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tostive and bilious MBpwnli, Httou 01 nvw up lnenza, loss of #ippwto, *-A.-&Aou, dinaw ad puns and giddiness of the hwi, MM all liiiillwi die ItomMh and bowella. It 1|4 mtd liMjWf to- kNTIBILIOUS, TBOBTABIJ* CAMR wo Or APBRMT PILLS usip be Ud is one Pomy box*& One trial it NOaunl town th* virto* «f lb* *Mj» ."omponnda. Tofchad •CmoetreepeetaMeOhaaaM* [hnnieta and Medlrine Vendors throofgheat thewwil If tM bw mt dftunlty in obUinbg it, eend stamp* jr Post Office Order direst to the Proprietor, lal* will be forwarlea at once. All la M bm yaallM >0 any pert of the Kingdom. MJ.-Ktu an wasiae bove do Preprietoe'aaignataxe Mike Qoreenmact ON* I- f.TKHIUi. ro IMITATE rma WOOL* MM FOMOMMT FvLi DiiMmn NAM Fwim> IQIi IIAMOPACTORER PROPRIRTOB:— w mum" Vnm Tsaau^ GAD" T 3WELLIS LffS-GIYIKG ft PBKSDfIII YEGETABLE TOMC, IPIRIDT a LIYEB PQJJL Not. I a for either Sex. A moet eelebrated remedy ii6 <Mtea it may ariae. These Me a few of the Symptoat st Nervous DebilityDepression of apirita, inapti- illde- for exertion, anfitnesa fat study, dielike far teoiety, diriile to enter any kind of bnemeae, involun- tary braehing, £ aaneaa of aight, sparks before the syse, deafness ml noise in the eara, sense of tightbmw n suffocation, oonetant mental misgiving, paine in an loins and a oonetant sense of wearmeee, irritation of ik ompi"oa of the hearty feneral tromnloosneee en any eaddan irapalae, extrw* liffidenee, fond of moping alone, morbid aenaftmifc wreleea about life, ita joy a, ita phanm, aol HI iatiea; irregularity of the bowella, feeling good fOK •othing, failure of memory, intellectual power ml (aenltieo mere or low impaired, extreme viiatliasnaea. latolenev and indigestion, frequent headache*, ailan> wretoheonees. arising from the fear of phvsieal weafci aeaa, fear of inaanity, mieerable forebodings fer the present, no hope for the fa tore, starting dnnag aleeft looking Mid feeling ill withent apparent eaaee. Qaa m two paeket* at Trimnell'a Nsrvias Itak wtl mre all aaaea of the above. Is 1M md la M par jma flat. TRIMNELL'S Life-giving A Preserving NERVINE TONIC For either Bex; will eon all kind* aC nervons debility, arising from any source of weakness from whatever I & Mima, Before they are broken, aciatie and paralytv affections, sprains, bruises, spasms, quinsy, and ma tiuroat.isacknowledeedbvaOwho have use it to ba the moat efficacious that tney ever had either fox mem ar beast. It is an article which will ~^on?mea £ itself. I« l|rd and 2* 94. — TRIMNELL'S EMBROCATION9 Of For rhenmatiam, rheumatic goat. Ina bftgo, paina in limbs, and nomoneMb stiffness of the jointa and neck, ciul- li rsapiratory organs ia ae simple that it may be admin* iatered with porfeat safety to the youngest children, I ret ia sufficiently strong to arrest the progress off aany of the most formidable pulmonary compliWotll" whether eough, eroop, hooping xough, pneamoniay jtlsurisy, asthma, bronohitis, diifioalty of breathing, K that dreadful diaeaae, consumption, of which » aany thousands die annaally around U8, Is lid and it 9d per bottle. I ,a TRIM NELLIS Life-giving & Preserving 0 COUGH BALSAM. Nothing that has yet been discover*# can be compared with this Balsam. It* beneficial action npon all diseases of I i rem. No one sboald be without it, as it is ementE| aM best ever brought before the pablie. Thia compound is invaluable in the first stages awtf violent attaoks of Colds, Inflammation, Pains in iIIf Stomach, Looseness of the Bowells, Rheumatism heumatio Oout, Pains in the Limbs, Sciatio anft l^aralytio affeetiona, Spaams and Gramp, and wiK temove all obstrootions eaused by cold. It is also tm excellent atimulant torpersons going out into the damp, tig, froat, or mow, as it prevents taking cold and foe muifying the Blood from all impurities, such as BMi Legs, Pimples, Blotohee, Chills, Ae., it oannot \» Is l|<i and it 9d per packet. When there ia reason to anspect a eoIO by taking one or two doses of TUIMNELLIS Life-giving & Preserving COLD or. SWEATING POWDER It win remove all avmptoms from tie 1 poisons and are taken inwardlv. N.B.