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SHIP INN 8\6 and SIS. High Sirete". Bangor. |XCj3 Ai-lD PROPRIETOR Luncheons, and Dinners, are always (Mlf. Viflitow to Bangor will be supplied and oiiarge a reasonable prioe at this Iktablishmeni. ,1 $i j Ir'" n, '1 ROBERTS, tI. t; ..v;J,,) J Ironmongers, Plumbers, Decorators WAfc, IS&Xl, a* iiW* m; ,.J."f F.t 'l i,a Ç":fl fK., PAPMRHANGH NCrS, 0 L AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE fl 0 U S REPAIRS. LLOYD bT REET I I A N l Xi i NO /*Trn7" r?CT/rrnmiD.uiiMi[mi tutu inn 11»11 n 11^ M the Biood Is the Life." jc | Clarke's I I Blood I | Mixture I 1HE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, P warratued to Cleanse the Blood from all B K 'purities from whatever cause arising. ¥ e!j F ><• ;Scrojiil'j, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, E tj: Livers. Glan'luJar Swellings, Skin and f El BlooU Diseases, Blackheads, Pimple* and 1 gj Soj-fi of a!l kinds, ite effects are marvellous. £ Tiu.nfAuds of Testimonials of wonderful E curt* L.ivo beea received from all parts of t j £ f. tijt» world. t The Editor of the FAMILY Docroa" g says:—"We have seen hosts of letters Sj bfanijfif testimony to the truly wonderful ] & cures pffected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. £ j It is the finest Blood Purifier Scienoe i Medical Skill have brought to light, i ) Hg anù we can with the a confidence p; reeo:r.mend it to our ssbsoribers ul the I gj pu!/ii« generally." 1 pt A this Mixture is pleasant to the taste ■ E| nr> 2 warranted free from anything injurious I Sj << tha most delicate constitution of either I ~tj «• x, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors ■ ir it miffe-,ers to give it trial to test its ■ L.>. Sold by Chemists everywhere. F Aakfor | Clarke's i Blood Mixture j p a'l beware of wortMeM Imitations. -(¡tlID.iill r.. EVERY VISITOR TO LLANDUDNO SHOULD BUT WILLIAMS' ILXiUST RATED GUIDE TOI, LLANDUDNO. ONTAININQ a history and description of Con- 1/ way Castle, the Yale of Conway, Llaonrafc, Bettwsycoed, Capel Curig, Swallow Waterfalls, and other places of interest in the Snowdonian district; Colwyn Bay, Pemnaenmawr, Llanfairfechan, Aber, etc., with directions how to see them at the least possible expense and loss of time. The New Edition contains 100 pages of reading matter, and gives much valuable information to the Residents as well as Visitors, such as the Authorised Hackney Carriage, Boating, and Bathing Fare, Postal Information, Railway Fares, Town Porter charges, etc., etc.. Walks, Brake Drives, Steamboat Communication, etc. "The work is very comprehensive. A num- ber of historical facta not generally known are intro- duced, and to the traveller will increase the interest he must naturally take in making a tour of this ro- mantio neighbourhood."—"Liverpool Mercury." "The book is full of a mass of really usetm and practical information. There are directions to the cSnrist where to go and how to go at the least poesib.. exDellSeand loss of time."—"Liverpool Courier." "Will be foona as useful as it is cheap."—"Liverpool Daily Post." frown 8vo., 100 pages, contains map of f1 and numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 100 pages, contains map of district and numerous Illustrations. To be had (by post, 7!d), of the Publisher, EVAN tfULLIAMS, Market-place, Bangor, and of all Book- tellers -.l- IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDN HOU3EHOLDFR8. 