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[ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] JALEBERD'S BUMPS. A PHRENOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT. BY JAMES GREENWOOD. AUTHOR OF Dick Templeu Reuben Davidger" Wild Sports of the World," Curiosities of Savage JLife," Fair Phyllis of Lavender Wharf" "Under a Cloud," A Little Ragamuffin," "KerJ'û;on's Crime' Three Rogues," Humphrey Eyot, Silas the Conjuroretc. CHAPTER III —(Continued.) On the seventh day of my being with him the doctor remarked: The barber will be here this morning to shave your head again. It is getting inconveniently sristly." And the man came. We were left by ourselves while he did the job, And I thought to myself, Perhaps here may be a chance of finding out something." But I might have known better, he was such a tight-mouthed, secret- looking little man. My hope had been founded on the common belief that all barbers are talkative, but this one as he lathered the whole of my head, for all the observation he made while so engaged, might have been deaf and dumb. "Would you rather shave heads or chins?" I asked him, by way of opening a conversation. To which, as curtly as though I had spun up a penny and was tossing him for something, he replied: Heads." Why?" "Pays best." "That must depend on the price charged and on the person who employs you Why, do you employ me ?" No." Very well then." And he shut up his mouth tight, as though we had talked out the subject com- pletely, and there could be no more said about it. "It isn't the first time you have shaved a head?" said I making another start. "No; it isn't" In this house, I mean." Ah You seem to know all about it." It is just because I don't know all about it- hardly anything in fact-and want very much to know, that I asked you the question. Hang it all! you might be civil. It isn't me that employs you or pays you, but you can t deny that if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have the job. It's my head You are quite welcome to it if you are proud of it. Some people wouldn't be. But what do you wish to know ?" Have you shaved the head of anyone else here ?" I have. He was a young man about your own age." You don't know what afterwards became of him, I suppose ?" Yes, I do." What ?' 1 He died." Died of having his head shaved f "No." Of what then ?" Of asking questions about it." He was stooping over the strop to put a keen edge on his razor before he commenced, and as he spoke the words he raised his head, and gave me a wink that was evidently meant to convey more than speech. Shall I give you a morsel of useful advice ?" he presently asked in a whispered tone of voice-. It won't be wasted," says I. "Then this is it,and he winked agaiii-both eyes this time, and closed his lips as tight as a rat trap, and laid a finger over them. And that was all I got out of the barber. But his winking was some comfort for me. And when he alluded to the young man who had met with his death through. asking questions, there was a twinkle in his eye that did not match with the solemnity of his words. I felt more determined than ever, that I would find out how the doctor—for, as I need not say, I had by this time no doubt that it was so—contrived to operate on me without my being aware of his enterihg my bedroom even. It was the usual thing for me to have a glass of hot grog with my pipe the last thing before I retired for the night, and though the doctor helped himself from the same decanter a suspicion got into my head that the brandy was drugged. To be snre he had given me his word that my food and drink were in no way tampered with, but I was pushed into a corner, in a. manner of speaking, and I saw no other way of explaining the mystery. I re- solved therefore to drink no brandy-and-water that evening, and without the doctor being aware of it, J took no more than about half as much as I had been accustomed to drink in his oompany. I felt convinced that my suspicions were justified, for instead of dropping off to sleep in a few minutes. I lay wide awake. For at least a couple of hours I listened, and then I fancied that I heard a slight sound! It was nothing that, under ordinary circumstances, I should have taken notice of. Merely a gentle sort of scratching, just-like that a mouse behind a wainscot makes. But in a minute or two the scratching became louder, and I knew that it was at the room door. CHAPTER IV. MY TERR IBM] DISCOVERY THE SLIDING I'AlqEL,-TtlY SPONGE-ROI).,—THE NECROMANTIC LUBRICATION,—TIH1 HEATED COPPER CAP MY HEART FAILS ME, AND I MEDITATE FIOBBERV AND FLIGHT. I WAS lying on my side with my face towards the door and my eyes shut except for a little chipk to peep out of, and I made believe to be breathing heavy and regular like a person in a Sound sleep. I should have mentioned that, feeling a bit ner- vous on the first night, I had left a- glimmer of gas, burning, and had repeated the precaution every night since. It now enabled me to see something that set my heart thumping., [ Keeping watch from between my eye-lashes, I saw a small panel in the door situated immediately above the lock and the bolt move noiselessly aside, and a moment afterwards the doctor's face was visible at the aperture. The gas jet being in the middle of the room, he could no doubt see my face much more plainly than I his; nevertheless, he screened his eyes with one hand as though to get a better vieNy,of me. I screwed up my courage and did my best to keep a serene countenance and did not move a muscle. He