—This will neither leave any mark nor injus fie akin where appiw.-u lid per bottle. TRIBSELl'S TIC-ERADICATOR Will instantly remove Toothache, Tzw Dolorecx, Neuralgia, or any Pains ie the Head or Face by simply applying if to the part affected, its superiority overall others beiBg that it is applied oat wardly, while many of the nostrum that are in the market contain stray A 11 HERB BEER, FOR SUMMER AD WINTER. This Compound is highly recommended by a greate tamber of the Blue Ribbon and Good Templars' staff account of its superior quality above all others for yarifying and strengthening the system, e^er brought Mfore the pqblic. By the same, thousands have beeat t!1$;;rwd from drunkenness. Sold by most ChemiØ- Grocers. 6d. per Picket, by Post 8 Stamps. It recommends itself. TRIMNELLIS MILD t BrrrEA 101-INTOXICITMG PUBI Ii I SEEBS ARE THE MEDIt- CINES OF NATURE « K>B BVBBT KIND OF DISBASB FT TIM IS HEIB TO. r;c- -T- -NO MORE WATCH KEYS." AC; (Worth £ 16).—Iftftturn for « £ 5n«tt, frae and »af per pest, OM OC tin Coaaty" GmtkmanV KnlMt LEVER WATCBB8, with a cotouac hiphly-finifthe'l J plate l«v«c- Movement, rulU jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, an. son ltd est keyless work, in masxive sterling silve f eases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button and gold joints. No surh value has wer bsefor, been Offered te the British public, being regulate for hot and cold climates, and to stand tb' roughest WSdr, and give the highest satUfaetioi, .in private use. This line Watch wi!I be worth puttine into a Gold Case after twenty year'. wear. (CLUB AND OTHER AGMNTS WANTFD WATCHES, fl TO f,103 Ulcstrated Pamphlet sent free on application. Mr. T. R. RUSSELL (Maker to the Qnoen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET &ITBXTOO&. A WONDERFUL HESIGHIE. BERCHANS PILLS. I cm MpattottW tgt PILLS,'JMj <(IMWM|«1 to ba «a s#eSLa u *« awmw obwdw% •nek aa wind mt pa*« tt rtoau<fc,«l*liaailack*gU<»la«as fiilaaaa »i<1 —i—r • j (fMsiM ni dnwiinifm 3MH leblUs, CaahtaasM baa*. Mm fll touak ol all awran jjl tw^i nairtl—a it ■» fcst wfi|5*fW le tWB. tyMlnataa. WIIIMMIM, tar •f «M*a. Biiwiwili—• ■HjSnMlik; em ka at VMM M* <M| «B to WORTH A GUIKlA A BOX. Vet (Mulaa vt all agas thascgPIDs an lavalartta, aa ais* 4SM ■at than tarry off all |tC9 taaaars, mm aJIsWiuMWliM* 4rlM(atwutftU that israwkinA. ITatealiMikatMUM tham. Thais is aamedMaete fee CraadtaaoaaftlMKBAlfV ?ILU for isaaoTtng any obitnalaa ar UisaalwMy at tka ays. .m n bam sooordbq to too isetims="*Ib amik bw hejriria mom rasters f—laa et aB agm ttmaiaal Mksrt for a weak stoauefc, taanM ftfsaMoa, ml aB Oaattaa af sba llrar, tfear act Ska "MAflky mi a turn Sasas *» to few* work wondars mote tta mat faqmtaat aagaaa al %» tonaa machine. Thay ai—g&aa tka wkaielnisaJaraydMa,assists Aa long laat eoctjlsxka, toiag took the kaaa edge atf appetite, uui arooaa lata aettoa wnh Mm efhaaMfc tkevfeola ?hntaal«asrgy e< the hwaaa fcaam theae aiaM FAQIS" a* sstttedhy thfmsaads SartgaataQtl alalia x>f aeatsfr; ia< s—g Aa toat gaanatsea to the aarvoaa aad 4eMtttate4to, Beeahaaft Fllla hare the larpat sale afaayyataataatlotae la the