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WORTH A GULNEA A ROX. ?7? ? y?9?????M? ?????0?? t??J??'?f 4g? ???? ?D ?..??.? .L?. ?? Lure Bilious and Nervous Disorders. F'LLS JD Cure Constipation and Sick Headache. T3 EECHAM'S PILLS JD Ensure proper Assimilation cf Food. J?EECHA?'S PILLS JL? Arouse ?n?g?.ih. acd Torpid Levers and Dispel Hiid. TtEECRAM'S PILL; JD Strengthen the Stomach. 9 EECHAM'S PILLS j) Cure SLCu;aciiic Troubles. such as Indi- gestion, Want of Appetite. Dyspepsia, Fulness r?ft?r Meals. Vomitings. Sick- ness at the Stomach, et?. T. EJ-:CHAM'S .D Give almost :nstant relief. DEECHAM'SPILLS JL) Cure Ret-:tles:mes and Insomnia, and ;e M!)nd and refreshing sleep. T? EECHAM?S PILLS J-) Remove the result of indiscretion m eating and ¿rinkin. T ? BECHAM'S PILLS JD A:e suitable for tx?th young and old. '? EECIIAM'S PILLS j? V'nm?.k.You ?'jukw.-I[, feel well, and keep weL. -D EECHA?I'S PILLS JD Purify nic Blood, and remove Scurvy. Pimples, r.nd B!otcLes Gn the Skin. 1D EECIIAM'S PILLS .0 Remove 'Viud and Pa,ins in the Stoma::h. ID BECHAM?S PILLS <jL) Give tone and energy to the Muscolar system. EECaAM'S PILLS T) Are the most reliable Family Medicm' JD and sbojl! be kept ia every home. -D EECHAM'S PILLS JL) Lay thf f.jKnJatio:: of Good Health. ID PILLS tj! Are spe,ially suitable for the Dise&scs and Ai'rnsnts common to Females of all Ages, and they remove the cause of much to the sex. ZECHAH'S PILLS J ? Improve the Complexion, and restore the "rose-bud of health" to pallid cheeks. .D EECHAM'S PILLS J". Are mild but eSective in th.'ir action. T) EECHA?I'S PILLS JL) AssLst th? KKlneys to perform their functions. PILLS If taken m time will ward oS many a. serious illness. D EECHAM'S PILI? J) Have stood the test of over ntty years. TDEECHAM'S PILLS JD Are soLd everywhere, in boxes. Is J!d &iid 2s 9d. conta.imng 56 and 168 pills respectively S}<p INJN 316 tind J,B.. 1-1 igI-; Sangor. ? 10 ri ?. !l L .L- ? ?.. ?? u' PROPRIETOR. D MtAKFASTS, Luncteons, Mi<i Dinners, a.re .D always ready. Visitors Bangor will be ??apU?d Mid charge a. reasonable price at thi? E?Miahm?nt. J. & S. ROBERTS, Ironmongers, Plumbers, Decorators, GAS, BELL AND HOT WATER FITTERS, PAPEBHAt<IGINGS. OIL AND COfjOJ'R. WARRHOUSE — HOUSE REPAIRS. — LLOYD STREET, LLNDUDO. TRIUMPH -I MCYCLES I 10-10-0 15-Q- 0 <tt tf MSf BtMMOF Ð:UD. ????m?? ,???tM?M??/M?A ? II c:.u Ca. T} OYAL ASSURANCE COB- P<mATIOX \.r.taabliøhed ty Royal A.D. 1720). Chiei O&oe: ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, Branch: 5, DALE-STREET, LIVERPOOL. N.'e AccuBtuIated Funds Exceeds £4,OOO,0Ul dauM Paid Over £37,000,000. FIRE. Every De&cription o< FiM InauraBce tMnaacted. Leaeea occaaiorted by Lightning will be ptnd whether the ptopefty be aot on &re or not. LIFE. TiM Gofp<M-ation aeorde aecurity of the higheet ..ner, a<Mi decla.res Bon exceeding the aver- <go &tribu of AaeurMce Compamea. The Conditiona cf Assurance have been itttetv MTMed. A Proepectu<, Table of Bonue, and BaLmoe wUl be forvarded on application to S. H. SMITH, OM Bank. Baagor-1Ir JAMES SMITH, <htMrTom—Mr G. R. RKE8, Agent)). TO GARDENERS AND FLORISTS. 