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LI II Jg g«w*| «BKa» q A iVI- Q & ri 1 Cl> FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. '0: WHOLESALE WilE AND SPiUlT iERSHANL 111 POSTING IN ALL ITS BftA9fOa2J, Special and personal attention paid to this Department. -:0: ,¡ aEARSS AND «. J- €JAili.t £ AG5-fi^ AT SEASONABLE KATE a ,0:- London and If ortk-Wmtem Railway £ &rmh& Agent. THE GUUtUU-CUSS BAilK Established, 1870. LIVERPOOL iBBANCH8, DALE STREET HKAXJ OSMOSE 28, BEDFORD-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C., AND 3-9t BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN LONDON, E.C. Braachee: Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, &a., &o Assets £ 1,607,949 0 0 Liabilities .u£1,36,871 0 0 Bnrplua .£311,078 0 0 LOANS of £ 30 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in. Town or Oountry, ou per- sonal security, jewellery, precious stoats, stocks, shares and furniture wuiiout removal. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. TWO-AND-A-HALF 1" E CENT. allowed on QUERENT ACCOUNT BALANCES. IHvEPOaiTS of £ 10 and upwards reoeivedaa XJ under Subjeotto 3 alouthe'notice of withdrawal £6 p.o p,a 66 6 « «« 6 6. "12 < 7" Special torinsj for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments, we axe able pay rates of Interest on Deposits that will compare iavourabiy with Dividends paid on almost any olass of stock or sbareholding insuring the safety ot capital We have been establisited for 48 years, and our position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the auocess of our business methods, and to tiie satistaetion of our customers. Write or call for prospectus. A. WILLIAMS H. J, TALL. JIrt A P 8 OF, LiORTH WALES Strongly bound in cloth covers with guidd to all pUtoeagkof iuteres in North Wales, AX 2BB Observer "lOffiee,^Holywell. 'CLEVEDON HOUSE (Opposite the N. P. BankJv 49. HIGH £ »XjaLJti £ X, HOLYWELL. Jkm Jtf]| IS BEGS to iaform the Inhabitants of Hjlywell Ij JO and neighboiunood that she has aow on view a URAliD SELECTION OF j Clai-LI)ItEss COSTiUMJSS AND I MILLINER Y < OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Ladies and Children's UndarcioUimg A SPECIALITY. Ladies and Children's Gloves, Blouses, jSkirts, &0. SJSsAgent for Pullars', Perth, Cleaners and Dyers, by appointment to His Majesty the k: I a g. Compare Prices be/ore purchasing elsewhere, -> WILLIAMS, S L A T B R. S j PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS .CEMENT WORKERS, ROOF AND FLOORING TIlERS, PPERHANGERS AND COLOURERS ZUiE GRAZES AND RAJStGIES JBixea by Expbrianced Men. Ms&mates gtma for ail kktds af Work. WHOLESALE YARD FOR TIMBER, SLAilNG, PLASTERING, LATHg CEMENT, BRICR.S, CHIMNEY PUTS, PLASTER OJtf PARIS, And all kinds of .BUIJ.,ulNlj MATERIALS always on nana, at reasonable rates. An Orders promptly attended w. YAiio The Old limber Yard, HALRYN ROAD, HOLYWELL. DON'T 0113T DOWNHEARTED Wbou Docton ■ WhM Doctor, taU 8PBfl Be WBL to Cur* Your MiEBBVflfmp pa H but benefit by the experience of Mr. w, G. Hoare* g H who tells how he was permanently cured of the H ■ most severe attack of this Dread Disease. M NNB tMNf Near Wolverton, Buck*. Gentlemen,—At the end of July. 1901,1 thH))H!)' had omoot the moat severe attacks of Eczema I" XI, Sohoot-oteret, Htantoabwry, that any man, I should think, ever saw. I was under medioal treatment lor some time, and getting no better I began to be down- hearted, when a friend of mine persuaded me to try Clarke's Blood Mixture,' and I am thankful to say that I tried it with good results. My face was one maas of running ■ores from one ear to the other. I oonld BrJM| find myself petting better before I had Kl finished the first bottle, 80 I continued with it until I had taken six bottles. I HU| should hay# written you before this, but I BHH wanted to be sure it was a permanent BH cure first, whioh I am thankful to say it is, MBB as it is how more than 4 years since I was flHH cured, and I have not had the slightest J— flaw of any return.