrtrami X 21B«o W Wq? :prrv ° P°°l<l 'W* g-QS pn« XIIOJJS eniooo<} wuu«0 9uos X £ E 1.^ -jod pewwqop pw» T«N» \^5^^k\ • & £ *V# 'us jpitqo Jood JO3 -Tin aq poo[q eqi Jt *t*d eq ^ontiva s.jflqioai eqi «rod eq jfrpn eqi X Bsstnn )8«0jq »qi PTR0 eeinn X^ied X -oid louuvo jaqiota »qj 5 q^fue4>e paw qvpwq »>Q X jo BWjnoeaj oqj qjp* >? qoune prra pooiq oq? X X /f X -0IH0 ONIAVOHO Pu's BHSHiOW OiUSSrLK OJT X 4. •&N Oh p CV "'r.& Say it is SAFE AND CERTAIN. • • X Say it is v 'UtvELiY VEGETABLE. II¡ Sty it is VERY POPULAR Say It is LWAYS CEBTaIN" 0 DO YOir GOOD. %-4'v V It is I V the » BEST JEMEDY of the AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT ? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU ? It has Clw.d HUNDREDS eufferin f otn the same complaint as you. IT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Every diy izives the disiixs'3 fresh hold up In YUtI, and though Gu-ilym Evans' Quinine Bitters have •.Oirtd iiuadred", of Cises given up by friends, still the sooner the enemy ia your ayatem is got rid of, tue better Sold ra bottles at 2s 91; doable size, 4s 6d caws containing thvee large bottles, 12s 6d. May be lad of every Chemist, or Vend Ir of Patent Medicines or, if prefeired, will be sent at above prices eafe by Parcel Post, secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS, F.C S., ljlanelly, South Wales. 3 0 TEARS I JSf OABDIIT. R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN-DENTAL SURGEON, (.. ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite University College), CA.RPIF'ir. ril aving bmd great experience both in ^nglish ftnd American sjstems of Denial practice^ ut enabled to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a rnawn^r which but ▼wry few Dentist* can offer; and being the ^Tentor of the p^ppfp^'n. W which only a perfect impression of the mouth can be Obtained, he in enabled to npplj ooautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearand tud which defy detection. No Sea-horse Irorj Teeth. Be 8s. Teeth. No Rubbish of My kind. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets. -from 5s to 80s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas. InmmUor if ti* Al Amalgam Stopping at tued by the. tot Dentists in Brnopa t America TESTS SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Feet. NITRODS OIIDE 6AS administered daily at Cardiff by the tot ail safest method. itepairs Executed promptly 011 our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. .1 1 I I Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R, B. Bonlton, of Acton Housk Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE. REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MR. NOTTS, /7, Taff Street, Pontypridd. Attendance—the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Also at Xu. WHITKS, Chemists, Ac, Mountain Aah, the aame daj from, 10.3) to 1 o'clock. Atteadb al )1_. HiUis's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in enoh monih from' 12 to 3. tm|aM(> <* owewtd -a "I I sips G.PLVP PS"* OpRu! 9 (- (n .oo ■ £ i0-)emei~) <>) e <,i^ -e.a3, pws 4"Aiatuqj uj«niuj- p^fj- •aiao«e<andeH 'fputiiiaoa mOoll .¡r,p"" .8.0 qwm paw epteat 8 ^■u"° U0n I f" ■- ttWtt<mtm "NA1 40" BUWIty Jiwn yÃaqWf1", Mg guy" c v P9 ax moaj 8USJOJ Ar.U" PW -rrvMun j ..J f°°Q '»f9Mw*d tlnPV AOJ* Mtqni*1# 'iwpia ■aj mtifn luopk wra igiguag Pa"! 'iaxn«ia«a "00 « xxasooao NHOJ •aanwAXNOj «MimmmNpiiut nmun avai IOYIB'T&Z 3IAI0QS5»S:SS3X ivoaw <noo «S31AIVP •ha-uT*I V*M jtTttO 8U. Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rboadda Valleys psemansm: benefit <! n r ir SUIL'BI^SflJIEfY. Established 18t'6. Incorporated 1874. DIRECTORS I I-IR. RieFtAitt) ROGERS, Pontypridd, Chairman* 'IK. JOHN .MO^GANJ Llaiitrieant, Vice-chair- m-n. \fn. CHAKLRS BASSETT, J P., BrynSynon p,ontypridd. I R. THOJfAS MORGAN, Y Fron, Pontypridd. MR. J A MFCS RIOHARDS, Treforest. MH. DAMRF, WILLIAMS, Glwfrya, Pontypridd vtR. WH. GRIFFITHS, Taff vaia, Pontypridd. MR. h. C. sPICKETT, Maea/aoed, Pontypr-dd. Advances made on Mortgage in stuns varying from 2 103 to £ 10,000., repayable in monthly or quarterly instalments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY FÈES PAID By THE SOCIETY. Advances made on the Shortest Notice. For further particulars apply to the Secretary, -AIR. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBEBS, P ontypridd-