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INCREASED REPRESENTATION ON THE COUNCIL. COUNCILLOR SAUNDERS! WITH- DRAWS HIS RESOLUTION. The monthly meeting of the Barry District Council was held on Friday evening last at the Gas a lid Water Offices. Barry Dock, Mr W. Thomas, J.P. (chairman) i .residing. The other members present being Mr F. P. Jones-Lloyd (vice-chairman), Alderman J. C. Meggitt, J.P., Messrs W. launders, W. Pater,oii, J. Thomas, S. Barnett, and J. T,. IXtvi- s, with Messrs J. A. Hughes (clerk), J. C. Parooe, A.1,1.1 O.K. (surveyor), C. li Walker (engineer), F. M. Harris (gas and water engineer), C. B. Drown (accountant), K. Waite(waterengineer), and A. E. Leyshon (sanitary inspector). ol)],,N Mr Saunders moved tho elimination of a ''ll t::e C,)Ill- mitft e. to tie* effect that the surveyor be in- strue'ed 10 prepare plans and estimates for the fencing f :1 triangular piece of land on the Moors. adoxton, Mr Saunders stating he did not see it w,;s neces ary that the Council should gu t, this expense, inasmuch as it was intended to take uown tie fencing as saon as the trees an i -hi iibs I a 1 grow sufficiently. He also thought they }J.)1\1 have as many open spaces as possible, especially in a locality like the Moors. —Thf r<» was no seconder to the resolution, and Me matter fell through. THE "rATER SUPPLY. Ill c-nneetio'i with the minutes of the Gas and Water Committee. Mr Meggitt pointed out that the new main, which it was intended to put down, would effectually prevent the low pressure of water in the higher parts of Barry Dock 111 dry we>y.her. They had received many complaints owing to the inefficient, supply of the existing main, but the new main would prac- tically remove all difficulties Air Barnett raised a complaint as to waste of water during the recent hot weather, and said on the previous Sunday lie had noticed one or two fountains playing at Barry. He was under the impression that Mr Waite had be.eu in- structed to stop this piactice, nil 1 also the us-: of pipes. Mr Saunders ma le a suggestion as to having a temporary stop valve at the lower end of Holt -m-road, so as to shut off the water from Barry f -r an hour each day, in order to have a more efficient supply at Bairy Dock. The Chairman enquired whether there was any difficulty in connection with the water supply of late. Mr Waite replied that there had been 110 serious complaint until the last day or two, but no houses had been absolutely without watei the whole day. The wat^r at the houses be- tween the Bassett Hotel and Ca-tleland-street had been cut off from about. ell o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the ;if but during the last WC" k no serious complaints had been received. They had, however, kept both high and low r. servoirs full, but pumping operations had bad to be carried 011 day and night. SHIPPING MEX nWl UXLICKXSV1) [LOUSES. With regard to a report submitted by In- spector Leyshon as to the number of seamen shipped from unlicensed boarding-houses last month, Mr F. P. Jones-Lloyd said lie had had a long conversation with Mr Shaw, superin- tendent of the Biard of Trade at. Barry, who said he considered the working of the Act with reg ird to unlicensed boarding-houses very un- satisfactory, and was surprised to see so many men shipped each week 110111 these houses, and no prosecutions taking place. Mr Shaw had also thought of discontinuing the list, which h- supplied each week to trie Council, of seamen shipped from unlicensed housos.-Tiie Clerk said Mr Shaw sent a list each week, and Mr Leyshon immediately made inquiries, but in a large number of cases ir was KUIKJ that the men had given false addresses, or had gone to the houses of relatives. The Board of Trade reports always came in when the men had shipped, and it was absolutely impossible to secure a conviction without producing the men who had lodged at these unlicensed houses.— Mr Jones-Lloyd remarked that the inspector had an opportunity of seeing ad the men at the shipping office, and afterwards proceeding to the addresses given by them. Mr Shaw was rather surprised and hurt that nothing sbouL; have come of his trouble, and be was of opinion that up to the present, the Act was a farce.— Mr Leyshon said the inspector could not. go to the shipping office to see what men were shipp, (i.)Ir Meggitt moved that the chairman and clerk be instructed to interview Mr Shaw 011 the matter, and this was agreed to. FORESHORE RIGHTS. The Clerk stated that he bad prepared a re- port with reference to the Council's rights on the foreshore at Barry, and oil the proposition of Mr Saunders, it was decided that the same be printed in the minutes. ARMORIAL BEARINGS FOR WALES. It was agreed that the seal of the Council be affixed to the petition praying that the arms of Wales-the red dragon-should be represented in the National Flag. AIR SAUXDEIIS AXD INCREASED MEMBERSHIP. Mr Saunders moved a resolution to the effect that the clerk be instructed to take the necessary steps for increasing the number of members on the Barry Urban District Council. The mover said 1-1.1 did so because he felt he was overworked, and if he felt so he took if for granted