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SPECIAL CH EAP RATE FOR PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSES TO BE LET I APARTMENTS WANTED HOUSES WANTED APARTMENTS TO BE LET SITUATIONS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND Words °ne —. Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. s. d. 8. d. 8. d. 18 0 6 1 0 1 6 24 0 9 1 6 2 3 32 1 0 2 0 8 0 40 1 3 2 6 3 9 tionMS, 6*7" MONEY TO LEND. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY (without sureties) by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Estab- lished 1870). 28, BEDFORD-ST., CHARING-CROSS, London, W.C. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100 000 ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of sale. Advance E25-12 monthly repayments of £2 5 10 100 2 U 8 "T /»• .I 9 3 4 JLarger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES of k30 to 92,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. NOTICE.—Any one requiring money will do well before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, to think of this—Surely I can do better with a Bank having large "apital at command and devoting themselves to this lass of business than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means. Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. Call per- sonally, or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. 4 per cent. interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of 210 and upwards received as under:— 5 per cent. per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 per cent. per annum, subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal. 7 pei cent, per annum, subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. 40] A. WILLIAMS, Manager. MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE. FROM k20 to k-3,000, at Five per cent., to respon- J. sible persons, male or female, in town or country upon Promissory Notes, without Bill of Sale. Dis- tance no object, as Loans may be repaid by Cheques or Postal Orders, and so long as the interest is paid the principal can remain. All communications are strictly private, and no good application is ever refused. A pply personally or by post to the actual lender, H. RURTO, Esq., 27, Jermyn-street, Piccadilly, London, S.W. N.B.—Established 1867, since which period the money advanced by MR. BURTON exceeds £ 4,500,000. • [258 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY to Male or Female, in Town or country (distance no object). AT A FEW HOURS NOTICE on NOTE OF HAND ALONE, WITHOUT SURETIES, Publicity, or the usual OBJECTION- ABLE LOAN OFFICE OR AGENTS' ROUTINE AND DELAYS. Prompt Advances also made upon furniture, pianos, jewellery, plate, diamonds, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, farming implements, etc. (without re- moval) and TO ASSIST PERSONS INTO BUSINESS, also upon deeds, reversions, life policies, and private incomes, etc., at FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Repayments are made monthly, quarterly, half- yearly, or yearly, to suit the convenience of borrowers extending over any period not exceeding ten years, or as long as the interest is paid, the principal can remain. APPLICANTS IN TOWN OR COUNTRY ARE ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY AS RECEIVED, AND intending borrowers requiring prompt and private cash advances for any emergency or other purposes can rely upon their matter being conducted UPON FAIR AND UPRIGHT PRINCIPLES, and WITH THE STRICTEST SECRECY & DESPATCH. Before applying elsewhere, call or write in confidence for Prospectus (gratis) to the ACTUAL LENDER, MR. W. BARCLAY, 1, Cecil-street, Strand, London, w.c. (Private gentleman). P.S.—No connection with Loan Offices. [55 PUBLIC NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECZ BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, minimum monthly balance when not drawn below £ 100. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES pur- chased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. FOR the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposits, and allows Interest, AT the rate of THREE PER CENT. per annum, on each completed Xi. The Interest is added to the Principal on the 31st March annually. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH, OR A PLOT UF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER ^ONTH, with immediate possession, and no rent pay. Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK REEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full par- ticulars, can be obtained post free, on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. [371 CURE GOUT. T* V CURE RHEUMATISM. » L 4 I R S CURE SCIATICA. CURE LUMBAGO. CURE NEURALGIA. GOUT The Excruciating Pain is quickly relieved, and cured AND in a few days by these Icelebrated Pills, well- R H E II M A T I PI KUOWN the Great Re- NCUMHI I L#I medy for the above Com- plaints. No restraint of I I diet during use. I QW Sold by all Chemists at 1.3 l^d and 2s 9d per box IJEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. n*A»ai r Commercial lload, lVckiium, .hily 12,1SSS). butam a P°or hand express iiij my fenl n«s 011 i uper, for iir?~ t. to thank yon, for your i.>z uses have done wonders •TrSS.i .w vln? my terribla cou^li. Since 1 had the op -ration of like him !h'nyi.' !f S same as thy late Eiup vorol Germany, and un- »tst Ki I t,od'1 am 8titl nlivu al"1 settiim on well) performed chords 'Hospital lor abduct, or paralysis of the vocal it w«« «UK°?e could possibly have lmd a more violent couzti: Indeed which times that it auito exhausted me. The m.icus also kvn»htl»~7.(5;'p,ous nml lul* h,'e!1 soft,ned, and I have '"Mr. T Keating"' lt witQ0Ut diillculty.—1 am, sir, yours truly, T. H MEDICAL NOTE. The Rb-,e T) k f-I From strict it nppenrs thllt ■P«ciallst t)r H T *»ver" on and r. a« perfoi m-d hv the the oneratirm tho lln'ot st- Bartholomew's Hospital. Since So 311'cessful ar« ? J KCT!S of r'pf ifl 41,0 us °r the*' ''Ozenjrex. from the nnt that °»e atr-mls immediate benefit, alih ui^h kin«y kumvB anvV^^fSCilS,, H1"' hr..at irritation is inict.se. M fllu Bold«vi? v y refere"C0 to be made to him. OOU&nafir?!*i?o b.18- 'J4' each. The unrivalled remedy tor VWUQHS, HOAtts £ nE83, Mid IU110AT TROUBLES A WONDERFUL MEDICINE, BEECHAM'S PILLS f*. A RE universally admit- AA ted to be worth B. QUOTA A BOX for \U"A kilious and nervous dis- \%V.\ 01'der8, such as wind and T V' P.a»n in the stomach, p sick headache, giddiness, >p /fr fulness and swelling after ™cal8, dizziness and drow- J y :■ siness, cold chills, flush- ings of heat, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costivenes8, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- tn p sick headache, giddiness, >p /fr fulness and swelling after ™cal8, dizziness and drow- J y :■ siness, cold chills, flush- ings of heat, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costivenes8, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- turbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invalu- able, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no Medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or .irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been provad by thoueands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rose- bud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified con- tinually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debili- tated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a triai, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and sold wholesale irid retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at 9sd., Is. lad., and 2s. 9dl each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal- ers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 31 -u- GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING SHEETS. Large quantity of slightly defective Sheets :— 5 ft. long by 2 ft. wide Is. 3d each. 6 M >. Is. 6d 7 >t m Is. 10d 8 ». 2a. ld 9 >» i> 2s. 6d 10 „ „ 3s. For all practical purposes the above are as good as perfect sheets, being water-tight, Gre-proof, &c. If painted with Red Oxide, 2d to 6d per sheet extra. Red Oxide Paint specially prepared for iron work and ready for use. Price on application. Galvanized Ridging, Gutters, and Down Spouting, Nails, Screws, Washers, &c., and all Materials for fixing. BRUCE AND STILL, CONTRACTORS FOB IRON ROOFS & BUILDINGS (DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE), 75, NORFOLK ST., LIVERPOOL. [37 STIFF'S STARCH. Sold in lb. Picture Boxes. Sold in 51b. Packets. Trade Mark Queen Bess. STIFF'S STARCH. Uniform Quality. s Warranted Pure. STTTTTR'A CTIPPH Most Economical. JlrlJ o blAKtn. Imparts an Exquisite Gloss Makes Linen Look like New STIFF'S STARCH. For Collars. For Wristbands. For Shirt Fronts. STIFF S STARCH. For Neckties. For Caps. ^TIFF'S STARCH. |^LaS.' For Linen. STIFF'S STARCH. For Muslins. For Curtains. 