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SHIP INN a and 318, High Bangor. j^ICHABD WILLiAMS, ( PROPRIETOR. BREAK* ASTS, Luncheons, and dinners, are t) always ready. Visitors to Bangor will be I ed and ohargad a reasonable price shia Katafc- ent h t S. ROBERTS, Ironmongers, Plumbers, Decorators, ttAS.ISKJJL AID HOT W/ITESS FI'ITUIM, PAPEKHANGINGS, ] 0 L AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE; 0 0 0 5. REPAIRS. LLOYD STREET LLANDUDNOj For Liver, Indigestion, and Constipation, take THIERRY'S BALSAM. AN UXEQUAXLED REMEDY. Prioe 1/Ii per Bottle. For Wounds, Piles, and all kinds of Sores, use THIERRY'S OINTMENT. JL CERTAIN OXTRE. Prioe 1IW par Pwt. by HAMILTON and JONES, Market-place, Balagec, ar post tree at same prices direct from A. TIuHKEtY, 89, Farringdon-street, London. j|j "For tht Blood la the Lift." I Clarke's i 1 Blood I Mixture i THE WORLD-FAWIEO BLOOO PURIFIER. Bj warranted to Cleanse the Blood from all [ impurities from whatever cause arising. jaj For Scrofula, Scurry, Ecsema, Bad Legs, = F~' [J leers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and E- Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples and P Sores of all kinds, ita<effects are marrelloos. = £ Thousands of Testimonials of wonderful P cures have been received from all parts of = Pj the world. tS The Editor of the FAMILY DOCTOR says" We have seen hosta of letters b beariug testimony to the truly wonderful y cures effected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. < Irs It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science ti and Medical Skill hare brought to light, FS and we can with the utmost confidenoe 0 reccmmpnd it to oar sobecribers and the I: |2 I'ublia generally." I ■ f- As this Mixture is pleasant to the tute I S; end warranted free from anything injurious B; to Lite most delicate constitution of either }3 sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors ft; solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its pi va; ue. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Bj Ask for 1 OXarke's I 1 Blood ij Mixture gj and beware of wortfilem Imitations. EVERY VISITOR TO LLANDUDNO SHOULD BUY WILLIAMS' ILiIJTJSTBATEJD GUIDE TO L L: AN DUDM O CONTAINING a history and description of Con- way Castle, the Vale of Conway, Llanrwst, Bettwsycoed, Capel Curig, Swallow Waterfalls, and other places of interest in the Snowdonian district; Ccftwyn Bay, Penmaenmawr, Llanfairfechan, Aber, etc., with directions how to see them at the least possible expense and loss of time. The New Edition contains 100 pages of reading matter, and giv98 much valuable information to the Residents as well as Visitors, such as the Authorised Hackney Carriage, Boating, and Bathing Faref., Postal Information, Railway Fares, Town Porter" charges, etc., etc., Walks, Brake Drives, Steamboat Communication, etc. "The work is very comprehensive. A num- ber of historical facts not generally known are intro- duced, and to the traveller will increase the interest he must naturally take in making a tour of this rQ- mantio neighbourhood."—"Liverpool Mercury." "The book is full of a mass of really useful and practical information. There are directions to the tourist where to go and how to go at the least poasio. expense and loss of time."—"Liverpool Courier." "Will be found as useful as it is cheap."—"Liverpool Daily Post." 0*wu 8vo., 100 pages, contains map of r and numerous Illustrations. IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDN HOUSEHOLDERS. to tb numerous letters iH receive weekly desiring a LLANDUDNO DIRRC. TORY <r VISITOR forwarded, oontaiuing List APARTMENTS & FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. ws have drcv-ie^ to si art a Column beaded, COMFORTAB LE ODARrERS AT LLANDUDNO and insert it in Proruinentl'ositiou in ht< Directory WCPV, This will gh. (toprictors of BOA R DIN G ESTABLISHMfiN 18 a:jd LODGINGHOUSES a ood opportunity of brngiDg their Advertisements directly beloie thr notice of Intending Visitors to Llandudno. We