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as The Balmoral' Butter Worker WITH NEW IMPROVED ROLLER SPINDLE. BL 1 The" .Alfa-taval" Maidstone Royal Cream Separator. Awarded Two 1st Prizes at the R.A.S.E., held at Maidstone, 1899. HERE IS A HARD FACT:— SUMMARY OF TRIALS OF CREAM SEPARATORS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Number of Competitors, » the'"ALFA-LAVAL" FIRST PRIZES won by FIRST PRIZES won by competing in every one- the ALFA-LAVAL all other Machines— 25 24 1 The solitary success scored against the ALFA-LAVAL was in a class for Steam PowerMachines. The "AIYA-LAVAL" Hand Power Machine hold an Unbroken Record. 600 FIRST PRIZES. 400,000 MACHINES SOLD. P:g; <{ff .i" :¡¡o/ "-U/ I-we The Planet J.r.' Combined Horse Hoe and Cultivator. Agent: W. Thomas, Ironmonger, Carmarthen. LLA N DYSSUL—-Ev^y Tuesday and Fair Days. ftsT W.T. ALSO ATTENDS LL ANY BY 1 H E R—First Monday in each month and all other Fair Dayp. LLANELLY (MABKET PLACE)—Every THURS^" — MIMING! PRINTING 1 1 GOOD CIIFAP, AND EXPEDITIOUS JJ3KINTING JgXECrrED AT TBI "WEEKLY REftt HUEÚ" PRINTING & PUBLiSHINfi OFFICES. ft BLTJE-STJ^EFiT CARMARTHEN. VO^TERS COLOURED OR PLAIN r VN J CIRCULAltS memorial CARDS IN GREAT VARIETY BUSINESS CARDS VAMPHLBIS ANNUAL REPORTS PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS 01 SALE ""SS^JSS—— BILLHEADS MEMO. FORMS CHEQUE BOOKS, &e. Orders by Post receive prompt and caretul attention. p»IOS« ON AP P L lOA '1'10 JS, ft.e rm,art1teD Weekly Reportfr THOB8DAT htusto AROBST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN, "p8._P81Un; POST FRICZ 119 PBU <1°A,I,B ,B* *S8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM TOR tab CLABSSS OR ADVERTISEMENTS. GWALIA HOUSE BAKERY The Success of our Tea Party Oake. We are open to supply any quantity at the shortest notice to Tea Parties. Sunday and Day Schools supplied at moderate terms. Currant. Seed, Sultana, and Madeira always in Stock. TH TRADE SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Families waited on daily 4 (3- TBEHABITE- EORG PILE;% GRAVEL PILLS j< A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. For upwards of Forty Years these Pills have held the first place in the World as a Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the common disorders of the Bowels, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; and there is no civilized Nation under the Sun that has not experienced their Healing Virtues. THE THREE FORMS OF THIS REMEDY: No. I-George's Pile and Gravel Pills. No, 2—George's Gravel Pills. No. 3—George's Pills for the Piles. Sold everywhere in Boxep, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. By Post, Is. 2d. and 2s. lOd. a PROPRIETOR-I. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRVAIN, ABERDARE. NOTICES TO UUIT From Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord, may be obtained at the Reporter Office, Price One Penny ;il THE ARROW," SIliT Q-EB, CENTAUR7 AND OTHER LEADING MOTORS & CYCLES CAN BE PROCURED AT 19, XING STREET, CARMARTHEN TEBY LOW PH-IOES, EITHER FOR CASH OR ON THE J INSTALMENT" SYSTEM. HERBERT JONES & CO. IST COLLIER M.S. A ABOHITICT AND SCBVWOB QUAY STBEET, CAIIMARIHBN. MORTIMER'S COUGH MIXTURE, For CC11IJs, Colds Croul), and Cough, Bro11cl1itis, and all Chest N.B.—See that this- Picture appears opon flhe wrapper, TAKE NO OlDER. MORTIMER'S ONLY. J. B. ARTH UR. 4 z Gn()fp CORN,, FLO-UT R AND I S I! MEl!Oil A N't AND THE QUAY STORES CARMARTHEN. C Alti Barley, Round and Flat Corn, Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal, Middlings, Bral, &c., at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHOSPHATE I THOMAS PHOSPHATE! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRIOEB VBRY MODERATE. i' <40T,E AGEiNT FOR THE DUBLIN & WICKLOW 801,12 CELEBRATED MANURES. NEW HUDSON TWO SPEEDS. /ft Fly up bills. Everyone wants them. First m /jft fJSu really popular priced machine- lltted i J/VL l £ i\\ with genuine Hub Two-Speed gear, all I IV/ll 1 included iu first, cost. Easier up hill*, ■ JJrU V faster on level roads, without more WflkB I work. JP W m F,12 12s. or 218. monthly. NEW HUDSON FREE WHEELS. Dunlop or Warwick Tyres, Hyde Free Wheels, Plated Rn?s, Bow^eir Brakes and Crabbe Rrakes, Steering Lccks, and mi re complete equipment than any Cycles of equal price. STANDARDS. £ 1010s. or 17s. 6d. monthly POPULARS £ 8 10s. or 15s. 6d. monthly. Write for Art Catalogue and latest 48 page Cycling Guide. NEW HUDSON CYCLE CO., Ltd., Birmingham. I TIIR/IEID IMHEILT. When you are tired of taking mysterious prescriptions, and weary of wearing Electric Belts, write to me, and I will send you a Book, which shows how every man, young and thorouehly cured of NBR VOUbJN Jioo, EXHAUSTION, VARICOCELE, and DEBILITY Som ariy cause whatever, WITHOUT STOMACH MEDICINE, or ELECTRICITY. Hundreds o cures. Book sent sealed, post free, for two stamps. 1 A. J. LEIGH, 92 and 93, Great Russall Street, London, W.C. Over Seventeen years' successful results. A STOP ONE MOMENT. Ã OH DEAR DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY which contains PURE Welsh Honey and an sseno of the purest and most efficacious Herbs, gathered on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS THERE are thousands of children who die annually from bronchitis, whooping cough, and croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It s nvaluable for weak-chested men, delicate women, and children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Tightne&s of the "3hest. It cures thousands )f children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It cures for One Shillingwhen Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT If you have a Cough, try it; if you have a Cold, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectora- tion, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of re8t' June 11th, 1902. DEAR SIB,—I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to you for the relief I have received from using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. For more than two years I have been a great sufferer from Colds and Coughs, in fact, my life was quite a burden to me with pains all over my Chest. I hav6 had three bottles of your Balsam of Honey, and am grateful to say that I am cured-can go on with my performance with pleasure. Shall highly recommend it to others. You can use this testimonial ab you like. I am, yours faithfully F. CHIRGWIN, Comic Clown, Blackburn IS SOMETHING MARVELLOUS. A BAG OF LETTERS IN EVERY DAY, any what they say about Tudor Williams' Balsam of Hont"Y is something marvellous. SEVERE <'HRoNIC BRONCHITIS, c.'mbined wth Asthma and Heart, Afflj "iun (8 CURKD:—"I have been und.r doetor,. for 8 years. They die; not do me any lasting good. Wheu I your treatment I was at my very worst. My breathing was very bad. I had to sit lip iu hed alj night, and my cough was 90 hard I could not cmigh up anything. In the daytime 1 was worse. I used to get such fits of perspiration and afterwards turn quite cold. I was always catching fresh I am »<>«• able to sleep at nights, and when I list; up n the morning am able to do my wo with ease. MIS. JACKSON. Sea View, bouthport. WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. SiR,- ]Nly wife desii-r" trio say that y.-ur Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey nas proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appearance, a dose of Tudor's Balsam is ttouce administered, and this treatment is followed up until the cold dis- appears. Before uairg the Batfaio in our. amily the t children have been prostiate with colds or several I weeks, Suit nv" by taking doses as directed, they eeein to "utfer veiy little inconvenience. During the shot t time the cold is upon theUl, the eti.,n of the ■ Balaam i" marvellous, and the little ones take it readily and aik for ryiore.-WALTFEt J. RHETT, C.M., Headmaster, Severn Tunnel School. 1 BALSAM OF IIONRY AT THE ROYAL NATIONAl, BAZAAR. When it was decided to have a Weish Stal at the National Biznar in aid of the sufferers by the War, Mr. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS offered the Hon. Secietary, Arthur J. Coke, Et-q., a case of Balsam of Honey, which was gratefully aceepteJ. The Balsam found a ready sale amongst the Royalty and uobility who patronised the Bazaar. NURSE DARLING, NURSE HOME, KIMBERLEY. Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey you kindly forwarded to the front, I am pleased to be able to say that I have found it most beneficial to my patients and self. In one case I attended a private soldier, a native of Glcucesiershire. He had beec wounded in the chest. He had » troublesome cough. He asksd for Tmdor Willi tow's Balsam of Honey. I was surprised at the wonderful effect it had on the poor fellow soothing the nasty cough and promoting free expectoration—thus promptly clearing the bronchial tube and air vesseJs or the accumulated mucous. lie wished me to drop you this liuo. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. I' TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUD. Sold by all-Cheniisto ana Stores in Is., 2s 6J., ani 4s. (id. per bottle. Great saving in purchasing the large Bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid for Is. 3d., 2s. 9d. and 5s., from tha inventor. Sample bottle sent (post paid for la. 3d., 2s. 9d. and bs., from tha inventor. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.S.D.E.W-j Medical Hall ^berdare, [ W. T. ROGERS R.P.C. (Member of the Registered Plumbers' Company), Plumber, Q-as-fitter Wire &- Electric Bell-hanger, 9, NOrT-SQU A RE, CARMARTHEN. All kinds of Bath Room and Lavatory Requisites supplied and fixed, Newest Designs and Prices on application. Repairs executed on the shortest notice SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ALL CLASSES^ COUNTRY WORK. COMPETENT WORKMEN SENT TO ALL PARTS. GOOD WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITZ REASONABLE CHARGES JT Wedding, Keeper, M and Engagement Rings/% £ AU Sizea> Shf.pes, and Weights\ m in Stock. F The Largest and Choicest Selection in I tJie United Counties. 3 JOHN WILLIAMS, B SIOP T MODBWTAU, & 10' LAMMAS-STREET, .'0? CARMARTARN. "í: SEEDS OF THE FINEST QUALITY ONLY. GARDEN AND FI,OWElt SEEDS. LICKLEY'S ROYKL WELSHMAN POTATO THE FINEST ON THE MARKET; All other varieties in Stock. ONTON 11 A CUCUMBER PLANTS for Frame, Gd. and d. each. WREATHS, CROSSES, and all other Designs of FLORAL WORK, executed at shortest notices. FLOWERS CUT FRESH FROM THE HOTHOUSES. Illustrated Seed list Free. WILLIAM LIOKLEY, SEEDSMAN, 12, QUEEN STREET, CARMARTHEN. COLOMBO STORES Francis Terrace, CAiniAH TUB', FOR NEW FRUITS. CURRANTS 1 td, 2d, 3d per lb. RAI80N8 4d, 5d J1 SULTANNA 4 £ d, 6d „ PEEL 5d ff FIGS 6d APPLES 3d „ R RAPES 6d „ LEMONS, ORANGES, FRENCH PLUMS, MUSCATELLS, ONIONS, &c., &c. z. JD..TONES, PROPRIETOR. iTRIUMPHl 1 Cycles and Motors that British ship can B Catdogue, and particulars of Free Insurance ■ D E. JONES & Co, 51, KING STREET, 1 CARMARTHEN. PRICE FROM 10 GUINEAS, OR I FROM A GUINEA A MONTH. 5 IIIBlll ■! CURED COUGH & COLD FOR 35 YEARS. f^JSSk YOU A COUCH I COUCH! or TAKEN C0LD ? I COLD J USED PROMPTLY HAYHSAN'S BALSAM] w L WI LL RELIEVE STOPS 1 AND CURE. f<SORES 1 COLD Iavalua'-te la Nursery. ICOUCHI Agents: J. P Richards & Co, Chemists.M, Lammas-st TELE CARMARTHEN BILLP08TING COXMPANY, 13, BRIDGE-STREET CARMARTHEN t > ILLPOSTING an7 ADVERTISING in all its O Branches, throughout the Counties oLCarma » then Pembroke and Cardigan. t0 E. M. J AMES, Manager. ''0 FOR THIS Br/jon is Tan IJIFB:Clarke'. world- famed Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanses tke blood from all impurôties, from whatever cause arising For scrofula, scurvy, eczema, skin and blood divesses, Pimples, and soies of all kinds, its effects are milt veilous Tboutandaof testimonials. In bottles, >■ and Us each, ot all chemists. Proprietors, and Midland Oounties Drug oompany Linct^ln. Aak for OUrke's Bluod Mixture and do not ba persuaded to take any imitation.