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WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. FIRING ON THE WHITE FLAG. A CONVOY LOST. "TGHTING ON THE ORANGE RIVER.— BRITISH OFFICERS KILLED AND WOUNDED. BOMBARDMENT OF KIMBERLEY. ATTACK ON MAFEKING REPULSED: 50 BOERS KILLED. THE BOER PRISONERS.—ARRIVAL OF TRANSPORTS. THE QUEEN AND THE GUARDS. BOER TREACHERY. The following telegram from the General Officer Commanding in South Africa was received at the Waff Office on Friday of last week: CAPE TOWN, November 9, 9.õ3p.m. I have received by pigeon to-day from White, Ladysmith, the following message Bombardment at long range by heavy guns continues daily. A few casualties occurring, but no serious harm being done. The Boers have sent in to-day a number of refugees from the Transvaal under a flag of truce. A flag of truce from Ladysmith met them outside the pickets. When the parties separated the Boer guns fired on it before it reached our pickets. Major Gale, R.E.. was wounded to-day while sending a message. Our intrenchments are daily growing stronger. The supply of provisions is ample. A MISTAKE. The following statement has been issued by the War Office: A report having appeared in the South African papers that our artillery has fired on the Geneva Hag, Sir R. Buller telegraphs the following account of the incident given to the Diggers' Newx by the Rev. J. N. Martens, Dutch clergyman present with the Boers Directly afterwards the first cannon shot was fired. The English thought our men were at the railway station, and fired there. They were not, but one of the shots went through the ambulance. As soon as they found their mistake they ceased firing. The ambulance, according to usage, should have been three miles from the field of battle, so that the ambulance cannot claim the English broke the usages of civilised warfare, but I do not think Eng- lish would have fired on them had they known. It was unintentional." LOSS OF A CONVOY. The following telegram was received on Friday afternoon of last week at the War Office from the General Officer Commanding in South Africa CAPE TOWN, 12.40 p.m. By message dated Buluwayo, November 3. On November 2 a small convoy and escort under Spreck- ley, of Plumer's (force), attacked by Boers. Six men missing and loss uf convoy. SKIRMISH NEAR BELMONT. The General Officer Commanding in South Africa has sent the following telegrams to the War Office CAPE Tow, November 10, 10.20 p.m. Reconnoitring force from Orange River had skir- mish with the enemy to-day about four miles to the east of Belmont. CASUALTIES. Killed.—Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. Keith Falconer, Northumberland Fusiliers. Wounded.—Lieutenant C. C. Wood, North Lanca- shire Regiment (shot wound head and chest. J dangerous); Lieutenant F. Bevan, Northumberland Fusiliers (gunshot left thigh, not dangerous); Lieu- tenant H. C. Hall, Northumberland Fusiliers (gun- shot. wound back, not dangerous); 5377, Private Beaton, North Lancashire Regiment (gunshot wound righr, leg, slight); 5153, Private A. Thomson, North Lancashire Regiment (gunshot loin, slight). NOVEMBER 11, 4.45 P.M. With reference to my telegram of November 10, Colonel Gough. with two squadrons 9th Lancers, a battery of Field Artillery, and one and a-half com- panies of Mounted Infantry, found about 700 of the enemy and one gun in position about nine miles to the west of Belmont. He engaged the enemy with his artillery and sent the Mounted Infantry to turn the enemy's left flank and to dis- cover his laager. The losses reported by me yesterday occurred during this operation. Colonel Gocgh engaged the enemy for about three hours and then returned to his camp without being molested. I regret to inform yon that the death of Lieutenant Wood is Hist reported-. The following version of the skirmish has been received at the War Office from the General Com- manding the Lines of Communication, Cape Colony: CAPE Tow*, November 12, 12.15 p.m. Colonel Gough, Grange River, reports reconnais- sance 15 miles to a point nine miles west of Bel- mont on November 10. Officers' patrol first came on Boer position, a great semi-circular ridge standing out into the plateau. They endeavoured to make Boers develop their strength by demon- 8trating with two squadrons 9th Lancers and Field Battery on left wing; one-and-a-half com- panies of mounted infantry on right. They kept artillery on middle of plateau out of infantry fire. The enemy commenced by firing at cavalry from a gun to the north end as the cavalry in open order made a circle around theni, when the hills seemed full of sharpshooters. The mounted infantry endeavoured to outflank enemy's left fiank and to see laager. They came under heavy unexpected fire from few skirmishers. Killed. Captain and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Keith Falconer. 