—Yours truly, rHHHk (Signed) W. G. HO ABE.'• .all HK THE REASON is'becauae'TtU^h^only which thoj-ooghtaj AS; m sr.■ Boils. Pimples, Sores, and Eruptions of all kinds. Blood Poison, Glandular IjyjjjM Rheumatism, Gout, can only bo permanently cured by pur'fy'"g } I^MB Wfl Clarke's Blood Mixture, which has stdod the test of 40 years, isGBH demand than ever, and the proprietors, with confldence, solialt sutfraft to give It a trial to test Its value. m CLARKE'S ■ %raw um ■ BLOOD MIXTURE I H Pirasanti to the taste and sruaranteed free from anythin;? injurious to the most dellrajo HH Bi'" constitution <rf eitoer sex Of all Chemists aad Stores, 2/9 per bottle, and in cases, coa- Ml ■ S toe™ thl q^ntlty, ll/-> « post fre8 on receipt of price d.rect from tfa. H #38 Proprietors. Refuse substitutes. #Miiw Mismm fflSSS SUFFERERS who are doubtful about their case should write to us at once. JT oHH| deseribino-their illness We shall be pleased to give them, in confidence, toe bebtad^TO# raHB M free^)f ^jhMge^ We will ateo send copies of many additional testimomals. Address: |H jllQrfB SECRETARY, as below. SW8I 11» Proprietors: THE UKCOLM & COUSINS DRUG CO., UHCOLfL CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. ■ -:o:««- ■s' t JQL EARL, tarn 'S TAILOB & GENERAL OUTFITTER, INVITES INSPECTION OF THE NLW GOODS HE HAS RECEIVE FOR THE NEW mi AND SPRING TRADE. :o: The Stock consists of well-selected Patterns in Scotch, West, and yorksiiire Woollens. :o: V THE READY MADE D iiPASTMENT Is well supplied, with Gentlemen s, Youthr; and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps. Ties Shirts, Underclothing IJ mbrellas, &c. Special Measure Suits procured, from 25s. Ladies' Costumes made to Order in all the Latest Styles. WORDS" OF WISDOM. :o: —— "■ I IF YOUR YES TROUBLE YOU, Please give us a call, it will cost you nothing, and we will willingly tell you if you need Glasses or the services 1. of a Medical Man. :0: —- SIBHT TESTING BY A CERTIFIED OPTOLOBIST. -:0:- A. S C HW ABZ, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, WJ .ii ,l¡' HOLYWELL. Dy i,ocoiiitsts i Admttedbyth. proton t. 1 rho most Remedy KnOwn irD :1 be the COUGHS, COLDS, MOST VALUABUJEMEDY | ever discovered. I ASTHMA, and EfiectuaJIy cuts short aU ■ attaoks of SPASMS. V BRONCHITIS. The only Palliative in Mm iilll NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE,# DIARRHCEA9 COUT, RHEUMATISM. JB OHOLERAf and Convincing Medioal Testimony DYSENTERY. HbVHI accompanies each bottle. Am SOLD IS BOTTLES BY ALL CHEMISTS. gLt.114 219, &nd 416 each. A 1010 TO LIlSES We want an opportunity to convince you that APIOL STEEL PILLS Supersede Pennyroyal, Pil CoeMa k Bitter Apple. Wo will send yon sample free on receipt of two stamps for postage LESLIE MARTYN, LTD., CHF.MIST% 84, PALSTON LANE, tONDOSt. CREY HSUR ————j I restored to its original colour by usilag HAI MARR ISON'S C:tR RESTORER It is not a dye, but acts naturally, is quite harmless. PRICE 1/6, Postage ad. G. W. Harrison, M.P.S. Ji. Reading. J s JkOnx roit HOLTVBU :-D. HUQIiElS, QUUUT- HOLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL OHIIBXIN OF orBB Govamoiais: P HARDING ROBERTS, ESQ. TIOH-OEUXSKAN MRS JOHNSON JONES. HRAMUSTRIS J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. THAOHXNQ STAJF J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. (OXOH). J. T. MORGAN, B.So. (LORD.), Trained Certificated Master. R. J. OWEN, B.A. (WALHB), Exhibitioner and Prizeman of University COLLEGE of North Wales. HUGH G. MORRIS, Trained Certificated Master. J. R. HUGHES, M.A. (WIXBS), Exhibitioner of University Oollege of North Wales. Honours in Latin; Diploma in French. L. OWEN, B.A. WALBB), Honours in English Langaage and Literature. L. M. SMITH, B.A. (LOXDOH), Honours in French. Music (Instrumental): 0. LEWIS-JONES, tins. BAG., L.R.A.M. WOODWOBK F. A. ROBERTS. OOOKBBY AND LMJNDBY:— MISS STORAR, First-class Diploma for Cookery, Laandrl Work and Housewifery. For Prospectus, List of Saooesaea,&e.o apply to he HBASXASZBB, or to J. KBRFOOT ROBERTS, Clerk to the Governors, Holywell. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK of STATIONERY NOW ON VIEW, '■ AT THE ."OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. LETTER CARDS WITH VIEWS OF HOLYWELL. CHASTE Children's Party Invitations and Replies IN FANCY BOXES. Papers TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS All the Daily, Evening and Weekly Newpaperii received and delivered; Periodicals received a published. B URCH SERViCEl* IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' bibles with Concordance and Maps combined. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CARDS PA Jtt CEL.S THE PENNY WRAPPER MOST USEFUL If, OBSFILVER OFFI I E HOLiWJbLL. "¡"" .-—— 'f."i5'C, THE BAGllL T COAt COMPANY LIMITED. Bettisfield Colliery PRICE LIST Best Coal 8id. per cwt. Cobbles 8d. h Small JSuts • • 5d. Fire Wood ód 14 Sawdust 4d. per sack. Terms:-Cash at Weigh Cabin. TO PARTIES RFSKOVING. JOHN HOLMES, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL, BE G S to anaoanca to the Pablie that he Km now TWO LAHdli VANS, Bad it sj-ptrcd to REMOVE FURNITURE on the most rMsostblt terms. PAINTING & DECORATING is J, CAT HER IN 0 0 01 Painter Decorator, CIIAPEL-ST, HOLYWELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, Aw UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RATi ILMD QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. CIOLE. Marvellous sacrifice. Genta new 1907. Machine highest grade fitted with elinoher tyers, crabbe roller lever rim brakes, back aDd front, the very latest. Perrys 1907 bail bearing free wheel, plated rim«, oolou'eJ centres, frame biaii eosmelled, and gold lined, madguard* magnificent machine not soiled, oomplete with gas lamp, bell, poutp, spaunar; etc. Great bargain, £ 4 10M. 0d.. wurtk doable. Will send on approve: any d>etauoe before sash sent.—* HOUSE," St. Madge, Pitman-road, W Aflton Super Mare. IMPOaTANT TO MOTHERS. EVERT Mother who values the Health and Cleanliness of her Child should a«e HA&EI SONPS "RELIABLE') NURBERY PO MA DE. One Appliostion kile ail Nits and Vermin, beautifie8 and str-ngth-nc the tiait. In Tins, 4id. ani 90. Postage, id Ciao. W. ELAHBISON, Chimiit, Readintg. by Chemists. Agettt I"r- HOLTWBLL:—D. HOOHRB Hiifa Street. FLDrr :-W. HUHN, U'-euii-t. OOHNAH'S QuAy: r. C. josics. SBOZXOK t'BSsOU UD CO. CHEAP LIBRARY PRESENTATION VOLUMES. AT ALL PRICES. At THB "Observer" Office, HolywelL '6 | iDVite Success« ip\ by first securing that most excellent of all possessions— v^y fc,ood, sound, robust health. « JSJ If you .egleet to do so you W are laying the foundation of failure and disappoint- Mk JgS ment. You cannot possibly W have cause for self-congrat- ulation, you cannot expect to /pt enjoy a successful career so W. long as your health continues CJ unsatisfactory. One of the aj most reliable means of en- W suring a lasting state of health Cj is to be found in Beecham's Pills. They remove digestive W w/ maladies, purify the blood and CJ *37 promote the nourishment and energy of the entire 'St system. Cure yourself, help CJ yourself, invigorate yourself B by taking jt Beecbam's S Pills, i IAy Sold tTerywhere in boøS, price I HI (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pills).