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t> PUBLIC NOTICES STOCKTAKING SALE. JOHN EVANS & 00. Drapers, Silk Mercers, &c., < BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR -AnsrITTJja.L SJLLE WILL COMMENCE ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, JANUARY 13TH, WHEN ,{{r 1?1)T1'1;J:N !:N fill be made in order te effect a Speedy Clearance. N.B.—Millinery and Mantles at Half the Usual Prices. YNYSYBWL. WANTED to Beat or buy a House by the 26th of March. Address—James Lodwick, care .f Confectioner, Chapel-terrace, Tylorstown. WONDERFUL CURES Have been effected by Danes' Specific Pills and Ointment. ASTONISHING CURES Have been effected by DAVIES' SPECIFIC Specific Pills, and Ointment These remedies never fail to cure any kind of Sore, Eruption, Pains in the Chest, Side, or Back, Glandular Swellings, Piles, Gravel, Rheumatism, Ac. MrDixnts, MAsoN, Wood-road, Pontypridd, was cured of a bad arm in one week, after being under two doctors for 12 months, by one lot of Davies' Specific, Specific Pills, and Ointment. Mrs Powell, Rhiw, Pontypridd, states her little girl was cured of a most severe gathering in her neck by one small Bottle of the Specific, the In flammation leaving her in a few hours. Testimonial from Mr J. R. Snooks, Llwyapia:— „ I received much benefit from your Specific, after trying several remedies without effect.—Mr John Davies, Pontypridd Mrs Grey, Llantwit, was cured of a bad foot by the Ointment and Fills, after suffering 16 months Prepared only by- M. DAYIES, 82, High Street, Pontypridd. Price of Specific, Is 9d, 2s 9d, 43 bd, and lis per bottle; Specific Pills and Ointment, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis per box. A cusiderable sariag in the Larger 15ires-See that you got JU &vies' Specific, Specific Pilll, and Ointment If you v ant a Really Good W ATCBE, In Gold or Silver; or Hall-marked CHAIN OR ALBERT In any Pattern you like in gold or silver; or JEWELLERY, &c., Of the latest and most beautiful design in gold or silver, write to or call upon J. G. WILLIAMS, JEWELLER, &c., 38. SALISBURY ROAD, I CA.THAYS, CARDIFF, And he will supply you at once with really good articles, and give you TWELVE MONTHS to pay for them. Why should you pay cash to English firms for the same goods you can buy off J. G W., for less money at twelve months' credit ? You should not do such a thing, but you should bay of J. G. W. and thereby save money—"Money saved is money gained." J. G.W. never sells a Gentleman's Watch unless he can guarantee it for no less than three years. He never sells inferioi goods. Rl,000 REWARb! £1,000: WILL BE PAID BY j STEWART DAWSON & CO., Watch Manufacturers, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool to any firm of II atrh Dealers in the Wide-world, who can produce the sa" e amount of genuine Testimony, and un- solicited Testirn nials from their Customers, in proof of the qualities of tiier Watches, as can STEWART DAWSON & CO NOTICE!! NOTICE t This Challenge of 21,000 is open to the Whole World Let those who have a reputation at stake take up S.D. and CO.'S Challenge, or for ever keep silent. The gigantic operations of STEWART DAWSON & CO. have spread Irom pole to pole; several years ago they threw open the portals of their Manufactory to the General Public, and have scattered to the winds the Profits of the Merchant, Importer, and Retail Dealer. Write at once for the;r unsurpassed CATALOGUE of HOROLOGY, in which will be found splendid Engravings of all their Watches, together with a complete description of each Watch Manufactured by them post tree, for two stamps, being the cost of mn;zta-oe only. n«S D. & CO. wish to draw Special attention to theii THIRTEENTH HALF YEARLY PRIZE DIS- TRIBUTION which takes place on the 30th June next, when ONE HUNDRED VALUABLE PRIZES are distributed GRATIS to all Customers who pur- chase a Watch, and for which every Customer receives a Free Tieket. Trying to do business without advertising is like winking in the dark: you may know what yen arc doing hot nobody else does. Preliminary Announcement Mr. Tom Jenkins (Llew Mod's) COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT Will take place AT HAFOD, ON THE 11th OF FBBRUARY, 1885, When some of the Most Eminent Artistes of Wales will take part. THE "0CT7LIMEDE EABRIK&3 WQ KOBB 80BK In kis All peweM MSwibk from the ab,, insriof.