vorM. BIECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. Aa a rsa»4y tor Oaoffcs la fsasral, Asthma, DUBealty a( SkaatMag, thertasea erliaetb, Wfktne«i and Oyprwairn la iha Chest, Wheeling, fce.,ttoaa Plusstund unrivalM; aadaay ma labourl&g uader n? it tka above eonifiainta need only tjr 3ne Box to prara that flaiarantka toat ever offend to tkepaWa* for Asthma tie ut Oonaamptfrre Cbagha, Hoarsen eaa.aad Op* ?reaaioa Kthe Cheat. TbaytoaatUy taawra that aaaae af *p> jreaaion amd diftealtj of brM^Uag wkiefa aightly fepriT* the patient of reet. *kay give Jnortttataai tvmeadeoarfortU thoae ametatt wtth'tHe ahofa«BtnaMa* aad, whaa ae^eotad, langerona eoaipUtnta. Let any paraoa traaUad with aar the above complaiata glre BaacHAx'a Ooom Pnxa a triaL The auiat meat Ooogh wiH fo a dMt ttaa tofWBavad. Cactto* —Jh» pnbllo are requested «d aattaa tkattke wocdi BUOHAM'S Piua, Bt. Heleaa,"are aa tka««*acaaMBtBtaM| affixed ta each bex af the PU}a. If aat aa they are a forgery. Prepared aafar aad acrid wkolasale and retail by the proprietor 1%. Beleaar Lumshim, ta baxes If la 1M and ia M eteb. Seat post free tram the proprietor '« il or M stamps.—Sold by a&SntKtta aad Fataat 1Niei# Dealers in the Ktacdom. 4*. M.B.—tall disaattaas an gtvaa wttk each JMX. 6 ,-=- r COSM, ]>I;NIONS, AM> ENLAROCD Tai "JourM. ITATU.AK'A CORK AND BUNION PI^STEM are the ONLY I aecaody. TLey difiar from all plasters, shields, 01 oompoeitions ever invented. By instantly softening the call one surrounding the pain goes at Ojmce, the corn auon following. Bntiions and enlarged toe joints re- qnire more time for perfect cure, ont the action is in. j XOS. Sold by Chemists, &c. everywhere. GKKAT BODILY, KEHVE, BIISNTAL, ANID DIOESTUB J RTHKNGTH follows the nse of PEPPER'S QUINISOI AX* ( ir.o.N TONIC. By new life into the nerves, enriching the blood, and strengthening the muscular system, symptoms of weakness disappear, appetite re- ) turns, fatigue ceases, and recruited health respite. Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. It can be obtained in 2s 6d. bottles. Bi^'d everywhere. It costs about I■ d. fach dose. t j TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIM —A liver medi- eine without mercury, is a mixture of juices of the mandrake and dandelicn plants, rood for headache, toipidity, eostiveness, flatulence, heartburn, indiges- tion, biliousness, reprgnance to food, general discom- tion, biliousness, repl-gnance to food, general discom- fort, depression, Ac. Pepper's Taraxaemn and Podophyllin, by stimulating the liver with a most gentle actiott on the stomach, is the safest, most re- j liable medicine. BoWes 2s. 9d. Sold everywhere, tugtei on having Pgpiw's- To DARKEN GBKT IJAIR. -LocjKyriR*s BULPHTJK HAIR RESTORER produces a perfectly natural sh&DE is a few days. No hair restorer offered is equal to Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleansing act- tion on the hair, causing it always to grow. Large j bottles, s. 6d. S«»d everywhere. • To SKIN DISEASES.—SUXTHOLIKK LOTIO* I will completely remove all eruptions, pimples, rednesr j blotches, scurf, eczema, psoriasis, &e. in a few dayf Sulpholine attacks old skin disorders, and totally de- stroys them. It is a peculiarr agreeable, harmless fluid, producing a zleat skin. Sulpholine Lotion it sold.by Chemists. Bottles, 2s. 9d. DRAFNzss, Noiszs IN THfc EARS, AC.—DEI.LAB'I ESSENCE FOB DEAFNESS is still the only remedy of anj real worth. Its power of clearing the air passage) and often relieving old cases has been proved dnrinf a, quarter of a century. Applied on cotton wool Hetties. Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR.—(JKACROCT'S ABECA NUT TOOTH PASTE.—By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingl, fragrant, and specially used for removing incrustation of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists Pots, Is. and 2s. each. Get Craoroft's. -no:- LIVETB COMPLAINT. — Tbree-foai ths of ouj j functional derangements are caused by j of the liver's action. A few doses of Dr. King's Dan delion and Quinine Liver Pills, without mercury, an I' a potent remedy. They perform all the benefits a mercury, without any of its disadvantages ant dangers. Dr. King's Pills remove all liver ant stomach complaints, biliousness, headache, sicknr sS shoulder pains, heartburn, indigestion, constipatioa so ensuring perfect health. These old-fashioaed Piit still keep ahead of all others as the great liter remedy Sold everywhere. DR. KING'S Livrrt rILLS, containing dandeliol and quinine, without mercury, are far above all otheri, as the surest, mildest means of removing indigestion, j biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions ant j irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring perfect health. Dr. King's Pills are sold everywhere To STOP COUGHING, a few doses of PEPP*,R' WHIVE COUGH MLXTUKE arrests the most troableson* fit of coughing, restoring relief and tranquility to th lirritated membranes and air-passages. Soothing comforting, and denilcent, its action is quite differen from ordinary Cough Remadios. Bottles. 8* everywhere. FOR GARGLING THE THROAT AND MOUTH, til PEPPER S TANNIN THKOAT GABGLK.—An appli tion of great service for sore throat, whether inflaa maiory, relaxed, or ulcerated. Tantiin C !\(!e strongly reeommended to speakers, singer-. Ac. I greatly preservative and sustaining. It is aL • val^ able purifier as a mouth wash, being singular! able, astringent, and cleansing. Bottles. Sol everywhere. I SULPHOLINE SOAP IS A delicately refined chemj t cally pure Soap, intended for general use, and, is frf from the injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, ia perfectly prepared soaps. Sulpholine Soap is e; cell out for washing at all timee and rendering tb skin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d. oulk. Sol everywhere. '¡" f NHTIPRIM 10011 plomn A" INVESTMENT COMPANY UMITEQ, Out Pon Omoi OtAMMM PONTYPRIDD DHCBOTORS < » JAMBS itolsm% Ta Vas zoom wu foraak Cliaii iaaii im aBOBOB DILL. TMypMlj. fin flliiUrman. MA IUOIEA" MB BTAV DA TIBS, Tka W«Ik. Catdi^ MB EDWIN PH1LUP8, PratgprMd. MB THOMAS THOMAS, 4wmf.aif| rraforc*. Saewtaiy MB H. B. DATMIL Aloo-OMPak oaft cbmwa, PwtjfilM This Gotapuij la papared to raoaiva PypKU ■t 410 tad opiudi nptjibk at Thm Biathi Notice, and to bear InUr«at at tha rat* of Vhri C'oadt per Omtam per AjiiHun, pajabla Batf nearly. Apply to the sonotw a slim. WORTH THE RANSOM OF A KING ? GrAHJEK'S OWEHTAL SALYB (A. aappliad to tbt Riffht Boa. W B. GWPHBB). ^URBS Barns, Sore«, Pil«s, ksii, Lumbago, Stiff Jotata, Wnita Swattnca. VenB.Hip4is»a»?CbM**Lnog Complainta,Aa.c i /_j i READ EUZABSTB BLOOB, 18, New tberpe-street, Nottingham 1 suffered for over thraa yaata from white swelling. The doctor's opinion here wa. kbqat it would be Tears if ever I waa eared- Whilst en a visit] to Swanaea I was advised t« use Gamies's Salve. The change if* tha hotter w** rapid and »n three weeks l; walked up the steps of the Midland Station without sesiste,nes, although on my arrival there I had to bIt carried. Four boxes eoro cured me.