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SHIP INN 4*6 and 318, High Street Bangor. RICHARD WILL LAMB 4 PROPRIETOR Luncheons, ana dinners, arf 1) always ready. Visitors to Factor will ad and charged « reasonable ptH"6 bt this 1<81.8ot- eat j & H0BBHT& Ironmongers, Plumbers., Decorators MA8, BKJJ- ,&*S» HOT W T B i« PAPERfiANGlNGs, I O L AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE B 0 U 3 REPAJRS, LLOYD bTREET LLANM.L NO I f^iLUiij^UmfUJJM'rjn.MM in.|rg. i "For tM* Blood la tht Lift." 1 I Clarke's | Blood 1 Mixture T THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOO PURIFIER, 1 H js warranted to Cleanse the Blood from all g impuricies from whatever caiue arising. = H "or Sorofula, 8curvy, Beuma, Bad Legs, = | £ f Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and £ Bi Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples and i- gj Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. = S Thousands of Testimonials of wonderfal O cures havo been received from all parte of = K tlie world. g The Editor of the FAMILY Docroa" B says" We have seen hosts of letters B bearingr testimony to the truly wonderfal 0 cares effected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. B It in the finest Blood Purifier that Soiaoe H ami Medical Skill have brought to light, S and we can with the utmost confidence 1 H recommend it to oar subscribers the §j public generally." j j |JJ AS this Mixture is pleasant to the taste S and warranted free from anything injurious Eg to the most delicate ooMtication of j S and warranted free from anything injurious Eg to the most delicate ooMtication of j £ | so;. from infancy to old age, the Proprietors I tp solicit sufferers to girt it a trial to teat its ■ £ « vaiiie. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Ask for 9 Clarke's I | 1 Blood 1 i Mixture p and beware of worthless Imitation*. 1 J vnsi VISITOR TO LLANDUDNO SHOULD BUY WILLIAMS' ILLUSTRATED GUIDE '101, LLANDUDxNO CONTAINING a history and description of Con- way Castle, the Vale of Conway, Llanrwrt, BeMvsycoed, Capel Curig, Swallow Waterfalls, and other places of interest in the Snowdoni&n district; Cdvyn Bay, Penmaenmawr, Uanfairfechan, Aber, with directions how to see them at the least possible expense and 1088 of time. The New Edition contains 100 pages of reading matter, and gires much valuable information to the Residents as well as Visitors, such as the Authorised Haokney Carriage, Boating, and Bathing Faref, Poeial Information, Railway Fores, Town Porter changes, etc., etc., Walks, Brake Drives, Steamboat Communication, etc. "The work is very comprehensive. A num- ber of historical facta not generally known are intro- duced, and to the traveller will increase the interest he must naturally take in making a tour of this re- mantic neighbourhood."—"Liverpool Merdury." 'The book is full of a mass of really userui and practical information. There are directions to the tourist where to go and how to go at the least possib. expense and loss of time."—"Liverpool Courier." "Will be found as useful as it is cheap."—"Liverpool Daiiy Post." Crown 8vo., 100 pages, contains map of and numerous Illustrations. ftown 8vo., 100 pages, contains map of district and numerous Illustrations. To be had (by post, 7,d), of the Publisher, EVAN VlLLIAMS, Market-place, Bangor, and of all Book- eOecs IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDN HOUSEHOLDERS. OWING In tfca numerous Mte.