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FACTORY TO FIRESIDE. I SINGLE ARTICLES M 10, QUEEN STREET WHOLESALE PRICES. B r.nni__ CARDlrr. SEE "WHTDOW Brass Curbs 7s lid to 105s Bedsteads Copper and Iron Curbs 7s 6d to 56s \J W lUCUOLOUUO Magnificent Lines in Brass Candle- ^L[Y 1 ALL QUALITIES Brass llail Fenders • 3s 6d upwards. { Is r IN STOCK. Copper a°d Iron Fireirons 6s 6d upwards. j gj II 29 «■ flP I I Massive Bn*ss Kail Fenders, 1 rail. 10s 6d j l|BH |nl|ll Brass Bedroom Fenders • 3s lid upwards. I B jj H II II II lit Coal Vases, °ak,^ Brass Mounts 9s £ "P™^ MUUMLiJLl I Why pay Middle Brass Fire Dos 25 lid pair. I Prdits whw Copper Fiower Pots 7d to 6d Money can he Marvellous Value in Brass front Aslipans.2s lOdupwards Saved Black and Copper Flower Stands 2s 6d up 30s jj T« By buying direct Cake Stands, Black & Copper lls6d II || from ,be M„u. Middle Profits Abolished Best Assortment in South Wales. facturei s. Come and judge for yourselves ™ w I Curb Suites 138 lid. IIp to R25 JAMES DAVIES, Merchant Tailor, Breeches Maker, &c., London House, 224, Holton Road (near the Board Schools) 03* fXPEPIENCED LONDON SPECIAL SHOW OF SPRINo & cuttbr. SUMMER SUITINGS. TWEED SUITS £ 2 2 0 do. INDIGO BLUE SERGE. 2 2 0 MORNING COAT SUITS, from 2 10 0 TROUSERS, from 0 10 6 LADIES' COSTUMES 3 3 0 .rK"lr" EYESIGHT TESTING ROOMS, i m m ^m » p P ii /i 1 he oiliv EstHf11ishDt6Uii in South BONNER MORGAN, RS,<? £ QUALIFIED TACLE FITTING. —————— A Cartful test is marie by the OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN. Latest and rrost Scientific methods, I and a candid opinion is given as to Hours 9 to 7. COKSULTHTIOHS hether SI-FCTACLF,3 are needed. All caes requiring medical atten- Wednesdays, to 1 p m. FREE. tioo are ate noe refeirtd tc at.Oculitt. PARK PLAC'E CARDIFF. EVERY WOMAN S"ould send t, o stamps for our 32 page Illustra- ted Book, containing valuable infol matioll how all Irregularities and Obstructions may be fntirelyj avoided or rano»ed by simple me-u-.s. Rec-m-1 roende-d by eminent Puysiciais, as the only Safe, Sure, and nninn Remedy, Never Fails. Th< u- ands of Testimonials. MHo P. BLANCHARD, DALSTON LANE, LONDON. Advertisement cale. SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. One Three Six Ins. Ins. Ins. 20 Words or under 0 6 1 0 2 0 Over 20 and under 30 0 9 1 3 2 0 Over 30 and under 40 1 3 2 0 2 9 Bach additional 10 words 0 4 0 8 1 3 LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ADVER- TISEMENTS. Parliamentary Addresses 6s. per incl per iinsertioi Prospectuses of Public Com- panies, and Local Authori- ties Notices 4s. per inch. per insertioi Local Election Addresses 4s. per inch. per irisertioi Auctioneers' Announcements.. 3s. do. GrKN KEA L TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS 1 tc ;j insertions Is. Od. per ii, c 1 Ito 3 insertions Os. 10d. 9 tc.) -3 insertioub Oe. 9d. 86 insertions 08 7d 62 insertion! M CO L C OT ARMS, li MILES FROM BARRY. GOOD ACCOMMODATION for BRAKES AND CYCLISTS. TEAS PROVIDED. A FIELD FOR. PARiIES. All Beers Drawn from the Wood. NEW SKITTLE ALLEY. Icz MRS E. HOWELL, Proprietress. ^————— The In UU 100 YLUS BATH Of BATH. nilRP CURES GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO SPRAINS, STIFFNESS, ESPUIMS, Sore