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Ai; r TRIP TO CARDIFF FREE BEVAN & COMPANY THE CARDIFF COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, Ton doors from Castle Entrance, IIIKE STREET, CARDIFF, Have at their various establishments over 18,000 fquare feet of 8HOW ROOMS «nummed with every description of House- hold F urn it n re, Fenders, Fire Irons, Cutlery, lamps, Hardware, Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, Door Mats, Mattings, Floor Cloths, Xanolennrts, Carpets of every description. MillpnfP. and Feather Beds, Spring and Mill- puff Mattresses, Iron and Wood Bedsteads (over 1,500 Bedsteads always in stock), Chests of Drawers, Wardrobes, Cheffieniers, American Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, Ac., &c-( which their immense amount of Imminess enables them to offer at Prices that will astound you. ID Goods are Delivered mE by Road or Carriage Paid by Rail, And in addition to this, Bach Purchaser of not less than FIVE POUNDS' WORTH OF GOODS, Besident within Twenty-five miles of either Of BEVAN and COMPANY'S places of bnsiness, GET THEIR TRAIN FARE PAID TO-AND-FRO. Seven Reasons Why You should purchase yout HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT BEVAN & COMPANY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furnishing Warehouses, Duke-street, Cardiff. I.-Because they have. at their various Es- tablishments over 18,000 square feet of Show Rooms, crammed with the Largesf Stock of Household Furniture, without one single exception, in Monmouthshire or South Wales. 2T.—Because this immense stock gives you the largest possible selection, and enables you to procure, at the same warehouse, every article you require for Furnishing your house, from a Tea-spoon to a Grand Pianoforte. 3.—Because BEVAN & Co.'s very large cash purchases enable them to buy much cheaper than other firms, so that they can often S IdJL at the same price that other traders have to GIVE for goods. 4.—Because their long experience in the trade is used for the advantage of their numerous customers, by obtaining such goods only as will give entire satisfaction. S. Because you will get the goods you pur- chase delivered free by road, or carriage paid by rail, —Because, if it is not convenient for you to pay cash down when you buy, easy terms of payment will be arranged to suit you. *i.- Because, not only will you get thoroughly good articles, at lowest possible prices, delivered free, but if you buy Five Pounds' Worth of Goods, and reside within 25 miles of either of BEVAN & Co.'s Estab- lishments, they will PAY YOUR TRAIN FARE TO-AND-FRO. A TRIP TO CARDIFF FR EE HAVE YOU SEEN The SPLENDID TBIRTY-CUINEA PIMOFORTE With Iron Frame, brass iest plank, full ^nxpass, full trichord, three pedals, trusses, plinth, in handsome Walnut Cases Sl*ally sold at about Forty-five Guineas ? Each of these beautiful instruments ARANTED for 5 YEARS! Dltnoner Pianofortes, in Walnut Cases, from £ 12 10s. HARMOIUMS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN SOUTH WALES. Iron Bedstea^, 4/6. Paliasses, 6/6; Largest 8ZEed Brass Foot Bedsteads, 42/ Ward- robes, with doors, 45/ hand- somely upholstered F,g?red Vely-1 Drawing- Boom Suites, consisting of Couch) Two ftoy chairs, and six small chain, all spring «eated, finished with gold Qord and ld Wd, ONLY £ 6 10a. These suites are often Sold by other Hms AT OYER DOUBLE THE PRICE!!? Top Inlaid Walnut Sideboards, with Plate Glass hack and doors, £ 3 ioa; -o 1 Mahogany Loo Tables, 16/11; real pt J^°°d Timepieces, "warranted good, 2/6. °f Wers, 17/6; the Guinea Easy Chair, »t Half .price, 10/6. All other goods equally cheap. Then Buy y0TXr Furniture of Bevan & Company THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS, Ten doora from, Castle Entrance, 21, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. THE CREA TEST TRIUMPH AN UNPARALLELED IUCCB88 t THOUSANDS DBLIGHTED t INIMITABLE BXCELLBNCE I The magnificent and world-renowned Watches manufactured byH. SAMUEL bare left all competi- tor! is the raaa for distinction far behind, and nave attained the prond and- envied petition ot beiBcarolone at the goal of perfection. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! The anabimou* and spontaneous testimony of the thousands of wearers in all classes 'of society have indisputably proclaimed the undoubted superiority of H. SAMUBL'8 marvellens Witehes over all others. BEWARR of -being entrapped by prolix and wordy notices into-souding for worthless imitations, got up for sale only, by unprincipled traders. AVOID ALL BISK by purchasing direct from H. SAMUEL, Manchester, the Celebrated Manufacturer, an3 be assured of obtaining one of THE BEST WATCHES IN THE WORLD. THE HIGHEST AWARD, In the continued hearty and increasing sapnort of all classes, proves the wise discrimination of the public, and the nigh and well-known character of H. SAMCKL'S productions. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE to become the possessor of one ef H. SAMUEL'S Marvellous Watches! ^THE grand and beneficial advantages of I the ready cash system of trading in effecting a saving to the public cannot be better exemplified than by the WONDERFUL SUCCESS attending the efforts of H. SAMUEL to bring before the public genuihe watches of guarasiteed excellence at whole- sale priees. H. SAMUEL'S name as the LARGEST MANU- FACTURER is now so well-known as to need no further remark, and the extreme and astonishing ac- euraoy as well as the remarkable finish ef the watches bearing his name (which is sufficient guarantee of good faith) are so universally appreciated that com- ment is unnecessary. The following letters selected from thousands speak for themselves:— The Commercial Cable Co., Waterville, U.8.A., H. Samuel, Esq. Jan 3,1886. Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in informing you that the Silver Watch I purchased from yon some time ago has given me every satisfaction. It is won- derfully cheap, and aombinom sestao" of appearance, with excellent timekeeping qualities. I shall not fail to recommend your house to my friends.-Yourn res- pectfully, T. J. DmrantY. Mr. H. Samuel. Halifax, Jan. 6,1886. Dear mir,-The watch eame.safely to hand, and on unpacking it my most sanguine expectations were far exceeded by its beautiful appearance. Before acknow- ledging receipt I thought I would try its timekeeping capabilitits. It has now been going some time, and gives me entire satisfaction in every respect. I shall recommend your watches whenever an opportunity presents itself. Also please accept thanks for the good and useful present. I appreciate it very much. —Believe me, yours truly, J. BARTax. 3, Gladstone-road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, H. Samuel, Esq. Jan. 13, 1886. Sir,-Having purohaaed one of your superb Hunting "Acme" Watches on February 8,1884, for only £ 1 lie 6d, which has kept correct time ever since, I beg to inform you I am indeed still pleased with my bargain, and I therefore enclose order for another. You are at liberty to make any use of my name, and can publish this far and wide, that all may see H. Samuel's Watches cannot be beaten anywhere. Better value was never received, for one-half the money is saved which would have to be paid to retailers.-L loa, dear air, your obedient servant, ROBT. WAIBBMAN. Every purchaser should write for Pamphlets (ever 700 engravings, and 100 pages of interesting informa- tion), and witness the actual and starting reductions effected by H. SAMUEL. A £ S 5B RNGLISH LEYER, splen-1 IUIAIL PKICE> did finish, jewelled movement, with £ 5 5s. wKtaun-hip. LADY'S j-fy size, in elegantly engraved silver cases • -t similar movement, but fitted with °Vn O P<L dust-tight rim caps. A most hand- some present, and unsurpassed «r> m_ c j timekeeper J £ l^S. Dd. RETAIL PmCIU VERY BEAUTIFUL LADY'S 966s. REAL GOLD WATCH, J-plate Sent to any ad- movement, extra jewelled, fitted in IdresB post free elegantly engraved gold (warranted) [by H. Samuel cases. "A Beautiful and Inexpensive on receipt of Adornment." Accurately Timed. P.O.O. for £3 3s. Od. The "CONSTABULARY" WATCH. A superb massive English Lever, £ 72^ in hunting ewes extra heavy and s t Poj)t real Silver (Hall-mwked) highest ,0 address finished movement, jewelled and U rf aamu€i fitted with dust and damp-tight cap. f JQn r'ce{ t o/ A most compact and complete Watch, p o O for eminently adapted for use by mem- J bers of the Constabulary, the Army, I n* Navy, Ac. Thousands in wear. J A*. CELEBRATED True Timekeeper.] RBTt £ ,f £ BICB' Massive ENGLISH LEVER, Chro- Sentt?m»v nometer balance, extra jewelled, fitted t, with dust and damp-tight cap, and I latest improvements. Heavy Silver rgamuc; on 're. Hall-marked cases. Timed to most ceipt of P.O.O. extraordinary accuracy. A wonderful ygr' Prodaction Jm 4S Od. Prodaction Jm 4 s Od. THE "DRIVER," a Magnificent.. RBTAJLPBICB, Railway English Lever of soundest £ 9 gB. make and finish, oombining the ex- font to any ad- treme accuracy necessary for railway dresapost free. make and finish, oombining the ex- font to any ad. treme seenracy necessary for railway dresapost free. servants, with the greatest amount ef rby H, Samuel strength requiredfor the exigencies of on receipt of their work. Tinted to a minuto a P.O.O. for month. Jewelled movement, expan- sion balance, tempered hairspring, OA 1Qg very massive cases .J H. SAMUEL'S SPLENDID IN-^ Ret^I™™' DESTRUCTIBLE." A I-plate ur;?? English Lever, crystal besel flat glass, „tll be "V hands set at back, cut expansion on balance, tempered hairspring, jewelled £ °f in 3 pair extra. For clerks, tradesmen tr.u.u.jor and official wear—the most popular J Watch iu the world j A4 1 OS Od WONDERFUL ENGLISH LEVER CHRONOGRAPH. Heavy Silver Sent post free 5S5 ft-jr £ 3 Mtien, nadenng for racing purposes. Indicates time p n rY to one-fifth of a second. Grand op- ■ • -J portanity J £ 4 17s. 6d. LADIES' VERY ELEJANT 18ct. RETAIL PRICE, GOLD PATENT LEVERS. Most £ 8 8S. wonderful productions. 