kept a steady gaze on my face for at least a couple of minutes, and then vanished, and presently a long light rod with what seemed a round knob at the end of it was pushed in through the hole. It was pointed straight at me and came gradually closer, but still I did not move. It came towards my face, and was at last so near, that, still prying through the chinks of my eyes, I could make out that the thing at the end of the kod was not a knob, but a round piece of sponge. It had a peculiar smell. His object seemed to be to place it just under my nostrils, but J stealthily put up my hand from beneath the bedclothes and pushed it a little aside. Whatever the sponge was saturated with, it quickly took hold on the senses, and though I was not actually smelling at it, I began to feel faint and giddy, when it was suddenly withdrawn. It was evident that the doctor had no doubt that it had answered his purpose, for he seemed to think that extreme caution was no longer necessary. Putting his hand through the aperture he unlocked the door and withdrew the bolt, and entering the chamber, approached the bed. I was in such mortal terror then that I should have jumped np and faced him, only that I was afraid to do so. After all, there might be some truth in what the barber had told me as to the young man who died through asking injudicious questions, and how much more serious might be considered the offence of trapping the doctor in the midst of his mysteries ? So, with perspiration breaking out freely through every pore, I lay quite still, and allowed him to do as he pleased with me. It was a simple operation enough he had come to perform. He had brought with him something in a small phial and a little stiffish brush, and his first act was to did this into the stuff in the phial and stir it gently round. Then he turned on the gas to a fuller light and proceeded to paint my bald head all over. It gave me no more pain than the application of so much water would, though to judge from the scrupulous care with which he applied it the nicest discrimination was neces- sary. But he had not completed the mystic operation yet. When be had finished with the paint-brush he took something that, through the narrow chinks I was peeping out of, looked likea small, light basin of copper mounted on a short handle, and this he held over the gas flame, and then brought it so close to the whole surface of my skull as to make it unpleasantly hot. This he repeated throe times, as though his object was to dry the pigment, whatever it was thoroughly well in. Then he produced another phial, larger than the first, and a sponge, and a white cloth, and again and again carefully moistened and wiped my head to re- move ail trace of what he had been doing. Then he collected his operating implements, and having turned down the gas exactly as he found it, he crept softly from the roo' m. When he was outside and had closed the door, he put his hand chrougtI,.tbe aperture before mentioned, turned the key and shot the bolt, and then adjusts ] the sliding panel, and I saw no more of him that night. I got no sleep. It is true I had raised the veil ot the mystery, but how much wiser was I for it ? I was more puzzled, not to say mere awe-strickea than before. Whatever the doctor hoped to prove by his experi- ments, it was certain that he attached the highest im- portance to them, and his method remaining a secret known only to himself. But why ? What need for all these elaborate arrangements—the sliding panel, the rod with the sponge at the end of it, so that I could be rendered nsensible before he ventured into the room?, Why did he deem it necessary to adopt all these precautious, unless he had a motive deeper than appeared on the surface ? There was nothing in the process itself when he arrived at it-a mere dabbing of my shaven head with something that was to be washed off im- mediately afterwards; what was there in that, that it must not be done with my knowledge and while I was awake ? Was it the doctor s deliberate cold-blooded intent to sacrifice me to science, by bringing on mea madness of a kind that was never known before ? If so what was to be my doom when he had deprived me com- pletely of reason ? Why had he not tried his precious experiments in an open and straightforward way, instead of seeking an unknown individual of bad character like myself, who, if he disappeared out of the world at any time, would be neither missed nor enquired after ? I worried myself so much with these, and a hun- dred other questions of a kindred nature, that when I rose in the morning I found myself with a very severe headache, and experienced no difficulty in per- suading myself that all the throbs and shooting pains had their origin in one spot the doctor had rubbed more assiduously than any other part. In quite a miserable frame of mind, and more than half resolved to make an end of the business before worse happened to me, I went downstairs. Doctor Flight noticed a difference in me the moment I en- tered the breakfast-room. Why, what is the matter?" he exclaimed you seem out of sorts and low-spirited this morning. What ails you 9" I had not seen him so anxious before. Possibly the suspicion may have flashed through his mind that I bad made a discovery. It was my policy to reassure him. He might be so jealous of his" secret" as to resort to desperate measure to prevent my be- traying him. I don't know. exactly, sir, what ails me," I made answer. It isn't because I did not have a good night's rest But I don't