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at? _0- +"' FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. rrHEM AIN ROADS COMMITTEE are pre- JL partd to reeeiva TENDERS 'or the SUPPLY OF MATERIALS, CARTAGE, <&?., for the year endisg MABCH 31st, 1908. Forms of Teiideri, wit full particulars, may be had on applying to ths MAIN ROADS IWSPBCTOB. Tenders ro be delivered on or refor« the SBOOND day of APRIL. 1907, w the, Inspest- r, endowed, T ad-i for M-uemli and Cartage." The Oo'i'Da t-e- does not bind itself to accept the lowest o« any Tender. ROBERT LLOYD, MAIN ROADS INapitaTos. County Buildings Mok, March 13to, 1307. _y_ HOLYWELL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. REPAIR. OF DISTRICT ROADS, &C. nPh'N'OERS a e iavitad f jr t e s .pply of ROAD A MATERIALS, CARTAGE, TOOLS, &c., for tne year cading 31st MABCH, 1908, Form. at Tenders, conditions, and other parti- culars mas' be hid froou the Surveyors of the Coanofl, as f-liuw, HQLYWELL DISTRICT: MR J, M. WILLIAMS, BRONCOED, CAERWYS. MOLD DISTRICT: MR EDWARD FOULKES, SURVEYOR, NOTHOP. Tenders to be sent in to aie, thi undi-signe: n )t later than TEN o'clock, on MONDAY, the 15th APEIL, 1907, The lowest or anyTead«r not necessarily accepted. By Order, P, HARDING ROBERTS, CLXRK TO IHB Ru«al Dioxaxcc Council. Union Office, Holywell, ISisii Marjh, t907. SCISSTIFIC SIGH TESTING. LEWIS FOSfER D.B.O.A., QUALIFIED OPTICIAN (Bf EXAM,), 21, BODFOR STREET, RHYL ATTENDS AT MRS. HOLGATE'S, COSTUMIER, 3, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. EVERY FBIDJLY, 0 m g FROM 1 TO 5,30 P.M. Where he will be prepared to fit Spectacles and Eyeglasses to all suffering from defeotive vision. -C_)ff, South Africa. Royal Mail Boiite. UNION" CASTLE LINE. LONDON AND SOUTHAMPTON, mo Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira' X &c,, calling frequently at Madeira, Las Pal mas* Teaeriffe, Ascension and St. Helena. Weekly Sailings. Fast Passages. Superior Acoomraodatiuu, Beat Route. For rates of passage money and all further information, apply to the Managers, Donald CusBM 9 AND 00., London, or to Loeal Agents. CHLORO.BISMUTH. ——— WHJT IS IT ? An absolutely new and thoroughly reliable CURE FOR INûWESTION. A new departure in medical science. Its success exooede all expectation-. Cures a:i kinds of Indigestion in youngs or t^d. ¡ P'i/ Bottle is. 9d. of all Chemists, ot 2s. Id, post free, from BRUMEL & Co,, LJ, LITTLE SUTTO, SXBBUX, CUJBKHNWKLL, LCKOON, E-O. r -i r ADVANCE CORPORATION. LIMITED (Incorporated 1888). Registered Capital, £ 100,400. Subscribed, £ -50,100. DIEBOTOBS — SIR ROBERT A. HAMPSON, J.P., CHAIRMAN. THOS. SUtfMEKFIELD, ESQ., JAMES J. TIM HIS, ESQ., JOSEPH HENRY WLD, ESQ. r MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT (Subject to 3 or It days' notioe), at 5 PER CENT. INTEREST, Until lurthls notice. Rate (subject to 6 monthit aotice), 4 per cent. Advances granted on Maijketable Securities, Fer the convenience of Depositors out of Luer- pcol, arrangements can be made to receive monies in any town through the Company's Bankers, For partioulari, apply- G. E. OKELL, Secretary. Bank Chambers, Cook Street, Li,eri;ool. ESTABLISHED 1854. .c. T & F* ?" T hi A U 6 Joiner, JBailder, Wlieelwright, and UNDERTAKER, 0 L Y W E L L WORKSHOPS AND TIMBER YARD Baci of iSTortii & South Wales Bank, HIGH STREET. Funerals Completely Furnished In Every Detail. Wreaths, Gliiis Cases, 1 & Wire Guards Stocked. 