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posuve and Diiioni cempiainw, astacxs 01 lover, n> Inenza, low of appetite, indigestion, dimness of sigb% pains and giddiness of the head, and all iiKfim II the atomaoh and boweils. Is ltd and If Sd per boa. iNTIBIUOUSt YBQBTABI'B. CASTO. Omr. Or APERIENT PILLa May ba had in One Penny ItouI. One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue ef thtabna ampounds. To be had at most respectable Olaemi- OlagginuDd Medicine Vendors throughout the worH If 108 have any difficulty in obtaining it. send Stsmga n Post Office Order direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at once. All Is 9d Met poet fxaa to any part of the Kingdom. -=- N.D.-None are genuine unless they have as Rtefrietoc's signature oa the Qovernmsot Blaas»;— W. TunKk TO IMITATE TgHS WOULB MM FOMQMBT hI." DiBBflTwvs ea Run Pmiui. U" NAMUFACTUIRER PROPRIETOR: SJ Muiou Bmm, Mmm Tmbm* flAim TRIMNELL'S UFE-GIYIKG ft PRESERYHG VEGETABLE TONIC, APERIEHT ct LIYER PILLI. Nos. 1 St 3 for either Box. A moat celebrated remedy hi -I I iL MHtse it may arise. These are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Debility ^Depression of spirits, mapti- tade for exertion, unfitness for stufy dialike for Moiety, dislike to enter any kind of business, involun* tery bhishing, j*Mtness of sight, sparks before tha tyea, deafness antl noise in the ears, sense of tightness Df suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains ia tba loins and a constant sense of weanneaa, irritation 01 tbo kidneys wx& bfoddsf, palpitation of the heart, general tremulousness on any sodden impulse, ertreuas liffidenee, fond of moping alone, morbid sensibility^ sareless about life, its joys, its pleasures, and in luties; irregnlaritv of the bowells, feeling good Um sothing, failure of memory, intellectual power ani (amities mere or lees impaired, extreme rnstlssimrea. latolenov and indigestion, frequent headache*, silent wretchedness, arising from the fear of phywoal veafc* ■ess, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings fex tha present, no hope for the future, starting daring sleeft looking and feeling ill without apparent cause. Ona «r two packets of TrinmoU's nervine Toeie will UNillweiof the above. If 44 OW 28 94 pm SomeL TRIMNELL'S Life-giving & Preserving NERVINE TONIC For either Sax; will can all kinds at nervous debility, arm ng from any source of weakness from whatever &k -1 aiains, before tbey are broken, sciatic and paralytic affections, sprains, braises, spasms, quinsy, and sora throat, is acknowledged by all who have ase it to ba the most efficacious that tney ever had either for M«n M beast. It is an article which will "Øft¡neÐ81 itself. Is lid and 28 9d. TRiMNEUL'S EMBROCATION. Of World-wide RepntMf- For rheumatism, rheumatic goat, luna» basjo, pains in limbs, ana numbness stiifnesa of the joints. and neek, chil- i I respiratory organs is se simple tnat it may be admin- istered with porfeet safety to the youngest children, is sufficiently strong to arrest the progress of nany of the most formidable pulmonary complaints, whether oough, croop, hooping cough, pneumoniae pleurisy, asthma, bronchitis, difficulty of breathing x that dreadful disease, consumption, of which so x that dreadfal disease, consumption, of which so aany thousands die annually aroand as. Is Ii" and If 9d per bottle. ,g TRIM NELL'S Life-giving & Preserving 0 COUGH BALSAM. Nothing that has yet been discoveral can be compared with this Balsam. Its beneficial action upon all diseases of th* 'I, 1 Ittstem. No one should be without it, as it is evidenct ala. best ever brought before the pablic. This eompound is invaluable in the first stages and violent attacks of Colda, Inflammation, Pains in ths | ftomaoh, Looseness of the Bowells, Rheumatism i Rheumatie Goat, Pains in the Limbs, Sciatic and i Faralytio affections, Spasms and Cramp, and wiU 1 lemove all obstructions caused by cold. It is also as •zeellant stimulant tor persona going out into the damp, fag; frost, or snow, as it prevents taking eold; and foe fag; frost, or snow, as it prevents taking eold; and foe purifying the Blood from all imparities, such as Bad Legs, Pimples, Blotches, Chills, Ac., it cannot bt lqww. Is lid and 2* 9d per packet. When there is reason to suspect a sold be taking one or two doses of TBIMHELL'S Life-giving & Preserving COLD or SWEATING POIDEK It will remove all symptoms from tb t poisons and are taken inwardly. N.B.—This will neither leave any mark nor injux* I lie akin where applied.-Is lid per bottle. TRIMNELL'S TIMADICATOR Will instantly remove Toothache, Tie Dolorecx, Neuralgia, or any Pains is the Head or Face by simply applying A to the part affected, its superiority over all others being that it ia applied oal "I alp wardly, while many of the nostrum that are in the. market contain stroov -i I k HERB BUER, FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. Thie Compound is highly reeommeuded by a great somber of the Blue Ribbon and Good Templars' ataS m account of its superior Iuaiity above all others fox Ssrifying~and strengthening the system, ever brought before the public. By the sax^B, thousands have bees tascaed from drankeanesa. Sold by most Chemiskl mi Orocers. 6d. per P&cket, by Post 8 Stamps. It recommends itself. I R I I B L L I S MILD 4; BITTER KOMHTOXIMTIBG PURl I fA SERBS ARE THE MEDI- CINES OF NATURE • I roB STBBT KJND o? DI3BA3B FUBM I IS HiSTR TO. "'NO MOBE WATCH KEYS." £ 1 fe (Worth £ 10).—In rtturn for a £ 5 note, free and safe per poet, one of the "County" Gentleman's Keyletlll LEVER WATCHES, with a compaot highly-finished t plate lever movement, fully jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, and soundest keyless work, ill massive sterling silver cases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and gold joints. No such value has ever before been offered to the British public, being regulated for hot and cold climates, and to stand the roughest wear, and give the highest satisfaction in prirato use. This not Watch will be worth putting into a Gol 1 CaM after twenty year's wear. (CLUB AND OTHER AGENTS WANTFD WATCHES, fl TO £ 107 Illustrated Pamphlet sent free on application. Mr. T. R. RUSSELL (Maker to the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET xrvsKvooz.. A WONDERFUL HEDIGIK. BSIOHAM'B FILLS. c WEATIWXE W PILLS, G MftMWladMd to U IfiiMMkrlVinkli to iSww ulnta fimer&ere, WtMt tmt M't ttM 1 Adaaai nd-ewelllng after *3eala. IjiahM at drowtiner -jett .lehlOs, of heat, Mm «t f sua, r drama, u4 aB www n« Ike ty lidanNi TM» to — (IWMM, far tt»y>iw fcttettimiai etmem. >in| wwmlmn- wtly W fcy «M ta at — WORTH A GUUOIA A BOX. Vor tanalM ef all acw thea<n]|aiM tevalnaefla, u aiaw 4mm of than carry off all GTWA TAMON, MI aBdMtnettoBC. aad kriH about all that U nnlM, mtaidt AMM kt wltkni theai. Yk«wUMme<UdMtetofoTUidto«rai&BBSCHAM,a PILL* for Miorlng any obetraeHem or tmfalaritj «f tba ays- teso. If tataa mct&ritixg to the <lr»ctl<»uyiT«p with eaah bag the^wtO ww mtof ImmJw aCaU i»i tonutail ntut Vor a vaak stoouoh, ImmM AfMNoa, all ttitrtan «f the Uvea, they act like "MACHO," and afaw doaaa wMl be foma4 to TOkvouin lyoathe Boatimportaat tntu of thahiw marhiaa, Tkey atMBgdaai-tha whole muacokr lyataot, reatora marhiaa, Tkey atMBgdaai-tha whole muacokr lyataot, reatora the long loat oomplexwa. Wing back the keaa edge of apprtito, and arooae Into action with the RO&BBT7D of health the whole yhyaleal eaargy of tha hnaMA frame. Theae are JACT8" ad- ■mad hjr