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!E The Balmoral9 Butter Worker WITH NEW IMPROVED ROLJ,ER SPINDLE FOR 1903. The "Alfa-Laval" Maidstone Royal Cream Separator. Awarded 1st Prize at the R.A.S.E., held at Maidstone, 1899. HERE IS A HARD FACT:- SUMMARY OF TRIALS OF CREAM SEPARATORS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Nthe1' FIRST PRIZES won by FIRST PRIZES won by competing in every one- the ALFA'LAVAL all other Machines- 25 24, 1 The solitary success scored against the ALFA-LA VAL" was in a class for Steam Power Machines. The ALFA L AVAL Hand Power Machine hold an Unbroken Record. 500 FIRST l-RIZES. 350,000 MACHINES SOLD. >5 a?.-Y \^y ;ii liii' il:! The Planet j-.r., Combined Horse Hoe and Cultivator. Agent: W. Thomas, Ironmonger, Carmarthen. i 1 LA N DYSSUL-Ewy Tuesday and Fair Days. W.T. AISO ATTENDS j LL,\ Y B Y I il v. —First Monday in each month and all other Fair Days. LL A N KLLY (MARKET PLACE)—Every Thursday. TKINIUNU! PKLNTLNU! QOOD CHEAP, AND EXPEDITIOUS JpRINTING JgJXFCTTED AT THE "WEEKLY REPORTER" PRINTING & PUBLISHING OFFICES,T 8, BLUE-STREET CARMARTHEN. POSTERS COLOURED OR PLAIN HANDBILLS TRADE CIRCULARS MEMORIAL CARDS (IN GREAT VARIETY BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS I ANNUAL REPORTS PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE PROGRAMMES (BALL CONCERT, OR SPORTS) BILLHEADS MEMO. FORMS- CHEQUE BOOKS, &c. Orders by Post receive prompt and careful attention. jpRXOES ON APPLICATION The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, Circulates throughout South Wales generally, and has the LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNT OF CARMARTHEN, PWOIONBPENNT; POST Fitzz 1/9 PEB QUABTKK THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR ALL CLASSES OF ADVERTISEMENTS. DENTAL NOTICE. MR: J. MACPHAIL SURGEON DENTIST, 19, KING-STREET (OPPOSITE LLOYD BANK CARMARTHEN. LLANELLY EVERY THURSDAY. CONSULTATION VEZZ. USTABLIBHZD OV ZU 22 YBABS IVIORTIMERIS COUGH MIXTURE, .9tr For Coughs, Colds Croup, and Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all Chest Affections. N.B.-See that this Picture appears upon the wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. MORTIMER'S ONLY. "CURED COUGH & COLD FOR 355.YEARS. r^iRj^lHAYE YGU A COUCH I COUCH J or TAKEN COLD ? I COLD'J USED PROMPTLY IHSYMAH'8 BALSAM] ^■WILL RELIEVE fSTOPS! AND CURE. f^OBESl L COLO J Invaluable /a Nursery. L COUC H J F- JA CISH Frices, Q" *>'« Agents; J. P. Richards & Co, Chemists, It;, Lam mas-st PEOPLE SAY KernicK s mim a Vegetable Pills WHY? SHOULD BE MORE WIDELY KNOWN. They have been used and appreciated by thou- sands for over FIFTY YEARS and their sale has largely increased. HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? They are very small and easily swallowed. Each box is a veritable MEDICINE CHEST in itself. If you feel out of sorts, or want a Spring Medicine try KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. One is a dose for an average man. They cure Head- aches, Biliousness, Bad Blood, Indigestion, Weakness, Nervous Debility, or Kidney TroutAes. They cleanse the system, strengthen the nerves, purify the blood, and prepare the body for the summer heats. THERE IS NO MEDICINE LIKE THEM KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PII,LS are sold by all J" 7ID„ I and '9 boxen, or RV^L WK I E?.ROPL ICTORS—KERNICK & SON, stamps Druggists, Cardiff, on receipt of • CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure in either sex, all acquired or Constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes. 4s 6d each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, r sent for sixty stamps by the makers, the Lincbluoand Midland Counties Drug COICPADYI Lincoln. I I NEW JAMS! I NEW JAMS! NEW JAMS! Z. -D. J(-)NESs COLOMBO STORES Francis Terrace, C ARM ARTHEN CURRANTS RAISINS SULTANAS LEMON PEEL AT LOWEST PRICES. AT T. SMITH & CO., KING STREET BAKERY [CARMARTHEN. J. B. ARTHUR, WHOLESALE GROCER CORN, FLOUR AND SEED MERCHANT PRIORY-STREET, AND THE QUAY STORES CARMARTHEN. Barley, Round and Flat Corn, Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal, Middlings, Bran, Ac., at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHOSPHATE THOMAS PHOSPHATE! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRICES VERY MODERATE. SOLE AGENT FOR THE DUBLIN &WICKLOW CELEBRATED MANURES. OLD HAltNESS & BELTS M Repaired with Bifurcated Rivets. Driven and Clinched with any hammer. From all Ironmongers, in assorted Boxes, lin. to in. Gd. £ in. to ^in. Is. If unobtainable send Stamps to BIFT RCAIED RIVET Co., LTD., 0, WOOL EXCHANGE, LONDON, E.G. NOTICES TO QUIT FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT AND TENANT TO LANDLORD, May be obtained at the REPORTER" OKFICK Blue-street, Carmarthen. ilaielill ONE P E NN Y. Telegraphic Address—" Jones, L'argathen Yard, Llanelly." National Telephone-No. 339. T- P- CrOIfcTEJS, Contractor, Builders' Merchant, and Ironmonger, LLANGATHEN YARD, LLANELLY. Agent for the noted Hammer Brand Portland Cement, and Dealer in all kinds of Builders' Materials. Ironmongery Department—86, STATION ROAD, Where a Large Stock is kept of Builders' Ironmongery, Sanitary Ware, Gas and Water Fittings, Acetylene Gas Generators, Baths, Cisterns, Pipe «ind Sheet Lead, etc, etc. BOTTOM PRICES QUOTED. Lighting, Sanitary, and Plumbers' Work carried out in every part of the Country. Distance no object. OFFICES-.86, STATION ROAD, LLANELLY. 0, QUEEN STREET, CARMARTHEN. 4.- D- B. JOITES, PRACTICAL LADIES § GENT'S TAILOR HAS PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT HE HAS SECURED THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN COATINGS AND FANCY SUITINGS. FOR THE SPRING- AND SUMMEI SEASONS. Also a FINE SELECTION of BLACK and BLUE SUITINGS. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED. MODERATE CHARGES. ( £ T All Orders Executed under personal supervision. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. GEORG GRNEL PILLS A 1MARVELLOUS REMEDY. For upwards of Forty Years these Pills have held the first place in tlte World as a Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the common disorders of the Bowels, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; and there is no civilized Nation under the Sun that has not experienced their Healing Virtues. THE THREE FORMS OF THIS REMEDY: Ko. I-George's Pile and Gravel Pills. No, 2—George's Gravel Pills. No. 3—George's PiUs for the Piles, Sold everywhere in Boxes, I s. lid. and 2s. 9.1. eacb. By Post, Is. 2d. and 2s. IOd. 2 PROPRIETOR—J. F. GEORGE, M.RJ\S., IIIRWAIS, ABEKDARE. NOTICES TO QUIT From Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord, may be obtained at the" Reporter" Office. Price One Penny. ir HOVIS TRADE MARK G BREAD Is as good I as it is nice. 8 HOVIS BREAD is real food. It con. G -*— tains more nourishment than either H brown or white bread or porridge. G It maintains STRENGTH and creates ENERGY. N IT is all NUTRIMENT in a, form that benefits H the shong and weakjdike. s It is also veiy nice and palatable. H Tt is made and-.delivered DAILY^BY D G. TURHARNE, I GSVALIA HOUSE, J CARMARTHEN. | I Further paiticulara from HOVIS LTD., § ■ MACCLE&TIELD. JG J I W. S. PHILLIPS & Co., I IMPORTERS d- BLENDERS, WISE, SPIRIT, & CIGAR MERCIIAYIS. SOLE J^G-ElsTTS foe j ( fm[^9 ) n 3 'MAR J ON 113REWED FROM THEfTTNEST MALT & 1IOFS. 0 7, KING STREET, (IAJ)iNlikItTHEN. THE CHEAPEST UOUSE FOR HAVANA CIGARS. THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 13, BRIDGE-STREET CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in all it Branches, throughout the Counties of Carina then, Pembroke and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager For, THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.Clarke's world- famed BLood Mixture is warranted to cleanses the blood from all impurities, from whatever canse arising For scrofula, scurvy, eczema, skin and blood difeases., Pi02pies, laid sores of all kinds, its effects sre mar- vellous Thousandsof testimonials. Ip bo-t.es, a and lis each, of all chemists. Proprietor Lincuit. and Midland Counties Drug Coirpany LiiiCL In. As for Claike's Blood Uixtire and do net by pjrraidwl to take an imit,( iou, X STOP ONE MOMENT. X OIL! DEAR DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY which contains PURE Welsh Honey and an ssence of the purest and most efficacious Herbs, gathered on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. 