11 Prompt and Personal attention given. A Good Selection of the Best Coffin Timbers always on hand. FIELD GATES AND WINDOWS. Pine and Spiuoe Timber in Plonks and Boards kept in Stock, also Squ3re-e?ge, Tongued and Grooved Flooring Boards Wouldingq, and Turned Table L"g,¡. SiHting aad Plastering Laths, &c., &o. WHEELS, -urj,d Nave, Dressei Spokes, Felloes", Ash and Lancasvooi Shatts, &D., &c. weeelwrigutisg IN ALL 111,S Rubber Tyring of Wheels 3XBOUIED. RED LION HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. First-class Family AND Commercial Hotel, Well-appointed Coffee, Commercial, and Drawing Rooms. CATERING A SPECIALITY. Good, tabling, Two Coach-houses. J. IDRIS JOSES, PROPRIETOR. ¿.IETOR: BEST PRICE given for all Classes of old II fashioned Furniture, Clocks and Oandlestioks, —G. F. ATKINS, Brayu Cottage, Brynford, Holy- well. T, 0 to to £ 1,000 to Lend Privately JK ON APPROVED NOTE OF HAND without security, for short or long periods town or country. Repayments to sait clients. Strict st privacy.—Call, write, or 'phone, W. JACKSON, Well- knowo Financier, 70, Piymouth-grove, M'ter. Tel. 234, Rasholme. ^JOBMASTER AND UNDERTAKER writes tf 41 My bade has increased wonderfully since I introduced Marsten's light modern carriages." L>»nrlaos, victorias, brakes, ohar-a-bancf, elegant br iu*i auo cabs, ltan«oms, modem hearses, funeral wachti", Wa^inKtoo wild American oats. 50, same equal ne v, ea y tirms. Descriptive Catalogues.- M TON, 24, Brndford Street, Birmingham. -o_ MyffiTON, 24, Brndford Street, Birmingham. |MrOLE. M<rvellons sacrifice. Gents new 1907. Macfeise highest grade fitted with clincher tyus, cra:;+,e n>ll; r .ieser rint biakee, back and fcont, t e very litest. Perrys 1907 bail bearing free whed, plated rima, yclou e3 o^ctcss, frame black etamelled, and gold liced, mudguards, magnificent machine not soiled, completa with gas lamp, bell, pump, soacnor, eti. Great; feergaio, f4 10,. Od.. worth double. Will send on approval any distance before cash sent.—* Houss," St. Madge, Pitman-road, Weatpn Super Mare. ^IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS- EVERT Mother who values the Health and JLJ Cleanliness of the Child should use HARRI- SON'S "RELIABLE" NURSFRY POMADE. One application kiliS all Nits and Vermin, beautifies and strengthens the Hair. In Tics, 4;td. and 9d. Postage, IcL-Giso. W. HABBISON, Chemist, 118, Broad Street, Reading. Aweuts for HbJywtll:-D. HUGHBS, Chemist, High Sreet; Ooanah's Quay-K. LLOYD JONES, Chemist. Medical Hall; Flint-O. W. JOWHS, Chemist. 0 OLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL CHAIBMAN OF Tiall GOVBBHOBS J. L. MUSPRATT, ESQ.. J,P. VICH-CHAIBMBN MRS. JOHNSON JONES. ALDERMAN PETER JONES, J.P. HHADKAHTKB J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. TBACHWO STAFF — J MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. (Oxox). J. T. MORGAN, B.So. (LOND.), Trained Certificated Master. R. J. OWEN, B.A. (WALM), EzhibitioDes and Pdxeman of Univetaity College of North Wales. HUGH G. MORRIS, Trained Certificated Master. L. OWEN, B.A. (WALES), Honours in English Language and Literature. L. M. SMITH, B.A. (LOMSOV), < Honours in Fronoh. LUOr D, WHITE, M.A., L.A,A., Honours in Latir., Greek and Franoh Medalist in Botany, Music (Instrumental): O. LEWIS-J ONES, Mus. BAG., L.R.A.M. WOODWOBK. For Prospectus, List of Successes, &c., apply to he HMADNAMTBB, or to F. LLEWELLYN-JONES, Clerk to the Governors, Holywell. LiiAMS, BROS., SLATERS, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS, CEMENT WORKERS, ROOF AND FLOORING TILERS, PAPERHANGERS