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HOLYWELL URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. A apeoial meeting of the Urban Council was held on Monday ereaing last, for the pmpose of consider- ing matter* connected with the London and North- "Wysteyn (Holywell) Railway Bill, and with the watar ncheme as concerning the abstraction of water from St. Witiefriiie's WfAl there were present:- Messrs J. lfi. Jones (fibairmin), H, V. Lloyd (vice- chairman), J. Phil ip Jons, Jos. Jones, J. Llew. Wiliiaws, T. C. Roberts, A. Earl, T. Ingham, A. Sohwarz, Edw. Foulkes, T. Waterboose, Dr. Jam. Willisaim clerk -,I r F. Llaw. Jonaa deputy clerk —Mr J. Kerfoot Roberts. The Chairman at the opening of the meeting made an exrlllnatioD as to the oenveaing of the meeting, he said Gentlemen, the questions on the agenda for coLsid-rauon at this meeting are of such urgency and importance, that I considered it my duty as Chairman to call this special meeting. Time as you know is limited, and the qceations, espeoially that of a railway, are of such vital importance to the district and our town in particular. Mo donbt yon know, that the deep obannel is now wiehio a quarter of a mile from Greenfield Dock and is over feet desp, which will in the course of a shoit time make this dock one of the most important and convenient on tre Welsh Coast. Many of u. remember wken Holywell was in a state of prosperity which was chiefly because great business was doce at the Green- field Dock, and if industries ara to be opened one 4nd the former prosperity to return, it will be by means of facilities offered by the opening of the docks and aheap rates of water carriage. When the steamers traded regularly between Holywell and Liverpool most of the goods were then brought by water, aod when the quarries were in full swing thousands of tons of atone weekly were exported from Greenfield. Apart from this gentlemen, we hope to see the Dee Navigation Saheme making headway, you will therefore at once see how important it is thst Holy- well should not be behind in doing its duty in guarding tha interests of the town and aistriot whilst at the same time doing everything to fu t' er th«i<e important movements. As far as I can gat ies the Railway Company has half promised to put a rail- way siding to the Greenfield Dooir, a d iu this there are two things that we must carA.dly watch, first, that a hr ugh ate from Holy wtll to a d from the Wkarf must be fixed in the Bill no* be" e Pa lia- ment, and also the rata for carry ictt the raw tuateriai from the mouutan. Also that toe Rail -,ay Company suoaid not have poster or do ar»ythi to prcvwtt another railway coming to this dis ri t, a< I am not qQíli our bat that to anot, e, Railway C -upany we aamt lo k to for t ie «alvatn n of Holy ell, -8 it is quite ..vid nt Ii) every obs rVdr that Greenfi Id will be v.,ry impurttnt phce in tue a. a!- rutIJr1 and naturally H lyweli share in those benefits. We must als i i sist it at a f ,ot oridge be Hie te aorosaed the path t at !«•<*» to the Sirand, n-ar Bryaaiawr. It will 0.. "0 Ute when the Bili bas become law, and I aID af aid that DOle-S ve tx-f. our?elve* now that thf town and district may suffer iu tue future to a greater e*tea than we have ^afltred in the past. The other question is tbe Water Question, also a very important matter, and it is only tight that we should know at once the teems and conditions upon whioh water can be abstracted form St. Winefride'a Well for domestic purposes. These important questions gentlemen, quite justify our meeting here this even- ing. As you are aware our Clerk has been one of a deputation with the Coarty C, unctl and the Rural Council reprcseatatives to Boston, and also to see Sir Pyers Mostyn'a solicitors respecting the water question, we shall now gtt his report in detail. But whether gentlemen, we at all gll iuto committee for the purpose of discussing these questions and receiving the Clerk's report, I shall be glad to know. Mx Joseph Jones remarked he did not think it wise to give publioity to the negoeiations on the water question. It would be better, he considered, to take those matters in committee. Mr J. P. Jones: I notice the first item is, to receive the report of the Clerk. Can he tell us in a few words, what the purport of the report is, if the report is complete P The Clerk: The report cannot ba a complete one without certain communications being received. It is advisable that the matter be dealt with in committee. Mr J. P. Jones That being eo. I move that the Council consider the business of the meeting in sommittee. Mr T. 0. Roberts: On the two questions f Mr J. P. Jones: The Clerk advise us, so I say yen. Mr T. 0. Roberts: As the Clerk advises the Council, I second the proposition. Dr. Jas, William*: Is the report, the Clerk is to give the meeting, a final one or not P The Oierk: It is not final. Dr. Jas. Williams: If not final it will he better to kear it is committee. ] The proposition was carried, and the Council oon- sidered the matters in committee. On the matter of the Railway question it was deciied to act in conjunction with the Holywell Rural District Council and the County Coanoil with the now to opposiBg the Holywoll Railway Bill, unles,i &in arrangement be made to grant the claim to railway aiding to the Wharf, at Greenfield. The 0 airman, Vioe-ohatrman, and Chairmen of Com- miteea were appointed the deputation to represent the Council at the County Counoil.



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