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SO YBABS I OABDIFF. R, B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite University College), CARDIFF, Yaving had great experience both in English and American systems of Denial practice, Gnawed to give to his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner which but TerY few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, by k °aly a perfect impression of the month can be obtained, he is enabled to supply •awwifuiiy fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearance, tod whioh defy detection. 10 Sea-horse Itoij Teeth. No Bs. TeetIL Ho Rubbish of al kind. RELIABLE TEETH. partial Sets.from Õ8 to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas. Intmtor of the A1 Amalgam Stopping at used by the but DentitU in Europe t America. TESTS SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. NITROUS OXIDE GAS administered daily at Cardiff by the best and safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. wx>rk of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Acton House, t'Wdiff, is yery highly finished, and is the best work we have eyer seen/1 HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. OTICE. REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MR. Notts, 77, Taff Street, Pontypridd. Attendance-the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Also at MBS. Whitbs, Chemists, &c, Mountain Ash, the same day from 10.33 to 1 o'clock. Attends at Mb. Huwis's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in enrh mont H from 12 to 3. Artificial Teeth. I 11 .1 I Artificial Teeth. WUMor3DO ANTIST, DENTIST, ■ Newport, Ibt 181 lr- -)0- RTIFrcrAL TEETH., diBa:P18te Set-to t7p al14 Lower from £3 Ift. nrtafiraeteatotthoui piun wUUr Kitrout Oxids Gc*. PoJatyPri<id professionally ay'-where he may be °.f}°am-nd4P.m., Kr. J. JONFF- i •it.iawfc, 9 .Hifb StreAt. Date of next visit. December 2, 16, and 30fcli. PONTYPRIDD. I lORN CROCKETT Co., VNDr.a'rAKBa., iad General Cabinet Makers, lId House Fir- msta. ShvlUbier for Adult Fvnuralt. Coaeh f<y\ children's Funerals. Wreviht in great variety dre;8 C,)ifiD8 from 7b 6d *dalt Ci.ffins oiiufced (ink Oofljnn with Wh»v«Trimming* ■» padded inmds fiOt* 5a«il:uj8r to carry H inside and joffiu out- side from I'liijtypridd, H*pki»siown, Coedpeumaen, ( hainwork*, aad Tre- fore at to Gfittietorj "°*ch to carry 6 inside and ohild's «>« o*<awde ftixtn pisom to Ometory I I HEALTU ALL ? j amongst Household Medicine ranks the leading necessaries of Life. *1 TVn •last powerfully '"s punfy the BLOOD, and act iet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, *»e confidently recommended as r-l all cases where the consU^n^ remedy has become unpaired [ whatever Wonderfully efficacious in all ai& .Jhf.a[e Jg-les o|al! ages and "■A-UCiiNE, are unsurpassed, I INTM[NI- '1 Its Searolling and Healing Properties Oxiq a°Wii throughout the World. For the cutc of bad legs> B>d BrM5tii Old WoUnds Sores and Ulcers, I' J af, !fl'che-,terrie(ty' effectually ribberl OH ™Sat »?ie—som Swellings. Abscesses^ of MCmStrllt;FASF ^heuniatism, and eveiy kind fail U has lieVer heen known to ho Sold at Pr°fe.Sf>r.,Iioi-LowAY,s Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; a? a ssrras 1^1 r „ 4s. 6d.. us., 22S. an, tmL ptlnted directions ^ffixed to each Pot and Box, and can oe nad m any ^g^e. "T v iLdvice Gratis' atf above address, daily, wtvwii the of 11 4 pf « '-NO MOBE WATCH KEYS." 5 (Worth £10).