11' wan & first..cM Weekly t Pape.. which containa only aoun<i, pMetiotJ, tnd tMettd InfermatiMi on <tU eQtbjeotN comMeted with the G<rd<B tnd !ta Management, and <B cmp. BorticlIltwal Newa, read THE GARDENING WORLD, i* published every FRIDAY MOSNINQ. PRICE, Id. POST FREE, l SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET, 4JOVFNT GARDEN. EC. j WAVE LLANDUDNO. Boarding lBN PENSION). CENTRE OF GRAND FACING SF1.c. MODERATE TARIFF. IDGHLY -A Mrs WALDEGRAVE 8676 -'————————————————— ??*?** —————————————————— FLAS MAWB, CONWAY ?L?.??! ?*? t A?*??"?? .? ??-? ?\ ???'? ??"?-??? ? ? ? ???J&=???. ?? ? romp Asir, THE OLD 7 ? ?\??c??????????.??? ELIZABETHAN PALACE r..Y-Y_ Open Daily. f .J, ON'S A I # dm RINGS zy ATL 1.JESU1XS, SET WITH B' .m?<. E??r?iJs, Pc?nt', Rabies, Sapphires, Opa:s, &c, of the Purest Quai?y MAKER'S CASH PR!CES. S!ze Care's Post Free. "J L !t 4.: Por.3 & Sapphires, 25/ BriHis.sts. jc:3 3s. PearIsA Hubie.- 2G BrtUir.n: £10 G t:"ST STOCK OF RINGS M ThE WORLD. :1: Tizr,-iiioiso and BnUia.nt, L5. BriiUa.nts, LS. nnh'. a A BnHia.ats. Rr..l'Hita.&)0. ?.'3. BENSON3S lw" L JEWELLERYg a( è'. =;J'\ :1 ?s?.?*? FtnoGol?Ch?n.}raetir:,?3c!a. ? f'r!l.rMrlI.a.'erinJO/- SELECTIONS ,-f ON APP;OVAL. r'- ??c?'h. ?i/ '——- F'=° Gc!rt Brocch. CB, -'H of t orld for P.O.0 ,„' r.'n-r.; t our ri'l'.<. tn.ll pRr'¡.¡ o! t.he World for r.o.o., VY!J"3 n. ,J[,1.1 ;V¡reaES 7RY TAKl'Y EXr'iLiNGE. E? ??H'6 BOOK of WATCHES. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT Rl?GG Pl-A-m. &C., ?' t ? ? ? y ? ?" ?? ? '? ?? Hd Watchmakers a?.- '?j<. ?"?? ?????'??9 LUS., JeweUers. S.?? F?/7-' 62 & 64, LUDGATE H!LL. LONDON. NOTICE. ??????????Y???????. ? THE OLDEST HORTICU LTURAL NEWSPAPER. M. The Gardeners' iss WEEKLY. YEARLY. ? Chronicle ? (THE "TIMES" OF HARTICULTURE). FOR SiXTY YEARS THE LEADING JOURNAL Ita omuibuton omprift the uiod Experienced British Gardeners, aadnMcyofthenioet Eminent Men of Science at home and abroad. IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL. REPUTATIO N FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS. Specimen Copy post free on application to the Publisher, H. G. COVE, 41, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. May be ordered of all Booksellers and Newsagents, and at the Railway Bookatatltt. 2d WEEKLY. E s TABUSH ED 1848. WEEKLY, 2d. THE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER AND HOME FARMER. Edited by JOHN WRIGHT,F.R.H.S.,V.M.H., assisted by a Staff of the Best Writers on PRAOTICAL GARDENING. During FIFTY-TWO YEARS the "JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE" has beem written by Gardeners for Gardeners, and in its principles, its practice, and its price It still remaina the same. One alteration is perhapa, however, necessary. Our modern methods of proL duction have rendered the price (.'L'1-faehioned, and hence in order to met the wi&hea of the present generation of Gardeners the "JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE" will, from Juty 26th, 1900. be &0ii for TWOPENCE instead of Threepence. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :—0re Quarter, 5a; Half Year, 5s 6d; One Year, 10s 6d. 41st YEAR OF PUBLICATION. NOW READY. Price Is; Post Free, la 5d. The HORTICULTURAL DIRECTORY for 1900. This Work contains over 16,000 up-bo date Addr&saea of Nurserymen, Seedamen, Flonata Gardemers, and Country Seats throughout the United Kingdom; with a List ef the prmciwtl Nurserymen, etc., on the Continent and in the Colonies. OFFICES: 12, MITRE COURT CHAMBERS, FLEET STREET, LONDON BLC. MOON'S HOTEL, I L LA?' D U D J If < M -? ?? t: o o "fl I-' m Q "ö & roo s:: C;) g m ü s:: ro 6 I ? 0 ONE MINUTE WALK FROM CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATION THE MOST POPULAR PRIVATE MOTEL. NEW BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS. PUBLIC AND PBtVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIRY AND WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR HOCKEY, CRICKET TEAMS, AND CYCLISTS. GOOD BATHROOM. Charges Moderate. V.t. Vinc-h, Proprietor. "J:j.l'r.tnr.lIfI!¡'l:W;;¡,a¡:;Z' n?TTT? ? ?T? A T? "?nr??r?TM ? JL ±li? ?i??l?r- X JU?J JN Boardinj E stabJi:íhulent (Temperance). LLANDUDNO. Fa L' c ea. Terms Moderate. 1. J ¿ I v 1 .:) .v J. ;I Mis??.s M?d?.I?tG, ? Wood, P'rcprieta"esses. 87 -=-foJ- -_u.- ???? There's Security tn ??tttttr ?? i? Bp%"???p?F?t?*? ?B CARTERS ??N?m? ABSOLUTELY CURE NB!)MN B*Tf*1F't E* ????tBtQ Dyspepsia, indigestion, ????T B t B Nt*_ Jj?NB?KM Dizziness, F!ashes of ttt? N N t th?t?t ????? wtt Heat, Nausea, Drowsi- ??N ?B!? ??? ness. Acid Eructations, ??N t ? ? W** t*? ?0? ir? BadTasteinthe Mouth, jjM ))?J?t*t? ?MJ? t { Coated Tongue, Btack ?? j? ? t?tm ? ?? ?? Specks boating before ??N ?? the Eyes, Ftatutency, NtN ——?-? — ?M? Wind about the Heart. Ntt [?j)) t t?? iN P?M between the Shoutder Btades, Bitious. Sick ?M ?*? ? ?? Lt?3??t and Nervous Headaches, Distress from too .??? _?_????? Hearty Eating, Constipation, Yettow Skin, HMrtburn, Pasty Complexion, Stuggish Liver. Great Mental Depression, and a general feeting SmaHP!H Of being below par. Smatt Dose. In g!Ma tubes. 13;d. Of at! chemists. Note steel-engraved !abe!s SmattPt!c<* Mae tetters on white ground, ?ad name of proprietors. Cartet ?mao rm.c. Medicine Co. Dose, one at night; but the nrst ntght take three. TAey goToucHpo the LIVER" c- IT But be SURE they are CARTER 41 ,> t& ,T1I ? ??? (OF LIVERPOOL) ?tLJF rop 04R f?o 0 CIOE CATAL fRO4 SEE th qsF.. IGSTRIM STOCK sf pfft THE LARGEST STOCK OF P!ANOS.ORGANS & HARMONIUMS TO CHOOSE FROM AND FINEST SHOWROOMS lt4 WALES. O.uj. TUWthGS AD REPAIR5 eY PRACTIC-At WOR1(M1:K. n1 CRANE qSONS, ???Z C<????/??<?/?- ????????????M????? ??————————————— ?J??A7/?/?. ESTABLISHED 181 5. M. A. CROOKS, HIGH-CLASS BOOT & SH"E MAKER IS NOW SHOWING A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE SELECTION OF NEW SEASONS GOODS, FROM THE LEADING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MAKERS. AGENT FOR THE CELEBIL:\rrED "I( II BOOTS AND SHOES Tennis, Cricket, and Boating Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS. 222, HIGH STREET, Bf\.NGC)It, AND UXBRIGE SQUARE, MENAI BRIDGE. 