thooaaads embracta* aQ claaaM of aoetety; and one of the best fuaxaateee to the nerrooa and debilitated Is, Bowba&f Wis hare the larfeat ada of aay pataot medicine la the world. BIBOHAMIS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. AM a rainedy for dnuha ta pnwal, Aathma, DISeslty of Braathtag, Shortaaaa of Breath, Tigbtnesi and Oppression fa the Cheat, Wheeling, kc., theae Piila it n < 1 ..rivalled; andaar me labouring oader any ef the above conr,.hiints need only toy One Box-to prove that fjiey are the bestevei- offered to the ptWI. for Aathmatie and Cooaumptlve Coagha, Hoarseoaaa, aad Op- pression -r the Cheat. They apeedily remove that seaae of op- pression aad eHficalty of breathing which nightly ieprire tie Satient of rest. They give almoot watant t*n*t aad comfort U» loee afflicted with the above diatreaateg and, whea neglectodj dangerous complaints. Let say person troubled with any ON the above complaints give Baacaax's Oooa PILLS a trial. The moat violent Cough will fb a short time be removed. OADTIOH —The public are requested to notlte that the worfi BascHAK's FILU, St Helens," are oa the Qorenaient Maaa.{ affixed to each box of the Pilla. If not 011 they are a fergery. Prepared oaif aad aold wholeaale and retail by the proprietor T. Beecham, Cheaaist, St. Heleas, Lancashire, in boxes a1 Is 1M and ia 94 sack, last post free from the proprietor tm it or M ztampa.—Soft by aQ Druggiata and Patent J#dicin< Dealers in ths Kingdom. M.B.—VnU dfeacttoos ate givsa with eaeh tax. W Cokmi, AM> ENLARGED TOB IOIMTS.— Hsuak'8 COUN AND BUNiON Pi.ASTERS are the only am edy. They differ from all plasters, shields, ot nompositiotis ever invented. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the cora own following. Bunions and enlarged too joints re- qnire more time for perfect cure, out the action is Ofiifnin. J^oxes. Sold by Chemists, &c. everywhere. GllEAT BODILY, NRVE, MENTAL, AND DIGESTIVB STKF.NGTB follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND llws TONIC, By infusing new life into the nerves, eiri)-icliing the blood, and strengthening the muscular system, symptoms of weakness disappear, appetite re- turns. fatigue ceases, and recruited healtli results. lusist on having Pepper's Tonic. It can be obtained in 2s 6d. bottles. ISLJU everywhere. It costs about I I d. fiich dose. TARAXACUM AND PODOPHTLLIN —A liver medi- cine without mercnry, is a mixture of juices of the .dr.k. and dandelicn plants, good for headache, torpidity, costiveness, flatulence, heartburn, indiges- tion, biliousness, reprgnance to food, general discom- fort, depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxaeum and Vtidophyllin, by stimulating the liver with a most gentle action on the stomach, is the safest, most ro- liable medicine. Bofr4es 2s. 9d. Sold everywhere. Iijptet on having Peppef's. To DARKEN GREY BAIR. -IOCKYER'S ycLPHUH HAIR RESTORER produces a perfectly natural shade in a few days. No hair restorer offered is equ|l to Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying, cleansing act- tion on the hair, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, s. 6d..Smd everywhere. To CURB SKIN DISEASES.—SULPHOLINE LOTIOH will completely remove all eruptions, pimples, redness blotches, scurf, eczema, psoriasis, &c. in a few days Sulpholine attacks old skin disorders, and totally de- stroys them. It is a peculiar, agreeable, harmless fluid, producing a slear skin. Sulpholine Lotion it sold by Chemists. Bottles, 2s. 9d. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, <fee.—DET.LAR'« ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS is still the only remedy of anj real worth. Its power of clearing the air passagei and often relieving old cases has been proved durini » quarter of a century. Applied on cotton wool ,ls,.ld. Sold evervwbere. A DKLIGHTFUL ]!'LAVOUk.