AND COLOURERS A FIRE GRATES AJVD RANGES Fixed by Experienced Men, Estimates given for all kinds of Work. WHOLESALE YARD FOR TIMBER, SLATING, PLASTERING, LATHS, CEMENT, BRICKS, CHIMNEY POTS, PLASTER OF PARIS, And all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS always on hand, at reasonable rates. All Orders promptly attended to. YABD: — The Old Timber Yard, HALKYN STREET, HOLYWELL YCiTN RATS killed and found fcy Mr J. Evans, of Blaenglyn, Brecon,^ aftar utii* one 1#. box of Harrison s Reliable' Rat, Poison. Equally good for Mice, Moles acd Beetles. Dogs and Cats will not toncb it. Pricp, 6d., Is, 2s. 3d. and 3s. Sd. Postage 2d, G. W. HARRISON, Chemist, 118, Broad Street, Reading. Sell fcy Chemists. Agent for Holywell:— R. E. LLOYD, 35, High-strset; Flint-O. W. JONBS, Chemist; Cosnah'a Quay :—K. LLOYD Jonas, OiMaaigt, Medical Hail. yi WORD liTiilES 1-1[ G warn an coportumty "CO convince that BLANCHSRB'S' APiOL STEEL PILLS Supersede Pennyroyal, Pil Coctia & Bitter Apple. We Nil •>! von s;)}rqjl-ê free on reonipt of t'xo stamps for postage l rci.| £ MARTYN, LTD., CHEMISTS, 1 DALSTON L.ANE. LONDON. = HOLYWELL | PARISH CHURCH. Sir John Stainer's LENTEN ORATORIO 'THE CRUCIFIXION WILL BR PBBFOBMFCL) IN THK OHTJBCH, ON GOOD FRIDAY EVENING | COMMENCING AT 6.30 O'CLOCK. VREESYCAB C.' URCH. j THE ORATORIA "THE CRUCIFIXION"| ON Tuesday, March 26th, 19077 j AT SEVEN O'CLOCK P.M., I BY AN AUGMENTED CHOIR. i OOLLKOTION IN AID OF BXFBKSRgl. \A — ELECTION OF GUARDIANS FOR THE PARISH OF CONNAH'S QUAY. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—On Monday, the 25th of March, you will be called u; on to elect two representatives to setve you on the Holywell Board of Guardians for thu next three years. I offer myself for re-election. I have served yoa for many years dariuj; which time I have missed cut very few meetings. I have gained duiisg my term of office considerable experi-n e ss a Guardiass, and have always paid special attestion to the poor old men and women, as wall as tae poor widows and orphans of this parish, oi whoua there are now a large number. If you honour me again with your confidence, I shall at all times endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. As there are about nine hundred names on the Register, it may be iixiposible for me to sea every one if however I fail to see you porsonally tefor- the day of election, please do not vota sgaiast me in that aooount. I am, Yours obediently, JAMES PRINCE. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PARISH OF YSCEIFIOG. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—At thenqnest of a large number of influenti.,tl RRtipayitio, I have consented to become a Cai-diiate to re pre i en* you as Gnardian and Raral District Ooanoiilor, at the Election to take place 41-juday 25th, and respect- fully solicit yonr votes and kind support. I have been living amongst you ior a number of years, and the office I fill etables me to know thoroughly the various conditions of those seeking relief. One of the most important matters affecting our Board oi Guardians, is tha e icroaoa* increase in our Rates and Taxes, which, together with the extreme probability of a stiil further addition ia the near future, render the doseit watchfulness over District expenditure, absolutely necessary. My attentioa has been called to the utfairneis of I procuring road and other materials outside the district, which add greatly to the road expend ture, when our own ratepayers have ampia material