Throats, Ao. No HMMhold .110814 It wftkoot a Bottle. Of all Chealsts, at 1/lk U, 14/leack, er direct tren Proprietor* (Post Fr*)— Broolte & Co., MAGGS'S Grove Street, BATH. OILS 1 S| AMERICAN BN !t PRESCRIPTION. Twenty years' research has brought to light a guaranteed Cure for Nervous Debility in all its forms, and the Prescription is in the possession of a Minister who will gladly send it to any sufferer, FREE OF CHARGE. It is a sure and speedy cure for all ailments cansed through the indiscretions of Youth, Lost Manhood, Loss of Energy, Loss of Vital Power, Seminal Weakness, Dimness of Sight, Impotence, Evil Forebodings, Wasting Decay, Pains in the Loins, Pimples and ErupPons on the Face and Body, Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, I'rightfnl Dreams, Emaciation, Foetid Breath, Low Spirits, Timidity, V ancocele^Sperniatorrhoea. Disuses of the Madder, Weakness of the Genital Organs, and all Diseases of the Urinary ((r^ans. Send stain;.eH addressed envelope to Rev. JOSEPH HOPF T. CLOUD, VVESTCOURT ROAD, WORTHING, SUSSEX, ENGLAND. (Name this pacer). 21 GRAVING DOCK STREET, BARRY DOCK JOHN IlT&HAilDS Family and General Butcher. CORNED BEEF. PICKLED TONGUES Customers Waited upon Daily. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. Carpenters' Arms, WHITE HALL. 1 MILE FROM RHOOSE STATION. 3! MILES FROM BARRY. GOOD A CCOMMODATION FOR BRAKES, C\ CLISTS,[&c. TEAS PROVIDED WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, &c., of the Best Quality. PKOPKIETOR- DAVID GIBBON, Late Red Lion Inn, honvilstone. RUPERA HOTEL EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. WILLIAM MATTHEWS. LATE OF COW AND SNUFFERS, LLANDAFF, can supply his old customers with r: eer and Spirits of Best Quality. RED LION INN, BONVILSTONE {FIVE MILES FROM BARRY.) Good Accommodation for Brakes and Cyclists. '1' E ASp R 0 V IDE D. E. DEERE, Proprietor. (Late of Castle and Park Hotels, Barry.) NATIONAL TELEPHONE, No. 6. u IN SELECTING YOUR Jewellery, Watches, &(! you cannot do better than go to F. J. GREENER, where you will find something suitable at all prices BEST VALUE FOR MONEY. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE DISTRICT. Come and See the Latest Novelty i". Elect-ic L'ght^C!ocks n<i Wa.tch Stanrle. TRY F. J. GREENER f r all Watci. Repairs, and you will have no tr<>ui>!e v. ith y< nr W:>tches afterwards. N'UI.GL'.AL AND RUBBER APPLIANCES P,"y d the MAKERS save 33 per cent TI<! SSFS, ELASTIC STOCKING^, ABDOMINAL BELTS, SUSPENDERS, ENEMAS, &C. Wire f,'r lilustiated Price List, post free. to HENRY AND CO., J, KNIGHT,SBUIDE GREEN, ALBERT GATE, LONDON S. W. Established 1876. Cogoniant Cymru yw eu Cwlan a'i Cwetl\er GO CZ* -InThe Clory of Wales is ker Wool and fttutton. <) "7ir"+-< CI,) c:b ::s c t4zz co wi j r-t- § EDWARDS, 5 CARMARTHEN HOIJSE, g <§ CARLISLE STREET, Cardiff ? co Also at No. ij SI ALL, Cardilf Market, CU Draper&Welsh Flannel Merchan —————————— I ALL ORDERS BY POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. My aim is to give Entire Satisfaction. W. WILLIAMS, •g TAILOR^ 1 140, HOLTON ROAD, BARRY DOCK. LADIES' Jackets and GENTS' Suits, Breeches, Costumes. &c. IF YOU WANT REALLY J GOOD, SOUND, AND It RELIABLE FURNITURE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY DO BETTER THAN PLACE YOUR^B ORDER WITH THE J Royal Furnishing COMPANY, 90, ST. MARY ST, CARDIFF Below are some of our Special Sale Prices for this month BEDROOM CHEST OF DRAWERS (any colour). 