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LAMBERT'S t N__B t ah.!SM' S W S S '!? t FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. Á J':O: WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Special and personal attention paid to this Department. :o: HEARSE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES"" AT SEASONABLE BATES. :0:- London and forth-Western Railway Parcels Agent. ——-—— —^ i THE CHARINB-CROSS BANK Established, 1870. HALD Omaxs:- 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING GROSS, 39, BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, B.C. Branches at P Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, J Birmingham, Oardifl, &o.v ke. Assets 0 0 Liabilities 796,788 0 0 surplail 0 0 LOANS of 930 to 42,000 granted at a few hoars notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage ot f urnitnie, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, &a.9 without removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. jji PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CURRENT ACCOUNTS when sot drawn below A20. Deposits of £10 and upwards received m under:- I Subject to 3 months' noticeof withdrawal A5 per oent <4 6 it 6 is 12 II « 7 66 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax The Terminable Depo8it Bonds pay nearly nine per oent., and are a safe investment, Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders, we pay fair rates of Interest to our Depositors, and by go doiug have earned the position that we on* doubttdly uold in th", Poblio aonfideaco. We have been established for 37 years, and our unique position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the success of oar buoiuass methods, and to toe lintim- faction of our customers. Write 0. oail. PcoBDectus free. A.. WLLLIAMS, H. J. TALL. JTonra MAWAOHBS JOHN HENRY CONLON, BILL POSTER, &c., J HOLYWELL. The bast Posting btatiom in the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. Property Owners, Estate Agents, AND OTHERS. ROBERT LLOYD, J OX 1ST EB, IS prepared to Exeoute all Unds of REPAIRS TO PROPERTY, ALTERATIONS, Bio., at the most reasonable terms. ALL oeDS PROMPT* ATFMTDBB 90. FUNERALS FURNISHED. Estimates Given. Addrea* STONEYOROPT, BRTNFORD. s Why Suffer a Martyrdom, I when Eeliel is so neax P HAVE IOU A OOUGa, HAVE you A OOLD f Have yon lffntiMi of the Ohta. or Lugrs P Have you a difficulty in Breathingf If 110, b't Derleot It. There !• a potent rmnedytn TOPPING'S PECTORAL ELIXIR TRY IT. It will earn your Cough, dissolve the Phlegm, soothe all Inflammation, and give strength to the Bronchial Tabes and Keapiratorr Organs; the IrritaSou will subside and YOU WILL BE CURED. Sectoral uiiir •gS'XZSStSS. ernes yet ditscoveted for the relief and owe of Cougtutt Colda, xiutaenza, Ad ma,, iftronatutis, uuueuicy ut ^uitruemasB, Incipient (Joosumption, aud. aii AAacuma of the Quest, ana juungs. NU ttbiKOUS TESTIMONIALS. laid in ii"tlo& b- lid. and as. 9d. Prepgjced only by WALTM i umiiu> OHEMIcJi ahb DRUGGIST, (By Ew.ibtioo.). (Formerly W'th BIWA=. J. WWUSY- 0= and and H#ad A"*rt*nt toj Messrs. Jo Oonld and Ca», Oxford Street, London) TRELAWNY SQUARE, FLINT, NOHB WAUl. "0_ JkBENSON'Sl tfTSk Watches. ill BEST LONDON MAKE, f Hi jl nHill Vlth Improvements only to be found In llli £ wjoK BENSON'S WATCHES. \fr £ J^SSHP auV your Watah froon the itatual. Watah Afaker. The Morn,(nt1 of 1860 Speaks of BENSON'S WATOHM as the Perfection Mechanism "—in 1907 they are evea more perfect. £ 3Wm&°- Celebrated SILVER ENGLISH LEVER U LUDGATE" t Mjk jjaffigfcaraT J\ WATCH. Made to suit all classes, The Best of its kind. 185: 5. Ky 1& NO. 2.