-s rwceivt' weekiy desiring a LLANDUDNO DIREC- \7 weekiy desiring a LLANDUDNO DIREC. TORY Sc VISITOR forwarded, containing H List APARTMENTS & FURNISHED HOUSEe TO LET, havo decided to alart a Golamn headed, COMFORTABLEQDARTER8 AT LLANLUDNO and insert 4 Prominent Position in Directory every week. Thia wiii gh r toprietorg of BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS and LODGINGHOUSES a jood opportunity of bringing their Advertisements directly belore the notice of Intending Visitors to Llandudno, We offer Specially Moderate Terms or Residents tbiU to advertise, as onder :— 28 Words (ifve lines), tbe Season, for 25s. 1 41! th» y«ar rontid 50B. Terms for ot.9 usertiou and upwards at aacial es CLARKE'S B 41 PillS warruted to cue, in either sex, all acquired or con- stitutional Discharges from tbe Urinary Organs, Gravel, •ad Pains in the back. Tree from Mercury. Established v^wards ot SO years, In boxes Me eeL each, of all j CIIemi8ta and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or seat for sixty stamps by the makers, The Unoeia M ITiniBtin Drag Oassvaav. H—h. R iNTIN6! -r^OSTBRS (or Auctioneers, Tradesmen, X Banars, Bales of Work, LsotarM, public Meetings, Concerts, Tea Meetings. 8aIII. fto., ia one, two or Ibres eolours. Aootioneers' Catalogues and Particulars of Balsa, Tradesmen's Prios Lists, Ciroalare, Memorandums, Note Heads and Cards, Concert Programmes and Tiekets Tickets Adm ssioa to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Leetnres, Entertainments, Pnblie and Tea Msstings, Ball Programmes, Mean Cards, and etery desoriptian of LETTERPRESS PRINTING ] BXlOTTian Mn NEATNESS AND DESPATCH nr AT TBI howest Pc.ssible Prices AT 1' Llandudno Directory PELTING ESTABLISHMENT. CAXTON HOUSE, STRVFT LL\NI.»TTi").VO I THE "CRAIGYDON" Boarding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Facing the Sea. Terms Moderate. Misses Middleton & Wood, Proprietresses. 8716 CAMBRIDGE RESTAURANT, C entral Mostyn Street, &I 7 AND TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 1. LOYlJ-SI'UEET, Proprietor Richard Williams. FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR CHOIR AND PICNIC PARTUS. 8686 -.a. THE WATERLOO HOTKL, BETTWS-Y-C'>KD doss to the Waterloo Bridge and a few minutes' wa.lk from the Railway Station (tarn to the left at tIP" top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Bouses Posting in all its branches. Largo Lawn Tennis Grounds. COACHING to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGKLERT DAILY ia connectioa with tbe L. tad N. W. Railway Co. GOLF I-A. axoellent 9-holo Golf Course has been opened in connection with thie HOTBL, Md is Fbm TO Yibitohs BILLLARD8. Ot Tariff of Charges apply tn v:cCuUfM'h f'roprietor 4 For COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHI! Dq. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S §■( F iq^L £ Kl» I CHLORODYNE I i 11 TIm SSXAT Special Benice Corps. in the recent I ¡.. frpscrFia Ã8hanti Expedition. I bought. onali bottle just before London for West Africa, and havins CHOUBBA. used it myself with beneficial TKA J. OOU» WOW*in""MA-OT,»"»W WSSUFESFS& BOAKD of HEALTH, ShWhSrSlid tSrwSd CMLOBO- L«don. BEPOBT thaSit ACTSssa tovelinT^cherorui5imate. where BTXIS. Dr. Xrewne is the SOLB IH- CHARM.ome dose fenet^Uy sufficient, they ate so mnch exposed to Ihia dsfrins eliminafeioa), sad siace the tor- WMPLETJSLT CJUBKD KB OW "Band," A.L*. ■ala has never been published, it is eri- DXARBHCKA. Te J.T. Davenport. TaB ILLUSTBATBD LOKDOB ————————————————————- TVB. '■ COLLI S B BOWK *8 I shouldIprefWteitake abroad with MrP^wSTD-fe SShd?to the exdusira% £ o^i[-nVZX.S VST. SPASKS. t^ote^r^onhe^enLnf^ S5S5^sh^slSSS2lBtoiS deliberately u^traet^ndhe best reconunen&tio^" fTHPOKTAKT C A XT TIO N.—The regretted to say it had been sworn to;— A IMMKNSE SALE of this REMED? Soe Timet, July 18th, 18M. RoralIrish Tfuflier*. Cork. has riven rise to many UNSCRUPU. D~~a J Oct f I.T s BBOWSri Feb Oth, 1»S. LO¥B IMITATIONS. Be careful to CHLO RODTNE i« th« TBTTB Dbab 81a.—I wish to Rive public testi. observe Trade Mark. Of all Chemists. PALLUTITEiJ mony to the inflmte value wWchvouT Sole Manufacturer, 7y-?.