-ln return fur a X. ljote, free and safe per post, 01:0 <>i tin: "County" Gentleman's Keyless LEVER WATCHES, with a compact highly-finished f; illate lever hiuvement, fully jewelled in rubies, ehrononietur balance, and soundest keyless work, in massive sterling silver cases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and gold joillts. No such value has aver before been offered to the British public, being regulated for hot and cold climates, and to stand the roughest wertr, and give the highest satisfaction in private use. This liiie will I)e worth putting into a Gold Case after twenty year's wear. (CLLTrs AXD OTHER AGENTS WANTFD WATPHES, £1 TO £10J Illustrated Pamphlet sent free on application. T. H. n I ¡::LL (Maker to the Qneen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, IS, CHURCH-STREET 1.IVEAPOOX.. NOTICK. H "G;HHGNiGLh" US NOW I'UB^ISHKO In THURSDAY EVENIHG; at 4 All CoTQmuoioatiooa must be in hand hv W £ ,dni:»day EvstiiMa the latest. idiirtisiiauits must be it had by 19 I-M ei Thursday. TO NE OF-KI AND HEIRS-AT-LAW. t nnn nnn of ^nclaimed MONEY JU i U^vUUjUU" AND Pkopkkty IS WAIT- u» job Pbbsonb WHO ARE NEXT-OF-KIN Op HE IR6-AT-LAW TO KSTAI51.IS11 THEIR l»r A PKOl'Eli Lk«AI. TlTLK TO Tit IB 1m WimnTT rtJKD. IT BELONGS TO pk'iplk wno AKE WimnTT FTFWD. IT BELONGS TO pk'iplk wno ARE MVWUl IGNORANT OF TliiCIK UIGllTs OR 11AVEMO kbams OF EMPLOYING I.AWYERS TO rUT FOB- WilD T UHIt CASE. THEKE ARE OVER 50,000 PlMOK' WHO, FROM TDI E TO T)t!i Ii\ YE ¡ ADVBRT BED FOR, AND KKOKNTI.Y ( BY < HM > I" R or Parliaaient) THE COURT OF Ciiam'Kky run i-tfUKTi—as a BLUE BOOli-A lim OF THE OJkUBES IN WHICH JlKli:^ AVKliK w Any PjMSOM BELIEVING III.NI, !-LF TO KMJTl.KD 10 Momxy IN CHANCERY, TO UNCLAI.^ I:i> Drvi- XMMTD8 IN THE BANK OF ENGLAND oh ANY REAL NttATh SHOULD K2AD Jol! N M>N V "Au tick to LITIGANTS AN)) tbby v ill LEARN HOW TO riioi L- ke- oovek any money which way i>i k to J#M, AND THE TERMS: ll t'N wri'li i'IAL ^AaCHES WILL UK MADE TO S1 UsTAN I'l ATE 3**8 CLAIM EITHER :N THE !!n i,-i. «»i-KICK. OF CllANCKRY, INDIA UH'Ic'K or ANY *WUc DErAKTMBNT. I'f IS I SI' liniSO Ks costaH<ING A MEIU: LIST i ALS <•; iTTRSONf ADVERTISED l"OK WHICH AN GIVE NO AUT**NTIC IXIORMATIoN TO AN Ai i i.I. ANT. Ma. JOHNSON CAUSES rROPER EA: ;.ics id HE hade in THE INTEREST of ins WIlEN THERE Is PBESL'MPTIVE j«E LlaVING THAT A BONA-FIDE CLAI! TO :;d, u oii Property EXISTS be WII. L DO AM. THAT IS kk- OBIBARY TO I'IWVID}; MEANS TO Tor I PROOF. ALL THE I'RELIMINAR Y IN »TI:; C T'IONS YlLL BE FOUND IN "Adviceto LITIGANTS AN3) ]JGXT OF-KIN" FORWARDED ANY WHERE on IZE- OMFT OP POSTAL ORDER FOR iS- —ADDRESS -*Mr. W. H. JOHNSON, THE OCTES IsMPiE, to 225. Stkajjd, Losdon. W.ci YN AWR YN BAROD HANES Y BEDYDDWYR YN MHLITÐ Y CYMRU, Gaa y diweddar] Barch. Joshua Thomas, # Dan clygiaeth B. DAVIES, PONTYPRIDD, Cyfieithedig o Ysgrif-lyfr f yr awdwr a gafwyd yn athrofa Caerodor, gyda llawer o ychwanegiadau gan y golygydd, MEWN UN GYFROL, 640 o dudalenau, Demy 8vo. PRISOEDD: k Cloth, 12S. Half-boundA 13s., Persian Calf, 148 ). A wna y dosbarthwyr bysbysu i'r cyboedd- wr pa nifer o'r 18fed, I "('g, a'r 20fcd ran sydd yn eisiau arnyiit. Bydd elsiau cael gwybodaeth fuan fel v gallwn wneyd y cyfrolau i fyny yn llawn iddynt. RHWYMIAD Hanes y Bedyddwyr. Os ^dychwelir y rhanau i'r cyhoeddwr i gael eu rhwymo ymrwymir i gywiro unrhyw -I- y wallan, a gwneyd i fyny bob dikvgiou., PRIS Y RHWYMIAD: Half-bound, 2s.'6c., Gwell, 3s., Persian Calf, 4s B. DAVIES, "Chronicle" Office, 23 & 24 MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. (SOOKSI BOOKSI BOOKSl r i ( BOOKBINDING,' bookbindinS, BOOKBINDim KlATIiY An OHlifLT sMy AI B. DAYIE8A "cibokicle" steu Fimns mo S3 A M, IOIiL STBUT, PONTYPRIDU r. PRINTING i neatly and promptly at the WW Steii Pnnn Tom PONTYPRIDD. roSTIM •» AM. Snws, a» 1>% m More go W D»»W Printing Work*, MAM. Mill Strw, pridd. 