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FIGHTING CONSUMPTION. NEW WORK IN CHESTER. An organised crusade has been set on foot in Chester against that terrible human scotirge-coii- sumption. The. organisation boars the name of the Chester Association for tho Prevention and Cure of Consumption, and is under the presidency of the Dukei of Westminster. Its objoc-t, as iiie title indicates, is twofold—prevention and cure. Prevention is, of course, better than cure, and to this end the association is doing all in its power by the circulation of literature and the promo- tion of lectures to educate the public to a know- ledge and observance of the elementary rules for the prevention of the disease. The infectious naturo of tuberculosis has for years been a matter of universal loccgnitiou and the association hUB formulated an admirable set of rules for con- sumptive patK-nts and those looking after them, and at tho same time caused to be posted in all ■workshops, offices and public places m the city notices requesting people in their own interest and the interests of others to abstain from spitting in public To some extent the Corporation has anticipated the association by prohibiting expec- toration on its tr-amcai-s. As to the cure of con- sumption, theio are doubtless many sceptics still to be found. Yet the curative work which the association has undertaken is one to which it attaches quito as much importance as the. other. For tlra purpose a suitable building has been acquired in Queen-street and opened as a dis- pensary on Mondays and Thursdays at 2.30 o'clock for consultations. ''Every effort," we are as- sured, "will b2 made to instruct patients and parents to combat tho disease by hygiene and the pbys;cal education of themselves1 and their chil- dren.' Thero is an honorary medical staff con- sisting cf Drs. J. J. Blagden, J. Duff, Grffeii, T S. Parrv. and D. CarlyJe Sutton. Mr. J. H- Thomson and Mr. W. L. Davies have been ap- pointed hon. treasurers, and Mr. George \V. Has- well (th/> Kaleyards) has undertaken the duties of ho-> secretarv. The Mayor and Sheriff, Mr. Robert Yerburgh, M.P.. the Hon. Cecil Parker, Mr. S. Moss, M.P., and Mr. Alfred Mond are the vice-piesidents, and the association is established on a purely voluntary and philan- thropic basis. If it needed any justification for its existence, we could not. do better than quote a few words from the committee's appeal: "There can be no doubt," they state, "of the absolute necessity for a movement in our neighbour- hood, as tuberculosis occurs so frequently that it is termed a national plague. It is a disease of extremely varying- complexion, and as only a certain number of cases are suitable for sana- torium treatment, a, plan of supervised home re- lid must play a chief p.art." The d'spensaiy and consulting rooms m Queen street have been open sine* the 1st of November, patients at present on the books. The poor will be treated gratuitously, and where the family conditions warrant it. the dispensing of necessary medicine, disinfectants sputum bottles and food will be part, of the modus operandi It is one ot the methods of the .association that the -will be visited at tneir own homes by a band ot lady workers acquainted with tire elementary m-indoles af tho laws of health, these lady visi- tors to invest'sate the general conditions of life, and point out. how the spread of infection can be lessened by the avoidance of overcrowding, clean- bne-s" ventilation and the use of disinfectants. Some'of the cases suitable will be selected foi hos- utal and sanatorium treatment Literature «.nd lectures will play a part m educating the public, and the association will endeavour to spiead in- formation as to the initial symptoms of pulmonary disease. and emphasising the -groat im- portance of early treatment whe-i the disease is rea-'ly c-urabie. The rules formulated for distribution axnonfj p!:Jt;Ïetnt, point out that consumption is an infectious and tliereforo avoidable disease, and that the cilrcf souice of infection is the expectoration, which contains the. germs which propagate the disease. Tho gieat danger, it is pointed out, is in the diying of t'lv:-expectorat'on and the blowing about of* tho dried infectious material, which io Table to be inhaled1 by others, or by the patients them- eelvcs, involving fresh portions of the lung in the disease. Cert:v;n hygienic regulations aio t"(M. prc,,z c'nt.(,d. and to obtain tho beneficial in- fluence of fresh air patients aro strongly advised to be out of doors as much as possible, and night, and dav to have their windows wide open In conclusion, we might point out that. the associa- tion undertakes to treat patients without recom- mendations and demands no fees


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Family Notices


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