-CRAeROFT's AttECA NUT TOOTH PASTE.—By using this delicious Aroniatu Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceed in <b nlov'n fragrant, and specially used for removing incrustt iO of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemieta Pots. Is. and 2s. each. Get Cracroft'a. LIVER COMPLAINT. Three-fourths of UI functional derangements are caused by interruptioi of the liver's action. A few doses of Dr. King's Dan delion and Quinine Liver Pills, without merenry, an a potent remedy. They perform qll the benefits a mercury, without any of. its disadvantages anC dangers. Dr. King's Pills remove all liver ant stomach complaints,. bilioopuese, heMache, sickn. s. shoulder pains, heartburn, indigestion, constipation so ensuring perfect hemith. I These old-fashioaed PS l* r still keep ahead of all others as the great livor remedl Sold everywhere.. DR. KINa's LIVERPILLI'I, containing daedeliot and quinine, without mercury, are few alnve all otb^ as the surest.. mildest meanwot semosing i biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions and irregularities of the liver and stomach, so ensuring penect heU1, Dr. Kind's Cft sold everywhere,, To STOP COUGHING, a few doses of "PEFV a' l WHITE Cotnm MixTUKW-arreete -the most troablfeeom fit of coughing, restoring relief and tranqaility to th irritated membranes and air-paesagep. Soothing comforting, and demulcent, its action wquite differ op. from ordinary Cough Remedies. Bottles. 60,, everywhere. FOK GARBLING tpk, THBOAT AND MOUTR. tw PEPPSK 3 TANNIN THROAT GARGLIC.&n unplic* tioB of great service for sort throat, whether •• d kd jri&;>ry, relaxed, or ulcer^ed. Tan iin G •«;<} "tflfoh^ly recommended to speakefS, atrlger <». | greatly preservative and sn.'t xiuinp. It is al vi»fc able purifier as a mouth wash, being singular1 ;re* ahle, astringent, and cl lUMng. Bottles. S everywhere. HuLPiiOLiNE SOAP IS A delicately refined ".PROF cally pure Soap, intended for general use, and fr# fj-om the injurious acrid oi'~ peculiar to common" is perfectly prepared soaps. S .Ipholine Soar? is ec cellent for washing at ai! thnas and rend; :u to skin soft, clear, and pliablu. T^biets, 6d. each. Set í everywhere. I 1 PONTYPRIDD fouss FKOHKTI A" INVESTMENT COMPANY UMITEO, Ota POST Omes Oauasss PONTYPRIDD DRECTOflt8 I —— -y, tm, Tm IOMI Ckalnrn. WILL, T»TIM OhairMB. MB BIOXAXD BOAIM, Po^mUi BYAM DATIXS, Th« Watk. GM«& MB KB WIN PHILLIPS, PmIvmSL^ MB THOMAS THOMAS, rnfoceat. fcwtaf-W E 8. 01TIK OEew-Old Port Oflo« Chirtw, Purtyfilit ThuC<MPUJIAPR«PU«D to NODmociti af *10 and apwardbi repayable at Moatha Notice, and to bear Interact at tho rat* of Piv« Poanda per Centos per Aaiwm, payable HaU- youly. Apply to the 8eentHr u »h«ve. WOK I II THE BANSOM OP A KING ? GAMJEE'S oriehtal SALVE (As supplied to tie Bight Hon. W. B. GtAosions). If URBS Earns, Sores, Piles, Rheumatism, Pare U lvsis, Lambago, Stiff Joints, White Swelhaga ff ip diseaia, Chest 4Long Complaints, &a., to. I I i. READ ELIZABETH RLOOÐ, 48, New thorpe-street, Nottingham 1 suffered for over three years from white swelling. The doctor's opinion here was that it wonid be years if ever I was cared. Whilst on a visit to Swansea I was advised to use Gamjee's Salve. The change for the better Wat rapid and in three weeks 1 walked up the steps of Lbw 1 Midland Station without k assistance, although on my £ arrival there I had to b<- carried. Poo* boxes eom I pletely cared me.