them- selves to diepose of, and it would also give employ- ment to many duiing winter months. Should yon honour me with election, it would be my duty to endeavoar to stuay YOtlr istarests in every respect, and to work for you to the bent ot my ability. I have the honcur to be, LADIB8 AND GBNIXKMBN, Your faitbtui Servant, DAVID PUGH. Ysoeifiog Rf i:tory, ^tfaroh 19th, 1907. HE HOLYWELL RURAL DISTRICT I COUNCIL AND GUARDIANS ELECTION, 1907. TO THE ELECTOBS OF TRE I NORTHOP DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLE MEN,-Allo w me to JLj tender you my deepest thanks for tbe honour you have conferred upon me in returning mo un- opposed. I have now had the honour of repre- senting ycu at the Holywell Union for 27 years, and at the Flintshire County Council for 13 years. I may assure you I shall endeavour to serve yon as faithfully as I have doae in former years. I am, LADIES AND GENTLSKEN, Yours obediently, WM. ASTBURY. The Galohog, Nortbop, Flintihire, r March 19th, 1907. TO BUILDERS AN D CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the following WORK to be done at ALPHA NBW CH&PBL, GRBKSFIBLD, vis. Brioklayers-fl)r labour only. Plasterers aud Slaters and Painters for Materials and Labour, and alternatively for labour only in each case. Full particulars can be obtained, and Plans seen at ABBRT HoueH, Ganamiriaw, at any time from TWBLVB to Two p.m., from MAnou 25th to 30th, 1907. The lowest, nor any Tender not neoessarily ac- cepted. JOHN PETRIE, 8MMTABTT. o LET.-PL4.S MORFA, HOLYWELL.- fo LET.-PLAS MORFA, HOLYWELL.— j. Containing four Entertaining Rooms, good I Entrance Hall, seven Badrooms, Butlet's Pantry, Bathroom & W.C., Stable, Coachbouse, Saddler-jom, with Living rooms above, abd other Outbuildings, Orchard and large walled Garden.—Apply to :— R. E. WILLIAMSON, Holywell. -o_n- -w PARTMENTS WANTED.-Sittine. room and J-i. Two Bedrooms, in the upper part of Holywell, ot three weeks in June. —Apply, stating to Mr ISAAC?, Alexandra Moaot, Litherland ANT ED. experience 1 GENERAL, for tT small family, most be good plain Cook, and hava good refere«cee. Another girl kept.—Apply, Mrs SUIOLIFFB, Vroa Hoase, Mostyn. OST, on TUKSDAY. MARCH 12tb, a GREEN I 4 PARROT. Tbe finder on returoii g the same to MBADOW HOUSB, Greenfield, Hulywell, will be suitably rewarded. 08 T-A LADY'S GOLD WATOH AND ) 1 J CHAIN, on the 19th iatt., in H«lyweil or on tie Old Road to Bagilit. Finder rawarded.— < Ap_ G." Offlee of this Paper. 1-' TLEGGED CART MARE, 16 hands, g. six; LIGHT-LEGGED MAttE, 16 hands, bottfin excellent condiri on. Grand workers. Ra«n for selling-in-foal; 118 auclfl5. Triai-8, Schom- berg-street (Near Olympia Theatre), Liveipool. t Sale by Mr Walter 0. Jones, j BED0L Fi M/ i GILLT. | HOLYWELL, HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF Live & Dead Farm Stock) PRODUCE, IMPLEMENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. lR. WALl Jt-H O. JONES HAS he*n favonred with i*>>,t'<uctioaH fr >m ISAAC HOGH-S, E?a. (who is retiring), to SELL BY AUG HON, oa WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, THE 10th AND 11th OF APRIL, 1907, the whole of the above, chiefly comprising STOCK, &c, 30 hilad of chdcf) young cattle: being 16 grad IXIlkhiDg eosrs, ic-oslf he fare, yearlinga and oalvea. Sevea horses: being fo ?r powatfol oart horses, 5 and 6 yysx old, roan cart mar?, 7 yr-at old (in foal), and two grand two-year-old fillies; also, a oapital dockey, Three gows pigs. 40 oouple bam-docr fowls. IMPLEMENTS: Chieflf