feel quite right." "Ohl you did have a good night's rest? I should hardly have supposed it, judging from the heavi- ness of your eyes. In what respect do you not feel right?" Well, it isn't easy to explain," said I, making be- lieve by a little laugh to make light of it; but it certainly is peculiar." What is peculiar ?" The strange sensations I feel in my head." Aye, aye! what part of your bead ?" All over more or less, but particularly on the left side, sir, just at this spot." He was at his breakfast, but all in an instant he dropped his knife and fork, and his eyes and face lit up in the strangest way as he regarded me intently But with an effort he calmed himself and remarked with a smile: Pshaw! yon are a lucky fellow. You know-so little of what headache is, that as soon as you get an ordinary twinge of it, you begin to talk of 'strange sensations.' They must be strange indeed since you can't describe theill,r' "loan only tell yøu that I feel a queer kind of pricking and shooting," I replied, and that I never was troubled with anything of the kind before." He rose so hurriedly from his chair that he capsized it and came towards me with open arms and as though he was going to embrace me, but he only took my hands in both his own and gave them a hearty squeeze. Tell me," -said hè, how long is it since, this peculiar headache comme-nced?" I awoke with it. I was without it when I went to bed. It is a strange sort of creepy feeling-like live blood tingling between the scalp and the skull." I had not intended to say as much, but seeing him so excited I could not resist the temptation of trying to draw him out. Place your finger," said he, on the precise spot where you feel the pricking and shooting most." I .did 60, and his eyes fairly glistened, and he clapped his hands. 1. I did not think it worth while to mention it be- fore, sir," said I, but it isn't the first time I have had a strange sort of headache since I have been here. I had the same kind of creeping pain on the top of my head three or fonr days since, but it went away." He paced the room three or four times, as though to conquer an emotion that prevented his speaking, and then, stopping abruptly before me, he clapped me on the shoulder. These last words of yours," said he. are more weloome to my ears than if you had informed me that someone had made me a present of a thou- sand pounds. You don't understand it, but I do. Rdjoice with me, my friend, rejoice It would be premature to explain to you why you should, but take my word for it, there is ample reason." It is ail very well for you to talk about rejoicing, I replied, pretending to be a bit sulky over it, but if you had such a headache-" Pooh he interrupted me impatiently. Suppose that instead of a mere ache it was excruciating agony under the circumstances you would have nothing to complain of. Better men than you have jeopardized theirprecious lives in a much less splendid venture." And then, it possibly occurring to him that lie had spoken with too much freedom, he added soothingly: r u must not, be down-hearted, my friend, at this early stage. You should remember that although I surmised that my experiment would cause you no inconvenience, I made you no positive promise to that effect. It appears that I was slightly in error. Never mind, it shall be made up to you." "Then," said I, you have commenced with your experiments?" Why, yes," he made answer with a proud smile, but you never knew it. If it is any comfort to you, I may tell you that I have had you under treat- ment every day since you have been wtfh me. But while I am satisfied-iilore than satisfied—with the progress we are making, all that you, have to com- plain of is a slight headache! And now, that I have revealed so much, get on with your breakfast, after which you will no doubt feel better. But I did, not feel better. His tone and manner scared me more tnan his words, and what he had told me seemed to justify all this dismal forebodings that troubled me before I came down-stairs that morning. Better men than you have jeopardised their lives!" There was jeopardy in it then. But how dare a common thief, picked up out of the streets, make any objections ? I was still very low-spirited when I went to smoke a pipe in the old garden at the back of the house. It was all very well to live in clover, as I was then doing, but if to be slowly murdered was the price I should ultimately be called on to pay for it, it would be advisable to get back as soon as I could to the state of existence the doctor had found me in, even though I had nothing to hope for but ordinary luck at thieving, with spells of prison occasionlly. The best thing I could do was to watch my opportunity, and after making up as good a pocket as possible, go off without further delay. There would be very little danger in so doing. It was not very likely, after what had passed between us, that the doctor would cause much of a search to be made for me for the sake of a few pouuds'-worth of goods! I had previously noticed that there was a room, a sort of library with a French window, that looked down into the old garden, and having smoked out my pipe, and resolved on robbery and flight, I thought I might as well make a start by seeing what there was movable in this same room, which was handsomely furnished. The shutters were partly open, and I crept up the stone steps, and peeped in, but drew my head back in a hurry, for the doctor was there. (To be continued)

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