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|W FACTORY TO FIRESIDE. I I' I SINGLE ARTICLES, I SINGLE ARTICLES M 10 QUEEN STREET WHOLESALE PRICES. B CARDIFF. 20% SAVED. L/ | ——- SEE "W'lIlNriDO'W" Mantle Rods ••• 4s 6d to 9s lid n Brass curbs 7"1121tol2? v 1 Li Bedsteads Copper and Iron Curbs 7s 6d to 56s Ssr a Magnificent Lines in Brass Candle- QUALITIES sfick9 3s 3d to 6s 9d W O UP TO £ 25. Brass Rail Fenders 3s 6d upwards. j IV ST0CK_ Copper and Iron Fireirons • •• 6s 0d upwar s. ■ s s r« <9 ■ j Massive Brass Rail Fenders, 1 rail. • • • j I I II I 11 I II I Brass Bedroom Fenders 3s 1 Id upwards. ■ I II I I I I I i Coal Vases, Oak, Brass Mounts 9s 6d upwards. I'll Jl I I 1 II Why pay Middle Massive Brass Bedsteads *4 to Profits when Brass Fire Dogs from 2,S 10pa^ "WW Copper Flower Pots 7d U. 18s M Mont, can ht Marvellous Value in Brass front Ashpans.2s lOdupwards L_*j Saved Black and Copper Flower Stands. ••• 2s 6d up 30s jfl IB buying direct Cake Stands, Black & Copper • • • from the Manu- Middle Profits Abolished £ £ ^33 » „ dBfr facturers.- Best Assortment in South Wales. Come and judge for yourselves. J o-¡- .¡- -c, '-u- JAMES DAVIES, Merchant Tailor, Breeches Maker, &c., London House, 224, Holton Road (near the Board Schools) FXPERIENCED LONDON SPECIAL SHOW OF SPRIN^ & CUTTER. 43) 1 SUMMER SUITINGS. TWEED SUITS zP,2 2 0 do. INDIGO BLUE SERGE. 2 2 0 MORNING COAT SUITS, from 2 10 0 TROUSERS, from 0 10 6 LADIES' COSTUMES •• 3 3 0 EYESIGBff TESTING ROOMS, „ r c »* r 'i he only Establishment in South RdlUMFR MORGAN FSMX* w»i.-8 i v,tei ^miy to 13UIWLHFCIV W»IL™5 (LOND.)» EYESIGHT-TESTING AID IVPEC- NTTIL r TR 11." "PI TACLE FITTING. QUALIrlKD A Cartfl]1 U8t is ,n;iTie by the HPHTHA1 MIC OPTICIAN Latest aid rrost Scientific methods, urn I UALW1IC ur I iwian. ,n(J a cai,did opil 1(1S glVen as to whether SPECTACLES re needed. •tows 9 to 7. COflSULT^TIOflS AU cafces requiring mediCal atten- Wedilesdays, to I p m. FREE. tioii are at (nee referred tc ai. Oculist. PAR K PLACE (OPPOSITE rARK HOTEL" C A R D I F F ENT}!ÂNCE. ) (;ARD IFF, Carpenters' Arms,- WHITE HALL. 1 MILK FROM KHOUSE STATION. 3 £ MILES FROM HARRY. GOOD CCOMMODATIOX FOR BRAKES, CYCLISTS, M- TtAs Provided WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, &c., of the Best Quality. PROPRIETOR DAVID GIBBON, f,aU tied Lion Inn, f.onvilsione. i K UP ERA IlvTEI EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. WILLIAM MATTHEWS. LATE OF COW AND SNUFFERS, LLANDAFF, c i, supply hi. old customers with r eer and Spirits of Best Quality. 21 QRAVING DOCK sT It FET, BARRY DOCK JOHN iUC BAUDS Family and General Butcher. CORNED BEEF. PICKLED TONGUES Customers W aited tii)on Daily. AL! ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDxt, To LOOK, MUN. Ice Cream Freezers, Glasses, Wafer Makers, AND ALL REQUISITES IN STOCK. oll SPECIAL Ice Cream Mixture READY FOR USE. All Utensils for Fried Fish and Chip Potato Trade. SPECIAL CHIP STOVES IN STOCK. GREADER AND HOWELL, SCALli MAKERS, CAROLINE STREET, (ARDIFF SUROIOAL AND RUBBER APPLIANCES Buy, f tl". MAKERS and tave 33 rf r cent TRU SS*K.S, ELASTIC TUCKIû", ABDOMINAL BELTS, SUSPENDERS, ENEMAS, &C. ri e f .)r I lust: ated Price List, post frer. to HENRY AND CO., KMCHTSBKIPE GRVKN, ALBERT GATF, LONDON ™ S. Established 1876. THE GREATEST CURE For Nervous Debility, including Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, Youthful Imprudence, Impotence, Wasting Decay, Loss of Vital Power, Dimness of Sight, Pimples and Eruptions of all kinds, Frightful Dreams, Pains in the Loins, Evil Forebodings, Loss of Energy. Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Varicocele, Low Spirits, Foetid Breath, Palpitation of the Heart, Emaciation, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Weak- ness of the Generative Organs, Liver Complaints, Diseases of Urinary Organs, &c. This newly-discovered prescription never fails to rid the sufferer of his ailments, and full particulars of it will be sent on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope. Address Rev. JOHN WILSON, 4£1 Murillo Road, Lee, Ken" B..1&nd. (Name this paper). Curb Suites 138 lid. up to £25 Batty Jockey Cycling Club. LOOK OUT FOR SPORTS AT THE BUTTRILLS FIELD ON gATURDAY NEXT, JULY 12TH, 1902. w SPLEND[D KNTKIKS. INCLUDING—CYCLING C. 1rèl.1 Ex- World's Professional Champion. FOOT 11. CULLUM ERNIE LONG Half unit; World's Welsh Quarter-mile Ch'impiou. Champion. W. GROUCOTT (Cl>a;iij iou Runner aud Winner of Newcastle £ 100 Tlandiop) And numerous other well-known Athletes. COME IN THOUSANDS. CN Gat. s open at 2 p.m. First Race at 3 p.m Admission, 6d Enclosure, 1/ Seated Enclosure, 1/6. RED LION INN; BONVILSTONE {FIVE MILES FROM BARRY.) Good Accommodation for Brakes and Cyclists. fl, EA 8 pROVIDED. E. DEERE, Proprietor. (Late of Castle aud Park Hotels, Barry.) NATIONAL TELEPHONE, No. 6. dvertisement gtcale. FMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. One Three Six „ Ins. Ins. Ins. o Words or uuder 0 6 1 0 2 0 Over 20 and under 30 0 9 13 2 0 Over 30 and under 40 1 3 2 0 2 9 Kacli additional 10 words 0 4 0 8 1 V LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ADVER- TISEMiiNTS. Parliamentary Addresses 6s. per inch P6"1" insertion Prospectuses of £ ublic Oora- panies, and Loca] Authori- ties Notices 48. per inch. per insertion Local Election Addresses 4s. per inch. per insertion Auctioneers' Aniooutictuaelits 3s. do. tfENEHAL TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 tc 3 ii>b« > iions Is. Od. per inch I to i it,( I tiolus 0s. 10d. 9 t,) .3 insertions 0s. 9d 26 iuscrtii ns On 7d 6-1 .Io. The IN USE 100 YEARS BATH IN BATH. I CURE CURES GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO SPRAINS, STIFFNESS, Bruises, Sore Throats, dbo. No Household should be without a Bottle. Of all Chemists, at 1/1*, 2/9, « 4/6 each, or direct from Proprietors (Post Free)— Brooke & Co., MAGGS'S Grove Street, BATH. OILS !| ¡ Cogoniant Cymru yw eu Cwlan a'i Cwetfyer CIS The Clory of Wales is her Wool and tyutton. <) co II c 0") ZZ- <*+- § j wjtnr Ti m IX. Xa. Am •+-J 5 CARMARTHEN HOUSE, « CARLISLE STREET, Cardiff ? "03 Also at No. I3 SI ALL, Cardiff Market, o.) .¡ Draper&Welsh Flannel Merchant -5: ALL ORDERS BY POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HOPKIN MORGAN'S CELEBRATED =ICAKES^ Require no fanciful names, although being Coronation Year. THE WELL-KNOWN STERLING: Quality of these: CAKES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY COMMANDS A PUBLIC: SALE. Can be obtained of all Grocers. Ask your Grocer for it. HOPKIN MORGANS Cake Factory, PONTYPRIDD. A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD FURNISH AT THE Royal Furnishing COMPANY, 90, St. Mary St. & 49, Westgate St., CARDIFF. IT IS THE BEST PLACE IN CARDIFF & DISTRICT TO FURNISH, THE STOCK BEING ENTIRELY NEW AND BEST SELECTED IN THE MARKET. BECAUSE they have a large and up-to-date J) stock always on hand and ready for imme- diate delivery. BECAUSE they will always give good value J) and treat their customers fairly. BECAUSE tiipy keep every kind of Furniture to suit all classes. A LARGE STOCK OF NEWEST PATTERNS OF CART-ETS, FLOORCLOTHS, AND LINOLEUMS, &c. 500 BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS TO SELECT FROM. lRY OUR CELEBRATED FEATHER BEDS AT 35s. each. Purity and Weight Guaranteed. MAIL CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN TOWN OR rnTTNTRY. OUR ONLY ADDRESSES ARE— 90, ST. MARY ST., AND 49 WESTGATE ST., (TWO DOORS FROM ROYAL HOTEL), CARDIFF. AN INSPECTION INVITED. THE YORK HOTEL: CUSTOM HOUSE BRIDGE, CARDIFF. Two Minutes' Walk Irem. G. W. B. Station. ALES, WINES, SPIRITS, AND CIGARS OF THE FINEST QUALITY. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR THEATRE PROFESSIONALS, &c. Large Club Room and Bowling Alley. BEDS. The Stage and Era taken in. MRS B. D. JENKINS, Proprietress. FHEE. U." YCLES CYCLES! Mar- vel ous Bargains! 2,800 Cycles, Motor-1 and Acces- gorie0' bargains in Eadie's AND B.S.A. Machines. FREE to any aridrt-ss, the most J gories. bargains in Eadie's interesting 50 page Catalogue in the tnde. Second-hand Cycles from 30s. 2,000 New NlacliiiitF3 from £2 17s. 6d. Plated Rims, Rim Brake, Free-wilful Machines f rom j £ 4 10s- ach. Every class of Machine in Stock. Acces- sories Half Price-50 percent. cheaper than others.Marveltoua Bargains; Agents wanted'; trade supplied. D'.JD t buy before you have seen our 50 page new Illustrated Catalogue, which will be all ye-c)poner alJd money maker to all intei s, tl d in the Cycle trade. This Catalogue FREE to ill. WARBILOW & Co., WESTON- SUPKR-M ARE. BARRY HERALD, Ii 1 III .1 £J 11. The People's Paper Tremendous Success I Rapidly Increasing Circulation ,M,ist el.tanto us. FOR DISPOSAL, GENT'S SAFETY, Coventry, ■- Free Wheel, Rim Br,jke, Silverplated West- wood Rims, genuine A. B. Velox Tyres, 1902; uaraoll ed, costly machine, not soiled, sacrifice, jE5 108 lowest; will send on approval; genuine bargain.—K. GILL, Waverly Villa, Beach-road, Weston-super-Mare. LADY'S BICYCLE for SAliE a Bargain cost 15 guineas will sell for £ 4 10s.—4, KINGS- LAND CRESCENT, Barry Dock. COUPLE of NEW, MODERN FREEHOLD HOUSES FOR SALE at CROGAN HILL, BARRY DOCK, DOUBLE BAY, containing Front Room, Kitchen, Scullery, usual office at back, Three B, droome, Bathroom, w.c. hot and cold throughout; healthy spot.; Channel and country view fur miles round. — Apply JOHN EVANS, Builder, Crogan Hill, Barry Dock. rpHREE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES have £ 120, 1 £ 300, and £ 800 to INVEST on HOUSE PRO- PERTIES (mortgages) in Glan-organ or Mon- mouthshire. Low Interest. Money not called in for several years. Write Mr PHILLIPS, 11, Diana- street, Cardiff. BEFORE deciding on your NEW CYCLE, call at the CYCLE DEPOT,, COURT ROAD, BARRY DOCK Cash or Payments, -is desired. HANDBILLS CAREFULLY DISTRIBUTED throughout Town and District by HElsRY THOMAS (Blind Harry), 42, Morel Street, Barry Dock. MRS REED, Accoueheuse (Q.C. Hos.) and fully qualified Nurse 14 years Hospital and General Nursing Experience.—215, Holton-road, Barry Dock. MRS LUCAS, Nurse and Midwife, 10, Cross stieet, Barry Dock. MRS HOWELLS (late of Newport), 41, Newland street, Barry Dock, Experienced Midwife and Nurse; satisfactory recommendations. NURSE CROCKER, Cert. Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London.—227, Holton-road, Barry Dock. BILLHEADS, and MEMORANDUMS, for JD Butchers, Bakers, and General Tradesmen, ask for Prices at the BARRY HERALD Office, Holton-road, Barry Dock. STATIONERY for the Home or the Office, quite O up-to-date, at the BARRY HERALD Office. POSTERS, IN COLOURS, any size, New Type, JL Latest Designs, at the BARRY HERALD Office. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, AND CIRCULARS* Estimates Free from BARRY HERALD Office. BOOKBINDING in any style Magazines, Novels, Work of Art, Music Illustrated Papers, and Volumes of all sizes bound to any pattern. Par ells of Binding will be sent for on receipt of Postcard at the BARRY HEARLD Office. BARRY HERALD PRINTING WORKS, Replete wivh Type and Machinery. Orders attended to immediately. BARRY HERALD FINE-ART PRINTING. Wedding Stationery, Illuminated Addresses, Die-sinking, Lithography, and Engraving. Send for Specimens. OUR MOTTO: — "Speed, in Best Style, Correctly, and at Moderate Prices Punctua- lity."—BARRY HERALD Office. ADVERTISING AGENTS for Colonial, London, A Piovincial, and Trade Papers at Scale Charges.



Family Notices