1TANDBILLS Airo 0IB0TJLAE3 for Tr»d»*m« H and Others, in large or raall »aiaW A^peditiosslj and cheaplydone st D»*iea' • i Printing Works, 21 & 24, MiU strost, poai vridd. "CS801IICU5" STEAM PR1MT1HG BOaiS _6- DILL, MEMOKAMJO > AND f D HEADINGS, promptly aad taaujfall? T>ri»iM nt DftTies* Steam Printing "Works, 22. <* W nt DftTies* Steam Printing Works. 23 <* St Still Streat, Pontvpii Jd. DA^SLiitJFTCY t'OiiMB, Notices of Ciadiwi-3 13 Meetings, and all kinds of Solicitors' printiwf Mectttd at Daries* Steam Printing Works, tií II 84, Mill Street, Pontypridd. £ > i UOTIONEBRi. BILLS, Cata!,)gl.o, sr-1 A, annonnoements at Davies bt..m l'iiuw.v? Works, 28 & 24, Mill-street, Pontynridd. .•.Here ate Sdme persons who cannot take a juke, but Sniggrins is not one of them. A iriend," acquainted with Srr'^gins's frequent changes of abode, asked him which he thought was the cheaper-to move or pay rent. I can't tell you, my dear boy," replied Snigizitis; "I have always moved." Among the replies to an advertisement of a musical committee for "a candidate as organist, music-teacher," &c., was the fellowing one Gentle- men,—I noticed your advertisement for an oiyanist and music-teacher, either lady or gentleman. Having been both for several years, I offer you my services." A teacher took an apple from one of the boys during school hours. After a while the teacher ate up the apply while the pupils were busy with their sums. The lad, noticing this, began to cnugh. What is the matter with you," inquired the dominie. 011, please, sir, the apple has gullP down the %i-ror,g way A teacher at the School of Arts one day entered the class-room(where,of course,smoking is prohibited), and saw one of his pupils with a magnificent Havanna etuck in his mouth. That is a very curious brush you have got there," he said, looking at the cigar. What are you goint to paint with it ? Clouds Sometimes strange difficulties ate encountered by the young ladies who are endeavouring to teach Christianity to the Chii ese sailors in the East End Bethels a. un-tropoiis. iii,),t conscien- tious, as well as olle o. the brightest and prettiest of thfse teachers was attempting recently to incul- cate upon the heathen ini.nl of •.>, sleek-iookiug Mongolian the lesson of charity towards Sh»- said, We should love every ont." The Chinaman looked meekly up into her face and quietly asked "Do you Jove every one?' 'YVf," she answered. Do you iove me ?' Y-y-yes." ill you marry me 2" There was no direct answer to this question. but the teacher has since changed her pupil for a Chinaman of less logical torn of mind. Some people don't believe in advertising, but if Ncah la^adYeitiEcd n tie newspapers the exact hour at which the ark would sail, there might not have been so many lives lost n the flood. GROUND BENTS ON SALE.—The Safest of Investments, to pay 4 and 4| per cent; per annum, Swansea; £ 80, London; £ 40, £ 20, J!:J7, Liverpool; and peveral others in Manchester, ac. WANTED to BORROW, MONEY, on undoubted Property Securities, in sums of from £ 500 to £ 80,000. Apply H. & J. H. PEMBERTON, t Market Street, Manchester.






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