—Certified b> pGso. fetooB, M.R.S. Hundreds of similar cases have been eared. GAMGEE'S EAST INDIAN PILLS, or Blood GAMGEE'S EAST INDIAN PILLS, or Blood Cleansers, thoroughly purify the Foulest Blood, emw Indigestion, Bilious or Liver Complaints, Piles, Gravel.. Wind, restore tone and vigour to the most weakh eoastitution, »nd are the best in the world for al! I Female Irregalarities Perfectly Herbal and tasteless Everyone who has tried thonj »T» thev are the BEST REMEDIES IN THE WORLD. In Boxas at 7id, la 1R 2a 9d. 4s 6d. From W. H- Kev ehamist. Pontypridd; W. H. Jones, chemist Mountain Ash T. D&vies, chemist, Mrs R. It Bvana, *orth; T. Richards aheiaist, TreUerturt; TJenkins, 2, Heoira..?, Cardiff—Kerntck k Son (Wholesale): Hick» *Co.; T. Williams kc., or direct for the amount 1* ■ £ »> tions if required, from the sola prep"0*! CHABLBS MAGGS 13, Wind Street, Swaaaaa. a BEW ARK OF TRATMJJNQ IMPOSTORS. I. 'SPECIALLY WRISTBANDS, SUtTABLE FOR ON I RT FRORTS. COLLAftS STI FF& QUEEN'S FOE PATENT EXCELLENCE J HIGHEST AWARD IN THE WORLD— BECAUSE I PATENT BOR x (9 TRADEMARK BORAX DRY • SOAPi '0. .J "IS THE BEST" I In the World for CLEANING, WASHING, and PURIFYING EVERYTHING. 1. In Quarter-PPund land '/fa/f-Pound Packets, of all Grows. I PATENT .1 fill tfsST Known Everywhere by thi- TRADEMARK' Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. v- W. JB.wY aughan & CO., STEAK DYEIKG AND SCOURING WORKS, LAMDAKF RO4D. CARDIFF. J, ""I.¡ ,1'. •Bnuuih BrtaVliffamnU :— it, 77' tfKOOKHBRBTOWN,! paut^TTWP 348, ST K SIT, J 5t, COMMEFtOlAL aTitEET, NEWPORT. l. 88. HIGH BTH^JST, NIIWPORT. <7 OARTLR -TljgiT, SWANSEA. Agtni Hhondda: '< M K I a. THOMAS, TAILOR k DRAPER, HANNAH ST., PORTH. W TOO IIlOJ rawer am, V MT! m lOTf t* teeM—— thM- h ef tettt) e, aa< M Mm«t we gw"k nd as am VMS"& =am* d go pm"d b GUILYM 'OU EBUDO 3 THE VEGETABLE TONIO. "VtilhO^ym *?*•• MeiB^htee f sirs; ■todj^es •( the trfkrwag well-knowa h«rt>»-ears>p>gaj>, s*ifrop, gesitun. tefasd«r, Imj^ek, and lento ''jsggy'B*T*r 1 yeoasbi—d with theee SSiB. It U M ft fcffiwIMii, ul is ic—win# a Mite lUOtttt* BKff« LSe^Scitiiilr^ OwilT" Qaifae Bitten Li » tow I Wfiat is Gwflvni HTans' Qafnlne Bitten rMonmended lor 1 l.-INDIGESTION: its DIFFERENT FORMS, smh m riek keal-Mke, keftrtbern, onmp, lus. ta"°S' ■^i?f irowsiaees, ftine in the reRion 0(the heert. a.-Withcrut exception the beet remedy for Depression at Spirits and MelMicholr. Being » regeUbl* Piek-me-up, is strongly wsommended for Berroos diseMes, neh u mndM anxiety, despoodwoy, fain tine its, nenralgia, and nerve fains cenerally. tr«*ted (aft« known prmarations had failed), severe oases ef affee- tiona of the sheet, snoh as aommon toids, hrwiehitia, asthmatie colds, shortness of breath, spitting of blood; Ac., &c. r 4. Aze invalosJble to anrraig mothers, they enrioh the blood, and Impart a healthy aad safe tonic dar- tnc the penod of lacUtioii. Should be taken aU delicate females, as they strengthen the lystem, and bm M domp asnst natara, tiiweby prmnotuog good health. They are invaluable to those who solfer fnw^ Hysterics, Fainting Fit«, Qiddineea, Pains m the Side, Headaches or Siekneas. ••—To children erowiiw, and to peojde aaffering gnat weakness, either after an ni—r~r or Ihrowk long confinement m Ul-ventilated rooms, or «nj other cause they are invaloabla. aania^ Has Gwilym Bvans' Qoinine Bitten any OPMial advantages t Too I ADYANTAOBB MA D. 1.—Entirely vegetable, therefore eentains aeither iron BOX moroizj. Tkio to very important. I.-Â happy combination of mediaineo, hitherto not sneceesfnlly nspensed. 5.—Enjoys the eoafidsnoe ef the faading modie*! men ia aU distrkts in which it has had a fair ant ■Ontinaed trial. 4.~Ouinine Bitten are snperim to any other kind of Bitten prepared. I —Patients who have nffend long and oalteod Mverely, have received lasting and permaawtbeeeH ■§■1 their us. iAatly.