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mimf pmsijtcjb! BEOS to announce to her Pupils arid Fi'iends in Carmarthen, that the Dancing Acadenry will RE-OPEN at the Boar's Head ..Hall Room; Monday, Au- gust Sd.-I-ks also the honour of informing those Families in Haverfordwest and the vicinity, who may wish for] er attendance, that she is engaged after the present Vacation to superintend the Dancing Department in Miss Davies's Establishment, and will feel much pteasure in attending those Lad it's who may honour her with theirencourage- ment. CARMARTHEN. e'(JbtiLtff at as Andentered upon at Michaelmas next, A DWELLING HOUSE, situate in Waterloo Terrace, in this town, now in the occupation of Walter Rice Howell, Esq., consisting rff two parlours, two large kitchen*, a pantry,four good bedrooms, and a walled garden attached. For further particulars apply (if by letter, post-paid,) to Mr. 'th,ts. Waterloo Terrace. I ØONEY. N-Y. TT1HE several Sums of jfc'1000, £ 700, £ 600, £ .>00, JL and £ '400, ready to be advanced on Freehold, and several smaller sitin's oil Personal Sectiritv.-Al)plica- tions to be made, (if bv letter post paid:) to Mr. William Lock, Solicitor, at his Oilice in Pembroke or Tenby. LAUCHARNE. T, oiibtntt, And Ente1.edufton at Mich,,ieltitas nevi:, A HOUSE and GARDEN, fit for a genteel Fa- mily, in the Town of Laugharrte, in the county of Carmarthen. Applications to be made (if by letter post-paid) either to Mr. John Davies, or Mr. John Morris, Bronvgraer, Carmar- thenshire. "lic *Jolt[ A Double Barrel GUN, with Flint Locks, Gold- cased Pans, Gold Touch-Holes, Cheek-piece, and Scroll hanrile Box. Tricker Plate, and Silver Ov ls to bolt, -by John Manlnn,in, excelleut repair, and as good as Dew, with apparatus complete. T j Enquire, (if bv letters post paid) of Mr. Win. Anthony, Solicitor, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. -1 (CARMARTHENSHIRE. ";1 lee JLei toy Ancf toil, On Saturday, the 8th dav of August, at the Castle Inn, in town of Llandilo, if not previously disposed of by Private Coniracf, FOR THE TERM OP FIVE YEARS, TWO-THIRDS of the TYTHES of the Parish of Llanartbney.—For further particulars apply, (if I)y letter post paid,) to Mr. Wm. Jones, Auctioneer. Llan- tlilo. np.HE Creditors 'of JOHN JONESr formerly of Penrhyncoch, in the Parish of Llanbadarnfawr, »n the County of Cardigan, Glover, and since of Clawdd- nielyn, in the Parish of Llanbadarnfawr aforesaid, farmer, afterwards of GrayVstreet, London, Journeyman Glover, and. late of in the said parish of Llaiibarfarn- fawr, in the county of Cardigan, aforesaid, Farmer, an In- solvent^ Debtor, Who was discharged from the Gaol of Car- d igan, in the County of Cardigan, are requested to meet at the GogerddanArms Inn. in the of Aberystwyth, in the County of Cardigan, on tlje fourteenth day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the stine, day precisely, for the- of choosing an Assignee or As- signees of the Insolvent's estate and,ejects, JOHN HUGHES, Solicitor, Aberystwyth. HE. ltIILFORD".BEfQATA IVill be held on the I \th of August, 1829, STEWARDS. Won. Capt. FULKE GREVtLLEi Capt. LEWIS DAVIES. R. N., C. B. Capt. GEORGE LLOYD, It. N. '"fflHERE will be Sailing and Rowing1 Matdif% par- Plate VU shortly be published. A ^eiulenipi.'1 v". P(,,n<*a.S'' Wl" '>e Riven to be run for bv Tons v c !>r ^^Mure Vessels not exceeding l £ > letter, po<t d^LW? YI* information may apply by Alii ford "ie Regalia Committee, Nelson Hotel, CARDIGANSHIRE, SOUTH WALES. JfEmriMe. ,.BesideJiCe. P( tic itet^mcasiOHabDi, sion' wtk c ve, sfor ,en years, with immediate posses- ture'fo k "rn|sfied, Or unfurnished, and part of the furni- «'e io be taken by appraisement; A p £ °v\?