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ESTABLISHED IN 1830. _1 JOHN GRIFFITHS & SON FAMILY GKOCEES, GENERAL DRAPERS, (AND Outfitters, KILL S T R E E T, PONTYPRIDD. "QUEEN ESTHER" AT PONTYPRIDD AND TREIIERBEItT. GRAND FISFOEMANCES OF F TIIK SACHSI). O^KRA S;T E ST H E R," THE BEAUTIFUL QUEEN, IN CHARACTER, UNDER THE DIRECTORSHIP OF MESSRS HUGHES BROTHERS, V K ASSISTED BY A PROFICIENT CHOIR OF PONTYPRIDD. ,I WILL BE GIVEN AS FOLLOWS:- ô, t. At the PUBLIC HALT,1 JASTKK MONDAY TREHEKBERT J TUESDAY, April 18,1?, THURSDAY & FRTDAY, At PONTYPBIDD Al)rij 28 & 29, 1881. I Benefit for Sion Congregational Chapel, Pontypridd E. N. NAISII, WHOLESALE & RETAIL MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONER, AND gUGAR ■ JJOILER, 59 & 60, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF. Shops Supplied at Lowest Possible Prices pOST OFFICE, H- AFOD. LEWIS jy^OllGANS, JU DRAPER, Family Grocer & Provision Factor, HAFOD AND GYMMER. DO YOU WANT A Steam Engine or Boiler, New or second Viand MORTAR MILLS, SAW BENCHES, CHAFF CUTTERS, CORN CRUSHERS, or any other ENGINE or MACHINE. Apply to T. LEMON & SONS, The Hayes, Cardiff. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, COACH BUILDER., TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Experienced men kopt in all branches. ORDER* PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT MODERATE CHARGES. WORKS: MORGAN STREET. FOR HOME 1 A DEn 0 U T S GO TO Vjo W 1 1, T 8 If I B E, 8t, MILL TRE ET, PONTYPRIDD. Repttirs of cveiy description promptly attellded to. F OREST w OOLLEN F ACTORY, RHIW, PONTYPHIDD, S. G JONES, WOOLLEN MANUFACTURER, CLOTH, BLANKETS, And every kird of Plain and Fancy WELSH FLANNELS. All description* of Weisli Stocking Yarn, in any qnarfcity. Country work promptly attended to. .¡- GO TO Brooks Bros., 3, Angel St., Cardiff, And 72, COMMERCIAL ST., NEWPORT, Who FRAME PICTURES at London prices. Always in Stock a large assortment of mouldings, oleographs, illuminated texts and engraving-H, CABINET WORK and VENETIAN BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. THE GREAT FIB-I AT POWTYPRiDD. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE M E N T! Ovviutr TO T.h« EFFECTS of tlio a; ove Firo on HIS PREMISES ard STOCK, WILLIAM WILLIAMS' IE S TAB LISHMElTT WAS CLO-'K!) ON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY «t'% TO ENABLE HI?.! TO fi m; WHOLE STOCK, WHiCH HE HAS COMMENCED CLEANING OUT AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION ON WE or E S A y, FEBRUARY 91H, AND Will CONTINUE THE SAME UNTIL THE WHOLE STOCK IS CLK\KEL> WITH VIEW TO KE-BUILD THE PHEMLSES. ALL SOIL/) AND SMOKED GooDS TFJL BE C.LEA HE I) AT VEIL Y LOW PRICES. "a.. "q The public are invited with confidence to visit RHN at ihoir earliest opportunity, it will be found well worthy of their attention and to tlicr ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLI) AS MARKED IN RED TNK, AND STRICTLY FOR PROM IT CASH, AND NO DISCOUNT. ITIIE TEA EXCHANGE, PONTYPEIDD I J. & I. PIIOTHEEO, Beg to tharik the public for the liberal support hitherto given thorn, and avail themselves of the present opportunity to call their attention to the present unrivalled Stock of GROCERY AND PROVISIONS They hold A FEW SPECIALS ARE AS UNDER Fimes Flour 2s 8d per score Ist.Cork Hutter Is 4 d. per lb. (A trial will convince you of the quality). 