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a n f* ft *T" LAMBERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. ,0:- WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Speoial and personal attention paid to this Department. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES A.T SEASONABLE RATES. :0:- London and forth-Western Ray Parcels Agent. THE CHARING-C ROSS BANK Established, 1870. HIUD OFKOHS:— 28, BED FORD-STREET, OHARING CROSS, 39, BISHOPSOATE STREET WITHIN, E.C. Branches at V Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, Sea* fco. 0 0 Liabilities 796,788 0 0 Surplus .£339,461 0 0 LOANS of,930 to .42,000 granted at a few houra notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plana, crops, &0., without removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Striotly private. 24 PER OENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CURRENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below £20. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under:- Subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal A5 per oent « 6 «« 6 "12 14 7 Interest paid quarterly free from Inoome Tax The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per cent., and are a safe investment, Instead of paying large Dividends to Sharsholden, we pay fair rates ot Interest to our Depositors, and by so doing have earned the position that we un- doubttdly bold in the Public confidence. We have been established for 37 years, and our unique position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the success of our business methods, and to the satis- faction of our customers. Writer call. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, H. J, TALL., Joisre WLkniaum JOHN HENRY CONLON, BILL PO.TER> *C. [ HOLYWELL. The bM Potting Stations in the Dittriet. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. v Property Owners, Estate Agents, AND OTHERS. ROBERT LL,OYD, JOIN E lEi, IS prepared to Exeoute all kinds of REPAifa TO PROPERTY, ALTERATIONS, B4o., at the moat reasonable terms. ALL OKDIB8 PBOXFCZI* MOMD Co. FUNERALS FURNISHED. Estimates Given. Address STONEYCROFT, BRYNFOBD. Why Suffer a Martyrdom, wlien Relief is so near? HAVE IOU A COUGH f HAVE YOU A OOLD P Haare yon any affection of the Obot o. Lungsf Have you a difficulty in Breathing f II so, don't nagleet Themis a pofaat remedy la TOPPING'S PECTORAL ELIXIR TKY ITa It will sue your Cough, dissolve the Phlegm, soothe aU Inflammation, aad give strength to the Bronchial Tubes and Kespiratary Organs; the Irritation will subside and YOU WILL BE CURED. Pectoral iaixir iSfSl' eines yet discovered for the relief and oare of Coughs, Colds, iniluenaa, Astha, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, no&rseaeaa, Incipient ion and ail Affeotiona of the Guest, Throat and .Lungs. NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles, la. lAd. and at. 9d. Prepared only by WALTJ6H IOJPPIJMU. CHEMIST axd DRUGGIST, (By Examination), Uo^ ALanohggter. and Head Aarirtant toy UeMri. J.eoajd and Co.t Oxford Street, London) TRELAWNY SQUARE, FLINT, NOBTB WAZM. I A BENSON'SI WW WARRANTED • WATCHES. BEST LONDON MAKE, § I111 iffllP With Improvement* only to b« found In I HLA f ]\ U m BENSON'S W1TCHE8. 1 \Wi Je/^JKIr Buy your Watch from the actual W&toh Maker. S Speaks of BENSOT^WATCHM as the Perfection Mechanism"—in 1907 they are even more perfect. 'j(f I.—The Celebrated SILVER # /%X/\ ENGLISH LEVER LUDGATE gg ^mmr Snd^iBs ^ade to 8ait c'a88e,« The Best of its M v |[j!^ IITX No. 2.—The BANK" Watch, ft ^JfJ 1 Silver ENGLISH LEVER Keyless M -HALF-HUNTING CASES. un- m J m GOLD KEVLESS YBFA .JPL, W7TWWTMJ^FVERWATCH" TO HUNTING ■ 0F EALF-HUNTINQ 18ct. GOLD CASES. £ 12 :10 ( *w WTWi ^No.4.