that there were other members on the District Council that must feel more so. He could honestly say that he found it a great tax on his time and a great expense. He did not wish to shirk his duties in any wav, but be did not think it fair and right, and he "believed the ratepayers did not expect it, that twelve men should be called upon to do anything that was really irksome. He con- sidered the time had come when it would be for the benefit of the town generally if the num- ber of members was increased, and he was in- formed that when Cardiff had a population of 40.000 it had a representation of 40 members on itSICOLIIICII. Mr Saunders also pointed out that when the committees of the Council were ap pointed recently some of the members en- deavoured to avoid the duties, and with these in view, he, therefore, wished steps to be taken to secure consent to increase the mem- bership of the Council, so that the new mem- bers could be elected at the election in April next.—The Clerk stated that if the membership was increased, they would then have to consider the question of re-arranging the whole of the! wants. A suggestion had also been made that the 1 :idaries of the urban district should be! extended, and if this was decided upon it would, mean a re-arrangement of wards, and then, he considered, would be the best time for Mr Saunders to introduce his resolution, It. was a large order to re-armi 1-0 tlie wards, and it would b ;< pity t> have to do it twice'.—Mr Saun-i. rs enquired how long would it be before the Lo question was settled.—The Clerk replied in about sis. months, and remarked that the matter ha 1 air ady been taken in hand.—Mr Saunders thereupon withdrew his mo; iou. ItAKRY ISLAND SEVER. The following tenders had been received for the laying of the Barry Island main sewer to ColdkíIH})'- £ s. d Messrs Batchelor & Snowdon, Cardiff 3088 <3 0 Mr G. Rutter, Bairy 32o8 0 0 Mr T. Rees, ii.ly, Cardiff 3409 0 0 Mr Pai kinson, Aberdare 3583 0 0 B,,i-ii(-s, ("iiai)lltt ai)d Co., Cardiff 3792 0 0 Mr D. Jenkins, Swansea 4536 0 0 Messrs Gardener and Co,, Cardiff 5161 0 0 —Mr Jones-Lloyd proposed that Mr Butlers tender, at X,3,258, be accepted, remarking that that gentleman only required six months to com- plett the work, while in the lowest tender, that. f Meosrs Batchelor and bnowdon, seven months was stipulated. They all knew Mr Rutter, and he believed they were satisfied with the work done by him tor the Council in the past.—Mr Barnett said he would second the proposition, on condition that no amended tender was sent iu, as in the previous case.— Mr Butter's tender was then accepted unani- mously. THEATRICAL LICENSE FOR HARRY MAKKET HALL. A communication was r.ad from Major- General Lee, J.P., chairman of the Barry Market Hall Company, asking the Council to grant it. theatrical license for the Barry Alai ke, t Hall, without enforcing the condition that an extra hydrant and hose pipe be provided, owing to the great expense incurred by purchasing the same.—Mr Jones Lloyd moved that the matter be referred to the Licensing Committee with lull power to act.—Mr Saunders seconded. Mr Bainett considered the Council should abide by the decision of the committee.—Mr Mi ggitt said he would oppose the resolution., as he also considered they ought to adhere to the coni- mitten's report. —On being put to the meeting, the resolution was carried by the casting vote of the chairman. COMPLAINT AGAINST A BRAKE PROPRIETOR. A iett-r was reaclfiom Mr John Rees Holton- road, complaining of the action of one of the licensed brake proprietors, who insisted upon three other gentlemen and himself paying more than the recognised fare to Barry Island. Mr Meggitt moved that the complaint be referred to the Cabs Committee with full power to act in the matter, and this was carried, the Chairman also adding that he 1 ad also received several complaints with reference to the same driver. THE NEW WATER WORKS LAlD. The Chairman enquired whether any of the land in connection with the proposed new water works was in the possession of the Cuuncil, and the Clerk replied that he did not think so at present.—The Chairman said he had been told there was a field of hay there which had not yet been cut.—The Clerk remarked that the purchase of the land was subject to tenant's rights.—The Chairman stated that h had been given to understand that some of the land was in the possession of the Council, and the hay was not cnt.-The Clerk explained that the matter had been deferred, owing to being unable to complete the purchase. MISCELLANEOUS. It was decided not tc consider the plan of the proposed usbome Hotel at Cadoxton, which nad been sent 111 by the architect, Á\lr 'J udor Thornley. Mr J. H. Jose, who was unable no attend, wrote asking that his resolution with reference to admitting the Pivss to the gas and water com- mittee meetings, be adjourned, and the mem- bers acquiesced with the applicati n. It was announced that only one tender had been received for the supply of uniforms for the Council's officials, that of Mr C. M-sters, Cadoxton, and the same was referred to the Uniforms Committee.



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