Specially Moderate Terms or Residents tha* 'c advertise, aa under :— [ 28 Words (five linos), tbe Season, for 25s. j A!'the year round 309. Termp. for one naartion and upwards &f. twnal 83 CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS j warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or oon- Mitutional Discharges from the Urinary OrRftna, Grayel. aDd Pains in the back, tfree from Mercury. Established apwarda of 30 yean. In boxes 4B. eel. each, of all uni Pacent Medicine Tendon throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by tbe makers, The Ubmm •■A Coonties Srsc CoaapMur. Liiunlm, -r R fNTING POSTERB for Anctioneers, Trade&rnen, JL Baaaava, Bales of Work, Leotnre..3, Public Meetings, Concerts, Tea Meetings. 13&11B, &0., in one, two or three oolours. Ancticneers' Csrulo^ues and Particulars of gales, Tradesmen's Price Lists, Circulars, Memorandums Note Heads and Cards, (Joncert Programmes and Tickets Tickets f Adiii asicn rc Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectures, Ent- rtainments, Pablio and Tea Meetings, Programmes, Mean Cards, and ever* dir-iii'ticn of LETTERPRESS PRINTING arxrocTun ITB !?EATNK^ AND DESPATCH j n ii j Low??!- PcwbU Price* | f S H* Llandudno Directory j .l L" of I A 1 to. ¡ V-ST A BLISflMFNT, j ftOTiSE, i.i' .:) ("l.) N C> THE "CRAIGYDON1 Boarding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Facing the Sea. Terms Moderate. Misses Middleton & Wood, Proprietresses. 8716 11_1 CAMBRIDGE t ESTAURANT, cntral Mostvu Street, «/• AND TE M PE RANCF. HOTEL, t \l i> L.e 1 Jj O Y 1) S x B EST, 1. cl C& S Proprietor Richard Williams. FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR CHOIR AND PICNIC PARTIES. 1686 h&" '< <0# «OIj.lQti'<e:n.oJI'iI' n-=E TVAl'8Rf..OO rl'!T»;L, HE1TWS-Y-COEP Clœ.e bo fchf.* Waterloo Bridge and a few uimat«)3: from the Railway Statioti (turn thø loffc t tko top of Station Road). Bxeellent i>tf»bling and l,ock-up Coach Houses Postina in all it b-rœnehe.¡. -Large Lawn Tennis Grounas. COACHING to LL&NBERIS AND 8EDDGKLERT DAILY in coonection with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. GOLF !—Ac esoellent 9-hoJ¡ Golf Course has n opened in 'connection with tfaig I HOTEL, ana is FBEJ: TO VISlTOnb BILLLaEDB. -+- n. of fipplv to 1 l- v-roprietor 'CY. '2f:I¡:or.fVr'a'ZIrII:.o¡:It'E.'f'- ¡;T">r"3";M:r.¡'r.o;J:FCPV!I«- For COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR. J.COLLIS BROWNE'S fefflwmRODYNE ^KPECIVIC^ AShanti^Exj>etlitionf^^I bought^* TMAK'aBtffli DT81HT11T treated some of my comrades with TVS. J. COIililS BBO WIT 15 amosA, axajxinai, equal anccesa (though some of them JJ (late Army Medical Staff\ D1S- _A.n- tm ITTU were Tery bad). I should be very glad COVERED a REMEDY to denote OEKKRAL BOARD of HEALTH, to recommend it to anyone about to which he coined the word CHLORO- travel in a treacherous climate, where DYNB. Dr. Brewne ia the SOLE IS- CHABM.one doae generally sufficient. they are so much exposed to this TENTOB, and, aa the composition of „ _T_Dri„ T~~ Qt„- dangerous malady. T^JDOSeI Gratefuliy you™ COMPLfeTELT CURED KB OF mala has never been published,xt is evi- DIAKBnuA. To 3, X. Davenport. THNBE^L0YSS^E?895L^sDOK tx, Browne's Chlorodyne mutt be faltt. M Jf j^asliUch'sS^icine D^ChLoBODYnI ^!S5 S2 TfcS. J. COLLI 8 BKOWKI'3 I .hould.prefer to take abroad with OHLOTODYOT rapidly cute II PHT nnnnvwH —Vice. Chan. •» hkely to be most generally short all attacks of Mllor Sir ^W PAB6WOODStated n»eful.to the exclusion of all others, -priLIPST, SPASMS, gbH^mCourtA^l>.TcOLl!l8 COXlI°- CITATION. BROWNE was UNDOUBTEDLY the to tL ShJmHI8TJEIA. INVENTORof CHLORODYNE.that m^TwalfdSioe^tSv untra^and'he best recommenc&ktion." TKPOBTANT CATJTION.-The jetted toiay^had been sworn to.