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BARRY TRADES' COUNCIL, TRADES UNIONISTS AND THE NAVVIES' STRIKE. THE PROPOSED CESSATION OF WORK. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES DO NOT CON- CUR WITH THE SUGGESTION. A special meeting of the Barry Trades' and Labour Council was held on Friday evening last at the Glamorgan Restaurant, Barry Dock, the President (Mr T. Evans) in the chair. THE PROPOSED BALLOT. The President explained that the meeting had been called for the purpose of bearing the reports of the delegates of the various societies affiliated to the Council with regard to the ballot which it was proposed to take of all men employed at the old dock who were prepared to give 36 hours' notice to cease work and come out on strike in sympathy with the navvies recently employed at the Barry New Dock, it being thought by this means to force the Barry Company to interfere in the matter, as it was believed that they held the key to the whole situation.—The Secretary (Mr T. J. Chamber- lain) announced that he had sent circulars explaining the position to all the societies affiliated except the Carpenters and Joiners' Society, he being unable to find the address of the secretary of that body. One society had replied by letter, viz., the Cadoxton branch of the National Amalgamated Labourers' Union, who stated that they had no authority to cease work without the consent of their executive, but would render all financial assistance they could to the navvies. The Secretary also stated, on behalf of the Typographical Society, that they had decided to take no action whatever in the matter, as it did not affect them. The representative of the Bristol and West of England Trade and Provident Society said his branch had thoroughly discussed the situation, and had come to the conclusion that it would be wise not to take any action with regard to the 36 hours' notice, but the members were prepared to give all monetary assistance they could. Councillor J. H. Jose, the representative of the Boilermakers' Society, said he thought it was hardly necessary for those who were present to give their replies to the circular sent out by the secretary. The very fact that the older and stronger societies, who should take a leading part in the movement—societies that were more closely allied to the navvies than they who were engaged in the iron trades at the dock-were unrepresented was a sufficient indication of the futility of the 36 hoursg notice. There was not the enthusiasm in the matter that was anticipated two or three weeks ago, and it was very well for the representatives of the larger societies to be conspicuous by their absence at critical moments like these. His society had unanimously adopted a resolution to the effect that, having heard the reports of their representatives with regard to the taking of a ballot of all the workmen engaged at the old dock, they failed to recognise in what sense such action was justifiable either to the men employed at the various works, their employers, or the district generally, and must refuse to recognise such a ballot or ally themselves with any such movement.—Mr S. J. Martyn said the Barry branch of the Operative Bricklayers' Society had taken no action with regard to the 36 hours' notice, and had adopted the following resolution:— That provided proof can be produced that the Barry Company is interested in any way in the dispute between Messrs Price and Wills and the Navvies, that we are in favour of stopping the Barry Company's works, but not the private firms. —Mr T. P. Maskelyne reported that the Shop Assistants Union had decided to remain neutral on the question.-The President announced that the Engineers' Society had promised to give their hearty financial support to the navvies, believing their cause to be a good one, but had decided, under the circumstances of the lock-out connected with their own society, that it would be useless to apply to their execu- tive for permission to cease work in the district. —Mr A. J. Probert stated that the Barrv branch ot the Navvies' Union had given its representatives a free hand on the question.- Mr R. Hughes reported that the Coaltrimmers' Union had not had a special meeting to consider S6. !1,tu.atlon' but he could "ot possibly see that their men were in a position to cease work. Ur bays announced that the Steam Engine- makers Society had voted at a special meeting 1!1 against coming out on strike, and the represen- tative of the Wagon Builders' Society also gave a, similar result, but the Shipwrights' .-ociety, and Dock, Wharf, and Riverside Workers' Society had held no meeting.-The Operative Plasterers, Railway Servants, Masons, Smiths' Hammermen, Sailors and Firemen, Labourers rBarry branch), and Engineers (Barry branch) t vf unrepresen ted. —Some discussion fe reP°rts of fche delegates. and after- dsMrW. Dooley gave notice that at the "f m^etlng be would move that the resolution wuh referetice to cessation of work at the old dock be rescinded. A NT/W SOCIETY. Satisfaction was expressed by the members at the affiliation of a new society-the Barry branch of the Iron Founders' Society-to the Council, and the delegate, Mr Henry Murnhv was warmly received. P 7'



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