—The "BANK" Watch. t W Sliver ENGLISH LEVER Keyltll t S IT I M y™ ojMHALF-HUNTING CASES. Un- yk jP NO. 3.-LAD1ES' GOLD KEYLESS ym, ENGLISH LEVER WATCH, in HUNTING or HALF-HUNTING 18ct. GOLD CASEB. £ 12 :10. | W. N0. 4.-The WORLD RENOWNED GOLD ENGLISH LEVER KEYLESS "FIELD" WATCH. In HUNTING or HALF- iBiffflllL^flr^ir VawJiliBr HUNTING CASES, Including Monogram. A perfect milrll Wateh at a Moderate Price. £ 25. W* 0$&J/1L WhIm Fall particulars of these and other Watches are given in No. 1. Book, sent post free. :1 JailMLifl" %\)t CuitrQ # ^PmOMIHgJtoMIMIS E S l3 'W& BENSON'S do not charge extra for buying this way. C' IllUiSTRftTEO | Clock.. *'lm oriaJ" Plate, and^Jigi. S | V #J. w. mensoN, u* I R twrtci Fonsr Faetoxy, 9 'K.i|ir^rr 62 &.64, UDGATE HILL, | ——- I ■l«l a w Mo M ,| LUMPOW. F-C- A EARL, CROSS 87BBE7, HOLYWELL. TAILOR AND GENERAL OUTFITTER. NEW GOODS IN WOOLLEN CLOTHS. Suits made to order, from 27$. 6d, o Son. 1 TrousereBadrtooffdftt, from 71 rid. to 24s. — 01 -■ Hundreds of Patterns to Saloot from. :0: 'I' N- Goods in Rainprooj and other Overcoats ready for immediate mar, in :01-" LADIBI AND ORILDIRIFIJI OUTFITTING A SPECIALITY AGKNT FOR P(7LLAR'S PERTH DYE WORKS. l' S 0 H WAR Z S GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS :o: UNEQUALLED VALUE. :os- All Wedding Rings Guaranteed 22 Carat Solid Gold. ALL SIlKS AND PRISlJ KEPT IN STOCK. A PRIVATE ROOM FOR SELECTING;. _:O- A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEW' MTH BACK WKD02NG R)0f& FINGBR-OIZIM, CARD FRED. A. SCHWARZ, JEWELLE199 HOLYWELL. if i J'\ C411ils Browne's m/w§ £ ) TheORIGINALand ONLY GENUINE. jm Tbe Best Remedy known for Admitted by the ProfesBion VA I GOUGHSi GOLDS, 1^1 Remedy ever discovered. I |ASTHMftlBRONGHITIS,i^^at^ApMMt,t>u I M lUlllCIIIADTinil The only Palliative ia K Ac".«2!!i!, NEURALGIA, TOOraMH, M OHOLERA and Overwhelming Medical Tefiti- OVSKNTIERV. HSHHHHIi mony accompanies each bottle, jmr IIOLD XX BOTTUSB BY ALL GMEMlSISj at 1/1., 8/9, and 4/6 solah. .< J I**—— wimm "For the Blood is the Life I" Therefore keep it pure, F CLARKE'S^Tl 1 BLOOD MIXTURES THE WOBLP-FAWEP BLOOD PllffliFiEH, | clearing the blood of all XHOUSANPS of Testimonials have been I "SySnwM from whatever cause arisinar, ■* received from all parts. Read the following: g MQavkrs B*O0d Miztnre" cannot be bettered Abscesses Cured.—Mrs. Clark, of 40, Nortli-st., 1 ItBM swsr40 Tears reputation, and is to-day Tunbridge Weils, writes: "Gemtlemen,—Ihad I MOTS pnaltr than ever, the reason beine un- bee;) suffering from abscesses tor many years, | jHHl4hf'blWIII8 it is recognised througnout and after taking four bottler of your Blood Mix- 9 tb* WSTM-te be the only safe, thorough and 'ureaiji perfectly cured, and have not had the hMtiaf cwaedjrfor ° j slightest sign of ■OMULScrOtala. them since. M.-y CURES PERWARSE^TLY BsUa. PhS^SS, ■■-—.—J game disease. BloSsses, Spots, Sores, Eruptions of every hind, After siviug him two bottlesot your medicine BIM4 Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Clarke's he waa cured, although at the tmie he was such Bl««d Mmtnre is pleasant to the taste, and an awluj sight tliat I was a3j:amed for anyone —wanted free from anything injurious to the .to see him, abscesses being »,• .over his body. delicate constitutions of either sex, from ou can f>Ula T lt infancy to old aee, and the Proprietors solicit may reach othei poor suffe. ers iar and near, as aaOvsrs to give it a trial to test its value. 