4 BRONCHITIS THERE arc thousands of children who die annually from bronchitis, whooping cough, and croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It is irivahi.OBLA women, ana children. It cures. when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Tightness of the 7hest. It cures thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT If you have a Guugh, try it; if you have a Cold, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectora- tion, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. ——— June 11th, 1902. DEAR Sir.,—I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to you for the relief I have received from using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. For n.ure than two years I have been a great sufferer from Colds and Coughs, in fact, my life was quite a burden to me; with pains all over my Chpst. I have had three bottles of your Balaam of Honey, and am grateful to say that I am cured-can go on with my performance with pleasure. Shall highly recommend it to others. You can use this testimonial as you like. I am. yours faithfully, F. CIIIRGWIN, Comic Clown, Blackburn. IS SOMETHING MARVELLOUS. A BAG OF LETTERS IN EVERY DAY, and what they say about Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey is something marvellous. SEVERE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, combined with Asthma and Heart Affection (S years' standing), CURED: I have been under doctors for 8 years. They did not do me any lasting good. When I bog: your treatment I was at my very worst. My breathing was very bad. I had to sit up in bed all night, and my cough was so hard I could not cough up anything. In the daytime I was worse. I used to get such fits of perspiration and afterwards turn quite cold. I was always catching fresh colds. I am now able to sleep at nights, and when I rise up in the morning am able to do my work with ease. Mrr. JACKSON. Sea View, South port. I WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. SIS,—My wife desires me to say that your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey niq proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appearance, a dose of Tudor's Balsam is at once administered, and this treatment is followed up until the cold dis- appears. Before using the Balsam in nur family the children have been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. During the short time the cold is upon them, the ction of the Balsam is marvellous, and the little ones take it readily and a3k for more.—WALTER J. BRETT, C.M., Headmaster, Severn Tunnel School. ;-it;. BALSAFL OF HONEY AT THE ROYAJA NATIONAL BAZAAR. When it was decided to have a Welsh Stal at the National Bazaar in aid of the sufferers by the War, Mr. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS offered the Hon. Secretary, Arthur J. Coke, Esq., a case of Balsam of Honey, which was gratefully accepted. The Balsam found a ready sale amongst tho Royalty and nobility who patronised the Bazaar. NURSE DARLING, NURSE HOME, KIMBERLEY. Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey you kindly forwarded to the front, I am pleased to be able to say that I have found it most beneficial to my patients and self. In one case I attended a private soldier, a native of Gkucesiershire. He had been wounded in the che8. He had [I troublesome cough. He .skd for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey. I was surprised at the wonderful effect it had on the poor fellow soothing the nasty cough and promoting free expectoration—thus promptly clearing the bronchial tube and air vessels or the accumulated mucous. He wished me to drop you this line. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUD. Sold by all Chemists ana Stores in Is., 2S 6d., ani 4s. 6d. per bottle. Great saving in purchasing th large Bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is. 3d., 2S. 9d., and 5s., from tha inventor. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.S.D.E.W. Medical Hall, Aberdare. W. T. ROGERS, R.P.C. (Member of the hogistered Plumbers' Company), 3?1 umber, Gas-fitter Wire SE Electric Bell-hanger, 9, NOTT-SAUARE, CARMARTHEN. All liiuds ot Bath Room and Lavatory Requisites supplied and lixed. Neivest Designs and Prices on application. Repairs executed on the shortest notice SPECIAL ATTENTION PAJD TO ALL CIASSE3 COUNTRY WORK, COMPETENT WORKMEN SENT TO ALL PARTS. GOOD WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITH REASONABLE UHARGES 1.¡' p,#i'" Wetldiug, Keeper, a FID EIIG IJG-EIIIEUT RINGS, ¡/ AH Sizes, Slirpes, and Weighty lU t0ck, kf 111.! Ln-'j-rHi a i I Choicc-st Selection ¡, 1 the United Counties. m JOHN WILLIAMS, M StOF Y MOIH'MAU, & 10, C_\ 10! ,\H'fdHS.