21/6 FULL-SIZE IRON BEDSTEAD and WIRE MATTRESS (complete). 15/9 FEATHER BED, BOLSTER, & TWO PILLOWS 35/- Acknowledged to be the Best and Cheapest in the trade. PEMBROKE TABLES (with 2 Leafs) 13/6 LEATHER COUCHES 15/6 BEDROOM SUITE (complete with 2 chairs) 6i guineas. DINING & DRAWING ROOM SUITES in great variety. BEDSTEADS & BEDDING. LINOS & FLOORCLOTH. CARPETS & RUGS. FENDERS & BRASSES. And all kinds of Good, Strong Kf* HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE always on Sale at Royal Furnishing Co. 90, St. Mary Street. Don't fail to give us a call we are sure to suit you. All goods delivered Free. A HANDSOME PRESENT Given to every Purchaser this month L rr tiB Y0JiK HOTEL: CUSTOM HOUSE BRIDGE, CARDIFF. Two Minutes' fror/v G. TV. B. Station. ALES, WLNES, SPIRITS, AND CIGARS OF THE FINEST QUALITY. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODAiIUN THEATRE PROFESSIONALS, &c. Large Club RoouI uud Bowling Alley. BEDS. The Stage and Era taken in. W. H. ALDEN, Late Ileatlscock Inn," Llandaff 'r FREE. J CYCLES CYCLES Mar- vellous Bargains! 2,800 Cycles, Motor-' and Acces- sories. bargains in Eadie's and B.S.A. Mjchines. FREE to any address, the most interesting 50 page Catalogue iu the trade. S'-coiid-isand C)cl»;s from 30s. 2,000 New JUaohini-s from £ 2 17s. 6d. Flite' Riu,s. Rim Brake, Fr- e v\1 Machines from £ 4 10s each. Every class of chine in Siock. Acces- and B.S.A. Mjchines. FREE to any address, the most interesting 50 page Catalogue iu the trade. S'-coiid-isand C)cl»;s from 30s. 2,000 New JUaohini-s from 92 17s. 6d. Flite' Rit),s. Rim Brake, Fr- e v\1 Machines from £ 4 10s each. Every class of chine in Stock. Acces- sor it s Half Price-50 perc. nt, ch' 3p'r tint! cthfrs.M rvil ous B.rgains; Agi-nts \\a"t¡ d; In.de urplit d. buy before you have seen our 50 p-<gi> Ih W Illustiat-d Catalogue, whicl-, v, ill be an eye-opener ai d ii:, i,ey niakf r to all iutersetcd in the Cycle trade. Ti.is Catalogue FREE to all. W AgRILOW & Co., WESTON- SCPER-MARE. J I BARRY SCHOOL BOARD. COAL AND COKE SUPPLY. LENDERS ARE HEREBY INVITED for the I SUPPLY of COAL AND COKE to the SCHOOLS of the BOARD for the period ending 31ST DECEM- BER, 1902. The varieties required are :— 1.—BEST HOUSE COAL (specify qualities offered). 2.—NUT COAL. 3.-SMALL STEAM COAL. 4.-COKE. The prices quoted must include delivery at the various schools of the Board of quantities ranging from one (1) to five (5) tons. Tenders must be delivered at the School Board Offices not later than SATURDAY, the 27th inst. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. GWYN MORRIS, Clerk. School Board Officts, 17th September, 1902. ^isaHaneotts. KATHLEEN-STREET, BARRY (Nos. 50 and 52) 5/6 per week each clear necessary repairs executed keys at No. 48. pOR DISPOSAL, GENT'S SAFETY, Coventry- ■ Free Wheel, Rim Brake, Silverplated West; wood Rims, genuine A. B. Velox Tyres, 1902 guaranteed, costly machine, not soiled, sacrifice, jE5 10s lowest; will send on approval; genuine bargain.