- showid at onne try F. •annum GOLD MARRINGO. —G, 816. and 6; per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCHMAKJtii, MARKET STK^ET. PONTYPRIDD, Higb Class Education for the Daughters of Gentlemen. BEL GRAVP, HOTSE, [Clevedon, Somaset. A limited number of Pupils received. Resi- deut English and Foreign Governesses, and visiting Professors. Prepa-ration for Public Examinations if required, also for South Kensington School of Art, and Royal Academy of Music.—House large, detached and healthily situated. Every home comfort and attention. High moral training, Lawn Tenni. Grounds, Riding.— Application to- I MISS SMITH. Successor to Mrs B Sarington, Clevedon Kmi Quaws TXQZTABLX TBIM ) -a-. K ERNICK-4 TBGHTABUE vniA -1 -4 PfgRyiCK'B TEQJCTABLE PILLa YW- Kmmcjm TEQSTABUE PTUja JII88 irnot OOHTUIM J^ERNIGKTB TKGUBTAKL.E PTTJJB KERmc" TgQBTABLB PILLI cnmar NO MUNBCOMS. TTERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS AM MAIA" A" tiff go WwA"00. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS WmWHHT TO IIHIM K ERNICKS VBGETABLE PILLS man thm mm* old in Bozw at 711, Is. JLJ&, mU Sc. 9d. mch, by most respectable Chemists m Englmmd Mid the Colonics, or may be had direct •/ 0U Sole Pa, KhBNICK A SON, Wholo- tmle and Export Dru&iete. S. St. Jek+1 CARDIFF. 1 -KERN These Lotenges are the most efficacious remedy ever Introduced for Worms. Being innocent in their character, they may be taken by child*?* of all degrees and conditions with perfect safety«i»They are most useful for children of delicate stomadBs and pale com- plexion, aa they strengthen the systeai by riving an appetite. If Mother* only knew the vatm tkeM Letengu, no f**nUy would be vithout a box. Said bm memt ~f«nrf«H" CkmUtU, in 744 mnd U U4 I WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALKTHOGRAPHY. Easiest to learn, read and write j Compendium 2d complete Is 8d; on enclosing stamps to- Mas. J. WILLIAMS, Ashfield Terrace, Llangollen. • I BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. BENSON'S < NEW PATENT N. 4658^ "LUDGATE" WATCH Has obtained the BIOKESr AWAit. OF A GOLD ZMIZEHXA-IJ AT TBI: Inventions Exhibition, 1885 STl.v»*- CIO ID £5 5S. 12S, "lie 'Ludgate' laiou w iL English Lever Of my Best London Make with Special Strength." iHREE-QPARl'KR PL&TE MOVEMENT. Jewelled throughout in Rubies* rrue Chronometer Balance, Adjusted for ExtremCB, With Damp and Dust Proof Patent Ring Band and Extended Bartel. Passive Sterling Silver Dome Cases, With CRYSTAL GLA-SS Front, Which combines the Strength of the Huntei with the convenience of the Open Face Watoh. Winds, Sets Handa aDd Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value. Accuracy, Md Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch. to Swiss tod American (made in Imitation of and sold as Emriish), and te the Old Full-Plate English Levei (etui told by ether makers), from the great defects of which the Ludgate is ezesn^-ii proved by the Award of a COLD MEDAL, rhe only one adjudged to English Watehce* The Ladgate is of Better Quality and Valne Than any £ 10 Watch hitherto made. The Lndgate is *°7 Beat London Make. Strong, Handsome aDd Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest usage And is, therefore, the Beat Watch For Home, IndiaB Mid Colonial Wear, by Railway Men, Miner" and > .meeuK2±- Colonists (No. 1, Large Size) Workmen and Artiws (No. 2, as Sketch) d, Gentlemen, Offioers and Men in H.M. Services, Youths' and Boys* (No. 8. Small) Will be sent Free Safe at my Bisk v To all parts of the World for t6 6a. Or liD 18.CARAT GOLD CrysUl Glass Casef 1 WVI vr GUfNEAS (JJo. 3 size). A iitiunttttLioe oy -t'.v.vj., ij,L.IT, or Oftsn, must accompany Urder. •PECULLY NOTB that J. W. BnriOM U the oclj Maker of a Thme.Q« £ rter Plate lingush Wateh foi £6 be in Silver, (% D2 Its in Gold, and thft om Patent Lndgate Watch eannot be had tosongk or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom, Anj Infringement of the Patent