-The WORLD RENOWNED I I M GOLD ENGLISH LEVER KEYLESS 1 rVwily FIELD" WATCH, in HUNTING or HALF- 'j(f No. I.-The Celebrated SILVER < # /%X/\ ENGLISH LEVER" LUDGATE" t gg ^mmr Snd^iBs ^ade to 8ait c'a88e,« The Best of its M v |[j!^ IITX No. 2.—The BANK" Watch, ft ^JfJ 1 Silver ENGLISH LEVER Keyless M -HALF-HUNTING CASES. un- equaJled Value, £6. m J m GOLD KEVLESS YBFA .JPL, W7TWWTMJ^FVERWATCH" TO HUNTING ■ 0F EALF-HUNTINQ 18ct. GOLD CASES. £ 12 :10 ( *w WTWi ^No.4.-The WORLD RENOWNED I I M GOLD ENGLISH LEVER KEYLESS 1 rVwily FIELD" WATCH, in HUNTING or HALF- Watch at a Moderate PrlCe. £25. 44 Ci)e Ctmes" MMTEM or f ONTHLY PAYMENTS { IS AVAILABLE. >^p i3 >19W BENSON'S do not charge, extra for buying this way. ■KS /w l Jll illIICTDATCn I Ho. 1, of Watcbei, Chainl,and |*p- \l jaillUSIKAICll I *o,t, of Olook«, "Imperial" Pl«t*. MiilMI. m TwfCA* (jf jm books FREE. |Ho-»»4nd In^"0f«iur»p*r C Jj.W. BENSON, Ltd.A M *1*a f '{ 62 & 64, LUDQATE HILiL, I 11 -•i- i A. E A'R L tROSS 81 RE SI, HOLT WELL. TAILOR AND GENERAL OUTFITTER. NEW GOODS IN- WOOLLEN CLOTHS. Suits made to order, from 27s. SjsL to 801.. Trousers made to order, from 71 it d. to 94s. ;o:- •' Y J. Hundreds of Patterns to Select from. Now Goods in Rainproof and oeao Overcoat* ready for immediate mar, -:0:- LADIE8 AND 0HILDBBF9 OUTFITTIHO A SPECIALITY :0:- r. — 8 G H W A RZ 'I GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS 'J ,i .0. UNEQUALLED VALUE. :0:- .:f. All Wedding Rings Guaranteed 22 Carat Solid Sold. ALL SIZBS AND PRICES KBPT IN STOCK. 7 tot A PRIVATE ROOM FOR SELECTING*. r '1:0:- A HANDSOME PRESKNT WWVL BACH WEDDING RING- :0: FISTOBB-SIZE OARD FREE. A. SCHWARZ, JEWELLER, HOLYWELL. Xf Df J.Collis Browne's TheORIGINALand ONLY GENUINE. M Mm The Beat Remedy known for Admitted by the Profession R AAlinUD AAI nn H 96 will ^0Bt Valuable H tiUUanO, ||U1>U|)| M irHI Remedy ever discovered. ■ ■ ACTUIfll DDniinUITIO Effectually cuts short «11 ■ ■ASIRflvln,DnUnuHl I lb,attacks of SPASMS- I M (^NQIIMDTIflN The only Palliative in M M TV?. W NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, M Acts like ft oh&rm m — tKrn DIARRHCXA, MMM GOUT, RHEUMATISM, M OHOLKRA «|MI Overwhelming Medical Testi- MB OYSDENTERY. ,-IHHBHH mony accompanies each bottle. AW BOLD IN JBOTTLSS BY ALL CHEMISTS, at 1/1 919, and 4/8 each. -7^— I ■WHIM iiiiw——— I ■WHIM iiiiw——— "the Blood Is the Life!" Therefore keep it pure. m AIF 199EMIbL MAW IL 5 J CLARKE'S N iBLOOD MIXTURE ~] THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, jj— !■ i. I |IOS #*■<««! clearing the blood of all THOI'SAKDS of Testimonials have been *» tapMH whatever cause arisino 1 received from all parts. Read the following: -Omnirn B»»< Mlxtnre" cannot he bettered Abscesses Cured.—Ma,, Clark, of 40, North-st„ IIMS IW40 years reputation, and is to-cjay Tunbridpe Wells, writes "Gentlemen,—1 had ■M ypalr than ever, the reason bein«*un- been suffering: from abscesses for many years, dedhledhr'baeaose it Is recognised througuout and after ta k in^ CoBr bottles of your Blood Mix- (ha be the only safe, thorough and ture am perlectiy cured, and have not had the laadagnatedyfoc L—m slightest sign of hUBLilcntfllll. ——~ them since. Mv CURES PERMAMERITUT | ML Ptapiei, (——* same disease. ItotCBM, Spotf, Soras, Eruptions of every kind, SS After frivinjf him two bottles of your medicine iieii Poison, Rhenmatlsm, Gout, etc. Clarke's {3 he \VM.^ cur«.J, althousb at t.ie time he was such Sisal Mixture is pleasant to the taste, -aiid f J a" hat \va? a6ih1almed fo^.al^ne wairaated freefroia_ anything injurious to the 11 to see bim, a •'rcesse4?,,l'f' Mat delicate constitutions of either sex, from 11 You can make use o. this tt snmonial so that it ts&ncjr t» old age, and the Proprietors solicit I I nnv reach other poot ^uftei eis> tar and near, as wfrnn tefive it a trial to test its value. II 1 think it a remedy cvei>one should know. SKIN & BLOODIJ r DISEASES v-I I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I J Of all Ohamfsts and Stored, 2/9 per bottle. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. v C. A L 8. THE BOILL T COAL CO., LIMITED t) E G to notify their Customers il at they are now in a position to supply Coal at BettisfieJ d Colliery AS UNDER:— Best House Coal 8d. per cwt. Cobbles- 71d. H Small Nuts Okd. It Black 4jd. « Terms:-Cash at Weigh Cabin. PAINTING & OECORATING E. J. CATHER WOOD, Painter Decorator, vilAPEL-ST., LIOLYWELI ALL CLASSES OF r < PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, L- c UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RAT .5, A.lfD QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED M 8 Till ATES (JIV EN-. *r %/TEE T B '< HANLON'S DENTAL Ob., LTD., DOVEDALE, KING'S ATENUE, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Al [to HANLON (Late Manager for the late Sir R, Edwards), AiTKNDS PERSONALLY, HOLYWELL: AT MR VALE'S, 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITH TO OLD åDDBKSB), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK EVERT FRIDAY-, 1 TO 5.30 P.M, DENBTGH: -Every Wednesday, AT 30, VALE STREET, 12 TO 6 0 P-H. TBLBPHOKB NO. :—7Yi, MosTfn B^isKtV jaxs MOSTTXi. SUPERIOR HARD-BURNT, WIRE-CUT BUilDING BRiCKS. Red Pressed Facing Bricks, Chimney Pois, Copings, Ridge Tiles, Drain Pipes, &c. ADDIRISSS- THE MANAGfdiB, MOSTYN B Til OK WORKS, f GLANDON, HOLYWELL. rSmhiSsTl I5 PIlls 1 CONFIDENCE Is not won in a day. I I This truth applies with special force | | to proprietary medicines. Countless 1 I preparations have been placed on the R I market during the last fifty years fl I that have been tried and found want- g I ing. They could not esta.,ii h their I I clains. Their oid for public confi- | I dence was made under false pret. nces I I of merit. Th y were w t'.uut value I J I and theyBHECiiAM'S PILLS I | have been before the pub ic for over I H half a cemtury. They have grown g I in public favour owins: to tiieir H I merit. Now they have a Viale oi over g 6,000,000 Boxes Annually | the largest sale of any patent medi- 8 cine in the world. Great things are g claimed for Beecham's Pills and they g fulfil all they promise. There is no 1 exaggeration in the statement that g they cure all forms of IniJijestion, g Stomilch Troubtes, BU^ous.iess. Liver g and Kidney Complaints, purity the g Blood and .five tone to t .e Nervous H Svstem. They crotect the general g f health and recommend ^themselves. 9 n boxes, l/n (56 Pills) & 2/9 (168 pills). | Prekcf | me Haiti I BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of STATIONERY NOW ON VIEW," ATI THE OBSJJRVEK OFFICE, HOLYWELL. LETTER CARDS WITH ¡ VIEWS OF HOLYWELL. CHASTE f. Children's Party Invitations j and Replies IN FANCY BOXES. Papers I TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY N E WSPAPEKSift PEEIOdAaW All the Daily, Eraniag and Weekly teoeired and delivered; Periodicals Mitep m published. 'o> »- CHURCH SEIRVi-Loice IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' Libles with Concordance and Maps combined. SUNDAY gOHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CAftD8 Stained Glass AOIKXS^rOB TUjPATIirr ULAZIEJT WINDOW DECOEATIOB Giving the Beauty of Stained Glamo at a Fraction of the Oost. Stock and Book of Designs open to inspection. ROAD MAPS MAPS, 0 F NORTH WALES Kongly bonnd in oloth covers with guide to all plaoee of interest in North Wales, CIIFAP LIBRARY PRESENTATION VOLUMES AT iLL PRICES. T 'KTTt' O BLOTTING lx\ PAPER Account Æ i: ()()kS A N I M MENSE STOCK T 0 S E L (■ < T F R M PABCELS .( Ji I .Ä THE PENNY WKAPl'EB I M08T T-SEKHL OBSEBVEB OFFIOK