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"p-LON N. ,..01'1,:!,;i.I...


"p- LON N. ,01' 1 ;i .I. ). THURSDAY, MAY 21. ISBON, MAY 2.—We enjoy, at last, some good, weatncr, which is ascribed by Don iViiguel to a miiacie in his favour. Consequently a proces- sion was ordered privately for last Monday, to the followii!a" effect:—"That the favourite image of «>ur Lord dos Passes should pay a visit to our Lady of the Rabbit-hole (da Rocha) from the Co liven; of Graca to the Cathedral, and remain there some days, until the weather became fine." Good care was taken not to ,give orders for the procession until it was ascertained that there was no r.i n to he expected on he Monday, and in consequence the intention of his Majesty to fol- low the image was only published in the morning of tnat day, with the orders for the procession itself. It took place, an,1 Miguel attended the farce; but to no effect, for the common people even were heard to say- "That it was foolish to troulde our Lord dos Passos with such a visif, as the fine weather had already re- turned, and there was no y (oi- so much dis- plily." Theitoagccontinnesstitionitsvisittothe cathedral, but to no very good eifect, as the atmos- phere has been very cloudy and threatens rain, to the () otit, i!lt,iilll,)Ii monastic quacks. is I he late Oertimi: papers contain several accounts of sKiniiis'ies on ine Daimhe. On the 25th of Ma roll a body o. HH) lurks, and on the 28th another of 400, ">»' «i sallies from Orsova, and had some skirmishing wuh corps ot i andours stationed in the neighbouring all Of which the Russia as claim the advantage. The loss of title Turks they state at forty men—their own at hve killed and eleven wounded. Frofll Odessa, under date of the 15th ultimo, we ..rum that on flu- ^hh U" O.S., the Turks, with e of ^,0w0' cavalry and 2,000 infantry, madea 1,1, J ¡, some from Chttirnevo, and fell upon" (he camp or Hie Russians, hut tin y were received with great pl.Ttf th« Cossack regiments of RySioffsky and a o 1 wo squadrons of Hussars, with two pieces or Cannon, were immediately detached by Major Gene- eti tsentsefinff, in s ipport of the Cossack regi- ments, and they soon compelled the Turks to retire witiiin the i or tress. The loss of the Turks was very considerable, though only three prisoners were made on the sii!e of the "Russians. An inferior officer was witiiin the i or tress. The loss of the Turks was very considerable, though only three prisoners were made on the sii!e of the "Russians. An inferior officer was killed and six Cossacks wounded. It is stated from Bucharest that all the necessary works for the besieging of Ghiurgevo had been com- pleted, and that the speedy reduction of the place was confidently anticipated. General Diebitsch had esta.b- Jislled his head-quarters between Ghiurgevo and Silis- tna, and was preparing to prosecute vigorollsly the siege ot tiie last-named fortress. PARIS, MAY I A ustrian Observer of the 9th ° May gives, from the Courier of Smyrna of the 6th of April, news frem Canea of the 6th and Hitl. March aptain Lebiane, commanding the Adeem) brig of war, Having arrived at Suda on the 1st of February, Hent the next day to Canea to have a conference with -1 "stapha' Pacini, the governor of that fortress. Cap- tain Lebiane had instructions from Admiral tie iligny o pei siiade the Pae/lil to he moderate in employing the lil^.i ]''<e 1- might receive from Egypt, the ockade of the island having been raised by the French and the English w Jrie was to recommend to the Pacha as slaves the prisoners whom he frum t!lt" (irp,'ks' and above all not a»d sen.'l them to Egypt, as the allied ..riy- ers could not remain indifferent to the treatment ^Experienced by those unfortunate iiidividhals who are tV 1 i/ U whom they take tinder their protection. 'e until ■■) fli; e r was at the same time commissioned to confer with the Greek chiefs to demonstrate to them ie real state of things, and persuade them to put an end to a war which would henceforward have noobiect, because the President of Greece must confine himself to the limits ..ssigned to the new st^te by the media, lngpouus 1 .iongh these limits are considerably vxfended ay the ast resolutions of the 22d of March; is said positively that rhe island of Camlia would re i11! V.1 tl'e f,ossessio» of' the Turks, the Pacha re urn of' -Vr ('<! so much as to see the of I t'T'q(mll'ty;1 ^ace foral1 the inhabitants come • Hi'iff 1'°'" ,v ,at,ever Hn'^ the benefit might Greek', '"If8" he iliul «'>»ploVPd towards'the mencv • of Oration and de- gents t'o nl T U> to 'm,Uce thl' ('n'"k «»*«<- C f',ev 111,1 h,Tn ,,hli^d to employ rigour; • iect tbV A,lmiral ,ie a pi-oof Ids re- am! see wirff ^F !( S' ,vvou'd suspend all hostilities, by the hoiin r(,tvvou'(' he produced upon the Greeks Lebiane. a,ld Pe"«ef«' Captain

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