onmprísa-Hormby binder, t early UMW horse po Net and intermediate gearing, new chaff-cutter, » >ilj er and slioer, two other powers aad cor<ne itiona, Prinetss otowiog maobis/e, two 4-inoh ;ann carts with boards and harvewt lóeadng, osit) 3-iaoh caIt, 1 wrsy, twt. pony ea'ts, cakd crasher, drills, doubie-shi&ll and other plougus, iron land oruBLer, plife on, dog curt, z g-zag and chaia harrowe, drags, scufi rs, stone roller*, horse rake, luiao tsis, Avety's machine, riddles, tru.ka, turne!?, rope. snvil, vice, four laige barrels, hoilers, pig troughs, pikals, iorks, sevBial gallons machine oil, SEN,, &C. PRODUCE: Part sfcsck bay, quantity of -hni.t, oat andbaaD straw, a''o.,t 18 toa* of^;mai>goWs, several tons ot Up-to-date" sed potatoe-, and Becond eariies. seed barley,, oats, also, the whola of the farm yard rnaunre. farm yard rnaunre. GEARS. Thrae sets of oart gears, ploughing gear#, leading uhaios. callats, pads, bndleil, also a set of donkey g^ars, together with the whoie of the dairy vessels ia wh<c« are ineluded a nt asiy new separator crewm chorn, lir^e ohurn for power, batter worker, st i-l/arti, deiiwiy ca-o. tte., also the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS Comprising: A very h!>Dd'!Oin' eight-day grandfather's ulsttk in mahogany (by Griffitn OweD, Lknrw»i), mahogany sideboard with o. pbo-urd and otllarettes, ma togaoy ditjo with two drawers, two- leat iKiltia niatiogany t,ble, six chippen iale chairs, chippendale card able, barometer, n at, and weli- maue b okeise with Pli,iing and øazq ooors 7 feet by 6 feet 6 inches, old oak dresser and shelves, corner cupboard in oak and mahogany, two-leaf mahogmy table, hair «eat d easy ohairs, oouohfis, sofas, arm, Wiadsor atid oawe ssatel chairs, oast hat and umbrella stand, two email cabinsts, mirrors, lamps, occasional and other tables, pencil skstche*, engravings, soreeos, books, plaqnoe, small drssser, with maooga,y top, oibclwibg, decautt-rfj, glassware, china, part dinner aervices, part tta services, carpetiug, oi cloth, rug?, sycamore able wittl drawers, arm chair, leat tabl,, wail clock, desk, four brass casidlestjcks, pestls in brass, threebrapm skellets, stely lrd, dish o^vem," tendere,, iron stool*, hand,lowe fcriwtj & black French bedstead & palliasses, wooden bed\ad. two feather bids, wool beds, duehesse dres» ng whest in wainufc. was' staf d with marble top and tsbd bai 'tk to match, foax-tier oak chest of drawees with bra8 inourts and brass dr »p handle-, foir-tior mahogauy chest of drawers, toiist glsssfts in mabosrany and birc'i, genfa robe in mahogany with three eliding shelves and drawers, oak night eommo ie, robe, chest, washfetands, dreBsinf tables, wicker easy chairs, frl-hw b d ohair"" cane c.e t«d chairs, oil htove; also, all the birch, bras* and bamboo cornice pales, hacgicgs and bliuds, together with the whole of the domestic outside effects. OmntB OF SALB :— WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH, AT Osz ooloax, FURNITURE; THURSDAY, APRIL 11TH, AT 10.30 o'clocic, FARM STOCK, PRODUCE AND IMPLEMENTS. Offices31, Hicm STSHIM, HOLYWBLL. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. Owing to Good Friday, the U FLINTSHIRE 'OiiSltRVER wilt be published on Wed- nesday Next, the afth of MARCH. I^dvertisers and Correspondents will oblige T5y forwarding communications for insertion in the OBSERVER for next week, so as to reach this Office not later than WEDNESDAY MORNING'S POST. _+-

[No title]


County School Governors.







Markets and Fairs.