- 1 IMMENSE SALE ot this REMEDY See Timm. July 13th. 1864. Roval Irish Fusiliers. Cork. has given rise to many UNSCRUPU. ,p T -oRnwTTH'a Feb. 6th, 1896. LOBS IMITATIONS. Be careful to DCHLOBOOTNE ,> the TBTJ* DKAR Sia,-I wish to give public testi- observe Trade Mark. Of all Chemists. SJ CHLO^JDYNS 1* the TSux mony to the infinite value which your Sole Manufacturer, -VpSURALOIA. GOUT, CANOES, J- DAVENPORT. D( TtfQT-HACHB, :ø.R8" proved to several members of the B. Oreat Bassell Street. W.C. LLANDUDNO WEST BUILDING PLOTS for SME IN TH53 ABOTE CHAtLUI^G SITUATION, With Option of Buying by Deferred Payments, FIKST-CLASS VILLA SITES Between Gloddaeth Strest and suggested Site for New Churck. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO Messrs Smiths, Gore inu Co.. Surveyors, 3j() 16, Whitehall Place, Westminster, S.W ,t. Tkmy "Turn*" LIVER. CARTER'S ITTlE IVER PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, mEffr TORPID LIVER, INDIGESTION, jV Small Pill. SALLOW SKIN, jpMV If Small Pnce. FURRED TONGUE. ONE AT NIGHT. Be sure they are CARTER'S MOON'S HOTEL, I I J; LLANBUDNb j w), do I ø4, 3 1 o ro ¡ æ I Q ø t (;' en I wo Q o ;:1 o "5 Ù CJNE MINUTE WALK FROMOENlRE PROMENADB AND STATION 'ATFRLLPRIVATE WO'LEL^, NEW BILLIARD AND RBCRBATION ROOMS." PUBLiC AND PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIR? AND WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. Gooil BA'I^^OOM. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. W. Winch, Proprietor. THE PROMENADE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH PARADE, LL^HTTDNO. j ti 11 :t.,J, e. 11. I [OPPOSITE THE PIEF.] n RS JDTOJSLTlSr [LMB OF ^UMINGHAM. FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS WHERE Viands of the Finest Quality a.t most Moderate Prices, ARE Served at all heurs W Special Accommodation Provided for VISITOR# • JLadies' Coffee 1i OOlft English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS AND JLLrFjS BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES &c., Catered for at Moderate Charge* ""1oC4to"I"r_v,ow:.1iW:'IIa 1l1U8'l!C: "MObi YN AllTEL7~ Conway Road, Li_ANDUDJSIO. TBIS HOTIIL is newly-built, from Designs by G. A. Humphreys, Esq., Architect, Mosty* | Estate Office, Llandudno, and contains all the Latest CONVENIENCES. BLECTRIO LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HOT and GOLD BATHS, LAVATORIES, etc., on EAOO LANDING. SPACIOUS COFPEE, DRAWING, SMOKE. AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Families, Tourists, and others patronising this Hotel will find every Comfort and Attention, with very Moderate Charges. C.T.C. Hotel. FULL LICENCE. GOOD STABLING. Few Minutes from Station, i*romenade, Pier, and Golf Limka. Telephone, No. 113. SAMUEL HUGHES, Proprietor. 8555 (For last 13 years Secretary of Llandudno Pier Co., Ltd.). "t..t' 1i_JI" .I'ItIl1 PLAS mawrTconw'ay ) M c- OLD; ELIZABETHAN PALACE r.Y. Open Daily. 1652 A. .— — t BAD SORES AND OLD WOUNDS. This invaluable Ointment readily cures bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds, (9 Aiiy sort if treated by this celebrate* Ointment will promptiy yield to its wbnderful healing K properties. Holloway s Pills should be iken to purify the blood. These famous medicines are H known throughout the world for their unrivalled efficacy. SJ RHEUMATIC PAINS. I For the «ure of gout ?nd rheumatism or settled aches and pains it is most important that this N truly marvellous Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed over the complaining pa: Is twice a day. J» Its soothing influence will soon be felt, and a cure will quickly follow if the Pills be taken to lessen G the inflammation and purify the blood. S ENLARGEMENT OP THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND I OTHER SWELLINGS. < JG In the reduction of all glandular swellings no remedy equals this "comparable Ointment; it B la prevents the formation of extianeous growths, and is an invaluable remedy foR chccking all chronic I (1 discharges; when diligently rubbed into parts affected, the worst. case will yield in a t 1 :1 ;omparaiively short space of time. t I For bronchitis, shortness of breath, cold, I.nd sore t'nroats, this OITITMENT may he considered M I 1 COLDS AND SORK THROATS. | AI, marvellous if most effectually rubl>ed intc the suffering pans night and momiii. uiking at 'HE | C^XME time a few doses of Holloway's invaluable Pills. A cure is sure to ATTEND URN :roatmenL I SKIN DISEASES. I This Ointment is a certain remedy for all diseases of the HUN, whether simple O. v.uiV.pMcate(L S Scurvy, ringworaa, blotches, pimples, and other cutaneous di.soitiei;<, are ai once eriuiicatcd by this B invaluable Ungiient. B -0' J'ht. Ointment and Pills are at I'lio.iiAS v> av'> Estai'Ii.