8TTTTTi"a CT tBnii For Table Cloths. TIFF S STARCH. Ask for Stiff's Starch. Note the Caution Label. STIFF'S STARCH. Observe the Trade Mark. See Dr. Hassall sTestimoma Mark what Dr. Griffin says STIFF'S STARCH. Read Pro. Herapath'sRepor Sold by Grocers. STTTi,TJ"Q QTAPfU Sold by Druggists. TIFFS STARCH. Sold by Oilmen. Established 1818. Wholesale -Stiff and Co., Redcliff-street, Bristol. [33 CHOLERA & BOWEL COMPLAINTS IN GENERAL. DICEY & Co's. TRUE DAFFY'S ELIXIR. fl"HIS most excellent Medicine has been faith- 1 fully prepared for upwards of Two Centuries, from the purest Drugs and Spirits that can be pro- cured, at the Original Warehouse, No. 10, Bow Church Yard. London and has been attended with the fullest success in the cure of Spasms, Pains in the Breast, the most excruciating fits of the Cholic, and in all Complaints of the Stomach and Bowels. In bottles at 2s. and 2s. 9d. each. See that the words DICEY & Co." are engraved on the Government Stamp, all others being coun- terfeit and worthless preparations. ACCIDENTS AT ALL TIMES-IN ALL PLACES INSURED AGAINST BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1849. Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Chairman. Capital, £ 1,0.00,000. Compensation Paid, £ 2,900,000. 64, Cornhill, LONDON. W. D. MASSY, Secretaries A. VIAN, t ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, THE I LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, OAR MARTH EN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORN QUICKS FOR HEDGES. CHOICE T 18 EES AID Ji IE R U S S FRUIT TREES AND ROSES, AND ALL KINDS -OF NURSERY STOCK. WREATHS, CROSSES, AND BOUQUETS TO ORDER. PRICES ON APPLICATION. [10 TYLER & CO. have gained the foUowing Exhibition Awards for their various manufactures:— HIGHEST MEDAL, LIVERPOOL, 1886. GOLD MEDAL, SYDNEY, 1888. HIGHEST ORDER OF MERIT, ADELAIDE, 1887. FARMERS! SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO CLOTH From Is. 3d. per Yard; Blankets from Is. 2d. per Yard; Stocking Yarn from 9d. per lb. CARRIAGE PAID BUTII WAYS ON ALL ORDERS Off OVER .£2. PATTERNS FORWARDED TO SELECT FROM. TYLER & CO., MAESLLYN MILLS, Llandyssil, S. WALES I MNNEFOR -S RLUID .N At; IA S "Ail The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient or delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD /BEWARE!\ Remember that SUNLIGHT SOAP cannot be successfully imitated by anyone. DO NOT ALLOW other soaps, said to be the same as the SUNLIGHT | SOAP, to be palmed off upon you. If you do II you must expect to be disappointed. See I that you get what you ask for, and J that the word "SUNLIGHT" is stamped upon every tablet and printed jy upon every wrapper. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S I&T M 58i. il Bi it IM r IE I We have never used any other form THE GREAT of this medicine than Collis Browne's, e: SPECIFIO from a finn conviction that it is deci- t tI FOR dedly the best, and also from a sense of /lOLDS. JL/ GENERAL BOARD of HEALTH, Qn the part of the chemist to presenter I i A CTTTWA London. REPORT that it AL rb as a ancj patient alike.—We are, Sir, faith- A CHARM, one dose goceraUy sufficient. yours, SYMES & CO., Members oj iX TJRONCHITIS. £ )r GIBBON Annv Medical Staff, Calcutta, the Pharm. Society of Great Britain, His || states 9. DOSES COMPLETELY Excellency the Viceroy s Chemists. CURED Mt of lilARRHCEA." | vR, j, (JOLLIS BROWNE'S DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S From syMES & rharn«ceutical i f CHLORODYNE, is the TRUE CHLORODYNE -Dr. J. C. Chemists, SiinU. 7<*»- 5. i88* PALLIATIVE in BROWNE (Late Arinv Medical Staff) riAv-rMpnRT London. l^fETIRALGXA, GOUT, CANGFR, DISCOVERED a REMEDY to d-note To}. T. DAVENPORT. L0". ll TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. which he coincd the word CHLORO- DEAR SIR,—We iustlv- ipvR J nflTTTS BROWWi'S VENTOR^'and^as^lie coinpt^ition ^of X) 'cHLORODYNE is a liquid me- Chlorodyne cannot possibly be disco- ail over the East. As a rem y dicine which assuages PAIN of I rcred by Analysis (organic substances ^nera! utility, we much question wirci. EVERY KIND, affords a calm, re- defying elimination), and since the for- a better is imported, and we snau oe frcshing sleep