1 f,llnk U a remcdy everyone should know. ij—qtmmmmwmi—b—wwiw——— P^iu—* u is s 0 I r DISEASES -| I op: EVEKf" PES&Kufs-TsON. I I Of all Chffnfsts and Stores, g/9 per bottle. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. J ^BW—w—i — man- — C A L». THE BAOILl T COAL CO., LIMITED BEG to notify their Customers that they are now in a position to supply Coal at BettisMd Colliery AS UNDER Best House Coal 8d. per cwt. Cobbles- 7Jd. Small Ints 6ld. Slack 41d. H Terms:-Cash at Weigh Cabin. INTING & DECORATING E, J, CATHERWOOD, .Painter Sf Decorator, ifiA,PEL-S'f-, tiOLYWEi Ll ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &c UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RAT, S, 4KD QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. TEETE. HANLON'S DENTAL Co., LTD., DOVEDALE, KING'S AVENUE, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL MI. HANLON (Late Manager for the late Mr R. Edwards), ATTENDS PEBSONALLY, HOLYWELL: AT MR VALE'S, 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITB TO OLD ADDEEBB), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK EVERY FRIDAY, 1 TO 6 30 P.M. DENBIGH:-Every Welnesday, AT 30, VALE STREET, 12 TO 50 P.M. TKLKPHONH NO. :—7Yl. T H B i -.J THE MOSTVH BRICKWORKS UIOSTYN. SUPERIOR HARD-BURNT, WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS. Red Pressed Facing Bricks, Chimney Pots, Copings, Ridge Tiles, Drain Pipes, &c. ADDBKSS- THE MANAGER, MOSTYN BBI OFF WORKS, GLANDON, HOLYWELL. QieSTI 1 ?fllsj CONFIDENCE is not won in a day. Tliis truth applies with special force to proprietary medicines. Countless preparations have been placed on the market during the last fifty years that have been tried and found want- ing. They could not establish their claims. Their bid for puolic confi- | dence was made under false pretences | of merit. Th<?y were without value I and they failed! BEECHAM'S PILLS g have been before the put>:ic for over I half a century. They have grown | A in public favour owing to their I merit. Nfw they have a saie of over J 6,000,000 Boxes Annually the largest sale oi any patent medi- cine in the world. Great things are claimed for Beecham's PWs and they fulfil all they p-oniise. There is no exaggeration in the statement that they cure all forms of indigestion, Stomach Troubles, BilioLtsnesi., Liver and Kidney Complaints, purify the Blood and Zive toiie to t'le Nervous System. Tiley -rotect the general I f health and recommend themselves. B r- boxes, 1/1& (56 pills) & 2/9 (16S pitls). 8 Project I ikf jfealth. ) BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK STATIONERY NOW ON VIEW, ATI THE OBSKRVEB OPFIOB, HOLYWELL. > LETTER CARDS WITH VIEWS OF HOLYWELL. CHASTE ¡ Children's Party Invitations and Replies IN FANCY BOXES. Papers TWO LONDON PARCELS DAlLY NEWSPAPERS^ PERIODICALS All the Daily, Evening and Weekly Newpaper received and delivered Periodicals reoeived as published. CHURCH SEBTiGES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS, Teachers' bibles with Cotoordance and Maps combined. < SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CARDS Stained Glass AQBKTS FOR THB .PATKWT iLAZIKE WINDOW DECORATION Giving the Beauty of Stained Glass at a Fraction of the Cost. Stock and Book of Designs open to inspection. ItOAD MAPS MAPS OF NORTH W A L F S tougly bound in cloth coverl; with uíd", to all plazet. of interest in North Wales, IJHHARY °REStNTATIO VOLUMES. AT ALL Pl:dUh.8. t B..<rnNo LI\ AO PAPKK Acctiunl Books N IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM PARCELS HE PFiVW W i APPEB t SEt'f h OBSERVER OFFICE R 0 y m T 1