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SALE! SALE!! SALE MESSRS. THOMAS BROTHERS, Cash House Furnishers, W SWISS HALL, 58, QUEEN ST., CARDIFF. T. y y y y y .y.y T' <HUE £ 1 AtmrAi BAZEA All Goods Reduced. Prices Below any yet Advertised. All our .Cabinet Goods are made on the Premises, therefore you get no jerry-made London Stuff. r 1 ri- £& SPECIAL DTTIRIIsra- THE SALE- ALL GOODS MADE TO ORDER will be Executed at Sale Prices. Inspect our Windows. Compare our Prices, and see what you Save Those who Purchase at Messrs THOMAS BROS. always Wear a Smile • ONLY ADDRESS:— Thomas Brothers, Cash House Furnishers, SWISS HALL, 58, QUEEN ST., CARDIFF. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE' J. Lewis and Co., COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW SPECIAL LINES WE ARK OFFERING AT Great Reductions to effect a Clearance ;e s d 42 Special Suites, in American Leather Cloth to Clear at 3 19 6 16 Dining Room Suites, in Leather, 9 pieces, usually sold at JE6 15s Od, re- duced to 5 0 0 3 Dining Room Saddlebag Suites, 9 pieces, a flO 10s Od line .reduced to 8 8 0 3 Dining Room Suites, Moquette Cover- ing, wonderful value, reduced. 8 8 0 5 Drawing Room Suites, upholstered in Tapestry, always sold at JE7 10s, re- duced. 6 6 0 10 Solid Walnut Sideboards, to clear at 5 5 0 8 Solid Walnut Sideboards, 5 feet wide, all bevelled plates reduced to 7 7 0 6 Walnut or .Mahogany Chtffoniers, our usual price 35s, reduced 186 10 Satin Walnut Bednom Suites. This is a Special Cut Line. 5 15 0 6 Satin Walnut or Black Walnut Suites, 8 pieces, worth JE12 10-1, reductd 10 0 0 8 Satin Walnut or Black Walnut Bed- room Suites, with side glasses ) 10 0 12 Dressing Chests aud Stands, sold everywhere at JE3 10s, reduced, the pair 2 18 6 16 Full-size Chests of Drawers, well made and well seasoned 1 7 0 8 Large Mahogany Kitchen Chests 2 17 6 2 Kitchen Dressers, 5 feet, cupboard and glas< doors 3 18 6 10 K itchen Tables, large size, special top 0 12 6 Walnut Overmantels, with beveled glass from 0 8 11 Gilt Pier Glasses 1 15 0 Large-size Carpet Squares, 16/11, 18/11, 25/ and 2 10 0 Large-size Rugs, splendid variety, 2/11, 3/11, 1/11, 5/11 and 0 9 6 Flock B,.ds. complete .from 0 8 6 Washed Wool Mattress. Bolster, and two Pill,,ws 0 10 6 Box Spring Mattre-ses from 15 6 Pure Feather Beds .from 35/6 to 5 5 0 Straw Palliasses, full size.from 0 7 6 PateLt Double-woven Wire Mattresses. from 0 9 6 Black and Brass Bedsteads from 0 18 6 Full-size All-Brass Bedsteads, newest design 5 10 0 Full-i ze All-Brass Bedsteads, 2-inch Pillars, very massive 8 8 0 Italian ( r Parisian Bedsteads 3 17 6 EVERYTHING IN STOCK GREATLY REDUCED. We can with contidence recommend every Article as Pure, Sound, and of exceptionally Good Value, the whole being manufactured on our own Premises. E7 COUNTRY CUSTOMERS' Buying E5 worth will be allowed Rail Fare. 82, Queen Street, and 66 (Next Door to Andrew's Hall), CARDIFF. | (OPPOSITE PARK PLACE.) A. G. ADAMS, UNDERTAKER and rUNERAL CARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, 134, Holton Road, Barry Dock. FUNERALS FURNISHED IN SCPKKIOR STYLE, including All Arrange- ments for Grave and Minister, ard carried out under PERSONAL SUPERVISION PROMPT A TTEA TION. Memorial Cards, Wreaths, & Tablets ALWAYS IN STOCK. TERMS ON APPLICATION. Telegrams ADAMS, Undertaker, Barry. National Telephone, 0128. Works and Mews MERTHYR ST CARPENTERS ARMS WHITE HALL. Under New Management. 1 MILE FROM RBOOSE STATION. 3* MILES FROM BARRY QOOD ^CCOMMODATICN FOR BRAKES, CYCLISTS, &c. IEAS PR. VIDED WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, &c., Of the Best Quality. PROPRIETOR-DAVID GIBBON, Lot" Red Lion Inn, Bonvilstone. BLUE IINCHOR HOTEL, EAST ABERTHAW, Near Cardiff. NEAR To Fontigary Bay and Fonmon Castle. SPLENDID FISHING. Good Accommodation for Cyclists. Parties L'vtered for. Posting in all its Branches. FREE HOUSE, and everything the BEST. M. A. JONES, Proprietress. QARD1FF GCHOOL OF QOMMERCE, 1, St John's Square. (CORNER OF QUEEN STREET.) COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. Day and Evening School. Students devott. their tin. entirely to important Commercial Subject*. Rapid Individual Institution In Bo It-keeping, Sh rtl,a,¡, P nn.anship. Typewriting, Mathematics, La, guages, &c PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. T. A. BLOGG & CO. GUARANTEED CURE. Alter proiiaci. ;i;.■ painstaking i;i, tboiouglily safe and certain J!<-medy has been discovered for NERVOUS DEBILITY in every form. Lost Manhood, Loss of Confusion of Ideas, Palpita- Energy. Loss of Vital *i°n Heart, Frightful Power, Seminal Weakness, c J Dreams, Emaciation, Foetid Dimness of Sight, Im- W Breath, Low Spirits, potence, Evil Forebodings, i Timidity, Varicocele, Sper- x V v matorrhcea, Diseases of the vA/asttng Decay. Pams » Bladder. Weakness of the the Loins, Pimples and Genital Organs, and all Eruptions on the Face and f -v, Diseases of the Uiinary Body Loss of Memory, jx Organs. niil "IJI: panieuiars of this simple and efficacious Care .to any suil'erer who sends me a stamped envelope. Do ii,,t delay if you are a. sutlerer, for it will cost you nothing. — Address Rev. JodiSPH HQPF, "St. Cloud," Westc part KoocL Worthing, Enidau«L i:Name this paper). w



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