2nd. ls Prl Good do. 2s 6d. Finest Canadian do. Is 0 d White Potatoes 8s 6d per Sack or 28llis. for 10* yei7 Good „ do. OslO'd Crush Sugar 3d. per lb. Good Lard Os 5fd Best Brown do. 2Jd. „ „ Fine Mild American Cheese Os 7H A Reniaikably fiDe and choice Tea 2s Gd. Good Useful do. qs i; d (Drawing a pure invigorating liquor). Rest Derby do. Os 8M A Grand Tea 2s Od. Prime Mild Cured Bacon Os 6.]d (equal to that Sold at 2/(5 and 2/8) Very Good do. 4d&5d. Rich, Strong, Famly Tea Is 6d. Corned Beef CUT OUT Os 6 d (Try a Sample). HOME-CURED BACON, AND HAMS ALWAYS IN STOCK PURE HOME-MADE BREAD FRESH DAILY 41b LOAF FOR SIXPENCE. All other Goods equally cheap. A trial will fully satisfy you that our estab- lishments are the cheapest in the District. | J» -n J i vii«-U^ 1 MMAj/ "*wj*<i tit £ Id WAikldi Jt&JiiJl Jitu&h) 4'. AMERISAPi CErYl PORTRAITS, 12 FOR ONE SHILLING. Taken and Finished in a few Mules, BY THOMAS FOR HE ST, C-A-^v £ B3E^IA.1NI" STTTIDIO, PONTYPRIDD Also the NEW CAMBRIAN GEMS, (on paper) I for 1: fid. 5" for 3s. IOf) for DAVID CITLE, C ROC ERA ro PROVISION DEALER AND GENERAL DRAPER, MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Prime Welsh Butters, and best home cured Bacon always in stock. 1"'81I. Millinery, Dress & Mantle Making by Experienced Ekiids done on the Premises. -r. Tailoring in all its Branches by practical and thorough experienced hands. AGENT FOR MESSRS. CURTIS & HARVEY'S CELBRATED BLASTINS POWDER SPECIAL FO TICE. CXISH IlTvin^cTn) Prom aC3 Upwards, Without Sureties tc) all classes, AT A FUW HOURS' NOTICE. DISTANCE HO OBJECT. APPLY PERSONALLY OR I., Y L E T T E R T 0 C. H. WILLIAMS, 4, TAVISTOCK-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. COLDEN TEAPOT WAREHOUSE, HAFOD. AND COEDPENMAEN. PONTYPRIDD. ™ D hoT&IF Begs to return his sincere thanks for past patronage, and hopijs that by his unequalled system of selling goods as cheap as any other shop in both Districts, to merit a con- tinuance of the same. D. M. has just bought an immense Stock of GOOD 'LEA, and will sell Fine Flavoured Congou, 2s.; Souchong, 2s Gd.; Morgan's best, 3s. per lb., and all G: occries aad Provisions at exLtciuely low prices. C<>me and trv our i'LU'M CAKE at 4d per lb., Text ijd. TERMS—CASH. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FKEE OF CHARGE Note the address, for good and cheap Groceries, &c.—• D.MORGAN, GOLDEN TEAPOT WAREHOUSE, HAFOD, AND AT PONTYPRIDD. 