™e'r ,mo(,ern' )veW bailt House, called mile ^■.1* deljghtftTlly situated, within one where there iw'!f fis-Mn* vi"affe of Aberporth, k Sood b!l,h,n«' and a harbour for geltim' are chpan V V ''T ,ni\n from Cardigan, wherfthen- leTs 2 r nf Ul Ul, y I>OS' :-a,so 75 atres» any 1ViiiffIn a nnV f ?"° mc £ 'HW< Pas"'re, and arable Land, "I itig in a r'ing fences anti"iii good cultivation, with Three ^Jttageg attached thereto. inJ',THo,,Se s,andsin a lawn, nearly stirrounded'bv thriv- view off'a'rit"'1 S anR commanding a beauiiful conTj! „f ga". P>av an(l ,he-)°'h mountains V and por,,co' entrance-hall, lofty dining room and Jal?njVrOWV hr^fasX >irlour< 2 Wihens,^ partes, rooms jl!aa C jeX' nt and back Sfa'rcase< six best bed- storprA one dressing-room, three servants' do., and one Rronn °lnsllWLr tW^ <,('llars'nd :l bepr cellar under ail nerpssfr l"1S -,r 0 ,,0,'s',s' coach-house, gig-house, and stockeff wU? farming buildings. A laree Giirden, fully rpn, w't'1 fruit trees, and Kitciien Garden also, every shai-i'- for a get)teel family, and well calculated for a J gentleman, who would have permission to shoot ■««, ^eVera ^arms io a country abounding with game: »fP!,n a" Wl^t!Wre A' two packs of hounds, and in a very respectable neighbonrhood. v.j,i1e,?ccuP'^ may 'Wcommodated at a fair valuation, hu^bandrVX' &c.°rn the Str:iW' hay' i,nl,lemen(s of 1 or parttctilars, apply personally, as above; or by r, post paid, to Capt. Jenkins, Post-office, Cardigan. Estate and-Hou-se Agency Office, No. 93, BISHOPSGATE-STREET, WITHIN. ENRY L. COOPFR, in subniittizir r_1 to bis-frietids publication of his Reffister for the present mOlllh; i in6eint able lo state that, after having al ori an isP0<ie" °f 'i much greater number of propert'res th .n 1<\i. i^ rtn( r s<>as! an.d from the patronage his Agency nn !1,e"1 has f^«iund Willi -tlie Public, be hasstill the tatP0'lTUy before'them a list of Houses and Es- jIfies' which few competitors can-exceed, either in value, "fli)orlance, or variety, and in situations which comprise aim 'h*1 couut'res in finglaiid, thereby: rendering it «ell°St 'mP°ssible but that patties, either as buyers or e,s» at ihe reasanable value of the day, may both be On,,oodated, An engagement of upwards of forty yarS..ilthe upliol(istery department, on the same spot, • 's pref.ume<l, be a sufficient guarantee for his int<? !Tfj ani' responsibility s and when the locality, as to situ- n V* consideredbeing in the immediate vicinity of (he !•(•< i "^Lngland, Garraway's,, and.' the Auction Mart (the nr'.r' of'he monied and landed interest of the couniry,) ino- '"ci'ities peculiar to this establishment for eftVct- •ibr 'J0"'11'0 and- advantageous sales, at the fair market- Ur ° 'e da^» whatever interests may be com- mi!ted to his care. (Jentlemen desirous of takins: a pro- estates Qq'w"? wi" he waited on at their residences or es!ates.~93, Bishopsgate-sircet Within. To Parents and Guardians. A. Young Gentleman of the age of between 15 and 16, vvho has r ceived a good classical Education, is Ranted as an apprentice for the term of five years, hv a Surgeon; in an estahtished and extensive cle- mentary professional studies will be most scnipulou.lv at- tendeil to, and in every respect will be considered as one of the family. For particulars apply (if by letter, postpaid,) to the Editor of this Paper. lVIIS FIlICE, SPILMJN-STREET: CARMARTHEN, INFORMS her Friends and the Public, that the JL Midsummer Vacation will terminate the 27th inst. Miss Price takes this opportunity gratefully to acknow- ledge the kindness of Her friends.—There is a vacancy for an articled pupil or half boarder. MISS W()ZENCIll\r's <' ,Se!IOOL V WILL ItE-OPEN, on MONDAY, the 27th in'' stant. SpHmim-street, Carmarthen, 2Vth July, 1829. (Carmarthen Licensed Free Grammar School> CONDUCTED BY THE Mev. t); A. WILLIAMS, IjCTlLL BE OPENED on MONDAY, the 3d of Au- T V GUST next,—Terms as usual.—There is va- cancy fat Boarders.—C!ast)e-HiH Mou-ie, Ju!yg4.J829. I

Carmart&rw, 24.


Family Notices