1st Northumberland Fusiliers, and lieutenant Wood, 1st Battalion Loyal North Lanca- shire. Wounded.—Lieutenants Hall and Bevan, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers; 5153 Private Arthur Thompson 5377 Private James Beaton, 1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire. Our guns fired several apparently effective shots, to which the enemy's guns did not respond. Having withdrawn wounded, the enemy did not fire on the ambulance. Gough withdrew his force after a demonstration lasting three hours and returned to camp same after- Boon near Orange River. Guns and some few horses brought in by rail. The wounded were sent to Orange River by rail immediately after action. The enemy's strength appeared considerable, and was apparently 700, with one gun, under David Libe and P. Vandermerwe. BOMBARDMENT OF KlMBERLEY. The War Office has received the following telegram from the General Officer Commanding the Lines of Communication in Cape Colony: CAPB November 11, 10.40 p.m. Kekewich reports enemy very active 4th Novem- ber principally with object of driving off cattle. Free Staters retired rapidly before Turner with- out firing. At 12.30 p.m. Transvaalers advanced on Kenilworth. Major Peakman with squadron of Kimberley Light Horse in hiding in bush gave enemy warm reception. Boers retired firing. Turner reinforced Peakman, and at 12.40 p.m. enemy opened fire with one piece of artillery at nearly 4000 yards range. Two guns Diamond Fields Artillery were then sent in support of Turner, but enemy's guns bad ceased firing after fifth round. Consequently our Sns did not come into action. Enemy's artillery fire 1 no damage shooting bad. Our casualties in Kenilworth engagement: Major Our casualties in Kenilworth engagement: Major Ayliff, Cape Police, wounded in neck, expected to fecover. Later in day our pickets say Boers carried off six dead from one spot; probably killed by our Maxim. Enemy's total loss probably heavy; cannot 7*, estimate. About 5.30 p.m. Turner again in contact with new •aemy on Schmestdraft road. From conning-tower ferge number of enemy could be seen about two Biiiee to the north of Kimberley Reservoir, and Others held walled enclosure on their own right Bank. Turner opened with Maxim and two guns Diamond Fields Artillery sent in support. Turner Same into action at 5.45 p.m.; continued firing SOtil dusk. Our further casualties here—Private Labbe, Cape Police, shot through head; died on arrival at hos- pital Sergeant W atermayer, Kimberley Division Cape Police, wounded doing well. Unable to state enemy's losses jet; they must liave suffered severely judging from precipitate ntreat. "th At 6.10 p.m. enemy opened firs witn one piece of Artillery from Kampersdam on Otto s Kopje; latter held by Cape Police; enemy inflicted no Th^f'ollowing telegrams from the General Officer Commanding in South Africa have been received at the War Office: CAPII Tows, Nov. 10,10.20 p-i*. Following message from Kekewich, Kimberley, Hov. 6: Wounded progress satisfactorily. Two unarmed natives shot by Boers at Alex- andersfontein. Conservancy post to the south of Kimberley Wtservoirs missiMg since 4th, supposed captured by Boen. wne, of fBeaconsfield, having ridden beyond Wrriors yesterday, is missing, supposed captured. QI1 otherwise unchanged. ? N0VEMBER 11, 10.50 a.m. ) Kekewich reports on 8th Bombardment of 7th did no damage. No casual- ties. KISIBEKLBY. November 4, via IIopetown, Noveu.ber 8.—At eight o ciock this morning the Boers appeared near Carter's Farm in some force, and our men opened fire upon them with a Maxim. The Boers replied with rifles. By some mistake our leading files, instead of advancing over the ridge, went down into the valley and were exposed to a hot tire. Labbe, of the Cape Police, was killed, and Watermeyer, a cousin of Judge Watermeyer, of Bulawayo, was severely wounded in the lung Our men then retired on the reservoir, where they were joined by two guns of the Diamond Fields Artillery, which shelled the enemy, with what result could not be ascertained. Meanwhile some Boera who had occupied Kam- persdam opened fire with one gun on Otto's Kopje, but they failed to get the range and no damage was done. It is kcown for certain that six Boers were killed in the first engagement. The enemy were all round Kimberley in great force, but they seemed chiefly bent on lifting cattle and harassing our men. At half-past ten o'clock, however, alarm