Rights will be psoteedetf against. An Castrated and Priced BOOK, explaintog thi adrantaMs of this Watoh over the Pall-plat< Bnglish Watches sold by all othat makers, wl bj ftba Post-free on eppHeatfon to J. W. BENSON, WATOHMAKSB ro 116. TBS QtfXElT, THB STEAM FACTORY, oil ««,wo!lD643iBKB<*a5ailT^LW.f'%o*DON Consequent upon the awari el the Gou 1ID (he demand, always Cffat, nas so lnoreased to necte ntate more •xteucir* jtaohinfyT, which now enabSei as to EXECUTE AI& 0BDBR8 for the *LUD &ATB' WATCH WITHOOT DBLAY. Illustrated Pamphlets ef Watobes from It te IMQ gold and Silver Jewellery, Olpeks (House, Ohime a*4 turret), Eleotro-Plate, utd llacisal Boxes. Free 01 ftPPneation. _VSS? A88OCIATI0NS.-F0RBMEN, SEORE TARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS and others will find thsir Inoomes eonnderably ia aressea hy establishing Slabs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watoh, as it is worth from 46 to 414 poire than any English Watoh sold, and therefore boona te (nperoeds all others. Pariioalarf on appfi aateon. ANNUAL SALE OF Drapery AND Outfitting -0- W. Williams & Co. Beg most respectfully to announce that their usual CLEARANCE SALE OF DRAPERY & OUTFITTING Will commenoe on Saturday Next, January 16,1886, When they will have the balk of their LARGE STOCK re-marked in RED INK at Reduced Prices. -0- The Departments are classified as follows:- Manchester Goods Department- Contains Calicoes, Sheetings, English Flan- nels, &11 kinds of Linen Goods, English Blankets, Quilta, Counterpanes, Table Covers, Ac., also their REAL WELSH manufactured Goods in all kinds of Flannels, Blankets, Shawls, &c., at lower prices than at any previous sale. o— Dress and Fancy Department: In this department we shall have the chsap- est lot of Dress Materials we ever had to offer. Clean Goods (neither soiled nor faded) at 4!d, 5id, 6fd, and 7fd per yard. 4 4 4 4 Black Merinoes and OasJimeres from 9to 3s 4 6d per yard. The public will find all our Merino and Oashmeres from 3d to 9d per yard lower than they have ever known them before. The Dyes of our Black we guarantee perfect. All our Fancy Wool Goods will be marked at very low prices to effect immediate clearance. A special lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves at Is fd per pair. Some of these Goods under half their original price. Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Trimmings, &c., &c., all at Reduoed List Prices. -0- Show Rooms: The entire stock in these Rooms will be reduced regardless of cost. Our whole stock of Mantles, Jackets, Ulsters, Fur- lined Cloaks, Mackintoshes, Children's Outfits of all descriptions, Corsets, Fur Capes, &c., at. extremely low prices. All Millinery Goods, Hats and Bonnets, (Trimmedand untrimmed), Flowers, Feathers &c., at our usual extraordinary Clearing Prices. Silks, Plushes, Satins, Velvets, &c., all at List Prices. -0- Outfitting. Department (in Taff Street) All our Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Drawers, &c. (which include our own made* up Welsh Flannel Goods) will be offered at Reduced Prices. In this Department we invite comparison in Quality, Workmanship, and Prices of our Goods with any house in the trade. We buy under best advantages, and sell at lowest profits. 20 & 21, MARKET SQUARE, AND TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Book, Music, Furniture, Watch. Clock, and General Club, Formed for procuring the uudermentioned 1 ON EASY TFRMS, Vix.Family Bibles, Pilgrim's Progress) Life of Christ, Elicofs and other Com- k mentaries, CasselVs Popular, Technical, and Bible Educators, Historiesi and other Popular Standard Works. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, American Organs, Musi- cal Boxes, and Albums, Violins, and all other Musical Instruments. Sewing Machines, and Mangles, Pictures, Portraits, &c TRICYCLES, BICYCLES, Watches, Clocks (Warranted), ana. Jewellery of every Description. FURNITURE. Payments fortnightly of Is. and upwards; 5 per cent. off all Goods. For terms and all information apply to- T. EDWARDS, 3, Morgan-sireet, Pontypirdd

Family Notices



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