—K. GILL, Waverly Villa, Beacki-ro-I, W eston-super- Mare. rpHREE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES have £ 120, JL £ 300, and £ 800 to INVEST on HOUSE PRO- PERTIES (mortgages) in Glamorgan or Mon- mouthshire. Low Interest. Money not called in for several years. Write Mr PHILLIPS, 11, Diana- street, Cardiff. BEFORE deciding on your NEW CYCLE, call at the CYCLE DEPOT,, COURT ROAD, BARRY DOCK Cash or Payments, as desired. j ANDBILLS CAREFULLY DISTRIBUTED ._1 throughout Town and District by HENRY THOMAS (Blind Harry), 42, Morel Street, Barry Dock. MRS REED, Accoucheuse (Q.C. Hos.) and fully qualified Nurse 14 years Hospital and Genpral Nursing Experience all classes attended reasonable fees.-215, Holton-road, Barry Dock. MRS LUCAS, Nurse and Midwife, 18, Merthyr- stieet, Barry Dock. RS HOWELLS (late of Newport), 41, Newland 1 street, Barry Dock, Experienced Midwife and Nurse satisfactory recommendations. \T URSE CROCKER, Cert. Queen Charlotte's l\ Hospital, London,—227, Holton-road, Barry Dock. BILLHEADS, and MEMORANDUMS, for Butchers, Bakers, and General Tradesmen, 11> k for Prices at the BARRY HERALD Office, Holton-road, JLrry D ck. TATIONERY for the Home or the Office, quite v up-to-date, at the BARRY HKRALD Office. OSTERS, IN COLOURS, any size, New Type, Latest Designs, at the BARRY HERALD Office. 1- BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, and CIRCULARS Es imi,tes Free frem BARRY HERALD Office. BOOKBINDING in any style; Magazines, Novels, Work of Art, Music Illustrated Papers, and Volumes of all sizes bound to any pattern. Parcels of Binding will be sent for on receipt of Postcard at the BARRY HEARLD Office. BARRY HERALD PRINTING WORKS, Replete with Type and Machinery. Orders attended to immediately. OUR MOTTO: — "Speed, in Best Style, Conectly, and at Moderate Prices Punctua- lity.BARRY HERALD Office, ADVERTISING AGENTS for Colonial, London, Pioviucial, and Irade Papers at Scale Charges. BARRY RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS The total returns from passenger, goods, and mineral traffic (including receipts of the Vale of Glamorgan Railway) for the week ending September 20th, 1902, amounted to £ 12,415, being a decrease on the traffic of the corresponding week last year of £ 12,174. It is a Piincely Luxuiy to haue a Good Fitting jBT SUIT at a Populai Price. The'' Capital & Labour" Clothing Stores ARE NOW SHOWING A SUPERB STOCK OF HOLIDAY SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, SCHOOL SUITS, FOIi IMMEDIATE WEAlt OR MADE TO MEASURE. INDIGO SERGE SUIT (to measure). 33/9. Perfectly Tailored STYLISH TWEED SUIT (to measure) 33/9. Correct Style.. BLACK VICUNA SUIT (to measure) 33/9. FROCK COAT & VEST (to measure) 33/9. Faultless Fitting.. The "Capital & Labour" Clothing Stores 59 cfc 61, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. (NEXT TO ANDREWS' HALL.) The LARGEST Clothing Manufacturers BRANCHES in all parte. don in the World. and ProvL „ .tic RAILWAY FARES paid to all purchasers of 25/- and I STONE BROS., { Funeral Furnishers & Funeral Directors Personal Supervision to all Orders. NAT. TEI.. Barry Dock, No. 37. Cardiff, No. 704. TELEGRAMS :— Stone Bros., Barry Dock Stone Bros., Cardiff POST OFFICE TELEPHONE-No. 612; Cardiff. 101, H OLTON RD. BARRY DOCK AND 54WORKING STREET, (ARDIFF.

Family Notices