signals were given and the enemy were observed in greater numbers than before and closer in. Their outposts fired on a patrol under Major Peakman, who engaged the enemy, firing, however, at long range only. Major Ayliff, of the Cape Police, was hit in the fleshy part of the neck. The enemy lifted 30 cattle which they found to the north-east of the Sanatorium, and subsequently fired eight shells in the neighbourhood of Felsmead's Farm at Kenilworth, doing, however, no damage. A detachment of the Diamond Fields Artillery was ordered out, but, before it left, the enemy was seen to be retreating. Later in the day the Boers fired on the convicts who were working at the Sanatorium, and drove off a large number of cattle and donkeys. They still seem to be mainly intent on cattle lifting, and as they are well mounted and are enabled by the dips in the veldt to appear and disappear with marvellous rapidity, they have great facilities for successfully raiding. The demonstrations which the enemy have made to the south-west of the town was merely a feint to cover a movement which was unsuccessfully attempted on Kenilworuh in search of cattle. The shooting of the Boers with their field guns is bad. 1;ight shells were discharged, but aU fell short. BARKLY WEST, November 6. A despatch just received from Kimberleyannounces that Commandant Cronje has sent a message to Colonel Kekewich calling upon him to surrender before six a.m. to-day, otherwise the town would be shelled. The women and children are remaining on Colonel Kekewich's responsibility. The Boers sur- round Kimberley in great force, and have heavy artillery. ATTACK ON MAFEKING. CAPE TOWN, November 8, 6 p.m. News has just come through from Mafeking that the Boers have been repulsed in a general attack on that place with a loss of 50 killed. Only trilling loss was sustained by the defenders. The General Officer Commanding the lines of communication in Cape Colony telegraphs that he has received the following telegram dated Oetober 25 from Colonel Baden Powell Mafeking all well. After two day's shelling and heavy bombardment to-day enemy made a general attack on three sides, which was repulsed by our Maxim fire. Enemy now drawing off our casualties slight. Llewellyn with several armoured trains drove off enemy at Crocodile Pools, killing eight. Pluuier reported to have had successful engagement near Tuii October 26. Enemy renewed attack to-day with ammunition (?) much damaged I by rain, and have drawn off without pressing attack. Hellawell wires vic1. Kuruman, date October I "2ï; Mafeking safe. Enemy have 94-pounder; doing little damage with it. Report just received that on October 26 Boer commando was at Phokwani moving south. Natives overheard intention (of making) same march Free State side of frontier to intercept reinforcement from Orange River Bridge for north. Judge Long sending full particulars con- cerning colonists injured in our skirmishes direct to Law Department. THE BOER PRISONERS. The Natal Government has received letters from Colonel Schiel and from Mr. De Wit Hamer expressing on behalf of the Hollander prisoners their gratitude for the kind and humane treatment they are receiving. Colonel Schiel says that not the slightest difference is made between those of them who are wounded and the British wounded. Mr. De Wit Hamer adds an expression of their apprecia- tion of the civility and humanity of the British authorities at Ladysmith and Pietermaritzburg. TRANSPORTS ARRIVING. The transports Yorkshire. Aurania, Lismore Castle, and Gascon have arrived at Cape Town with over 3600 troops. The Yorkshire, Lismore Castle, and Gascon have been sent on to Durban, where the Roslin Castle arrived on Sunday. IHE QUEEN AND THE GUARDS. The Queen, who arrived at Windsor Castle from Balmoral on Saturday morning, a few hours later inspected, at the Spital Barracks, Windsor, the com- posite regiment of Household Cavalry which has been formed from the 1st and 2nd Life Guards and the Royal Horse Guards Blue for service in South Africa. After the inspection the officers of the regiment were presented to her Majesty, who, addressing the commanding officer, Colonel Neeld, on behalf of the regiment; said I have asked you, who have always served near me, to come here that I may take leave of you before you start on your long voyage to a distant part of my Empire, ia whose defence your comrades are now so nobly fighting. I know that you will always do your duty to your Sovereign and country wherever that duty may lead you, and I pray God to protect you and I bring you back safely home." Colonel Neeld replied that the regiment thanked