1" W. E. V AUGllAN & CO. STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. L L A N D A F F KCAD CARDIFF. ]ir«uch EdablinJimeitls CROCKHERBTOvVN, ) rA1U)1™ BUTE STREET, f CARD11< CDMKEIil LW, STB EE' NE W l'< Ml HIGH STKKET, M KIITHYR. I.OWi-Mt GOAT STREET, SWANSEA. AgeuL for l?li;.ndd;i .MI!. J. II. TIKMTAS, tlAiNiSAll ST., POUTfcl. QEOBGE ] > A R T ON | Y 10 H A IT C T 10 N F, R, ¡ ALBEIT CHAMBERS, HIGH-STHKET, J CARDIFF. ON SMITH, WILLIAMS, & DY KR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, A lie lJOEEH" VALUERS, AND GLNEIvA L AGENTS, ALBERT CHAMBERS, HiGH-STHEKr, C A J{ f) II;' I", Air. ti. P. DYE I:, IJcsidoui Partner, Cardiff. Head (Jiiiees, )•'vuiamie, Uri.stol. _a. _h JOHN THOMAS, Aeotioiicer and Accftiintant, (i, Ci.IlillCil STilKKT, PONTYPRIDD, i Agent to the frovincia], fvivereigu & City Life Insuiance Companies, Alliance Fire Insurance Company, The, Accident Insurance ompany and lmnun Lino, Uo;. al Mail Steanieis. From- £ o to to be advanced on all available (Security. JOlIN ^yTU,LIAMS & ^JO., TEA SHOP, PONTYPRIDD, Win oiler on A' 1 UI\i>AY NEXT. a specially se- lected stock of PROVISIONS, &,c: at the follow- ing Low Priees;- nu rTE, from 10d per lb. CHEESE „ 6d M,, LAIM..) 5.1 d „ Ti- 2 ('to. c,1 (')I (I per 11). Otl.#,i ;I, to mention, equally as Cheap. Pleas." r.of e nddres-i — J O II N WIlLIAMS & CO., 3, MARKET PLACE, PONTYPRIDD. 1-: This space to let. 44 WRITTEN IN FIRE," OR THE WITNESS IN THE DARK, BY MISS FLORENCE MARRYAT. SEE THIS WEEK'S CHRONICLE. U ROPE AN "rJNB COMPANY, LONDON. AOENT FOR PONTTFRIDD. W. H. KEY, CHEMIST, &c., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 89 & 0 0, TAFF STREET. Per Bottle Per Dozen. Pale Sherry ..Is 3d ls tid Is Sd 169 18s 20b Royal Victoria 2s 3d 278 Fine Pale or Gold.2s 6d 2s 9d 3s Od 30s 33s 36s Tiirrag' na ls 3d Is 6d ls 9d.l5s 188 218 Fille Uld Port. 2s Od 2s 3d 2s (kL..2Js 27s 30e Choice Old Crusted 3s Oil 3s 6d 4s0d.36s 428 489 Dinner Claiet .Is Od ls 3d ls6a.I2s 15s UIs superior do. old bott'ed 2s Od 2s 6d 3s Od ..24s 30s 368 Chauipngne 2d3d:isl0d 3s Gd.. 27s 34 428 Cbanaarels 1st quality 4s Od 488 Sparkling Saumur 2s Ud 2 5d 2s 9d.24s 268 33a SPIRITS. Colonial Brandy 2s 3d 2b 6d 38 Cognac Brandy 3s OJ 3s 6d 4g Fille London lnll 2s Od 2m 5d 2a 7d Irish Whisky 2s 3d 2s 8d 3" Scotch Wlii,ky "8 3d 2b 8d 3s Jauiiiica Rum 2.s 3d 2s 8d 3s Schiedam Hollands 2b od 2s 8d llooks of Prices, containing over 200 (lesci iptious of Wines and spirits forwarded free on appbeation to ihe Company or their Agents. ,Jules Dutucb s Old Cognac Brandies. iirenau's V.S.O. Irifh Whisky, 3s 6d per bottle. Melrose Highlai.d Whisky, 38 6d per bottle. W. GRIFFITHS, TAFF WHEEL WORKS, PONTYPRIDD. New and Second-hand CARTS to suit Farmers and Contractors. LIGHT SPRING CARTS, SUITABLE FOR GROCERS. A Large Stock always oa hand. Please examine W. Griffiths' Stock before you pur- chase anywhere. S'YL WCH SYLWCHJJ Diwallydd liollol o bob ninth o ddodrefu ty i,elbris a da. Eled y Cymry at y ( ymro i brynu eu dodrefn i'w tylwyth, ete a ddengys Ceiil i'r Seddrandy, Ymddiddanfa, Gorweddfan, Cegin,- &c. Taliadau, nin 1 v cvtunir wrth brynu gan LEWIS JOINED, FURNITURE DEALER, MEIHION HOUSE, COWBRIDGE ROAD, CANTON CARDIFF. -w. it PRIS 9c. TELYN Y