WITHOUT HEAD- inula has never been published, it is evi- elail to hearof its findinga place lnevery ACHE, and INVIGORATES the ner- dent that any statement to the effect Xnglo-Indian home. T^^her^ands, vous svstem when exhausted. that a compound is identical with Dr. we are happy to say, are now reiegacea TTTg nnnwifPa Browne's Chlorodyne must be false* to the native nazaars, aud, judging from J* COLUp BROWNE S This Caution is necessary, as many their sale, we fancy their sojourn | CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts short persons deceive purchasers by false will be but evanescent. We coiua attacjcs cf representations. —— ""la^in^Teffica^ of DR JoLLIS X^PILEPST, SPASMS, COLIO, DU. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S BROWnFS C^OEODYNE in Vj PALPITATION, HYSTERIA. CHLORODYNE.—Vice Chan- Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Spasms, JJtpORTANT CAUTION.-The cellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated Cramps, Neuralgia, the Vom g IMMENSE SALE of this REMEDY publicly in Court that Dr.J. COLLIS and as has given rise to many UNSCRUPU- BROWNE was UNDOUBlF.nl.Y the that have occurred UI™ years In LOUS IMITATIONS. Be careful to INVENTOR OF CHLORODYNE that cho^era^ninrXra Seven in the observe Trade Mark. Of all Chemists the whole story of the defendant Free- Choleraic Diarrhcea, rh.i_-a itself we u iu and 4fl. 6d. man was deliberately untrue, and he El?,1? surprisingly con* SOI'E MANUFACTURER, regretted to say it had been sworn to.— have witnessed its rP T. T. DAVENPORT. -t^-Gt. Russell St.,W.C See The Times. luly nth, 1864. trolling power. J. "AVH RU^33. tOLARKE'S PYRAMID NURSERY LAMP FOOD-WARMERS. WITH NEW REGISTERED PANNIKIN. UY their peculiar construction—the glass chimney conducting and concentrating J5 heat to the bottom of the water vessel—they give a larger amount of light and heat than can be obtained in any other lamp of the same class. \V ithout smoke or smell. CLARKE'S NEW REGISTERED PANNIKIN. By this invention any liquid food can be poured out or drunk without scum or grease passing through the spout, and prevents spilling when poured into a feeding bottle, so unavoidable with all other Pannikins. The Pannikins will fit all the old Pyramid" Nursery Lamps, and can be purchased separately. CLARKE'S PYRAHLLD NIGHT LIGHTS. are thffbest in the world, and tne only suitable ones for burning in the above, and for lighting passages, lobbies, &c. Sold everywhere. Price of IamDs 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d., 5s., and 6s, each. If any difficulty in obtaining them write to CLARKE'S PYRAMID AND "FAIRY" LIGHT COMPANY, LIMUED, CRICKLBWOOD, LONDON, N.W., for nearest Agent s address. EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. LAMPETER. THE COLLEGE SCHOOL, LAMPETER. Head Master and Teacher of English Subjects-Rev. T. M. A., late Senior Scholar of St. David's College, and Prizeman and Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge. Glassies Rev. E. J. DAVIES, B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Mathematics and Modern Languages-A. FIELD, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Scienec-LLEWELYN BANKES-PRICE, B.A., late Open (Science) of Jesus College, Oxford. Excellent intermediate education. Direct prepara- tion for the learned professions under peculiarly advan- tageous conditions. Thorough preparation for St. David's College and other places of higher educa- tion. For prospectus, &c., apply to HEADMASTER. [14 CARMARTHEN. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CARMARTHEN. A BOARDING AND DA Y SCHOOL. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. LADY PRINCIPAL Miss ARTHY. M.R.C.P., Certificated in Honors, Cambridge University Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education German Diploma. LADY SUPERINTENDENT MRS. ROBERTS. ASSISTANT TEACHERS MISS K. S. GILES, Certificated Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity College, London, and in Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Drawing by Science and Art Department, South Kensington.—Miss RANDALL, Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education in Botany, Hygiene, Agriculture, Chemistry and Drawing by the Science and Art Department, South Kensington Trinity College, Theory of Music; Kindergarten, Needlework, and Drill Certificates.