<JUALniA, OOTTT. CANCBK. ^KOvfes^aBLOBO^raS} 3- T DAVENPORT. |\( T Jo i H \CH8, BtiBUMATlflM. yporod to Muni of tht Qrest BmaiU Street, W.G. LLANDUDNO WEST BUILDING PLOTSfm SALE IN THB ABOYE CHA.LiMIvG SITUATION, 'With Option of Buying by Deferred Payments. VI r FIKST-CLAS8 Between Gloddaeth Street and sa^a:^sU'd Site for New Church FOR PARTICULARS APP Y TO Messrs Smiths, Gore Co.. Surveyors, 43je 16, Whitehall Place, Westminster, S.W Thmy Touoh" ttt LtlfEPtm CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PI LLS ABSOLUTELY CURE SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, Vv TORPID LIVER. INDIGESTION, XI Small Pffl. CONSTIPATION, §B ]] Small Price. ^LOW SKIN. ▼ U Small Dose. DIZZINESS, FURRED TONGUE. ONE AT NIGHT.* Be sure they are CARTER'S, | J MOORS HOTEL, LLAMDUD M0 (I) a Ù o 0 Ct o G o Q o o QNE MINUTE WALh FROMOENHtB J. PROMENADE AN I; STATION TR £ MONT PO..{TI.'R PRIVATE KVOftEL. NEW BILLIARD AID RBCRlATION ROOM 8 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIRY AND WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR CYOLISTS., Charges Moderate. W. Winch, Proprietor. THE PROMENADE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH PA: AD L N uTTDNO, lOPPOSITE THE PIER] RS IDIOjKIlXr OF BIRMINGHAM. FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS WHERE Viands of the Finest Quality. at most Moderate Prices, aN Served at all hours W Special Accommodation Prorided for Visitow Ladies' toffee iioom English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JriLLIBS BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES &c., Catered for at Charges MOSTYTAKMS HDI'KLR Conway Road, LLAN PU DN O. THIS HornL is newly-built, from Designs by G. Â. Humphreys, Eøq. Arshstect, Mostyn Bstate Office, Llandudno, and contains all the Latest ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HOT and COLD BATHS, LAVATORIES, etc., on BACH LANDING. SPVCIOUS COFFEE, DRAWING, SMOKE. AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Families, Tourists, and others patronising this Hotel win find every Comfort and Attention, with very Moderate CSiargee. C.T.C. Hotel. t FULL LICENCE. GOOD STABLING. Few Minates from Station, Promenade, Pier, and Golf Liaks. Telephone, No. 113. SAMUEL HUGHES, Proprietor. 8555 (For last 13 years Secretary of Llandudno Pier Co., Ltd.). "¡-C'40. PLAS MAWR, CONWAY I THE, OLD ELIZABETHAN PALACE Open Daily. MM I I FAILING HEALTH, In failing health the liver and stomach are the first to give way, the nervous system becomes greatly deranged, and weakness and general debility speedily follow, These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power in all affections ana irregularities of the internal organs, and promote a healthy function, and soon restore the sufferer to his usual health. exercise the most salutary power in all affections ana irregularities of the internal organs, and promote a healthy function, and soon restore the sufferer to his usual health. TO FEMALES OF ALL AGES. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Hollo way's Pills, has at once an available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. No better medicine can be found for the use of children. OUR GREATEST TROUBLE, The greatest troubles of our lives arise from derangement of the stomach and liver. These famous Pills correct all disorders of the liver and stomach, and restore a healthy digestion. There is no medicine known that acts upon these particular complaints with such certain success. OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM, When the nervous system is disturbed no time should be lost in combating with it. It often requires time and perseverance in the use of these Pills to ensure a cure. This grand medicine never fails in such cases. THE TROUBLES OF THE KIDNEYS. Disorders of the kidneys are at all times troublesome and at some times serious. Besides the use of these valuable Pills, Holloway's Ointment should be most effectually rubbed over the region of the kidnejgs as salt is forced into meat. Its purifying effects will act immediately on these organs and promptly remove all trouble and danger when all other remedies may have failed. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HOLLOW A v's Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at u. Id., 2j. 41. liS., 22S., and 33J. each. The 2s. 4jtJ. sixe contains three times the quantity of the smallest size H the 4r. 6d. size six; the lIS. size sixteen; the 22s. sixe thirty-three and the 33J. size fifty-two H times the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. R 5 Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. 9 a K.B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. K I CHATSWORTH HOUSE. 4. Gloddaeth Crescent, Centre of Grand Parade .Facing Sea LLAN DUDNO. FIRST CLAS3 BOARDING AN 0 PRIVATE HOTEL. MODERATE T-AJRHFOFV 8716 't L LAN DUD NO. VI N C E N T' S HIGH-CLASS PRIVATE AND FAMilY HOTEL on the Parade: also an uninterrupted and 00m I; raanding view o' th# C^mpn-vnn»b?n> Mountains. Bjr and possesses the most extensive Frontag& on the Parade: also an uninterrupted and 00m I; raanding view o' th# C^mpn-vnn»b?n> Mountains. jd { AND BILLIARD ROOM, { AND BILLIARD ROOM. NSIYE TENNK COURTS VARIFF (graduated aocordinrsto the Mason of tbe year) an application to 76058 JOHN VINCiSNT, Proprietor "FERNDALE" Boarding Establishment, X.3L.-A.3STI3-0 ID UNTO, NEAR STATION AND cmsi or PARADB. W PEARSON, Proprietor. 811i MACHNO HOTEL, pENMACHNO, Near BETT WSYCOED. ISTa. 11 COACH TOURS. FTIHB as.ve Hotfiis piotare.qaely situated laths Yale sf Psmmackne, abeat 4i miles of BattmvoMd Stat mFl™t-cla*8.i"fsomn?odatiea f#r Families aad Tswists. Brakes will he at Bettwsvcoed Station tna tomommg uiiit at uight. The Tale ef Penmacha* abomads im objscts of interMt, comprising the w Fairy Glen, Conway Falls, Pandy Mills, Old Roman Bridge, TROUT* FISIIING141 DEVIL'8 CHAIa» nd "aajaiflceat Mountain Scenery. JtlVBR FSK FOa Tickets n»y be had at aU Raiiway Stations. Farefo the trip, h each from Bettws t« the Hotel Brak will retnra to meet trains for the coast aossi. onm at the Hotel. JV. HAYDN DA PIES, Proprtet., ww——mwx»—.in.,—i——■»aMiaaBi|WmW)WaB!iawwaM3MBIiWM|wMB^^ WAVE CREST LLAN"DUDNO. Boarding Establishmmt (En Pension). CENTRE OF GRAND PARADE. FACING SEA. 1tIODERATE 'ARI"'P" HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ii1& THE CLIFTON Private and Commercial Hotel, BOAK DING- ESTABLISHMENT db RESTAURANT. VAUGHAN STREET, LLANDUDNO. OPPOSITE STATION. ONE KINUTB FROM PARADB FITTED WITH EVERT MODERN CONVENIENCE Good Cuisine. Stock Rooms. Parties Cateredfor EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR CYLCISTS 8*7 Mrs K. JONES, Proprietress HOLLY BANK, BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT & PRIVATE HOTEL Vaughan Street, Llandudno, MIDWAY BETWBBN THE RAILWAY STATION AND ESPLANADE (ONE MINUTES' WALK FROM PARADE). THIS ESTABLISHMENT haa been built with a Special Yiew of ensuring the Comfort of Viai* .L tors, to replete with all Modem Improvements, the Sanitary Arrangements being Perfect, aad has jast been mueh Enlarged. A LIBERAL TABLE IS MAINTAINED, AND A GOOD SMOKEROOM PROVIDED. FOR TARIFF, ETC., APPLY TO— IIRS SAMUEL ROBERTS, Proprietress. "IU' DEGANWY, CASTLE HOTEL Half way between Llandudno and the Junction. Directly facing Oonway Caatle and Bridges. 9he nearest Hotel to the celebrated Carnarvonshire Golf Links, and within easy distance of the Nerth Wales Links. CONVENIENT FO* ALL COACHING AND RAILWAY EXOURSIONS. BOATING. BATHING, TENNIS, BILLIARDS. GOLF Good Accommodation for Cyclists. ASHPF ON APPLICATION TO MRS TRITTON, PRCPKIHTREaa.