FFHWD. Veg o Doiiau cyfaddas i'r Y S G 0 L SAB HOT 11 0 L, Yn y Ddau Nodiant, gan MOfhAr GKiFFlIH (ALAW FFRWD,) FFEWDAMO S. PKNYGI;AIG, Rhondda Valley. Anfoner at yr Awdwr. MESS US. CROCKETT & JAMES, Auctioneers, Accountants, Valuers, Surveyors, and Emigration Agents, AGENTS FOR THE ANCHOR LINE, NATIONAL LINE, GRRAT WESTERN LIX1, AMERICAN LINE, LINE. NETHERLANDS LINII. RENT AND DEBT COLLECTORS, ARBITRATORS AND SURVEYORS. Auction, Estate, House and Emigration Office, MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGESAND OTHER AVAILABLE SECURITY. All Acocunts trustei to Messrs. Crookott & James will be proaptly settled. REGISTRY OFFICE FOIR SERVANTS. NO CHVR«E FOlt ADVICE UNLESS BUSINESS R1 DOXE OFFICE I, TAFF STREET, MffflfflB. IIOURS-10 TO 5. SWEETS. THE PONTYPRIDD WHOL. SALE CONFECTIONERY STORES, JAMES COOMBES, PROPRIETOR, Invites all Retailers of Sweets to call and inspect his Stock, which for QUALITT and PRICE cannot be surpassed in SOUTH WALES. VANS TO ALL PARTS OF THE DISTRICT DAILY. q S> g =g 9 f 2 f g •3 1 3 ° 5 ff EL oo W co s £ 0' iJii ? s I nrf El V/ a —I »j LZ P3 3 gn'S" » g <so 3 II £ 3 Ji. g* = 5 3 a <» y §"c*CT e-h if s §HSk a CD 5 ^3 *• •° to ri eg. =e g4 o w lj a sr >; d3 ea WQJ- £ S. £ 3 H ? 5" B 3 5 §L H 1 °"S 2 ■ F-W H 'c8 2a = ■ z jd ■ s a i b. ANEURIN CULE, ^ElTTrQ-IiJLIQ- SHOP, PENYGRAIG. I BEG to say that I have some special lines to offer to the Public for this week. I have just returned from the Liverpool and Bristol Markets, and have purchased a large quantity of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of first-class quality. The same will be offered to the Public at very Low Prices. 50 tubs so. <1 CANADIAN BUTTERS, at IOlli. per lb. 200 tubs VKHY FINK BUTTKUS. lit, b. ii,i. per Ib 50 tubs of prime liii FCONSIIIRF, BUTTEH, juot »rrivcd from farmt in th neiRhbourhøocl of Builth. The qunlity is bettrr thrn IIn11 t fn f. r tho, last lIix months, IF. 411. per lb. 100 sides f Prime Mild BRLAK^AST BA(,ON, f!,I. lier lb. 50 sides of GOOD It AC *N. 5,1. lwr lb. HAMS, any amount, a, tiitie salt.v. 3Jd. p-m >. Thin* Hams are perfectly sweet. 200 GOOld AMERICAN CllE E E. a,L per lb 64 Finest CUED''A 8 I. per lb. 500 Good Single GLO'STKK (IU, ES frim 6d. per lb. The FLOUR I ioell is of excellent. qnnlitv, at 2. S-l a se(ire. Try it ouee. It will flarpriae yen! I have 20 tons of prime WHITE POTATOES. I can sell them at 88 Gd per sack, or 3a 6d per hundredweight, or quarter of a hundredweight fir IOtd. Fresh BREAD, 41b. Loaf for 6d. All other Goods cold at extremely Low Prices. All Orders will too esteemed, and attended to at once. Goods delirered to ail potx of the Valley. NOTK THE ADDRESS— ANEURIN CULE, PENYGRAIG SHOP. PBNTGRAIG. GO TO THE TEMPLE OF FASHION, FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WIN" TER CLOTH I 2ST G. BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. BEST GOODS LOWEST Pliez. T. EYAiNS, TEMi-LE OF FASHION, PONTYPRIDD. J. CROCKETT & Co. CABINET rAKER, UPHOLSTERERS. watch & clock: ..A..XEJES, 2 & 3, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. If you want Home-made BOOTS, SHOES. OR CLOGS, GO TO HALBWOOD'S CL03- SHOP, 87, HIGH-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Men's Home-made Strong Wntertights for Colliers and Navvies, '6/11 7/6 8/6 and 10/- „ „ Evening Boots 5/11 6/6 7/11 and 0/1.1. Women's 3/U 4/3 and 4/11. Boys' and Girls' nailed Boots 1/11 to 3/11. 