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LONIiON. .J1¡<:\.1.


LONIiON. .J 1 ¡<: 1 THURSDAY, MAY 28. f fH^HE report,-which we mentioned yesterday,that ||t an official account of Lord William Ben thick's death had arrived, is, we.'are liap.py to under- stand, not correct. It is denied at the public offices that any despatch mentioning it has been re- 9 ceived hy government; but it cannot be concealed that a general impression prevails that the account is true. Standard. Keports are thickening of Mr. Peel's intention to retite from oiffce: it will be remembered that so long hack as the 9th April we stated that such an expecta- tion Was entertained in well-informed circles.—Brigh- ton Gazette. The Earl of Darnlcy has presented a petition, claim- ing the Dukedom of Lennox, to his Majesty, praying his Majesty to cause inquiry to he made into the same i lie King forwarded it to tiie House of Lords, as,is the usual course in such cases; and their Lordships have directed it to be referred to a Committee of Privileges. It is said that there is a falling off in the revenue of the qnarter to the amount of upwards of < £ 380,000. The law changes that have been so long on the tapis, are, we believe, tor the most part, finally arranged. i he negociation we some time ago alluded" 1o as pend- ing between one or more of the Lord Chief Justices to marie room lor the Solicitor General, is at length suc- cessful, ihe Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas lidving, it is said, agreed to become Deputy Speaker of ,-H7-Te of.Loi'(ls< uitil the title of Baron Win ford, «t Wintord, in the county of Dorset, of which parish his lordship is the proprietor. Sir Nicholas Tindai-is of course to succeed Sir William Best. Sir Jas. Scar- lett will re-assume the office of Attorney General, and we believe Mr, AldersolJ is to be the new Solicitor. Alr. F. Pollock and Mr. Bickersteth are, however, both named for the latter office. A grand review of cavalry and infantry took place to day in Hyde Park, at wh'ich the Dukes of Cumber- and, Orleans, and Chartres, were present. His Grace t ie Duke of Wellington was on duty as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards. The Duke's horse fell with his Grace. Something having given it alarm, it reared so suddenly that it could not regain its balance, and fell backwards. Fortunately the Duke mimagcd to throw himself clear of the horse, otherwip the consequences 'night have been serious. To the inquiries of those around him, the Duke replied that he was not in the least hurt, nur did it appear that the horse had sus- tained any injury, as his Grace was soon remounted, and the animal quite passive. The letters from Oporto to-day are to the 13th inst. The utmost gloom and despondency prevail in that eity; the confiscation of the property of the unhappy victims of tyranny was immediately expected. Two of the individuals condemned have escaped to England. It is mentioned that the city of Oporto was deserted during the late executions; the inhabitants appeared to retire in a hody into the country, that they might avoid the appalling sight and its consequences, if they displayed the common feelings of humanity. The reigning Duke of Oldenburgh died on the night of the 21st at Wisbaden, whither he had repaired for the benefit of the baths. The Emperor Nicholas, who was crowned King of Poland on the 24th inst. affords the only instance'of a Coronation which the Poles have seen for the last 70 years. They write from Constantinople, of the date of the 27th, that Hussein Pacha is unremittingly sending reinforcements to Sisepolis, and that the Sultan is constant in his attendance at the parades of his troops, which are daiiy exercised after the European manner J>y ^ic/1 officers, of whom he has a great number in his service. M any other foreign officers are expected from Smyrna. LEGHORN, MAY li.-A ship under Greek colours, which here from Syra, brings the agreeable news that Athens is invested by the Greeks by sea and land, and is on the point of surrendering. Athens and otiier places iii the possession of the Túrbi; are so dis- tressed for provisions, that great numbers of the sol- lets desert to the Greeks. Hostilities have recom- menced hi Candia between the Turks and Greeks. I A ROME, MAY 9.—Accounts from Corfu of the 20th of April, say that letters from Egiua announce that the ltussian squadron has received orders to attempt the passage of the Dardanelles at a certain fixed time, and tliilt this attempt was to be combined with a movement of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, to attack Con- an inople with a considerable maritime force. rirr-nl01F- RHJF ^LBE' MAY 13.—A report has been in vvhlnl,a 10111 ?r Sorne days of political arrangements, unrip* Wi°- Hanover independent of England, the re & 'ts ou'n (the Duke of Cumberland, says tipp^ii '30 j i is any truth in these reports, it is pi-estitjied that this important change is induced by the piesent political conjunctures, and the relations of "gland with respect to some great power.

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