her Majesty for her gracious words, and he assured her on their behalf that they would do their duty. The ceremony closed with enthusiastic cheers for the Queen from the troops. DEPARTURE OF MR. TREVES. The departure from Waterloo for Southampton of Mr. F. Treves, of the London Hospital Medical School, who is going out to South Africa as con- sulting surgeon to the troops, was made the occasion on Saturday morning of an enthusiastic demonstra- tion by the students of the school. MORE TROOPS START. The Union liners Scot and Greek sailed on Satur- day from Southampton for the Cape, the former conveying the 1st Battalion Suffolk Regiment (32 officers, one warrant officer, and 1086 rank and file), and the latter the 1st Battalion Essex Regiment (30 officers, one warrant officer, and 1084 rank and file). BOERS BUYING TOBACCO FOR BRITISH WOUNDED. The Natal Witness publishes a statement by a gentleman who has been assisting the British ambu- lance detachment at Ladysmith. He was one of the j first to visit Nicholson's Nek after fhe engagement of the 30th ult., and was enabled to count the British < killed and wounded. Altogether, he says, 25 men were killed and 70 wounded. With the exception of two subalterns all the wounded were privates. The British prisoners had already been removed under guard ef a considerable number of armed burghers, Our wounded in the enemy's hands are considerately treated by them, the Boers insisting on paying for the men's tobacco. The Boers admitted having lost three men killed at Nicholson's Nek, but there was reason to believe that their losses were a good deal heavier. OUR LOSSES IN RECENT MAFEKING ENGAGEMENTS. The following telegram was received on Monday at the War Office from the General Officer Com- manding in South Africa: CAPE TOWN, November 12, 8.45 p.m.—Following message received fiom Nicholson, Buluwayo, November 5: t October 25.—Following message received from I Colonel Baden-Powell, Mafeking, October 25 All well here. Enemy still shelling us. We made a successful night attack on his advanced trenches last night, getting in with the bayonet. Our loss six Protectorate Regiment killed, nine wounded, includ- ing Captain C. Fitzclarence, 3rd Royal Fusiliers, slightly, Lieutenant Swindon. Killed.-4323, Corporal Burt. 17th Lancers 442, Trumpeter Josiah Loundy; 443, Charles Mayfield Middlebritch; 171. Thomas Fraser; 222, Alexander Hy. Turner; 202, Robert Byvis Macdonald. Enemy's loss unknown, but considerable. Enemy have now vacated Signal Hill, and laagered two miles north- east of town. and two miles south-east. October 30. Cape Town, November 12, 10.10 p.m. —Following report also received from Colonel Baden-Powell. Mafeking, October 13: All well here. Enemy apparently shv at attacking. Now closing to invest us. They are to-day destroying railway I two miles north, with dynamite. Shelling continued, doing very little harm. No. 6 Trooper Thomas George Kelly, C Squadron, Protectorate Regiment, died of wounds received action October 26 October 31. Mafeking, October 31.- Enemy attempted assault to-day on Cannon Kopje and south-east corner of town. Attacked most gallantly, I notwithstanding hot shell fire by British South Africa Police under Walford. Enemv lost heavily. Our casualties Five killed [it will be noticed that six names are given], five wounded. Killed.—Captain Hon. Douglas Henry Marsham, 4tb Bedfordshire Regiment; Captain Charles Alex- ander Pechell, 3rd King's Royal Rifle Corps No. 2391 Troop-sergeant-major William H. Conniham No. 2066 Trooper Arthur John Martyn No. 2517 Trooper Frank St. Clair Traill Burroughes; No. 1169 Troop-sergeant-major Hugh Byron. Wounded.—Sergeant E. D. Butter, Corporal M. J. Cook, Corpoial F. C. Newton, Trooper C. M. Nickolas, Trooper F. R. Loyd, all of British South Africa Police. FRENCH STEAMER OVERHAULED. An incident of considerable [importance reported an Monday was the stopping of a French vessel bound to Lorenzo Marques, by the British (cruiser Magi- cienne. It was necessary to fire a blank shot before the French ship hove to; her papers were the. examined, and she was allowed to proceed. LADYSMITH IN SMOKE. A special correspondent attached to Reuter's Agency, telegraphing from Estcourt, under date November 9, says: I rode several miles to north of Estcourt to-day to watch Ladysmith bombardment. From hills surrounding town constant puffs of smoke from Boer gtins were plainly discernible, indi- cating a. steady fire. On railway aide of Bulwana Mountain, to south of Ladysmith, Long Tom was posted, and I could easily watch its fire. The interval between its shots varied from six to eight minutes. A short