4 ALL GOODS OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND WARRANTED TO WEAR. BESPOKE WORK, AND REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT TB. LOWES t' PRICES. Children's soled and heeled 1/6 Women's „ 2/- Men's „ 3/- GO TO THE CLOG SHOP, PONTYPRIDD. gMALL £ 3ROFITS & QU,CK RETURNS: j-F YOUR W ATe HiT 0 P S SEN D TO MANTEISION BYCHAIN, A DYLIIWKI.IOX BUAX. W. L. JONES, W™ i r niI?uq PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER ahd iEWELLEK, W 37. HANNAH STREET, ,i PORTH, 'Trocer, Tea Dealer, FJour and Provision/Who will gOllrratltee to 11"1. it right to josr a«M#> Merchant, Uciai All kiodf of Watches, CI. cks. Jewellery, Waddlac BRITANNIA SHOP, NEAR PORTH. 1 Ritigs, &c. kepi, in O;uek, FOR YOUR IROliOIGERT 7 ""M CbttJWt di tet tH/f 1 a, VnjJAX* iuuit tnttnui HAJTHAff STHttT, PORW. PHILLIP R. ami PORTTPWDD AND BHONDDH V&LL&W Bill -Postw and Town Critic UMWar. RENTS ALL IRNS rSlMttftftfc '5 r. stations m nrrmm WtOKPtH HUft Harm mtM PVt* So J 1 'T GEOJ¡I CALI. &l*háé, Mania. U OlGAJt gTUMMT, & .(. Lock*, GlI" Bella, J .1 Iamm, vim Hot CeLD WMfa, ftø1t v. im itwmnw oaDUS PIWIDTLT LLTLBTXRISR ■"■■■' i— in i 'T[) WH1TN- YOU lun TBM VOlJUOWlVm, M < t will know iftwre Few KMH elm. ftnya"* complied with, vo»r -^j» L ~^TlYI"|* < wMt yoa t < maiiae vwir yf'ipt'ifv Jwajli M lire atoek, stock ia trade, pnv*te .■ jftSie feS. dinya, howaehold goods, ateMik, by FIRI, or lightning, al prompt aad libeivl aettlanentai of «la^rUj|^ anteed by aaA» aad respoetabl« (^llA. Do yoa want to iaevre yoaxaelf or if wtilto partioe tkat yon fore rafNieiil jd|JB| in, for amail or large mml in 1i§m or withemt profits, annuities, en4tm*3Ea# '-|m. cidenta of all kiada, at moflarate nnal, qnarterly, «r nontkly pra-|Wj Do you want to beooni* tan ags" for a goe4 lnmamm olffoo, hboml 6muw ddwmd by tlw 14m don aad Providcat Inatitatien. For Ml fMUMlM apply Mr. W Amlrl, Iamumwa MmkMe. 08116, 10, (Robeland 8tIwt, Merikyr TydlU. TO oT=ln I DTT T Q POSTBD THOBOVCSLT A«0 DIIjIjo ststixaticallt. ArpLt i Villianu, Bill hot it. RHOKDDA 10AD, POJITTPEIDR. GWILYM A npoOA m IRTOIPTSLXXI TX 1RIODOL A TBSSPVM. r +: COLOUR •» PRINTING! COLOURED BJIJtA OF THE LARGftT Sill CAN BE HAD AT THE areet Steam 4" Printing Works r Committees of Eisteddfbd&u. 0oncen.,M. Would do well to patroniee HYIBSli PUKTiNG low, 23, de 24" MILJ-, STREET, P 0 N T T P R I D D. TndemM nqnnng LABGli Nummad, sbof Id jo to DA VIES* Bill-beads' BTote-limdinga, MemomdiBM, Oiroilws, Trada Cards, Vowaing Outjki io.| Ae. Club Rules, Statetnenis, Contrftmtioi Oardr ADDRESS. t- B. DAYIES, Stan Priiter, is A >iaiaj. 'J' "'n' •" -i