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EARL & COUNTESS SHREWSBURY. STORY OF AN AGREEMENT. TO AVOID SCANDAL AND SHAME." 4a the Chancery Division on Tuesday, before Mr. Justice Kckewich, the hearing was com- mojieed of an action by the Countess against the Earl of Shrewsbury. The plaintiff sought to estat)- heh an agreement whereby ihe would be entitled to a a allowance of £4,000 a year from her husband, the parties living apart. Counsel for the plaintiff were Mr. Warmington, K.C., Mr. P. Ogden Lawrence, K.C., and Mr. Kirby; and for the defendants Mr. Rufus Isaacs, ■K..U., Mr. btewart Sniltii, K.C., and Mr. Wilkinson. iUr. Warmington said that the earl and oounteee were married in 1882. The same year two agree- TiAeilt,i were entered into. Under one, all that the oountess then possessed was to be her separate Property, and under the other she was to receive, upon the death of her husband, an annuity of £ 4.000. In 1895 there wan a separation, and a tong discussion took place upon tour points: The custody and education of the two children; the Resilience of tno countess; the amount to be paid to her; and the security for that amount. A dumber of letters pascsed, and the agreement upon which the plaintiff now sued was contained in the ■following, vvJnch was sent by her to the earl in ,July, 1896:— 1 am willing to live apart from you in future, and in no way to molest or interfere with you or bring any proceedings against you, or attempt to force you to return and cohabit with me, if you will make no further scandal and agree to Tnt> following: That you wili in no way molest or interfere with me, or by proceedings force zno to return and cohabit with you; that you will keep up Ingestre Hall and Alton Towers; that you will allow me to reside at Alton Towers when not occupied by yourself; that you wiil Permit the children to reside with me in general, and that they 6hall visit you three times a year; that you will pay me b4,060 a year during our Joint lives, clear of all deductions, and to be secured as my solicitor may require, the allow- ance to be paid quarterly in advance, first pay- ment on March 2b, 1896, such allowance to cover expense of (schooling, education, and clothing of the children for the first three years, after wnich a further additional allowance will be required for this purpose. I wish you to understand that this separation is to avoid scandal and shame on the children, which would be brought about by public proceedings, and I hope you will recognise that I act in no unkind feeling towards you, because I feel that there is no Possibility of our living together unless you gi\oC Up your present mode 01 living and return to your home, where I will be willing to receive you without referring to the pa^-t. It is agreed tJiat the contents of this letter shall not be Ineutioned to anyone by either of us. „ thie letter, counsel continued the carl °Plied:— I accept the conditions therein named, and Undertake to confirm and comply with them. I undertake to secure the allowance of £ 4,000 a year upon my hfe interest in the Shrewsbury States. Plaintiff, said Mr. Warmington, complained that r|,cUnty had not been given, that the estate, Alton ^i?'v'Jrs, had not been maintained, and that the Th°Wauce had not been paid. Defendant alleged fj/J: by a subsequent agreement ihe allowance of ^OOO was reduced to ±»d,000. r- Isaacs: There will be no difficulty about tho «tvU"!ty. -Lord Shrewsbury is quite willing to 4' Proper security. pr0 Justice lvekewieh: If Lord Shrewsbury is «}4^tlod to fulfil the obligation it is then oniy a <oWVf Iuni!- Already we seem to have got a Vk-ay through the agreement. The less we • ^bout. the past the better. { Jl' W armingtoii: My learned friend knows Is:; endeavouring to open the ctuse in a way that *11 be least painful to both sides. r. Just ice Kokewicn: 1 quite believe that. Air. Isaacs: 1 am sure of it. In Warmington continued that when Viscount (jj ^'tre, the earl s son, joined the Royal horse it was agreed that he should be given a *ar,a°ie ahowance to meet Irs expenses, and the *a' a,1«ged lliat at the same time an agreement into whereby the allowance of the was reduced from £ 4,000 to £ 3,000 a a matter of fact the earl had made it ° -or the countess to reside at Alton ^°lci r1' ha(l taken away some oi' tJie house- .Plate, and part of the remainder was what H^d ?r lluuiy yeans, been used in the nursery. He j^awo taken away the best linen ji*; Justice Kckewich: Are there servants? loij l", armington: Yes, there are some. I sub- i' ^'° keep the place as it was ltw.