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HOLYWELL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE, ELECTION OF CH A.I It M A M The fist meeting of the Holywell District School Attendaooe Committee was hId at the Hall, Flint, oa Monday afternoon last when thete were present -—Aid. Peter Jones, (chairman), Rev. W. Lt Ni'hoias, Mrs Muspratt, Mrs Rampbry Williams, Dr J H. Wil iiama, Messrs J. Lloyd-Pri e, Isaac Taylor, T. W. Hu.he » E. Lloyd Jonas, Joseph Joaes, G P. Eawirds Director of iuiu ati Mr Bevan Evans. THB MlsilCIIOa? OF CHAIBMAN. Alderman Pt-Iter Jone*, add he had great pleasure In proposing the re-election of Dr. J. H. Wiliiaois, a8 their chairman.—Dr. Willia-Ks: Before that is Becoudel, I bag to thank you but I thiuk I hould give up the obair.- Ur G. P. Edwards: I hwe great pleasure in seconding be proposition I have been watching tiie proceedings for soaie time, and I fiad toe is a ci;airmaa we cannot equal —Dr Wiliiams: I am quite hoaed. It will be a lor, bett r for aomtoue else to take the chair.—Rev. W. Ll. Nicholas: In that case I beg to propose Aid. Peter Jones as Dr. Wiliiaans is determined not to take the chair, Ald. Peter Jones has att msed the meetings of the committee very well--—Mr J. Lloyd- Trine seconded the app Hutment of Aid. Peter Jones, wbioii was carried unatui ou<ly.—Aid. Ptiter Jones, in taking the ohair thtnked the committee for the honoue conferred upon him. ATTENDANCE J. The following ieturu of attendances for the tour Weeks ended 22nd February, was subaxi tei. No. 1, Sub-District (Mr D. M. Jones):— i 2—Bagillt National (mixed). 90.5 3—Riohd. Muapratt Meml., Flint. 89.8 4—Flint National ..8 .7 j 5—Flint Common Nat. (mixed) .89.3 6-Flint Rrc-aii Catholic<»»« SS.9 7-P"utre NJIi it ai ..87,3 8—Bagiilt N atioual (infant) 86.7 1 9 —H.ikyn National„„« 84.2 No 2, Sub-District (Ms Llewellyn Jonei), I-B>yweH Roman Catholic (mixed) 94.4 2—Hul# well Rowan Catholic (infant).. 94.1 3-Lix,vm. 93.3 4-Brynford Nwtiosal 93.3 ó-Ysceifiog National (mixed) 92 4 6-Bawillt Council, »,.90.6 7-Elolywell Counoil 85.8 8— Holywell National (mixed) 85. 9—Ba<illt Co moil (in as t) ,78,1 lO-HolyweU Council jk fa .78.1 ii-tiojywell National (in ant) .70.9 No. 3, Sub-District (Mr John Roberts) l-Oaerwys National 96.4 2-P.nt!\aph R. V, (mixed) 96. 3-Gorsedd National 63.5 4-W bitford National (mixed),»,»„«», 91.4 5—Ftynnoiwoew 0. ,91.2 6-0armei Comu.il. b8.3 7.-Motyn Mjworial,86. a 8-M.cetyn National, .86,9 9-Ffynnongroew, C. (icfaute—),75.8 BAD WKATHBB AND DKOESASBD ATTRNDANCE. Tie Director of Education reportod that during the past month the attendance in the district bad deerejsed by 2.1 per cent. being 88 as against 90*1 pfcr oent. for januar- The de re .89 appeared to be general throughout the district; 2"2 ia the Holywell district, ana 4 in Whit ford district. Epedemic sickness oauied the closing of several schools, and caused a falling off ia ihe attendance in other place. FLINT MSTEMT. d.Mr w. M. Jones report d that ia the Flint ^strict, he had been unable to inorea-e the att •ca- co. or the first two weeks of tha taonih the attandanoa was very good, but the bad weather curing the foond half of the month had a great effect ou the wnole of the schools; this was pattiaularly noticf a 1 a In the corning.