7350. I CHATSWORTH HOUSE 4, Gloddaeth Crescent Centre of Grand Parade. Facing Sea. L A DUDNO. FIRST CLASS BOARDING AND PRIVATE HOTEL 1\4:0DEl:A..TE T.A.B.,IPP. e725 „„ 'a.iJ"W'a- T-&'IIY .m.J'¡'M.£\Ji':lt:I:ioIt). LLANDUDNO. Vincent's High-Class Private & Pamny HoteL ITUATED in the Centre of the MADINE P ARADE,an4 possesses the moa6 te81ve Sea Frontage) on the Parade; .0 6D umnterrupted and commanding TÍew of e Oar- narvonshire Mountaim. Private Sitting Rooms Facing the Séa. 1- AND W&L-ARRANGED SMOKING Roomis. EXTENSIVE TENNIS COURTS. TARIFF (graduated accordino, to the of the year), oit applicat'on to 0 7605 John Vincent, Propiictor. MO.STYN ARMS f 1 1 I i', .J.. J.Al. t. U j Conway Road,L."L-.IANDUDNO. =HI,S HOTEL is newly-built, from Designs by G. A. Humphreys, Esq., Architect, MeBtyn <t6jt Estate Onice, Llandudno, and containa all the Latest Conveniences. ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HOT and COLD BATHS, LAVATORIES, etc., on EACH LANDING. SPACIOUS COFFEE, DRAWING, SMOKE. AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Families, Tourists, and others patronising this Hotel will find every Comfort and Attention, with very Moderate Charges. C.T.C. Hotel. FULL LICENCE. GOOD STABLING. Few Minutes from Station, Promenade, Pier. and Golf Links. Telephone. No. 113. SAMUEL HUGHES, Proprietor. 8555 (For last 13 years Secretary of Llandudno Pier Co., Ltd.). "J.1'a!J; J 1 T FERNDALE Boarding Establishment, NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. W P E A R S 0 N Proprietor. 9145 The Promenade Hotel AND RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO. [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] ivi IR S JD I C IK IT IN* [Late of Birmingham] FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS TTTHERE ViANDs of the Finest Quality at most Moderate Prices are Served a.t a.K yy Hours. Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors. Ladies' Coffee BLoom. English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS, and JELLIES. Balls, Dinners, Parties, &c.. Catered for at Moderate Charges. v- "fIIIY4,fI"&?' The Waterloo Hotel, Bettws-y-coed. Close to the Waterloo Bridge and a few minutes' walk from the Railway Station (turn to the left at the top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses, Posting in all its Branches. LARGE LAWN TENNIS GROUNDS. Coaching to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY in connection with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. Golf !_An excellent 9-hole Golf Course has been opened in connection with tbia HOTEL, and is FREE TO VISITORS. -I-L,*k'L I-A R D For Tariff of Charges apply to B. L. McCULLOCH, Proprietor. am" DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL Half way between Llandudnc and the Junction. Directly facing Conway Ca&tle and Bridges. The nearest Hotel to the celebr&ted Cat-nai-Toasbit-e Golf Linka, and w)thm easy dotance of the North Wales Linka. VSNIENT FOK ALL COACHING AND RAfLWAY EXCURSIONS. BOATING, BATHING TENNIS, BiLLtARDS. GOLF Good Accommoda.tioD for Cyclists. TARIFF ON APPLICATION TO Mrs TRITTON, PROPRIETRESS r