0"W111G to •;V *■ numerous letters we receive weekly desiring ft LLANDUDNO DIREC- TORY 8r VISITOR forwarded, containing a List APART M.E NTS & FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. -72 deoj:21 to art a Cclusin headed, CQMirORTABLE QUARTERS AT LLANDUDNO taid iuuert iv n a Prenii'nentPositiou in Directory 'Yel' week. This wlit giv rroprietora of BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS and LODGINGHOUSES a ipod opportunity of bringing their Advertisements directly belare tha notice of Intending Visitors to Llandudno. We offar Specially Moderate Terms: or Residents thus to advertise, as nnder :— 28 Words (five lines), the Season, for 25a. AH the year roand tot aft. Terma for oue asertioa and apwards at wmal e3 I CLARKE'S B4t PILLS CPS warranted to oure, in either sex, all acquired or con- dttatioaal Discharges from the Urinary Organg, Gravel, 1~i p»ina in tha tiaek. Free from Harcory. Established spwards of 30 yearn. Is boxes 4s. fld. each, of all 1 Chemists and Patent Medietas Vendors throughout the < ff«ld, or sent otr sixty stamps by the makers. The T<inooHi fSA IIidJu4 Connrtes Drug Pampasg. Lim" j N T I N I fyOSTERS for Anotioneers, Tradesmen, X Baaaars, Sales of Work, Leotores, Poblie Meetings, Conoerte, Tea Meetings, Sills, Ac., in one, two or three soloars. Aaetioneerp' Oatalogoes and Partioalars of tq&low, Tradesmen's Price Lists, Circulars, Memorandnms, Note Heads and Cards, Coooert Programmes and Tickets Tickets ul Adm (jfiinn to Bazasre, S?.!ea of Work, Lecture Kntertasnments, Public and Tea P- «U Programmes, Mean Oavda, r};y i* PRESS PRINTINC i UTXA-CRSD ITH F ,p S S DESPATCH IT TBV ,t Pr ;ig,ible Price. H ntB Directory j ?lk 0 KRTABLI3HMENT. j 'Tow HOUSE. | .( h ixvvDUDyo. j THE CRAIGYDON Boarding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Faeinc: Lfie -ea. Terms Moderate. Misses Middleton & Wood, Proprietresses. 8716 -1tIIII.A:UotW,a" CAMBRIDGE F:EciTAURANT, t'ntral ostvn Street, .¡ AND TE M L.J. HA N C b HO TEL, .4_ 1. f 1 J ¡ -) \J ..J i f ¡. \j L O Y f H, E K T n. cS. "ta. cl. sa. o • Proprietor: f lehard Williams. FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR CHOIR AND PICNIC PARTIBS. 1686 "¡.ct"1;¥. "1 -ffa'vP-SI(" ".6" IrHfc'. T-i, HKTI 6-Y-C« >KD '« Ciosu to tSx* Waterloo Bridge and a. r.Tinte«i walk from th Railway St&tion (tarn [ r, the st of t9-t-jor: Road). RxeelloDt >iHbling ami Lock-up C^oach Houses Postina in all its branches. < .^>rge Lawn Tennis Grounas. COACHING to LLàNBERIS AND BKDDG-KLEKT DAILT i. coimectioa with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. GOU i-Ait sxcelleot 9-hole Goif Course time be"i opened in connection with thix t B 1 L I) L A E O b. -L. Ot Tariff of OlJarea 'J.pply t, 1; j j 0(-h Proprietor 1IIØIInt. 7" I1RPØI For COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCn t Dq. J. COLLIS BROWNES CHLORODYNE ^SnWUIO swmmmammamt chousa. «ued it mjieu wita Til ooLXtis »"»™* SSIrkSS teb^SaiS Bjjpjj mm wUAhe soiss* the word CHLORO- Iffldon. KEPOBT tha^ it ACTS^as a travel ia atceaehermu eliaoata. where DT*B. Dr. Brewae is the SOL* IK- CHABM.one dose KeneraOy saadsst. tkey sate so masb exposed te this TMTOB. sqd. as the eossposlUon at TZZZ ■ daaj^wos malady. Prh^nfTW^°*1>OSBI COMP^TKLY CUBKO MB OJ Bnia has never been pnbUshed, it is eri- PIABBHCKA. ToJ.t. Daraaoort. fcowne-s(S^mesMut»/a^. D^OH^OD^S TV- '• COLLI B BSOW5f8 I should yrefcr to taks abroad with h 1/7 CHLOSODTNB.-Vice Chan- m. Utely to .be. mrnt gaemlly •eOor Sir W. PAGB- WOOD stated Sibliclr in Ceort that Dr. J. COLLI8 IshoqldsyCHLOBODTini. OOLIO, PALFITATIOW. ROWHE wasUNDOUBTHDLTtha &. "SrtSSS HISTIRIA. INVE NTOR of CHLOBOD YNEjthat JiiiSC the whole story of the defendant Fr»e- man was deliberately untrue, and he hsstteoommrilflatiail TK*0*T AWT CATTTION. The regretted to say it had been sworn tor— J. IMMKNSB 8ALK of this REMEDY See Time*. July l.Tth, 1864. Boral Irish Fusiliers, Cork, has giren rise to many UNSCT'TTFTT- • w^v "R. T Piir T T i nRnwva'fl Ai. KK. 1M> I^OH8 