distance from "Long Tom another big gun was directing a heavy fire on Ladysmith, and tiny puffs of smoke which I could see on distant hills indicated that Boers were not less active on opposite side of town. In vicinity of Ladysmith itself nothing but huge clouds of smoke were visible. WOUNDED AT LADYSMITH. A telegram from the Governor of Natal to the Colonial Office says Lieutenant Lethbridge, Rifle Brigade, dangerously wounded. November 7, Ladysmith. Lieutenant Nisbet, Gloucestershire Regiment, wounded. Pri- soners in Pretoria reported by refugee to be doing well." BULLER'S GRAND ARMY. By the addition of the fifth division of troops just ordered to be mobilised for South Africa, the regular forces for service under Sir Redvers Buller number 11 regiments of cavalry, four horse batteries, 24 field batteries, one mountain battery (not reckoning the battery captured), one field troop, one pontoon troop, one telegraph division, one field park, two balloon sections, 11 field, fortress, and railway companies of jngineers, and 60 battalions of infantry. PROGRESS OF THE WOUNDED. J The following telegram from the General Officer commanding the line of communications in the Cape was posted at the War Office on Monday night: CAPETOWN, November 13 (3.15 p.m.).—Following wounded officers transferred to hospital at Wynberg: Field Artillery: Lieutenants Perrian and Tandy. 4th Hussars Captain Barnes. 2nd Argyll and Sutherland: Lieutenant Gil- latt. 2nd Gordons: Captains Buchan and Lieu- tenant Findlay. 1st Manchester: Captains Paton, Newbigijin, and Melville. 1st Devonshire Lieu- tenant rPiylev. 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers Captains Rice and Stayner (? 1st Gloucesters). 1st Gloucester: Captains Willcock and Fyfe. Imperial Light Horse Captain Forbes. No bad cases all doing well; and all sick and wounded at Wynberg doing well except 13,203 Driver Skelton, Army Service Corps, dangerously ill; 3873 Private Burke, 1st Manchester, wound in chest, dangerous 4458 Corporal Fletcher, 1st Leicester, died of heart disease. NARROW ESCAPE OF GENERAL FRENCH. Mr. E. P. Mathers, proprietor of South Africa, cables to his journal from Durban that the train conveying General French from Ladysmith was fired on. and a shell passed through the next com part- men1' to that in which the General was seated, but, fortunately, did no damage. NICHOLSON'S NEK. STORY OF AN EYE-WITNESS. Father L. Mathews, chaplain of the ROJal Irish Fusiliers, who was captured at Nicholson's Nek on October 31. has given to the Times correspondent at Lorenzo Marques the following account of the dis- aster. We were sent out to occupy the position with the object of preventing the two Boer forces from joining. We started at 8.30 on Sunday night, marched 10 miles, and got to the hill at one a.m. The first mishap was that the mountain battery stampeded and scattered the whole lot of mules. We formed up again and gained the top of the hill. The guns were gone, but not all the ammu- nition. I do not kllow what stampeded the mules. They knocked me down. It was pitch dark. We had one hour's sleep. Firing began just after daylight. It was slack for some time, but the Boers crept round. Then the firing became furious. Our men made a breastwork of stones. After twelve o'clock there was a general cry of Cease fire in that direction. Our fellows would not stop firing. Major Adye came up and confirmed the order to cease fire. Then the bugle sounded the cease fire. In our sangar there was a rumour that the white flag was raised by a young officer who thought his batch of 10 men were the sole sur- vivors. We were 900 alive, having started perhaps 10(;0. I think that many of the battery men escaped. Our men and officers were furious at sur- rendering. The Boers did not seem to be in great numbers on the spot, but I heard that the main body had galloped off. The men had to give up their arms. The officers were sent to Commandant Steenekamp. The officers then ordered the men to fall in. The officers were taken away from the men and sent to General Joubert. On the same day the officers went in nuile wagons and slept at some store en route, and next day took the train at Waschbank for Pretoria. The officers are very well treated, and so, I have heard, arc the men. There has been no un- pleasantness in Pretoria. The officers are in the Model School, and are allowed to walk as they please in the grounds. I think that the surrender was a great blunder, and WitS caused by a misunderstand- ing. Major Adye was much put out. The white flag was not hoisted by the Irish Fusiliers."



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