-Miss GILES: Certificated, College of Preceptors j in Drawing and Mathe- matics by the Science and Art Department, Souch Kensington. -Miss BUCKLEY, Associate in Music, Trinity College, London; Senior R.A.M. and Trinity College Certificates (Organ, Piano, Theory); Society of Arts, 1st Class in Music Cambridge Higher Certificate. DRAWING MASTER-MR. W. JONES, Higher Certi- ficates South Kensington. MUSIC MASTER-MR. COOKE, Organist of Christ Church. DANCING MISTRESS-Miss AYLING. THE School gives an excellent education on very moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders, under the superintendence of a Clergyman's widow. Pupils prepared for public Examinations. Half term commences March 3rd, 1891. GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. PRINCIPAL MRS. W. MARLES-THOMAS PUPILS have passed the South Kensington Ait and Science; First Class College of Preceptors Junior and Senior Society of Arts, Oxford and Cam- bridge Local Royal Academy of Music and Trinity College Examinations. First Class Honours, Special Distinctions and Prizes, have been gained in the above Examinations. [9 YSTRAD MEURIG. YSTRAD AIEURIG SCHOOL. FREE HIGHER EDUCATION. RECENT SUCCESSES. 1889.—King's Scholarship, Eton College, Windsor Senior Scholarship St. David's College, Lampeter. 1890. — Certificate from Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. For Free Entrance Scholarships apply to the Head- master. PUBLIC NOTICES. Telegraphic Address: GALLOWAY, CARMARTHEN. J. J. GALLOWAY, 3, QUEEN STREET, CARMARTHEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL PASTRY COOK AND CONFECTIONER. NOTED for superior Cake, not to be equalled at the price. Schools and Meetings supplied with quantities to any Railway Station within 30 Miles, carriage paid. LIST OF PRICES No. O.-A cheap Cake 3d. per lb. 1.—School Cake 4d. 2.—A really good Cake 5d. 3.—A superior Cake. 6d. 4.—Extra super 7d. Others at 8d., 9d., 10d., and lid. per lb. TESTIMONIAL. Waunifor, Maesycrugiau, R.S.O. "Mrs Charles Lloyd begs to thank Mr Galloway for the excellent way in which he executed her order, all the cakes, &c., being so fresh and good." A CARD. C. MORGAN, M.R.C.V.S., L., VETERINARY SURGEON, 13, King-street, Carmarthen. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of FRUITS of all description now in stock at very reasonable prices. Having purchased under very favourable circumstances, I am able to offer EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in CURRANTS from 3.1d. per lb. RAISINS. 3 „ SULTANAS 9a. „ Finest Mixed ORANGE and LEMON PEEL Sd. „ Do. ORANGE, LEMON, and CITRON lOd. „ T. SMITH, WHOLESALE d: RETAIL GROCER. PROVISION MERCHANT d: CONFECTIONER, KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN. [365 GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING SHEETS. BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. SHEETS low as 1. 2d. each. PRICES ON APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IRON Co., WOLVERHAMPTON. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. CTTPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS For Grease, Swelled Legs. Cracked FOR Heels, Coughs, Colds, Hove or Blown, wrkT?oi?c3 Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Staring Coat, Distember, Epidemic or Influ- ■XRO A T* enza, and for preserving Good Health and getting into Prime Condition. CATTLE, TESTIMONIAL. SHEEP, Tyfry, Menai Bridge, Anglesea, May 23rd, 1884. AND DEAR SIR, -Having used your Consti- onAnDTvn tntion Bails for nearly thirty years to SCOURING Horses and Neat Cattle, it is only simple truth and justice to say, a safer or more IN efficacious Medicine for Horses & Cattle cannot be purchased. It cannot be too CALVES extensively known, for I am positive .1 every person that gives it a fair trial they are al. will never discontinue using your Balls, niost infal- as occasion may require.—Yours truly, lible. WM. EVANS. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the proprietor, FRANCTS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S., Dis?, Norfolk. Are sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors in Packets at Is. 9d. and os. 6d. each, or 7 small 10s. 6d., or 7 large 21s., or direct from Proprietor on receipt of Order to amount. [253 HOLLOWAY'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC^ JLl 1891, is now ready, and may be obtained gratis on application to any Chemist, or will be forwarded by the publisher, THOMAS HOLLONVAY (Proprietor of Holloway's Pills and Ointment), 48, New Oxford Street, London, W.C., on receipt of stamp to cover postage. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS have a reputation of over 100 YEARS. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are the acknowledged remedy for Female complaints KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS restore a healthy hue to the complexion, in place of the deathly pallor so distressing to witness. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS contain no irritant drug, and have the approval of the Medical Profession. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS ase wrapped in White Paper, and have the name Kearsley on the Government Stamp. No others are genuine. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS can be obtained of all Chemists, 2s. 9d. per box; or by post 31 stamps, from SANGER & SONS, 489, Oxford Street, London. THE PROVINCIAL ADVERTISING, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. ADVERTISERS should send for Prospectus to A the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney, Glo'btershire. [6 XTEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION JLi (Limited). CAPITAL-AUTilORlSED £ 2,000,000. SUBSCRIBED AND PAID-UP £ 600,000. HEAD OFFICE 40, Threadneedle-street, London, E,C. WEST END OFFICE 25, Cockspur-street, S.W. EDINBURGH OFFICE 23, St. Andrew-square. DUNDEE OFFICE 6, Panmure-street. Branches and Agencies-Australia, India, Ceylon, China, Japan, Straits, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Aden, Paris, New York, San Francisco. Money remitted to any part of the World by draft, letter of credit, or by telegraph. Bills of Exchange, Interest Warrants and Coupons collected and cashed. Circular Notes issued, Current Accounts opened, Banking Agency business generally undertaken. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3 months'notice. 3 per cent. per annum. At 6 months'notice. 4 At 12 months' notice. 4" f, For 3 or more years certain 5 M 50 PRIZE COMPETITIONS FOR Is. 6d. SEND postal order for Is. 6d. (or 19 stamps) for a s su kj year s subscription to the Prize Competition Record, published monthly, ard become entitled to enter. free of charge, 50 Prize Competitions, with cash prizes ranging from £ 100. This is a genuine offer.—Address, "The Prize Competition Association, 4, South Parade, Oakfield-road, Clifton, Bristol." [528 "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE92 WORLD-FAMED I THc GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impnrities, whether the result of Contagious Disease, or foul matter of any description, it cannot be too hiphly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sorea on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on tbt fMb Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseaws. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matWe Frpm whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d., and in cases, containing six times the quantity, Us. each-sufficient to effect a per- manent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINB VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 131 stamps by THE LINCOLIT AITD MIDLAND Couirriis DUUTT COMFAJTT, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTCHE.") CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture-gee that you get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are some- times palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, Ecgland," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the Bottle, without which none are genuine. I MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILL r> MEDALS 1884-1885-1886-1888. Diii^flPluns For all Cases of rever, and for Purifying:. THE SAXITAS PA N Y, LDI ITEn, Rptlmnl t!.t'en, I,ondon, E. SUNNY POSIES.—CHOICE FRESH CUT FLOWERS from the LAND OF SUNSHINE. Anemone*, etc December to May. Mailed express free. One box, eighteen lionce; eight consecutive bees, ball a guinea. English Postal Orders. Prospectus free. AT.HEKT l'KTIT. 7. Tine rin Lvree, Nice, France. D1 RESDEN ROYAL CONSERVATOIRE OF MUSIC (Mso Theatrical School). 87 tutors, 45 subjects. Training from beginning to perfection. Examination for admission on April Srd. Entering also permitted at any other time. For pro»- gecUis^^earher^^peciflcation^ippl^U^Director^w^JiSj