—Dr. Williams remarked he ceuid not undtrsund why Fiint should do so badly. He thought the atttendanoe aitoold be better as th istanoeg tha cbildreu had to walk were very short owing to the district being more condeuned thaa the raral ar>K»s—Mr Lloyd-Price: Children get wet and they always say that piaoes of worship and school* are the worse places to be in with wet clothes. f Ur Bevan Evans There is provisions in the code for children, wbo vvit w^t. The head teacher can theca home ag io, and if it has an appreciable effect on the attundauoe the rasters need not be •narked.—Mr Lioyd-Prioo li. oatie sent to school, it IS rather hard to send ttem baok through the rain. "illiasjoa I do not sm why tha attendance in ?hooId mt be b«tter.—Mr Lloyd-Pries Y-m TK + • SOIDe1es«on8 «rom Holywell.—Dr. Williams: nat is what I am trying to «. t at. Why Holiwell «n°Uu be better.—Rei'. W.' LL Nicholas I can ^Peak for Mr Jome, the attendance officer, I fLd him a"id!ious in the discharge of fais duties (hear, ah t W^lever be is always somewhere Ohntmaa How do you aoaount for nesyiae and Halkyn schools having a good a tt,&daaee, 91 per cent, at Rhtsyoae. and 84 per oent. at Halkyn f-The Atteadanoe Officars There ^aa a concert at Bbesyo&e and the children practiced daring the dinner hou •, and they were pressed to 00616 to school to ■*> r« up the pieces. Ttey were threatemd if they did cot attend ssbool they should not be allowed to attend the ooacort. A bad *eek spoiled the whole month at Rhesyoae.—Mr if fk J°.nes ^ow do 70U e*y tbey were threatened Offl n°* atten^ P^aotioea P—The Atsendanoe m«er: There were tour or five in the particular pleoe they performed adt was nticessary they should all be present to practice the piece.; they were learn- ing.-Mr Lloyd, Jones: So it was an inducement rather than a thte t to the children that they should attend fichool?—Tna Attendance Officer: In that way it Was. The concert was got up for the Boot /T ™ connected with the aahool. Whatever profit there was from the coroert went towards the botiUt pTen the children who joined the boot club.—In \iuto *arth9B questions the Attendance Offi er •Wd ho thought Halkyn school was affected in tb.e attendance by tha illness of the headmaster, as he n^U ed that children who were never absent on other oocasions were repeatedly from school, it IOf-Iked a8 thougo they tuok advantage of the master's absenae. BOI XWKLL SCHOOLS. It was r<-p uted by the Holywell Attendance Officer that mumps, i»flu nza aud general colds, { seriously affeatad tha atfenhance in his district. There was soaroely a hoose where there were not one two laid up and in eotne casss wholo families ha t down with influ^za. At Greenfield a large Uaaber of children had been ill with iüfluenn aud g hnaps; oth* r s hoois were slightly affeateil. |<ikoes8 had far some time troubled the Holywell and caused a lower per ceataga thaa he *8 accostomeiS to have. Reputing farther tha ^tteB(iacC* Officer added that the sickness was dtieing and there was a oo«ei <er»ble improvement the attendance, so far this-mar,tb. WHITFOBD DISTBIOT. ^iRkness in tbe lower portion t.f the district, the ittendanoe Officer repotuja, aa the c. uise of deQlased atteudsiate. Motyn scbaol and Ffynnon- Infaut school had been oloaed owing to the l°*ttesg which was from tev- ral •. a-.s;s. ILLEGAL SItPLOTMEKT. The WHtford Attendance Offioar reported that Wm. Piarite, Gla irafou, had iiiegally employed a boy. Ho had caih d his attention to the matter and the boy had eince p rsed a ldour examination and was now to be employe3. j HV SUNG 80HO Lt-. Thd reports of att adances at tha evening sohoois t,'l i ciigtriet were presente i loud accepted as "1 ni















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