-Certified by LOOID, I Hundreds of ilwilar cases have beta enrad. ) CAMGEE-S EAST INDUN PILLS, or Blood .S1 k.'f I the Female Irregularities P«fectly Herbal and tasteless E'K!'T teVSl M te1'' T. Davies "h«aist, Nn K M Br»ns, Pdrth; T. Richards ehemiet, Treherb«rt; T. Jeakias, Cardiff—Keruick 3on (Wholesale); Hicks T *eM or direct for the wwaat ia staW, tion* if required, frow ttaaoleywgnatar, OH*Bl>BB ■AHSB U, Wind Street, Swaaeea. 9 BEW ARB Of TIPATELONG MPOWOSL I F-7 SPECIALLY WRISTBANDS, SUtTABLE FOR SHIRT FRO RTS, COLLARS. & STI FF&C- LINEN WHITE ftJUk CLOTHING SWEET AS NEW MOWN AS SNOW. HAY. By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under Royal letlt/s Tntcnt for Importance aid Utility, PATENT ify IR!' 11, 00 i TRADE MARK I BORAX EXTRACT OF SOAP "PERFECTION." I PATENT In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packets of all Grocers. Known throuahout the world bu this ii,giRiA,X ( OD TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. — W. E. VAUGHAN & CO., STEAK DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, Lamdaff ROAD, CARDIFF. Brrnnek Ksiablithmtnts:— 77, OBOOKH1BRBTOWN,\ „.pnTffl 248, BUTE STRBET, J CARDIFF. rS2, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. i. 83. HIGR BTHyKT. NEWPORT. 17, CASTLE fTKEflr, SWANSEA. > rj Af4nt to Bitind&a: M a I B. TROMAS, TAILOR 4: DEAPBE, HANNAH ST., PORTH. j- 1 — 'I "*■ 1 TVT INDiaiSTION. CONSUMPTION. LOW 8PIBITS. l\ I 1 DTSPBPSIA. BBONCHITIS. DBBILITY. -A-1 V/ or HBABT DISEASB. or ASTHMA. or LIVBB COMPLAINT O't V 'Y' Or Or for those engaged in Á. < 'Ø' 1'v l(,fC' ci +, Cê>.4 i) 4 '\>+ 1- y. or V for those breathing ^^Orfor <Sr those exposed to the Weather, At QUABRYMIN, DEIVBRS, TABMEES, LABOURERS, tee., Ac., &e. For INDIGK8TIOK in all its various forms, of want of appetite, a feeling of weight or oppression after inetttf, Bewische. Heartburn. Cramp, Wind, pains 0 about the re«ion of the heart, and other symp- /i^~ki toms which are often mistaken for those ef /AIV the dread HBART DISEASE hundreds 7 have caused anxiety to themselves and their families by groundless fears S through ignorance of the fact that o the above are symptoms of Indi- m -Si gtttion; no one need suffer the _"E.S; *« \.<Sr terrible pains of Dyspepsia w/ 2p._ •os and Indigestion while there « Sg y » cheap, simple and A _8 S W A •- £ effective remedy al. /A* „ £ 8 H^OB ways at hand For /jgV/ BC»H W A.\ all the various tsp-cSsgO K § S-3 a \forma of Indi- /g s 55 gestion,phy- /4a^/ BSlo-aSg S.3 r2 6.5 sicians and a 3 go Ba^ g g-f I |-§*S £ Pattent8 t-ffiUS &S >■ a £ as« a « \mounW /Qv/ o«P$ £ »:=:« Vgrw»a/>0/ BealiS-fl E?s:s1|s^ zis§-rff-Jgi V><1iSfslp-s nBBT Kmiu Ijliilfg OF THE JSf il3|a«5? i-iif Bil nsc&\ ifhftjr sijiMifrA 7\-iv i=mn /$&/ v5l'5BSa» PA- /vC'/ —:P°°N *111 \^v»\ £ aj«eS 2tnnaq-tfnajja \a\ °"P^o3s»2 3"S-2g /jfT^ puu Sui^jvmd JOJ 5W" 8J X«p eqq jo \^5\\ 1 8UBt0lS^ml8tnpTOlWrj B*- jo uoixnclo snonnrrron 2s fc« £ oql • ^qilBStjira pn^ S,a Qte /^S^/ poofQ oiRJi g.QS "35 puu »UOJI« eaioo9q vwusasnos ». -aad poWHWP Pu« «»«3nap P«« • & £ 'naxpixqoSutiioia aoodoo £ -un aq pooj'i JT wad oq jouirea ^IJui s.jaqiom 0m '■ arod aq ^jnn aqt Bsaiua ?s«9jq aqj Pino oqt osinu X^jad y'-»\ f -0Jd IOXIUHO jaqiooi alql Q?3U9J^E PW Q^aeq ^^3 jo gaoanosai aqi qiT-tt 1? qoune puti poo^q eq) i%\ Xjijnd ot 'OTucn aiqma^A poo^ amoa stpoeg yniB oq^'Axniaaa uioj} au«3su8 Trv-ioiPM'^ija^ > "lino OKIAVOHO Put SHZHJWow DKI8HHN JOJT- 0>° £ SAY it is SAPB AND- CERT A Tiff. -lyitu w UrtELY IAGETABLR **«% 3 iy it ia VERY POiJULAB» .:¡ o. '6. .b4"f/ ;'fltt Say S It is L WAYS CERTAIN J DO YOU GOOD. Says ':l) It ia the BEST EMKDY of the AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT ? j lIT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU ? It-has cured HUNDREDS suffering from the same complaint as