1-plate move- POSTFREETOANV ment, extra jewelled, expansion AJJRTI* FMZ balance, exquisitely ON^^D GOLD [ SAMTT^ OR> cases (stamped), gold dial. Timed to RECEIPIOF greatest accuracy. Unequalled else- P O O /OR where at double the price charged by J H.SAMUEL AD OS. THE RENOWNED "ACHME R p WATCHES, 3-plate, extra jewelled Movements of best workmanship, fit- a.„, ♦•d in Solid Silver cases, and timed great accuracy. LADIES' small a$ "»th tinted or plain dial as de- f r «nt? exquisitely engraved eases. p q 0Ff Gentlemen's large size, In handsome P0°- for 5s. od.1 Every Watch Warranted for Five Years, and supplied on a Week's Free Trial. No hesitation nee4 therefore be felt, as theee uaequalled con- jitioas preveat aay dissatisfoctioa whatever. H. SAMUEL'S WATCHES HAVE THE LARGEST SALE IK THE WORLD. Order, therefore, only from the Vaanfaeturer, a2,.d nre the exorbitant prices charged by retaiaers. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED. And the Purchaser obtains a grand and unparalleled Watch, which will always give the highest satisfaction. £ 500 I WiU be distributed in Prizei aaemget all Pucka"n oa JUN. 34th NEXT, H. Si.2nj^L'S Grand Prize listxibntion, Consisting of Gold:cased Guards, Albums, Writing Desks, Blectre- Silver Tea and Coffee Pots, Nickel Clocks, Magnifi- cent Gem Rings (real gold), Silver Bracelets, &0. A FREE TICKET, entitling the holder to partici- pate in this great Distribution, will be enclosed to each purchaser of a Watch from now until that date. Write to-day for Pamphlets, and read the astound- ing testimonials from all parts of the world. Sent f £ *tis and post free on application to aay ad- dress. Beware of imitations, and purchase direct from H. SAMUEL, LEVER WATCH FACTORY, 97, MARK-T STREET, MANCHESTER. INSTRCCTIONS.—Cut out and enclose the Coupon be. low with price ofrWatcb required, and it will be sent by return of post, securely packed, and at our own risk, with key complete. All P.O. Orders to be made payable at G. P. O., Manchester. CHRONICLE COUPON. The holder is entitled to any of the Watches specified above at the redneed rate of 92 12s 6d, iS Be., X4, 94 4s., £ 4 10. 94159,94 17.. 6d., t5 6. and £ 1 5s. (Signed) H. SAMUEL, Lever Watch Factory, 97, Market Street, Man- Chester. P. O. Orders to be made payable at G. P. O. Manchester. HAIRI HAIR! I HAIR I r I COLOUR. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S BAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S RESTORES GBBY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Dr. Buist, Cardiff, says I believe it te be ene of the safest aad aioit sensible applications or the Hair." Mr i. i. Morton. Chemist, Itrat. foH-read, Binaiagban, says Have been in business ever 16 years in Birnuaghan, and must say that ne Hair Restorer has given such satisfaction as ysurs." is. 6d. per Bottle. Dvr D/vof 1" n RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER [RESTORER [RN8TO»«ER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER A. wow ObttiUI'0' I OHILDRKN. C111LDREN. I HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR RAGON ROSEMARY, Cleansing Lotion for Children's Hair. Destroys all creepers, nits, ltc, 6d per Bottle; by post, nine stamps. CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER I GROWTH. HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGoN'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S Is a positive remedy for Loss of Hair. Bald Heads Bald Patches, etc., etc.— Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- field-st., Lower Grange- town, writes:—"I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite BALD, but after using two bottles of your Hair Renewer my Hair grew M thick and strong as ever." 18 6d Der Bottle. By Post tor 21 Stamps. RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER BENEWER RENEWER RENTWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER SOLE MAKER:— HAGON, CHEMIST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff, lid 2, Cobam Street, Cathays. London Agents for above Preparations-SANGBR and SONS, 489, Oxford Street.

Illegally Retaining Toluateer…