^i'irnent, 78. NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD LOKDON; & also by nearly ever/respectable Vendor of Ivl«-dicinr, in Box(mf Pats, at 1.< lrI., 2s. 9d., 4.s. cSé., S lIS., 22J., and 33s. each Tbe is. gd. size contains three times i' nianijiv <>f the si> ail<t size; fej the 4s. 6d. size six; the I IS. size sixteen; the 22s. S;1.e thirty-three and the 3.1" lifty-two H times the quantity of the smaller B«,xo. B Full printed direction:; are affixed to Pol and Uox, anJ ran be haci tn tiy language. K jj, Advice Gratis. at h. aaore p.ddrsis, daily, between tho lioi;r« q111 and 4, or by letter. p 'Æ''t;z¡:Z:C:Z: CHATSWORTH HOUSE. r" 4, Gloddaeth Crescent, Centre of Grand Parade .Facing Sea LLAN DUDNO. FIRST CLASS BOARDING AND PRIVATE HOTEL. MODERATE TARIFF. 8726 ^bwpi'II 11 -.¡¡ LLANDUDNO. V INCENT' S HIGH-GLASS PRIVATE AND FAMILY HOTEL SITUATED iit te cClltrfl of the MABINB P. and p088e8Sl'K the mos, extensive Sea F on the Parade; also an uninterrupted and oom manding view of !,he On}' !'t-J Ji'o:> M:ountaiU8. Private Sitting Rooms Facing the Sea. LOFTY AND WELL-ARRANGED SMOKING AND BILLI ARD ROOMP. EXT}NSIVE TENNIS COURTS. TARIFF (gmdMted aocording to the Betaon of the year) on &pplicatioN to 7ô05z. JOHN VINCENT, Proprietor "FERNDALE" Boarding lstablishment, X^X^AlSr JDXJ 3DIS30, NEAR STATION AND CHHTEB OP PARADl. PEARSON, Proprietor. 8116 MACHNO HOTEL, pENMACHNO Near BEIT WSYCOED. 3STo. 11 COACH TOURS. THEabeve Hotfl is picturesquely lituaUd 1. tàe Tale of Peamachno, abaut 4' milea off Bettwsycoed Sta*. -L Furat-class accommodatien fer Fauiliet aad T»arista. Brakes will be at Bettwsycoed Station from. taoSr"Tl',T••'reB,Mck"ofi.sr?is^uT» w. Fairy Glen, Conway Falls, Pundy Mills, Old Roman Bridge, TttOUT0 FISHING^ DETIL'8 CHAIR» »«ffnificent Mountain Scenery, RIVES BEIWQ FREE PQJb Tickets may be had at all Railway Station*. Fare fo the trip, 2« each from Bettws the Hotal a, .1, will return t,o meet trains for the coast oca* at the Hotel. TIV. HAYDN DAVIES, Provrietor aI .aL WAVE CREST l:Joa,rding Establishmmt (En, Pension). CENTRE OF GR,AND PARADE- FACING SE_A. MODERATIE 'lr_i1IIFp HIGHL y .KECOMMENl):D. ..ô THE CLIFTON Private and Commercial Hotel, iNG ESTABLISHMENT It RESTAURANT. VAUGHAN STREET, LLANDUDNO. OPPOSITE STATION. OND MINUTE FROM PARADE FITTED WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Good Cuisine. Stock Rooms. Parties Oatredlor EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR CYLCISTS. 8007 Mrs K. JONES, Proprietress iwumwrnrwiii immuniiwii mm "T^THHI IWIHI Imill IIIIMW M il annum 11 iifTgrmrr*—-IT-T-T, JI L HH*. ML"1 ■ 11 aim ■! mi HM ■ILUU-IH IIUW—L HOLLY BANK, BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT & PRIVATE HOTEL. Vaughan Street, Llandudno, MIDWAY BETWEEN THE RAILWAY STATION AND ESPLANADE (ONE MINUKBfi* WALK FROM PARADE). THIS ESTABLISHMENT haa been built with a Special Yiew of ensuring the Comfort of 1iâ. JL tors, to replete with all Modern Improvement, the Sanitary Arrangements being Pec&et, mil has iaafc been much Enlarged. A LIBBRAfi TABLE IS MAINTAINED, AND A GOOD SMOKBROOM PROVIDBB. FOR TARIFF, ETC., APPLY TO- MRS SAMUEL ROBERTS, Proprietress. DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL Half way betw. Llandudnc and the Junction. Directly faeinff Conway Ca&tlo and Bridges. Ihe riMrest Hotel to the celebrated Carnarvonshire Golf Links, and within easy distance o £ the Nwrth Wa.Ie8 Links. COMVEMIEMT FOR ALL COACHING AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BOATING, BATHING, TENNIS, BILLIARDS, GOLF Good Aooonmodation for Cyclists. AKWF ON APPLICATION TO Mils TRITTON, PRCPKIBTRESS