IMITATIONS. B;l rarefijl ttt iL% DCHLOPODYNE the THUB Dbar SlB,-I wish to Kive publlctestl- obserre Tradf Mark. Of all CVuruV-sts. 1/ CHLOPODYNB is the THUS mony to the infinite Talue which roar goie Manufacturer. H OOtTT. CANCER. J. T. DAVENPOBT JBr TowHtcHE, RnSUHATiSX. pfored to seieral members of the 13, Qreat BagseU Streaat, ^.C. -+- '■ '■ -_?.JJ-¿ 7- LLANDUDNO WKST FREEHOLD r\) ) t t t t\! a t h t- BUILDING PLOTSFK SALE !M J!! t H )' <! t t B— s f IN THE ABOVE CHARMING SITUATION, With Option of Buying by Deferred Payments. FIKST-0LAS8 VILLA .SITES Between Gloddaeth Street and au-z,-r Hted Site for New Church FOR PARTICULARS APP..Y TO Messrs Smiths, Gore o Siti-veyors, 43jo 16, "Whitehall Place, Westminster, S.W > :MIt"¿.r" J .L I"p. Thmy rometo torn LIVER. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. jjKSBBF TORPID LIVER, INDIGESTION, 12 Small Pin. CONSTIPATION, |b| Small Dose. DIZZINESS, FURRED TONGUE. ONE AT NIGHT. Be sure they ar&CARTERPSw j MOON'S HOTEL, I LLAMSUDtfO <Q c= Ù J iz (; 0 (1) c+ a co fA o Q & ;:s 3 Gone MINUTB WALA FROMOEHIRI }» PROMENADE AIJ STATION -Ó thje nosT popriiA* PRIVATE HOIEL NEW BILLIARD AID R1CR1ATIOH ROOMS.; PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO, NUMEROUS AIRY AID WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. I GOOD BAI-.iOOM. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. W. Winoh, Proprietor w THE PROMENADE HOTEL AIIIO RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH P A íi AD F, 1, L N UTI D NO. [OPPOSITE TIfft PIER.] :h/.rRS IDIOLKIIIISR [LTE OF BIRMINGHAM. FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LONCHEJON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS WHERE Viands of the Finest Quality at moat Moderate Prices, are Served AFE *IL ksurs Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors' Ladies' Coffee itoom English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JELLIES BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES &c., Catered for at Moderate Charge* MOSTYNTHMS HOTELT Conway Road, LLANDUDNO. rpHifl HOT is newly-built, from Designs by G. A. Humphreys, Esq., jSWhetset, Mostra Ibtate Office, Llandudno, and contains all the Latest onienceri. BLEOTRIO LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HOt and COLD BATHS, LAVATORIES, etc., on MACEI LANDING. SPVCIOUS COFFEE, DRAWING, SMOKE. AND> BILLIARD BOOMS. Families, Tourists, and others patronising this Hotel will illd every Oomfsrt and AMwittdto, will TOTT ModeraW Charges. C.T.C. Hotel. FULL LICENCE. GOOD STABLING Bsw Minltes from Station, Promenade, Pier, and Golf Liska. Telephone, No. 113. SAMUEL HUGHES, Proprietor. 8556 h (For last 13 years Secretary of Llandudno Pier Co., Ltd.). _I"< PLAS MAWR, CONWAY 't t.v THE OLD e -n<< M<7W«. i-, ELTZABKTHAN PALACE Open Daily. KM ,3;t' r- 11 I FAILING HEALTH. | In failing health the live* and stomach are the first to give way, the nervous system becomes gj greatly deranged, and weakness and general debility speedily follow. These famous Pills a exercise the most salutary power in all affections ana irregularities ot the internal organs, and promote a healthy function, and soon restore the sufferer to his usual health. TO FEMALES OF ALL AGES. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Ilolloway's Pills, has at once an available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. No better medicine can be found for the use of children. OUR GREATEST TROUBLE. The greatest troubles of our lives arise from derangement of the stomach and liver. These famous Pills correct all disorders of the liver and stomach, and restore a healthy digestion. There is no medicine known that acts upon these particular complaints with such certain success. OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. When the nervous system ia disturbed no time should be lost in combating with It. It often requires time and perseverance in the use of these Pills to ensure a cure. This grand medicine never fails in sack cases. THE TROUBLES OF THE KIDNEYS. Disorders of the kidneys are at all times troublesome and at some times serious. Besides the use of these valuable Pills, Holloway's Ointment should be most effectually rubbed over the region of the kidneys as salt is forced into meat. Its purifying effects will act immediately on these organs and promptly remove all trouble and danger when all other remedies may have failed. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HOLLOW A v's Establishment, 1 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; I also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. I id. 2s. 9B ITS, 22s., and 33J. each. The 2s. ga. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size a the 4r. 6d. size six; the I1.r. size sixteen; the 2is. size thirty-three; and the 33f. size filty-two « times the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. K Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. fij S JT.B.—Advies Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hottrs of 11 and 4, or by letter. E I t: r CHATSWORTFL 110USE 4. Gloddaeth- Crescent, Centre of Grand Palrade,,Faeing Sgg LLANDUDNO. FIRST CLASS BOARDING AND PRIVATE HOTEL. -# MODERATE TARIFF. .„„„„„„.„„ 87a L L A N D U D NO VINCENT'S HIGH-CLA88 PRIVATE AND FAMILY HOTEL ^nd^oweM<-s ill# m&at e^tessir. S»a t Private Sitting Faci the Sea. LOFTY AND WBLL-ARRANGBD 8.HOI-.e AND XTRNSIVE TENNIS 'ARIF F (graduated according to Um Mason ot the year) 811 application to JOMN VINCENT, Proprietor "FERNDALE" Boarding Establishment, LiXIAXTD'U *EAR STATION AND CINTRA OF PARADB. W. PEARSON, Proprietor. „— .111 MAGHNO HOTEL, PENMACHNO. Near BETTWSYCOED. 3STO. 11 C OATOTE TOURS. 4 •• Tk« t* •« r—rtLSTu objlci: »Tw Fairy Glen, Conway Falla, Pandy MiUs, Old Roman Bridge, THOUT* WaHIN< DaTIL,S CH4,B' nd *««— ««« 7W TO*. Tickets aaay b« kad at all Railway Stations. Farefo the trip, 3a each fro* Battwa t« tha Hotel Mm** will retura to asset trains for the coast TOW" aoiei. Oak at tke Hotel. W. HAYDN DA PIES, Provrtcttr :¿, W A. V E CREST Boarding (Ert BENTRE, OF GRAND PARADE. FACING SEA. lIIODERA. TE '1' A. HI F- HIGHLY ITEMMMEN-DED. son THE CLIFTON Private and Commercial Hotel, B')A.IJlt\G BSTABLISHMENT k RESTAURANT. VAUGHAN STREET, LLANDUDNO. OPPOSITE STATION. ONE KIITUTB FROM P ARADB FITTED WITH EVERT MODERN CON VENfUiNCl Good Cuisine. Stock Rooms. Parties CaUredfor EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR CYLCISTS 8M Mrs K. JONES, Proprietress HOLLY BANK^ BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT & PRIVATE HOTEL Vaughan Street, Llandudno, MIDWAY BHTWBMf TBB RAILWAY STATION AND ESPLANADH (ONH MTNTTVM* WALK FROM PARADE). THIS BKrAJBLISHMBNT kas been built with a Special Yiew of ensuring ths Comfort o4 1W* tors, to replete with all Modern Improvements, the Sanitary Arrangements being Peeftrt» sml kas issk been mueh Enlarged. A MBHBAL TABLB IS MAINTAINED, AND A GOOD SMOKEROOM PROVIDED. FOR TARIFF, ETC., APPLY TO- MRS SAMUEL ROBERTS, Proprietrom "OO' DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL j Half way between I>laiidudn(. and the Junction. Directly facing Conway Ca&tle and Bndgea. The nearest HoW to the eetehrated Carnarvonshire Golf Links, and withia easy distanos sf the Nerth Wales Links. CONVENIENT FOR ALL COAOHLNA AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BOATING. BATHING, TENNIS, BILLIARDS, GOLF Good Aocom»Q49.tiQit for Croliata. mi ON APPLICATION TO Mli8 TRITTON, ?acp«nTRBea.