you. IT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Every day gives the disease fresh hold ulnn you, and though Gwilyn Evans' Quinine Bitters haft cured Hundreds of Cases given up by friende, still the sooner the enemy in your system is got rMI of, the better Sold in bottles at 2s 91; double size, 4s 6d cases containing three large bottles, 12a 6d. May W- had of every Chemist, or Vendor of Patent Medicines or, if preferred, will be sent at above prices safe by Parcel Post, secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor—Mr GWILYM EVANS. F C S., Llanelly, South Wales. 30 YEARS ItST CABDIFP, R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite University College), CARDIFF, Haring had great experience both in English and American systems of Denial practice, ia en&Ued to give to nia patients the benefit of such experience a a imwnnr Trnirh fail very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, which only a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he is enabled to snppij beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural ap and which defy detection. No Sea-horse lyory Teeth. Ho 3s. Teeth. No Rubbish of ol kind. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets.from 5s to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas. Immmior of the Al Amalgam Stopping ai used by the best DmtiiU in Europe t Ammetk TESTS SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Feea. NITRODS OUDE GAS administered daily it Cardiff by the best asi safest method. Repain Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chroniele," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Acton Hous% Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." "—— HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. IN" OTICB. REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MR. NOTTS, 77, Taff Street, PontypriddL Attendance-the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. AIM at Mu. WHITRS, Chemists, &c, Mountain Aah, the 8&D18 day from 10.3 to 1 o'clock. Iithrais at MB. Hizzixls, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in each month from 19 tn J "The CLXAV Black L"Wde Pnm JAMES' COLD MEDAL a -wotQmw=s= DO M E 8&*inmw ,Brilliant I BLACK LEAD 1SWAE8 of WortUmZmitAU<M j PONTYPRIDD. j fOHN CROCKETT. Co., VVSBBTAUSS, tild General Cabinet Makeri, tii Houe hr. uisheri. <helltbier for Adult Funersk. Coach foi 'hildren's Funerals. Wreathe im gnat variety kildrer,-R(',oiffns from 7a fid I vdult Coffins Oak Coffins with Whilo TrimpteS" and padded inside. 80e r^iii^ier to carry 8 inside and ooflha out- from Pontypridd, HapkinstoWB, Oifd^^nrnaon, Chain works, and Tro- ..0. to Cemetery i <^a. a to earry inside a^d ohild's oofin 1 ci??«^4e fe above plaoaa te Osmsteiy Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rhandda Valleys pEBMArarr benefit BUILDING SOllETr. Established 18C6. Incorporated 1874. » DIRECTORS:- IR. RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd, Chairman. MR. JOHN MOUG.\N, LliiLtrisant, Vice-ohair- m D. MR. CHARLES BASSETT, J P-. Brynffynon Pontrpridd. MR. THOMAS \10RG\N, Y Fron, Pontypridd. MIL JAMES RICHARDS, Treforest. MR. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Gliafryn, pontypridd MR. WM. GHIFFITHS, Taff Villa, Pontypridd. MR. E. C. SPICKE-RT, Maes^oed, Pontyp^dcL Advances made o; Mort ,age hi sums varying from ELOO to £ LO,O jO, rentable in monthly or quarterly instalments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY FEES PAID BY THE SOCIETY. Advances made on the Shortest Notice. For fnrther.particulars apply to the Secretary, M.R. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, P ontypridd.