°r'.v- Here and there it is in rack and ruin. H<>d a ^roat. indignity if the countess were iij., 1 to li ve in a wing while the rest of the build- 'j>LVVa* dismantled. N tl Countess of Shrewsbury said that when she were Jiving at Alton Towers about V;u y gardeners were kept, whereas now there >11,^ only four men, a foreman and a boy. The W\°r ten greenhouses and conservatories were 'y all in a terribly bad way, and the flower-' grown over. In the stables, which were ♦Vj. 'Weri, instead of a large number of horses, Mr V\<-re only her own pair and her ponies. \y- Warmington: What about the plate? Vh1?0881 Pjatc wati sent over to me every year I Sfr,In gestre Hall, where it is kept in a strong Only silver plate has been sent over to me. ^•^rrncriy used gold as well as silver plate. .-at condition is the houc*e in itself:1—Not much ls taken of the largo part of the house. Water Pouring1 into the dining-room and has dits- tiie floor. As regards the other part, the t'Ot v'e used when we were a family party, I have touch to complain of. Besides my personal tsCrc are only a caretaker and his wife vlj,. J&hv:er to look after tiie house. Justice Kekewich: We will now adjourn, rise I desire to say two words, and only j •>oblc6j»e oblige. ^4DY SHREWSBURY AND ALTON 0 TOWERS. n Wednesday, Mr. Justice Kekewich resumed 8-ring of the action. Countess was further examined. In July, tk a^e sajd, on her arrival at Alton Towers, L servant shut the door, and, though aware of ^entity, she said she had orders not to let uy *n". I said, "Do you know who I am?" rl ^Plied, "Yes; but I have orders to admit i° Towers." No arrangement had ma, °r,.her reception; there was no silver no house linen. Lawrcncc, K.C., who appeared for tho r iS occasion when your J'OKP 1 R. Lady Viola, had to dig potatoes for ■\y nieal9> aud got them up herself?—Yes. i{Q °re there any horses or carriages for you?— June, 1S03, Lady Viola, the Countess oon- L.eJ had to get through a window to open the door for her (the Countess) to gain admis- to the house. Aftorwards the Countess and rn<'t- tic expressed a wish that slie should to reside at Alton Towers, as he wanted to there himself. If she did not agree to give p^ac? he sa d he would l^t it '"tumble to ruin." When her son, Lord Ingestre, Q{ hred the "Blues" she agreed to give up part allowance, but did not think it was a per- arrangement. The Earl was poor at the ^.r°6s-examined by Mr. Isaacs, K.C., for the the Countess stated that she resided at C Towers only a few months in the year. She K a house at Biarritz and an apartment in be'rif5- She complained of the shrubbery not kept up, one of the lawns was neglected, some of the paths grass grown. What was as the private and inner gardens, consst- \ijj °f seven or eight acres, were, however, kept formerly -twenty gardeners were employed &UKi that time the gardens were open to the Jp on .the payment of sixpence. She was pushed with the rooms, numbering- forty-five, i Inch wero got ready for her and her guests, Jj*t slie would like the use of the tea-room when. at Alton Towers. The water had fr: frrjtly oome through the large dining-rcom, but worso now. The linen since 1902 had ^id sufficient, and the quality such that she f, not care to use. Some of the things taken ^°tn Alton Towers had not been returned. e old china, for instance, was not there now. Isaacs: Do you sugge-st someone broke tne cupboard and took it away?—Well, you (U e china could not walk out alone, ^ghter.) Isaacs, in opening the case for the Earl, p ere was a counter-claim put forward by i", arlnc,-riiinL, the Shrewsbury and Talbot i Worth approximately £ 20,000. He pointed lit; that ^acI bc°n anxious to avoid nation and make some arrangement. !'i ..IS krdship advised a consultation in his Ar room> but this advice was not accepted, Warmington, for the Countess, said the aho^Pfal cf the Earl wa.s that the Counteas uid give up Alton, Towers. Lordship said he thought Lady Shrews- o,. y would be wise to give up Alton Towers for <^quivaJent. e(itilvalent.




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