—The nnmeroas important teetononials received olovly iemensteate their nlaa. lfona ov ACTIO*—Aad here liee the secret of the remedy. The Quinine Bitten (being a vogotahln tonfo) by their peetdiu strengthen that part ef the system which is weakest, and thsreforo aaeet StUe to oolds and their attendant disrasns The Patent" does not Pmtm that they act in a Hmiraealoao manner," or that the Mlkot flnao ones," or in ten minutes, Ac., bnt tliev will after a fair an# eontinaed ehew their brn-j-inl offaets if taken mmm. Observe I not Tinetwp of Quinine, or Quinine Wine, or Qninine Ask plainly for M Gwilym Evans'Qninine Bitters," see the name Gwilym Evans" on the lskil olanm, and bottle, and do not be persoaded to take any other. Send for lid of Testimonials. Sold in 2s. tel. 4s. fd. JBotUes, and Cam cArie 4a. 6d. BotAss at Us id. ptr UN, It oft OUnisu, orfron the proprietor, carriage free, parcels poet (under cover). Nx.-No one should saffer without vSiü" Evans' Qoinine Bitten." PROPRIETOR: MR GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S. LABORATORY, LLANELLY. S. WALES. 30 I O.ALI-V,:ID"L -F Tito R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite Unirerrity College), CARDIFF, Having HAD great experience both in hglish and American systems of Dental practice, is enabled to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a maDDer which 1ml rerj few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, BY which only a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he ia nnshlnd to beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of naturalappearanee, and which defy detection. No Sea-horse lyory Teeth. Mo 3s. Teeth. Ho Rubbish of any kind. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets .from 6s to 80s Each. Sets Upper or Lower ••• ••• It 60s to 20 Guineas. Inventor of fla Al Amalgam Stopping (II.,ed by the lest DentisU in Europe # Amerim TEETH SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Few. HITROOS OXIDE GAS administered daily it Cardiff by the best ani safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from, the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Acton HOUSE* Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE, REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MB. NOTTS, 77, Taff Street, Pontypridd. Attendance—the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Abe at Mas. Wurria, Chemists, &0, Moantain Ash, the same day from 10.33 to 1 o'clock. Attmeh at Ms. MA als, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in each mODf" frgm 12 TO 3. "the OLBØ Blaek r,Ms Pin& JAMES' "foAt ,,oo ou'BLACK LE }Ui.H', PONTYPRtPIi. fOHN CROCKETT Co., VtfSlBTAUU, tad General Cabinet Makers, ui lout hr- nishen. Shellibier for Adult Funerals. Ooaek fot Children's Funeral*. Wreaihtim grentvariety tildrotrs Coffins from 6d Vdalt Coffins „ 96* 'ol ished Oak Coffins with Whit* TrimMlBga and psdded inside 60B hwlll^ier to carry 8 inside aad eoSa out- side from Pontypridd, Htpkiutotni ClJedpenmaen, Ckunwwrki, ud Tee- forest to Cemetery 'Oach to carry S in aids n^d ahfld'a wl» o. frvn above plaoss 0««etisij Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rhondda Vallen PEEMANENr BENEFIT BUILDINC SOCIETY. Established 18f6, I»,-jrporated 1874. DIRECTORS:- MR. RICHARD ROfiKKS, ntypridd, Chairman. MR. JOHN MOIiGAN| LI'Ltriaant, Vice-chair— m n. MR. CHARLES BASSE.'r, J.P., BrynfEynoa Pontypridd. MR. THOMAS MORGAN, Y Fron, Pontypridd. MR. JAMES RII:FJARDS, ,forest. MR. DANIEL WILLI \vis Ir .sfryn, Poatypridd MR. WM. GRIFFITHS, T:ff Villa, Pontypridd. MR. E. C. SPlCKEtT, vl^soed, Pontypridd. >- Advances made on Mart lId in sums varying from PioO to £ 10,0 J). >mable in monthly or quarterly ^ments. MORTGAGE AND SQRV.3V FEES PAID BY- THE SO' 'II3T Y, Advances made on .he, JfWn Notice. For farther particulars apply to the Secretary, MR, H. S. DA VIES, OLD POST-O FluE CHAMBERS, PontypridcL